Blue and White Society Chapter 303: Non-Human Research Society

Mo Poor brought a hypnotist and came to a house with a thick list in his hand.



“A courier.” Mo Poor said outside the door, and at the same time began to pick the lock.

“I don’t have a courier!” The man inside said strangely.

“Is your name Ba Song? This is your courier.” Mo Poor said.

The sound of his slippers came from inside, and it seemed to stop in front of the door: “This is not my express delivery, you made a mistake!”

After speaking, Bassoon suddenly moved away from the door, not intending to open it at all.

“Huh?” Mo Poor shook his hand and pushed the door open.

Mo Poor was supposed to deal with the totem as soon as he entered the door, but this time something happened.

Seeing that Mo Poor opened the door by himself, the Bassong ran to the totem and pulled out the sacrificial knife, then stabbed it neatly at his neck.

In order to prevent him from committing suicide, Mo Poor drew his gun with extreme speed, and a bullet exploded in an instant.

“Puff!” Flesh flew across the body, the knife fell to the ground with a thud, three of Ba Song’s fingers were directly broken by the bullet, and blood spattered down.

“What are you doing?”

Mo Qiongda stepped forward, restrained him with one hand and asked, “Why did you commit suicide?”

What’s wrong, he met so many totem believers, they were all confused and then honestly arrested. After all, totem belief is not powerfully inflammatory, and they burned the totem in front of the believers. Also not angry.

The one in front of me committed suicide decisively after discovering that Mo Qiong had entered? This…

Mo Poor frowned, and immediately realized that this person’s identity might not be simple.

“Hypnotize him.” Mo Poor said.

Hearing this, Ba Song sneered, black blood clots overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his face turned purple, and his body began to twitch. Judging from the situation, he seemed to have taken poison again!

“Medical soldier! Medical soldier!” Mo Poor shouted.

He rushed out holding Basong in his arms. This man must have died to hide his secrets, and Mo Poor would not allow him to die like this.

However, he was caught off guard, and Mo Poor had no time to send him to a nearby medical station.

The toxin seemed to be extremely violent, and the Bassoon became stiffer and colder in Mo Poor’s hands.

“Want to die? Hold on!” Seeing that it was too late, Mo Poor pulled out an injection from his body, plunged it into Bassoon’s body, and injected it.

This is the adrenaline specially formulated for members, and the effect is very powerful. Every member will wear three injections.

At the critical moment, use it to hang your life, no matter how serious the injury is, it can maintain the bottom line of life for a period of time.

At this moment, Bassong was injected, and he immediately saw his eyes widen, took a deep breath, his body temperature warmed up again, and he recovered from the moment of dying.

“What! This is…” Ba Song was shocked and stared at Mo Poor angrily.

“Are you a member?” He actually knew that this injection was prepared by a member.

Mo Poor frowned, and said with a smile: “You know a lot, how about it? Do you want to bite your tongue again? Don’t worry, the medical level of Lanbai Society is the highest in the world. Don’t talk about your tongue. Even if you are eunuched, you can pick it up for you.”

Ba Song looked at Mo Poor in despair, and wondered why he was so unlucky? Just in time for a commune member to deal with him, and now he can’t even die if he wants to.

Soon, Mo Poor handed Bassong over to the medical team. Although his poison was violent, it was not unsolvable.

A day later, Bassong’s condition was stable, and he was detained in the interrogation room and questioned by hypnotists.

“You caught a suspicious person?” Lord Gou rushed over after getting the news.

“Yes, this guy will commit suicide as soon as he sees me going in.” Mo Poor said.

“This kind of situation has happened in several places, but it happened suddenly, and the peripheral personnel failed to stop it. Many believers committed suicide successfully. But you caught this one, which is more unlucky, and you ran into it yourself.” Gou Grandpa smiled.

Since the large-scale clean-up operation began, more and more people have committed suicide directly, which has attracted the attention of the Blue and White Society.

“Ba Song and those who committed suicide are secretly funding poor believers.” Mo Poor said looking at a document.

“All the poor people in the world who have almost nothing, once they believe in the totem, it will be over. They can only rob, kill, or hurt themselves for blood sacrifice.”

This is obvious. In Africa, Thailand, and India, some low-level people have repeatedly self-harmed at home, or went out to commit crimes, because they have no money to buy blood.

However, after clearing this progress, they can calculate that there are more than 10 million believers in the world, but there are 4 million poor people who are unable to worship every day. These 4 million are mainly in India, and they have nothing.

But among these penniless people, there are less than 100,000 people who are forced to commit crimes or self-mutilate.

After interrogation, Bassong admitted to supporting them, donating money and materials to them, and maintaining the daily needs of the priests.

“This is covering up the totem belief!” Mo Poor said immediately.

This couldn’t be more obvious. Once there are too many people committing crimes and self-mutilation because the priests can’t afford it, the Blue and White Club will definitely notice the anomaly and intervene in the investigation.

As long as there are not too many people committing crimes and self-mutilation for the purpose of offering sacrifices, and they are too dense to form a phenomenon, then the time for Lanbaishe to intervene can be delayed.

“It’s those sects again, they can be found out every time.” Master Gou murmured.

