Blue and White Society Chapter 299: Assault arrest

Mo Poor and Lord Gou were on their way to Thailand when they got a piece of news.

Among the eyewitnesses of ball lightning, odd pregnancies did appear, but not every one had them.

So far, evidence has only been found in green ball lightning, black ball lightning, purple ball lightning, and red ball lightning.

But there are no other colors.

In other words, odd pregnancies are not guaranteed. This is something that Thunder Egg will do, but it is not a must.

It’s difficult to do this, this thing is too ‘random’, I thought I finally found the trigger condition, but now it seems that it is still just a random item.

Perhaps it is a containment object that has no conditions for birth, and even that is not a birth and disappearance, but a switch between the invisible appearance of the containment object.

From ancient times to the present, from the beginning to the end, there may be only one ball lightning.

Concerning its research and big data analysis, there are countless people who worry about it. Mo Poor and Lord Gou’s top priority at the moment is to solve the totem issue.

After getting off the plane, the top executives of the largest local business group greeted them. Of course, this is a peripheral enterprise.

“Master Gou, you are here again.” A well-dressed Thai man said.

This man is obviously very familiar with Lord Gou, and Lord Gou introduced to Mo Poor: “This is Nava, the son-in-law of the former king, and 60% of the Thai royal family’s property comes from him.”

“Hello, you should be very clear about our mission, right?” Mo Poor shook hands with him, straight to the point.

Nahua said: “Of course, let’s talk in the car.”

The two got into his car, and soon each took a document.

I heard Nava say: “Belief in totems is a matter of great importance. Just an hour ago, I asked someone to sort out the materials of several primitive tribes that were rescued by the state, and I really found some clues.”

“Most of the tribes have integrated into the society over the years and broke away from primitive customs. However, there are still a few tribes that rely on government relief, can’t die, and escape from modern society. There are five such tribes, each with its own Primitive beliefs, and sacrifices in the form of totems.”

“Among them, there is a family that sacrifices every day, and is the most closed and isolated from the world. It is the most troublesome lazy family for the government.”

Mo Poor nodded, this kind of ‘lazy’ can be found in many places around the world. Because of the long-term isolation, when they came into contact with the outside world, the Soviet Union disintegrated…everything was strange to them.

Seriously out of touch with the modern society. Although he somehow became a citizen of the country where he was discovered, he has no sense of belonging at all, and avoids the outside world and insists on continuing his small life.

I don’t come out to work, and I don’t ask for anything. I hide in the deep mountains and old forests as a savage, and don’t care about the outside world. If the government gives them relief, they accept it, and if they don’t give them relief, they don’t bother to ask for it. Anyway, they have been here for so many years.

Nahua said: “They ate and slept all day, and they ate and slept. Apart from insisting on sacrifices, they didn’t even pay much attention to reproduction. The whole tribe has less than fifty people, and they are almost extinct.”

“The government sent people several times to find them young people to work in, hoping that they would be educated and integrated into society, but they just didn’t want to, and they were not attracted by the outside world at all.”

This is nothing unusual. There are many such natives in the Amazon jungle and Borneo. They say that whether they give up on themselves or escape from reality, they can support them in the jungle anyway, and they don’t expect any good days. Fancy world? Don’t care, don’t care, can’t see.

But now, combined with the information of the Mohists, this has to be taken seriously.

Don’t talk about other places, at least the primitive beliefs in Southeast Asia must be strictly investigated.

“This is the only tribe that sacrifices every day, right? That’s right, that pious totem must be sacrificed every day.” Mo Poor said.

The information of the Mohists had no reservations about him, and he told Mo Poor everything about what those Mohists who worshiped totems would do.

After seeing the totem, the inkmen will worship the patterns on it unreasonably, and offer sacrifices every day.

The main form of sacrifice is: making a totem pole out of any wood and engraving that pattern on it. Stand it up in the yard or in the house, and the pillars should not be lower than your own height.

Blood food must be sacrificed every day, it can be from livestock, poultry, or human…

Smear the animal’s blood on the totem pole, and then dance around the pole. It can be a dance that you are good at, or you can dance casually.

Finally worshiping the totem is considered as the completion of the sacrifice.

This kind of sacrifice, believers will do it every day, no matter how busy they are, no matter how inconvenient it is, they will definitely do it.

If they can’t do it, they will choose to commit suicide, because only the dead have a reason not to sacrifice. If they can’t even commit suicide, they will directly fall into extreme madness, the kind that is irrational.

Master Gou immediately said: “Block that tribe, and make a list of all the people who have contacted that tribe, no one can be missed!”

