Blue and White Society Chapter 438: Farewell Ceremony

Mo Qiong only found out after killing the low-dimensional man Avery that he hadn’t arrived in two days since his death.

But he felt that it had been a long time, and the emptiness after death seemed like years.

Because he didn’t know how to lock the communication station in the agency, he could only send the compiled signal directly to Lord Gou’s mobile phone via bluetooth. After all, he had seen Lord Gou’s mobile phone desktop before.

This is mobile-to-mobile one-to-one communication, without going through any intermediate stations at all.

Mo Poor originally hoped that Lord Gou would find out, but he didn’t expect that it was a peripheral staff who overheard it when he was dealing with sundries.

In short, no matter who it is, as long as they can contact the outside world.

Knowing that Mo Qiong is not dead… Luo Yan immediately summoned Wei Lan and others to continue to repair Mo Qiong’s body.

“Fortunately, we have not given up on your treatment, and we have received the most timely treatment after your ‘death’, and until now, your cell activity has remained at a very high level.” Luo Yan held said the phone.

“Thank you, I didn’t expect my body to be like this, and you guys still want to save me, otherwise my current body might start to rot.” Mo Poor said with emotion.

His corpse has been maintained in the most timely manner. Most of the shattered muscles and bones and the ruptured internal organs have been repaired.

Although the body’s functions have not been restored, the cell activity has been maintained because of being soaked in the life-sustaining fluid.

Most people die, because the body functions stagnant, the cells will not be supported and all die after 24 hours.

However, the life support fluid can replace the body’s functions to supply everything needed for the corpse, making Mo Poor’s body still full of vitality, as if he had just died.

Luo Yan smiled and said: “Thanks to Lord Gou who gave you the stone heart at the first time, before bringing you back, that thing kept you alive.”

“And because of its operation, we have never given up on your first aid. After all, its operation itself means that it has determined that you are not dead.”

Mo Poor immediately said: “I see, my soul was still in my body at that time, so it judged that I was not dead.”

The judgment of stone heart on human death is not defined in human medicine: the brain expels all oxygen as the moment of death.

It is the soul fountain of a normal person after death, and the time when the soul is completely discharged is the moment of death.

At the last moment of his life, Mo Poor insisted on not dying, and worked as a nail householder for a day, so he also dragged his stone heart and decided that he was not dead, and unreasonably operated in his body, replacing a good heart All the things that can be done provide great convenience for Wei Lan and others to repair their bodies.

Otherwise, when it is sent to the operating room, the corpse will start to stiffen, and a hammer will be repaired.

It’s really a blessing, the step that Lord Gou decisively took the stone and gave it to him was a crucial step.

Without that step, it would be useless for Mo Poor to hold on to his soul now. No matter how powerful Wei Lan and other medical staff are, it is impossible to restore a rotten corpse to a new one.

“Continue to repair?” Wei Lan got the order. Although she felt strange, she still organized people to continue repairing Mo Poor’s body.

Her stitching ability is simply a miracle in the project of “human body puzzle”.

Combined with the various nano-level medical facilities of the Lanbai Society, they directly regarded Mo Poor’s body as a precision instrument, and pieced back the ruptured internal organs bit by bit.

His body was well preserved, and some missing parts were directly made up with Mo Poor’s genetically cultivated cells or organs.

People are like this, so naturally they don’t care about the lack of progress of bionic cells.

In this way, repair work is just a waste of time.

Wei Lan and the others don’t know why Luo Yan urged this matter, they thought it was for the convenience of the research department.

People who are also unclear include Lord Gou.

After two days of repair work, the end of the day was basically calm. Lord Gou was free this day, and finally found Wei Lan and other medical staff who had spent all day in the operating room messing with Mo Poor’s corpse.

“Luo Yan, what are you doing?” Lord Gou found Luo Yan and asked.

He also thought that Luo Yan had meticulously restored Mo Poor’s body for the research of the scientific research department.

How long has it been since Mo Poor died, and Luo Yan is not from the scientific research department, so in such a hurry to repair, is he treating Mo Poor as a hostile figure?

Luo Yan calmly said: “It was almost repaired before, so let’s just fix it…”

“If you repair the corpse, he will come back to life! Or do you think that repairing the corpse can reproduce Mo Poor’s ability? He is dead!” Gou Ye said angrily.

“Don’t get excited, there will be results soon.” Luo Yan said.

Governor Gou frowned and said: “I don’t want any results. Now everyone is organizing a memorial service, and all the corpses of the sacrificed brothers have been collected. The only thing left is Mo Poor. You give me Mo Poor’s body.”

“I…what are you in a hurry for? Let’s talk about it after the memorial service is over.” Luo Yan said speechlessly.

Master Gou said strangely: “Then tell me what else is there? Now you can open the cloud border flag to let the brothers outside come in.”

Luo Yan said: “Isn’t there still a best ball left to deal with? Once the Yunjie flag is opened, it will sink into the ground all the time. I’m not thinking of a way.”

Master Gou narrowed his eyes, since he doesn’t want to open the Yunjie flag for the time being, why didn’t he hold the memorial service first? It’s not that the corpse will not be given to you afterwards.

