Blue and White Society Chapter 378: A meteorite falls from the sky

Xina was woken up by boiling water before, but so what?

Already desperate, she just wanted to die quickly, and she didn’t want to live again for a moment.

But she didn’t even have the strength to kill herself, so she could only be tied to the cross, watching herself being burned to ashes by the fire.

Unexpectedly, there was a turning point. A so-called devil’s voice appeared under the cross. She followed the voice and looked, it was a strange metal box.

Immediately afterwards, the demon whose body might still be in **** directly created a ball of holy water out of thin air, scalding the priest who condemned her.

“Hehe…” Seeing the priest covering his face and howling, Hina felt relieved.

Even if it was the power of the devil, she couldn’t feel any darker than the priest.

Hearing the voice that suddenly sounded in her mind, she realized that perhaps the devil had invaded her heart from that box.

“Have I fallen? Well, compared to the so-called gods, I would rather serve the devil.”

Xina’s eyes lit up, she didn’t want to be burned to death, and her desire for life bloomed again.

A demon is really coming, and this is her only hope.

She tried her best to respond to the voice in her head: “I am willing! I am willing to do anything! I am willing to sell my soul to you!”

“…” Mo Poor was speechless, why would I want your soul? Can I eat it?

With his current mental strength, he can’t control anyone at all, even if this person wants to, it’s useless.

It can only be connected spiritually, and the so-called borrowing her eyes is nothing more than she conveys what she sees and hears to Mo Poor.

With the help of Hina, Mo Poor can finally see and hear the situation in that world.

At this moment, raging flames had already ignited, and the oiled wood pile emitted thick smoke and flames, burning the witch tied to the cross.

The high temperature and heat wave made Hina howl dully, and after a while, the flames would burn her body, and it would be even more painful.

Seeing that the fire had destroyed the magic box and was about to swallow the witch on the cross, the priest got up in hatred, expecting the witch to be reduced to ashes.

The magic box has been destroyed, the demons will go back to hell, and the witch will be purified soon, everything will be solved.

Thinking so, he kept praying to the gods in his heart.

At this moment, a large wave of white mist appeared out of thin air, continuously emerging from the air and hitting the match pile.


White smoke rose violently, and the fire was extinguished in an instant. The black firewood was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the white mist from nowhere extinguished everything.

“What!” The priest couldn’t believe this scene.

All the onlookers were also stunned. The burning punishment, which has always been invincible, has failed.

What is this white mist?

Has the devil come to the world?

The diffuse white mist is like the effect caused by a strange summoning ceremony. Although no one here has actually seen the summoning ceremony, it does not prevent them from thinking about it.

No one dared to make a sound at the scene, and the white mist slowly dissipated and settled, for fear of seeing a terrifying demon coming out of it in the next second.

However, there was no devil, and the rope on the witch’s body was cut off by some sharp weapon.

Her frail body fell from the cross, and then she straightened up her half body firmly, and climbed out of the fire field mixed with black and white ash.

Dried blood covered her whole body, her wet hair was hanging loose, and the witch, who was badly injured, moved forward tenaciously, as if crawling back from hell.

“She’s not dead!” the villagers yelled in horror.

“What about the priest!” the knight asked hastily.

The priest also trembled. After burning witches for so many years, this was the first time he encountered a witch who really had the protection of a demon!

You ask me, who will I ask! You really think that a priest can exorcise demons!

If I could exorcise demons, would I just be a priest in a small place?

Of course the priest would not say that. He patted the knight on the shoulder and said: “Devils cannot come to the world. Although witches have the power of evil, they will also be killed by the sword blessed by God.”

“Go knight! God is protecting you, take your sword and kill the witch!”

The knight nodded resolutely, clenched the sword in his hand, and rushed towards the witch who crawled out.

Xina was injured too badly, watching the knight’s sword attack, she had no ability to resist.

I could only stare helplessly at the sword piercing in front of my eyes, but at this moment, the knight seemed to be hit by a cloud of air, and flew out directly.


There was a ripple of air in the knight’s chest, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Mo Poor on Earth put down his hands and shook his head: “It’s just a mortal.”

He fired an air cannon across time and space, knocking the knight back and saving Hina’s life.

