Blue and White Society Chapter 346: holy crap

After Mo Poor finished off the white-clothed assassin, he quickly rushed to the racecourse with Harman.

Along the way, Haman looked at Mo Poor in amazement. A man suddenly turned into a little loli in front of him, and everyone was shocked.

“So…you are actually a girl?” Haman asked in surprise.

Mo Poor said with a dark face: “Everyone has two forms, you want to be like this too, don’t you? I can help you.”

“No, no! I can’t be a princess.” Haman shook his head hastily.

“Then you shut up!”

Mo Poor is in a bad mood, too many people have died this time.

The assassins killed regardless of the consequences, and the final result was that both sides suffered heavy losses.

Seeing the corpses of those familiar people along the way, Mo Poor was not in the mood at all, but Harman still paid attention to his transformation ability, which made Mo Poor want to deliberately let him be killed by the assassin.

It’s just a thought.

When he arrived at the racecourse, Mo Poor found that Lord Gou had already arrived.

More than 20 peripheral personnel, as well as a few lucky horsemen and gardeners are gathered here.

If this is the last person, the Blue and White Society has lost at least seventy peripheral personnel, and they are senior armed peripheral personnel.

“You are…” The peripheral personnel present all looked at the blood-stained Lolita Moqiong, and did not recognize him.

“Mo Poor! You have transformed again…” Master Gou said while smoking a cigarette.

“Well, I was approached by an assassin in white and almost died. Fortunately, I turned and killed at a critical moment.” Mo Poor said.

“The assassin in white can’t even defeat Olga, so he must not be approached. You should use marksmanship to fight the enemy. It’s too dangerous to transform before the battle.” Lord Gou instructed.

Mo Poor nodded: “I understand. I was mainly distracted by one thing. The black-clothed assassin looks weak this time.”

“This group of assassins didn’t graduate, they were eliminated.” Lord Gou said.

“The eliminated one?” Mo Poor was taken aback.

Gou Ye said: “An ordinary black-clothed assassin can punch more than 450 kilograms, and a sword can pierce a steel plate. It’s as powerful as a thunder…”

“Eh? The assassins I faced last time were stronger than me…” Mo Qiong said in surprise.

“Listen to me.” Gou Ye continued: “In areas where there are assassination targets, their physical fitness will double within twenty days, so the assassin you met last time will be stronger than you. “

Mo Qiong said in his heart that this is the case, the strength of 450 kilograms does not include the blessing of the assassination state.

He only has a strength of 800 kilograms now, and he doubled it to 900 kilograms.

“Understood, the ones I met before were real black-clothed assassins, but this time most of them are unqualified, just wearing black clothes.” Mo Qiong said clearly.

God Master said: “The Little Brotherhood is an organization with a long history. Assassins have been trained since childhood, and there are also training methods that exceed the limits of the human body. If you often practice to the limit of the normal human body, you will not be able to advance an inch. That is, a strength of more than 200 kilograms, which is equivalent to the king of special forces or the king of underground black boxers.”

“In the past, such unqualified assassins would transfer to underground boxing, or go to various places to join some ordinary assassin organizations to make money, or simply learn something else and become other practitioners. After all, an organization cannot only have Assassins…”

Mo Poor nodded, this actually corresponds to the peripheral organization of the Lanbai Society.

“Even the real black-clothed assassins are no match for us, yet they sent so many unqualified assassins to die…” Mo Poor said.

Governor Gou frowned and said: “No matter how unqualified, with the blessing of assassination status, the physical fitness will double, and it will also exceed the limit of the human body.”

“We can’t beat us, but for ordinary people, whether they are qualified or not is a killing weapon.”

Mo Qiongxin said that’s right, doubling his physical fitness, let alone an unqualified assassin, even if he randomly finds a few soldiers, he is still a super soldier.

“Is there no price for this? Couldn’t they easily pull out a super army?” Mo Qiong said in surprise.

God Master said: “That’s the effect of the assassination roster. Those who are recorded on it will become descendants of assassins and belong to the Feidayi family. It means those who are ready to sacrifice for a certain reason. As long as they have a strong desire to die Anyone who is willing and willing to become an assassin for life can join this family through the roster.”

“What is certain is that there is no upper limit on the number of places, and the price is unknown, but there is a known cognitive error, that is, everyone who joins the roster is a brother, even if the other party is his own son…”

Mo Poor said in astonishment: “Forcibly recognize your son as a younger brother?”

“There are some grandchildren who recognize them as younger brothers… That’s why it’s called the Little Brotherhood. Every assassin is a brother. Even father and son, even grandparents, are just little brothers in front of the younger generation and the elders. …” Lord Gou said.

Mo Poor is speechless, but thinking about it carefully, as long as he is willing to forget that he has offspring, it’s nothing.

