Blue and White Society Chapter 413: Heaven-type portal

It’s not a lie that Mo Poor made Lord Gou believe her.

As early as Lord Gou ordered the detonation, Mo Poor started to spin.

Eating all the sugar on his body in one go, it began to spread from the surface of Mo Poor’s body, and a thick layer of solid spherical air wall was condensed.

The high-speed rotation caused a powerful force to sweep around Mo Poor, as if a translucent huge spherical cyclone enveloped Mo Poor, just like “returning to the sky”.

The bursting flames and impacting sundries disappeared instantly as soon as they touched the cyclone!

It didn’t bounce away, but evaporated out of thin air, and it disappeared without touching Mo Poor at all.

This is Mo Poor’s ultimate spiral self-preservation. As early as when he knew nothing, he relied on this hand to exile a fatal containment in the cute island.

Afterwards, he borrowed similar ideas and used a fan to blow all the fire away in the warehouse, stirring up the wind and fire, and burned the wax figure, but he was only slightly burned.

Nowadays, Mo Poor has the air wall and the fire resistance brought by danmu, plus the dual purpose brought by his strong physical fitness, nervous response and wisdom potion.

Mo Poor’s rotation protection method is undoubtedly more perfect. As long as it is an attack that can move, anything close to it will be exiled instantly.

At this moment, before the violent energy could pass through the cyclone and hit Mo Poor, it was first collided with a thick costume and gave a vector. Although this vector is not large, as long as it does not fall in this time and space, the matter will It will disappear instantly and be shot away in a teleportation way.

Destination, the ten sun galaxy.

The surface of a purgatory burning planet that once exiled the electric fan head, the place is as terrifying as Venus, and I don’t know which unlucky universe it is in.

Basically, Mo Poor has already treated it as a garbage dump.

The thick smoke, high-temperature gas, and high-speed objects at the explosion site were all taken away by Mo Poor’s spiral power suit.

Because the impacted matter disappeared at the moment of fanning, so there was no time to spread much heat to Mo Poor, and there would be no follow-up movement to cause continuous damage to the cyclone prestige.

This made Mo Poor’s mighty outfit unable to withstand the terrifying explosion, but after a short contact, only the superficial layer collapsed.

The three-meter-thick air prestige, only a thin layer is cut off by the explosion every time, and Mo Poor feels that it can last for a long time.

For a while, Mo Poor just kept spinning like this, creating a small piece of pure land in a violent, shining, full of light and heat, and terrifying roaring sound.

As long as the three-meter-thick armor doesn’t collapse completely, all objects from the outside world will not be able to reach Mo Poor.

Countless high-rise buildings collapsed, and countless metal wreckage splashed and danced, then burned red and melted in mid-air, and were shattered and disintegrated by the shock wave.

But none of these could touch Mo Poor, and they disappeared three meters away.

It seems that there is a portal next to Mo Poor. The explosive material is wrapped in terrifying power, and when it hits it, it passes through.

Mo Poor seems to be in a glass ball, watching all kinds of dazzling flames rolling, boiling, and tumbling outside, and has the illusion of observing the center of the earth.

“No, how did the air wall collapse so quickly?”

Mo Poor soon noticed that something was wrong. The three-meter-thick majestic suit was only two meters thick when turned around.

Obviously the most violent wave at the beginning of the explosion has survived, but why is the air wall being worn down faster?

Mo Poor was thinking dizzily, and soon realized the disadvantages of ‘exile back to heaven’.

In the explosion, it will be the target of countless heat waves.

Because everything close to him, including the air, was sent away by Mo Poor without discrimination, and he was no longer in this world. So much so that the spherical cyclone here in Mo Poor is like a black hole, crazily attracting more matter.

It is not gravity, but pressure. In the ultra-high pressure and ultra-high temperature area brought about by the explosion, Mo Poor’s place was still under normal pressure, and it was suddenly squeezed crazily like a bubble in the depths of the sea.