Although the official funeral is held on Lingdao, it is customary to hold a simple memorial service to bid farewell to the remains during wartime. Even if Mo Poor’s body needs to be analyzed, he can go through the process according to the rules of the members.

Luo Yan is clearly procrastinating.

“What on earth are you messing around with Mo Poor’s corpse? Tell me the truth.” Lord Gou asked.

“It’s really a restoration, I didn’t lie to you.” Luo Yan said.

Master Gou turned his head and left without saying a word, heading straight for the operating room.

Luo Yan hastily pulled him back.

“Why are you stopping me? Can’t I watch the body after it’s been repaired?” Master Gou stared.

Luo Yan thought for a while, let go of his hand and said, “Okay! Just watch!”

Master Gou entered the operating room, looked at it for a while, and found that Mo Poor’s corpse was lifelike.

Wei Lan and others have completed the restoration, and some details are being adjusted.

The heart is beating with a pacemaker, and the body is quite full from being refilled with liquefied natural gas.

Master Gou knew at a glance that this was the recovery of Mo Poor’s corpse into a vegetative state alive. It is a corpse full of vitality…

“If you’re dead, you’re dead! What do you want to make a living dead?” Looking at such a fresh corpse, Master Gou didn’t know what to think.

Luo Yan didn’t speak, and after waiting for a while, he heard Wei Lanhui’s report: The repair is complete, now the pacemaker is removed, and the body can function on its own, except for brain activity.

“Okay…” Luo Yan said, silently lowered his head to play with the phone, then held it to his ear to listen to something.

Everyone was puzzled, Lord Gou frowned, he could feel that Luo Yan was hiding something, but Luo Yan didn’t say anything, there was nothing he could do, it was impossible to really fight him.

After a while, Luo Yan put away his phone and stared at Mo Poor’s body.

“Speak up! What are you doing?” Lord Gou said in a deep voice.

Luo Yan frowned tightly, but didn’t say anything.

Seeing him staring at Mo Poor, as if he wanted to see the flowers, everyone couldn’t help staring.

Mo Poor’s corpse was so alive, for a moment, they even felt that he would suddenly open his eyes.

But no, people are dead when they die, and no matter how good the medical skills are, they can’t bring the dead back to life, even if the body is alive, it doesn’t make any sense.

Everyone stood there for more than half an hour, but nothing happened.

Luo Yan let out a long sigh, his eyes were slightly red.

“Show me your phone.” Lord Gou said.

Luo Yan shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, you can take the body away, and after the mourning, we will check it again, and we will open the Yunjie flag.”

Bewildered, Lord Gou stepped forward and brought out Mo Poor’s body with everyone, and pushed it into the hall.

There, hundreds of corpses have been laid out in diamond-shaped alloy coffins, each of which is draped with the banner of the Blue and White Society.

A total of 25 members and 93 peripheral personnel were sacrificed in this operation.

There is no extra etiquette in the Lanbai Society, Lord Gou went up to state the life of the victim, and those who could come lined up to mourn there.

The only extra place is to listen to the last words of the dead.

As a wartime, this could have been omitted, after all, it can only be done in Lingdao.

However, Lord Gou’s inner demon is Lingdao, and he directly dragged the inner demon of Lingdao, which was burnt to the point where only stone pillars remained.

As a characteristic-level demon, it naturally also has a characteristic, that is, it imitates the characteristic of Lingdao: playing the last words of the dead.

This feature has no meaning in combat, so the only threat to this demon lies in its huge mass.

Now there is only one stone pillar that has been tossed and tossed, which can be used for a while.

“Shouldn’t it be forgotten?” Luo Yan stared blankly at Master Gou’s preparation, breaking out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly grabbed Master Gou.

Master Gou glared at him, it’s fine if there is no such condition, why not do enough if there is such a condition?

I saw Lord Gou push Luo Yan away, and put the prepared small tombstones, together with some relics of the deceased, on the stone pillars.

Insert in turn, and each time one is inserted, the person who is close will hear a sentence.

“Be careful!”

“Give me the grenade.”

“Huh? What is this?”

“Stand here and don’t move…”

“Uh! Ah! Ah! Uh!~”

Each place has its own unique custom of saying goodbye to the dead, and Lanbai Society also has it.

Everyone stood silently, listening to the last words of the brothers before they died, which was their practice.

I have to say that the atmosphere at the scene matched the voice of the deceased, which is really sad.

It was Mo Poor’s turn, and Lord Gou stuffed Mo Poor’s combat uniform into the soil and inserted the prepared tombstone.

Everyone heard Mo Poor’s last words: “Luo Yan, if I die again, don’t let Lord Gou know.”

“Huh?” Master Gou was astonished.

Others didn’t react when they heard this, but the few members who had experienced the underground battle were all stunned, as if it shouldn’t be this sentence.

What Mo Poor said at the end seemed to be: Come into the ball for me.

Where did this sentence come from? And what do you mean?

Master Gou looked at Luo Yan, and saw Luo Yan lowered his head with bitterness on his face.

Luo Yan knew that those words were the last words Mo Poor said to him before he “returned to his soul”.

I saw Master Gou hastily asked others to replace him, while he silently stepped off the stage, took Luo Yan in his arms and went out.

“Let’s go out and talk.”

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