Gou Ye said: “Assassin’s certification was originally very strict, but since the confrontation with us, their standards have changed step by step, and now even those who fail to pass are recognized as assassins…”

“The former assassins were as proud as eagles, and never killed for money. The goal of the assassination was to collect all the fragments of truth, um…they believed that the contained objects were the truth fragments of the universe, and they could know everything about the universe if they collected them all. Truth.”

“Before we were recognized, they were already the enemies of all countries and assassinated many rulers.”

“However, under our suppression, their living space became smaller and smaller, and some of the principles they had insisted on in the past began to be disobeyed… they learned to accept commissions for money, and they would attack the unarmed. Abandoning the mission without hesitation, taking retaliatory actions… and even learning to use thermal weapons, poison, and conspiracy…”

Mo Qiong is ashamed, co-author of the Little Brotherhood, didn’t even use conspiracy to assassinate before? Relying on assassination skills?

With the Blue and White Society, all organizations in the containment world are under great pressure, and are forced to change themselves and even shift their focus.

The once proud eagle has also started to eat bugs…

The Lanbai Society forced them to degenerate, and they still have a temper. For this reason, they often retaliated against the Lanbai Society. This time they directly sent a group of people to fight.

But there is no way, the Blue and White Society must deal with them, collect all the contents and learn the truth of the universe? Isn’t that ridiculous?

“Dog thief! How many did you kill?” Nikita came suddenly, with a few peripheral personnel behind him.

Mo Poor looked, and saw this guy walking over with a one-handed ax on his forehead.

His head is covered with blood, his nose is crooked, and there are darts stuck in his cheek.

But this is harmless, anyway, you can’t die.

“Thirty-five, what about you?” Lord Gou said.

“Fifty-four.” Nikita said calmly.

Master Gou wrote it down and asked Mo Poor again, and Mo Poor said honestly, “Forty-six.”

“Huh?” The two looked at Mo Poor together, they didn’t expect him to kill so many people.

Mo Poor said: “They stood on the roof and jumped down to chop me… like a target…”

“…” Lord Gou said: “Counting Olga killed twelve, they dispatched a total of one hundred and forty-seven assassins this time. There are at least sixteen in Bai Yi, and the loss is heavy.”

“I shot five,” Nikita said.

“I have five too.” Mo Poor said.

Master Gou said: “I will kill four, and there are two more!”

“I’m here! Moqiong, come to the camel farm, they’re leaving!” Olga said in the communicator.

Master Gou immediately said to Mo Poor: “It just so happens that you have transformed, go!”

Mo Poor said anxiously: “Wait a minute, I don’t feel right! There must be a conspiracy here. Are they really forced to lower their standards? Maybe they are fishing!”

Olga said in the communicator: “Hurry up, I will give you ten seconds, I will not wait for you if it is late!”

“Let’s go! Mo Poor! Let’s talk about it in the communication channel if you have anything to say.” Master Gou frowned.

Mo Poor had no choice but to rush towards the camel field at full speed. In his loli form, he could run 100 meters in only five seconds. He stomped on the air and jumped 20 meters in an instant, like a cannonball.

When we arrived at the camel farm, Mo Poor said, “Where are you? I’m a child now.”

Seeing a person lying on the edge of the wall standing up and waving at him, Olga lightly climbed over the wall, and at the same time said in the channel: “Let go of two, two in white together, I dare not was discovered…”

“They should go to the city in this direction, can you parkour? Anyway, follow me closely…”

After hearing this, Mo Poor hurriedly followed, and at the same time said anxiously: “Master Gou, think carefully about what I said, I killed two people, and they both said strange things. When I asked them why they sent people this time When I was so weak, they asked me if I had ever fished…”

“As long as I think about this problem, I will know why, very mysterious!”

“I have a bad feeling, really, let’s not become fish…”

After listening to Mo Poor’s milky report, the channel fell into three seconds of dead silence.

Afterwards, Lord Gou laughed, and Olga also said: “I almost forgot that you are a newcomer.”

Mo Poor was startled, and said in a milky voice, “What do you mean? Why are you laughing? Do you know something?”

Master Gou said mysteriously: “Do you know why the sky is so blue?”

Mo Poor asked in puzzlement, “What does this have to do with the sky?”

“When you figure out the problem, you will know why.” Master Gou smiled strangely.

Mo Qiong said angrily: “Hey! Why did you say that too!”

Olga tilted her head and flicked Moqiong’s forehead and said, “Because this is a meme, holy nonsense.”

Master Gou suddenly said: “Mo Poor, do you dare to agree to my calling?”

“Ah? What?” Mo Poor blurted out, then his face darkened and he said, “I see, have I been tricked?”

Gou Ye smiled and said: “It’s okay, I’m just kidding you. Fishing is a very common meme, it’s harmless, I’ll take you to solve it later.”

“But remember, when the enemy says something inexplicable in the future, don’t pick it up…”

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