The frantic flames and various molten substances formed backflows on the surface of the Moqiong cyclone.

For a moment, Mo Poor was like a vortex in a sea of ​​flames, expelling the air colliding with it nearby, while attracting the air in the distance, with countless dust, poisonous gas, and molten iron flowing around.

Keep disappearing, more and more substances are constantly gathering, disappearing again, and gathering again.

Destroying Mo Poor’s mighty outfit frantically, he gradually collapsed the air wall.

From three meters to two meters, and then to one meter.

Mo Poor’s life is getting thinner and thinner, but the explosion scene is far from settled, and the environment is still extremely harsh!

Mo Qiong is not afraid of suffocation, but the blazing torrent surrounding her will definitely burn her instantly!

Some metal substances mixed in it will tear her into charcoal.

“It doesn’t matter how powerful the instant explosion is, as long as it’s not so powerful that it can smash all my mighty outfits in an instant, then my back to the sky can be blown away.”

“If you are afraid, you are afraid… If you continue to attack, Huitian’s weakness is that it will not last…”

“Master Gou, how much explosives have you buried? Why are you still bombing?”

“I have to get out of here as soon as possible!”

Mo Poor was very depressed, seeing that Wei Zhuang was getting thinner and thinner, he accelerated his spiral pace and ran out of the explosion zone.

Fortunately, from the very beginning, she planned not to stay in the explosion zone for a long time, so she threw Best Black Sword early.

The black sword flew out at a constant speed, and the end was tied to the buckle of the belt, so that no matter how much she rotated, the sword would constantly pull her out.

Now, Mo Poor disliked that the speed was too slow, so he simply increased the speed of his feet, so as to leave here faster.

Ninety centimeters, eighty centimeters, seventy centimeters, sixty centimeters…

The prestige continued to peel off, and Mo Poor was still unable to escape from the explosion zone.

“Ibuki-kun, so many monsters! So many monsters!”

In a shopping mall, all the corridors were blocked by sundries, and the windows were all boarded up.

Dozens of survivors are here, with gray faces, white-collar workers in shirts, housewives in kimonos, couriers in hats, and students in school uniforms.

Through the small viewing port exposed by the window, a high school student was so frightened that he almost suffocated when he saw the demons swarming past not far away.

For a while, everyone looked helplessly at the man who was reading old newspapers and researching something.

The man was not tall and had an ordinary appearance. Although he had muscles, he looked like an ordinary plumber in his clothes, but for some reason, he became the backbone of the hearts of these dozens of survivors.

Hearing the high school student’s report, the man surnamed Yibuki threw himself down at the observation port vigorously, and only glanced at it before roaring, “Quiet!”

His eyes were extremely sharp, with bulging veins at the corners of his eyes, staring fixedly at the overwhelming demons outside.

“There are so many monsters… Are they going to… Kamakura Port?”

“Don’t worry, everyone, it looks like they won’t pass by us!”

Yibuki quickly figured out the whereabouts of the inner demons, but seeing so many inner demons gathered together in one breath, the others were still trembling with fright.

If they pass by them, as long as a heart demon finds them, they will die without a place to bury them.

“Strange, there is a monster who takes the lead and flies in the front. Could it be the leader?”

What they saw was the scene where Mo Poor led ten thousand demons to the explosion zone, but Mo Poor was so black that they mistakenly thought it was a monster.

“What should I do? Ibuki-kun, why don’t you take us to the safe house!” Someone asked.

Ibuki shook his head and said: “The safe house is too far away from here, we don’t need to do anything, as long as we don’t get discovered, we can survive.”

As he spoke, he comforted everyone and continued to read old newspapers.

The high school student next to him also sat down and asked curiously: “Ibuki-kun, why do you always read these old newspapers from 2000?”

Ibuki rubbed the high school student’s hair and said with a smile: “It’s nothing, I always feel like I’ve forgotten a lot of things… I remember some, but there are still many things I can’t remember.”