Unfortunately, he used a lot of sugar, but the knight’s physical fitness is equivalent to that of a national second-level athlete.

“Xina, leave them alone, leave here.” Mo Poor said.

“Master, I’m out of strength…” Hina said weakly.

Mo Poor said speechlessly: “Why do you call me master?”

“Ah? Isn’t it called master? I am willing to serve you…great devil, what should I call you?” Hina asked.

“Mo Poor.”

Xina hurriedly said: “It turns out to be the great devil, poor. Are you the devil who brought poverty to the world?”

“…” Mo Qiong gave a blank look, who is this, why do you have to think that he is a devil?

Forget it, the devil is the devil.

“Whatever you think, this is ointment, it can heal your injuries.” Mo Poor took out a new generation version of 96 ointment from the medical kit, and squeezed it hard.

At the same time, the white ointment traveled across time and space, shooting Hina’s face and body out of thin air.

“Wipe it yourself.” Mo Poor said.

Xina felt the wound warm for a while, and looked at the white viscous liquid sent by the devil out of thin air. Although she didn’t know what it was, she knew it was to save her. She hurriedly rubbed the ointment that appeared everywhere on her body and spread it evenly.

The effect of this medicine is extremely fast, the burnt area cools down quickly, and the bruised area also heals quickly.

“My God! Her wounds are healing!”

“The devil is treating her, kill her quickly!”

The priest yelled, the knight got up from the ground, shouted at his followers, and drew their swords together to charge forward.

However, before approaching, the witch just needs to look at anyone, and that person will be swept away by an invisible wave of air.

Everyone looked at the witch in horror, as if she was full of magical power, this strange ‘thought power repelling’ was something they had never seen before.

Looking helplessly, after drinking a cup of soup that appeared out of nowhere, the witch seemed to regain her strength, stood up directly, and staggered out of the square.

The crowd dispersed in a hurry, no one dared to stop the witch, only a few followers watched from afar, even though she was extremely delicate.

“Leave first, you are seriously injured, I just dealt with your trauma briefly.” Mo Poor said.

“It is… the master.”

She drank the seafood soup provided by Mo Poor and regained her strength. Although she was seriously injured, she was able to walk out of here slowly.

Leaving the monastery area, Hina came to the corner of a small village nearby.

“This is my home…” Sheena said.

Mo Poor asked in surprise, “You live here?”

He observed that it was just an ordinary farmhouse built with thatch and mud. As for the inside, it was completely bare, except for a broken board.

“I originally had some clay pots for cooking food and some clothes, but after I was arrested, other people took all the things in the house.” Xi Na said.

Mo Poor asked: “How did you get arrested? As a witch, although you are in poor health, you won’t be caught by a group of mortals. You can still run.”

He felt that although Hina’s mental power was weak, it was higher than ordinary people, so she should have two brushes.

This is not the earth, and you have to gamble for seven days to release it. As an apprentice witch, it is too weak to fall to this level.

“Ah? I don’t know witchcraft…I…I’m not a witch…” Hina was startled when she heard Mo Poor’s words, and crouched in the corner of the wall aggrievedly and began to cry.

“You are an apprentice witch, do you remember Fulla? She taught you before.” Mo Poor said strangely.

Fula is the name of the Witch of Pain who traveled to the earth. Hearing this name, Hina was taken aback and cried even more sadly.

“Do you know Fulla? Has she been dragged to **** by you? Woohoo, ten years ago I was listening to her telling stories in her arms, and she suddenly disappeared…” Hina cried.

Listening to her story, Mo Poor soon couldn’t laugh or cry.

Xina was an orphan ten years ago. She was only six years old. She was picked up by Fulla and raised as her heir.

Although Fulla thinks that she is very talented and can release her mental power at a young age, she was still laying the foundation at that time, and before she had time to teach more, Fulla crossed over…

Leaving Hina alone, relying on some money and food that Fulla didn’t take after crossing, she persisted for a while.

But I couldn’t make it through, and finally came to this village so hungry that the local lord regarded her as the daughter of a fugitive slave, and stayed directly as a serf for resettlement.

I have been doing farm work since I was a child. Until now, some things I have learned have long been forgotten, and my mental strength has been wasted and useless.