“The donations are anonymous. They don’t want to accept those poor people, nor do they want to incite them to gather them. They just hope that they will not commit crimes, so as not to be targeted by the Blue and White Society.” Mo Poor put down the information and said.

“I am afraid that many people in this organization believe in totems. Once we clean up the totems around the world, they will also be affected. In fact, in the past, large-scale meme incidents often involved some mysterious organizations. It can be said that each organization is the most What I’m afraid of is that the Lanbai Club will carry out a major cleanup, because they always want to keep a low profile and accumulate strength, and dare not take the initiative to provoke the Lanbai Club, but they will be found out by the way and suffer innocent disasters.” Said Gou.

Mo Poor smiled, the Blue and White Society dealt with memes on a large scale, and by the way, some mysterious organizations may have been found out.

There are many secret societies in this world that secretly oppose the Blue and White Society, or have some kind of amazing ambitions.

However, sometimes they managed to establish a few foundations in the society, and secretly planted a few dark moves. As a result, they often encountered a containment operation by the Blue and White Society, which would bring disaster to Chiyu.

Therefore, when many organizations discover the spread-type containment that will cause the Blue and White Society to go to war, they will hide it secretly, and even help suppress it.

Everyone knows that once this meme is discovered by the Blue and White Society, some of their strongholds in society will probably be lost.

Of course, they didn’t give up digging out from the contained objects to benefit them.

“In the United States, David caught two members of the Gaia Church. Before committing suicide, they wanted to spread totems on a large scale on the Internet in an attempt to infect billions of netizens. Unfortunately, it was too late. At that time, David had already designed Without the network cleaning software for the totem, it is impossible for that totem to appear on the Internet.”

“On the other side of Europe, the Little Brotherhood also showed its feet, and we destroyed three strongholds. They trained their willpower in their dreams, trying to train assassins with the same willpower as us.”

“I don’t know which organization this bassoon belongs to, and what purpose it has.”

Gou Ye and Mo Qiong entered the interrogation room.

Basong fell into the hands of Lanbaishe, was strongly hypnotized, and soon confessed like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

“I am the director of the non-human research association. In order to create a new generation of intelligent races, we have transformed mice and used totems to accelerate their brain evolution.”

“Huh?” Lord Gou was stunned, this is an organization he has never heard of, newly established?

This purpose is also wonderful, in order to create a new generation of intelligent race? What, do you hate humans?

“Can totems speed up the evolution of mice?” Mo Poor frowned.

He tried it with a police dog before, and the police dog also believed in the totem, and tried to sacrifice to it.

After that, the people in the research department tried repeatedly and found that as long as it is a creature that can see and remember the totem pattern, it will believe in it.

There is no doubt that rats will also be infected with the meme, so in their cleaning, animals in some rat nests, underground pipes, zoos and other places are also the cleaning targets.

For most animals, it is not a big deal to sacrifice totems. It is nothing more than carving totems on trees, or biting a piece of wood, and smearing blood on it with the prey you caught.

Can’t make any waves. That’s what the features tell them to do, they don’t know what that means.

However, if the animals that believe in totems are smarter and used by humans, it will be different.

Bassong said: “It is not uncommon to create life. It is great to create intelligent creatures. Rats are creatures with great potential. If human beings become extinct, they will be the masters of the new generation on the earth. When rats have their own culture , religion, and a tenfold increase in graphic supplementation and abstract thinking in sleep…”

“They will eventually possess intelligence no less than that of humans.”

Mo Poor and Lord Gou immediately understood the intention of this organization, and used the totem to strengthen the characteristics of the brain, so that the mice gradually awakened to higher intelligence in their sleep.

Human brains account for 2.1% of body weight, dolphins 1.71%, mice 0.91%, and chimpanzees 0.7%.

Dolphins are very smart, and mice are extremely capable of surviving and reproducing, both of which are worthy of accelerated evolution.

But dolphins… don’t sleep. Half of their brains are dormant and half are active. They take turns thinking, so that they don’t need to sleep, and they are always moving.

This so-called non-human research society has good biotechnology, injected genetic drugs into a group of mice, cultivated their brain development for a long time, trained their intelligence development, and stimulated their evolution.

According to Bassong’s account, this project has lasted for twenty years. With the use of genetic medicine alone, the mice have preliminarily possessed an intelligence level equivalent to that of a human over ten years old.

Of course, just medicine is not enough, and the totem adds fire to this plan!

In the past ten years, the Non-Human Research Society has used totems to allow mice to have their own religion! And they can use their imagination freely in sleep, their wisdom and knowledge are growing explosively under deliberate cultivation, and now they are equivalent to human beings at the age of fourteen or fifteen. And learned to produce and use tools, and… record history.

The first step that distinguishes humans from other animals is to create tools, and the second… is to record things that they will forget.

When human beings learn to carve patterns on stones and leave pictures for future generations to record what their ancestors did, they are different from other animals.

“You actually want to evolve mice into intelligent races, why? Just for self-satisfaction?” Mo Poor asked.

“A rich antibody group, tenacious vitality, super reproductive ability, flexible and petite body, tight social structure, adaptability all over the world, wisdom no less than human beings, and deep-rooted religious beliefs from the beginning .This is simply the best spy, the best assistant, and the best fighter…” Bassoon said.

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