“I’m just an ordinary plumber, but it seems… I have fought countless monsters… I don’t remember where I learned the skills of killing demons…”


Suddenly there was a sky-shattering explosion outside, shaking everyone in the house. Ibuki rushed to the observation port and saw huge explosions in Kamakura Port and a dozen surrounding blocks.

The power is terrifying, all the buildings were razed to the ground, the flames and mushroom clouds soared into the sky, just looking at the scene, everyone thought a nuclear bomb was dropped!

“Ahhh! The nuclear bomb is dropped! The nuclear bomb is dropped!” Everyone panicked.

From the appearance of the monster, to the despair of the death of their relatives, and the joy of being rescued by Ibuki, their hearts are always in a state of tension.

Seeing this glorious big explosion at this moment, I thought that the higher-ups finally couldn’t take it anymore and started the nuclear explosion.

“It’s not a nuclear explosion, it’s not like this… It’s just that too many bombs detonated at the same time, it should have been laid in advance.” Yibuki didn’t know why, he didn’t panic at all when he saw this scene, and his heart was peaceful.

The high school student looked at him with admiration and said, “You are so calm, aren’t you afraid at all?”

“Afraid? No…” Yibuki felt that he seemed to have seen more big scenes.

Ibuki watched the explosion silently, swallowing all the monsters, annihilating it and all the buildings in that area.

At the same time, more memory fragments began to be traced back in the brain, and more and more memories in the blank stage were replenished.

“Compared to that group of bugs, these monsters… are too weak.”

For some reason, Ibuki said so suddenly.

The high school student asked strangely: “These monsters are still weak?”

“At least…he was killed by a bomb.” Ibuki smiled wryly, and fear began to appear in his eyes.

“What bug are you talking about?” the high school student asked.

Yibuki pursed his lips and said in pain: “They killed my wife and children, my lover didn’t die of illness, no!”

When everyone saw that he was not in the right state, they thought he was missing his dead wife, so they hurriedly comforted him.

After an unknown amount of time, the high school student pointed outside again and said, “Look! The demon is alive! It flew out!”

Ibuki regained his composure in an instant, with bulging veins in the corners of his eyes, staring at a little black flame flying out of the distance.

Isn’t this the existence of the leader who was judged to be ten thousand monsters before?

Is it really stronger? Even such a massive explosion didn’t kill it.

“Not good! It’s flying towards us!”

“Everyone hide! Don’t make a sound! You! Take care of your children!”

Yibui growled lowly, and everyone dared not make a sound.

I saw that little girl from Heiyan seemed to be in a coma. She fell from the sky and flew obliquely. With a black giant sword pinned to her waist, she directly hit a tree and was nailed to the opposite side of their shopping mall.

The big tree suddenly ignited black flames, and everyone saw in horror that in just a few tens of seconds, the tree was burnt to ashes.

The little girl from Heiyan fell to the ground, her face up and motionless, with fine wounds all over her body, and she was gasping.

“Is this thing dead?”

“No, there is heaving in the chest, it is just unconscious.” Yibuki judged quickly.

“Do you want to give it another shot?” A guy took out a pistol and asked.

“Idiot! What if it wakes up? These monsters must be smashed to pieces before they can die.”

Everyone was chattering, Yibui jumped out of the window suddenly, sneaked to the side of the target, and observed closely.

“Be careful!” the high school student hurriedly said.

Ibuki took out a homemade iron gun, poked the little girl, and turned her face over again.

Then he looked at the black sword. There was no black flame on the black sword. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and it felt familiar.

“Huh? With this material, is she one of those people?”

“Hey! Get the rope! Tie her away!”

“There is fire!”

“Don’t be afraid! The fire won’t burn the rope.” Yibuki said.

Soon he was vigilant about the surroundings, and with sticks and ropes, several people joined hands, tied the little girl into a rice dumpling, and dragged her away.

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