Even believed in the largest religion in the world: Unitarianism.

Like the ordinary serfs and villagers around, they farmed and labored, lived here, and even went to the monastery to worship regularly, and donated a small part of their income.

It can be said that she is no longer a witch apprentice. How could she remember all the half-baked things she learned when she was six years old?

Completely integrate into the life of ordinary people, live as an honest serf, marry the son of a serf in the future, and then continue like this from generation to generation.

“What happened to the wild boars destroying the farmland, drying up the river, and inducing the villagers to fight?” Mo Poor narrowed his eyes, as if realizing something.

“Woooo…I don’t know…” Hina cried and told what happened recently.

When Mo Poor heard this, veins twitched on his forehead.

The wild boars were only disturbed by the nobles when they were hunting, and then the wild boars migrated to the edge of the forest, so that they often attacked the farmland.

As for the river drying up, Mo Poor doesn’t know why, but it seems to be an upstream problem. Some small rivers suddenly dry up, which is normal, and there are too many natural factors.

Because of the lack of water, several villages fought over the water source, which finally alarmed the lord.

After asking about the priest, the priest said that it was caused by a witch, and asked everyone to find a young woman of unknown origin who was withdrawn and had few friends and no relatives on weekdays.

Xina just met all the conditions and was successfully selected as a witch.

She doesn’t know witchcraft at all, let alone do all this.

It’s nothing more than a blame! Several villages fight with each other, food production is also reduced, and the lord has suffered losses. He must have an explanation, ask the priest, and the result is… a witch.

Not only were everyone bewitched by the witch to fight, but the previous river drying up and the wild boar attack were all caused by the witch!

Perfect, there is no more perfect reason than this!

As for where the witch is and who is the witch, this is even simpler.

Report it yourself, the witch does some evil deeds, she must be withdrawn and less communicative, and she has killed the villagers, she must have killed her family long ago, so she must be living alone.

Mo Poor sneered, such a ‘witch’ is also left unattended and helped.

Xina refused to admit it. She was sent to the dungeon and suffered three days of cruel punishment, so she could only admit it.

Recalling this, Hina felt hopeless. If she must be said to be a witch, what can she do if she is to be burned to death?

She just wanted to burn herself to death as soon as possible. After experiencing countless darkness, she has seen through the monastery where she once paid taxes and donated money.

When she finally stood on the cross and was woken up from a coma by boiling water, she had no nostalgia for the world.

After experiencing all this, she naturally no longer feels that demons can be so evil.

After she finished speaking, she opened her eyes and felt the warm consciousness in her mind, she smiled and said: “I used to dedicate everything to God, but I discovered that it is far worse than selling my soul to the devil. Even if I go to hell, I don’t care, maybe I can see Mother Fulla again.”

“Since you have seen through the church, why do you still believe in justice and evil? No matter what you think of me, from now on, you will be covered by me.”

While talking, Mo Poor walked to a small hillside on Xudao.

Looking at a boulder with a diameter of eight meters located on the hillside, he suddenly quickened his pace and rushed over straight, holding a metal crowbar, and ruthlessly dug into the soil under the boulder.

“Xina… look up at the sky.”

Xina didn’t know why, so she walked out of her small broken house.

There were several sergeants holding spears and iron swords in the distance outside. Seeing him coming out, some archers bent their bows and strung strings.

Xina has no means at all. So far, she has relied on Mo Poor for everything, and she has no way to respond to these.

She turned a deaf ear to the shouts of the soldiers coming from everywhere, but followed Mo Poor’s instructions, raised her head and looked up at the sky.

“Wow!” Seeing the sky, a huge boulder suddenly appeared out of thin air!

The huge boulder fell freely and crashed down.

The sergeant who was about to shoot the arrow couldn’t help but look back when he saw Xi Na looking towards the sky behind her.

Seeing this scene, his eyes widened and he collapsed to the ground.


“Boom!” The boulder fell from the sky like a meteorite, hitting the towering and gorgeous church in the middle, smashing the tower and dome directly.

The rocks splashed, the bricks and tiles flew, and the heavy blow from the boulder fell from a height, causing the main body of this gorgeous church to collapse.

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