Nahua said: “I have already sent people to do it. In fact, it doesn’t matter if the tribe is closed or not. They don’t bother to leave those shabby houses. In the past 30 years, the government has sent people to the tribe seven times to persuade them. There are records later, a total of fourteen people.”

“Three of these fourteen people have died of illness, ten others have resigned and stayed at home, and the last one is still working.”

Mo Poor asked: “Have you checked at their house?”

“No, we only talked with the man who was still at work. He said that he was kicked out after a few words, and he didn’t pay attention to the totem at all.” Nava said.

Mo Poor looked down at the information and found that the ten people who resigned and stayed at home have never worked again.

I used to work well in the government, but after going to the primitive tribes, they all resigned one after another, and then they ate at home and waited to die. Isn’t this the same as those lazy people?

“Not only that, even their family members stayed at home one after another… They must have been addicted to sacrifice, and everyone has their own social circle. It is very likely that the totem has spread and spread to many places. It’s a country. Without further ado, go directly to their house and make a surprise inspection!” Mo Poor said.

“It’s ready, just waiting for your order.” Nava said.

Of course they can’t act without authorization. You must know that the totem should be a meme, and they will be recruited if they see it. Without the staff to arrange the details, they can’t just break in.

Seeing Nava looking at him, Lord Gou smiled and said, “Send the armed police, just say that after receiving a report to attack the cult, your people will guard outside after that, and we, President Mo, and I can just go in with our eyes closed. “

As he spoke, he pointed at Mo Poor, Nava was taken aback, and looked at Mo Poor in horror, what the hell? President?

Mo Poor said with a smile: “Listen to him… let the superiors make a special batch of eyepieces, the ones with full-screen mosaics, and prepare a few police dogs. Lord Gou, we can’t just rely on listening to our positions, in fact, it’s best There is a D-class personnel.”

“D-level personnel will be sent, but we can control them first. By the way, believers will sacrifice with blood, and humans can choose to kill small animals. What about dogs? If they want to sacrifice, what will they kill?” Lord Gou said.

“So I just want to see if dogs can also be twisted by their minds. If so, they are very likely to attack humans.” Mo Poor said.

If the dogs also perform sacrifices, then would it be possible for them to go to the market and bring back a chicken? Most likely, they directly use their minions to attack the nearest creature.

“Let’s act separately. Anyone who seems to have seen the totem will be arrested. If a dog attacks a human, it will be killed immediately.” Lord Gou said.

Ten minutes later, a group of heavily armed policemen broke into the yard of a small building.


Several police officers held guns outside the window, and the main gate was kicked open by a policeman.

“Let the dogs go!” They didn’t file in, but two police dogs rushed in first.

After a while, there was an exclamation, and then a policeman jumped in directly from the window, and the glass shattered all over the floor.

The one who went in was naturally Mo Poor, he couldn’t see the road clearly through the eyepiece of his helmet, it was all mosaics.

It is almost equivalent to looking at the world through a layer of frosted glass, but even so is much better than purely blindfolded. The blurred figures and the light and shade of the surrounding environment can also make Mo Qiong feel like walking on the ground.

In the eyes of the well-trained Mo Qiong, these mosaics are almost as if they were just arresting people.

He jumped into the window skillfully, pushed open the kitchen door, then glanced at the living room, and rushed straight at the two people in the field who were being bitten by police dogs and pinned to the ground.

“Ah! Dead dog, go away! Ah! Who are you?” The two struggled on the ground, and desperately attacked the police dog.

The police dog was also biting hard, and even began to tear the flesh off.

This is obviously not what a police dog should do. The dog bit off a piece of meat abruptly, and crawled towards the corner of the wall with its mouth full of blood.

Mo Poor quickly punched the police dog, and the police dog trembled, whimpered twice and lay motionless on the ground.

As for the other two, they were frightened by the gun in his hand and did not dare to run away at all.

You can’t run away, there are all policemen outside.

“What crime did I commit? Why did you break into my house?” the man said angrily.

Mo Poor smelled the **** smell in the room, and after a glance, he looked at a pillar standing in the corner. Although the specific image could not be seen clearly, it was all mosaics, but Mo Poor could still see that it was a strange pillar. Weird totem pole.

“Someone reported the crime and reported you for cult activities. Come with us.” Mo Poor said.

“Cult? I am a devout Buddhist, and I sincerely worship the Buddha at home!” the man said confidently.

Mo Qiong snorted, pointed to the pillar in the corner and said, “What is that? Why did you smear it with blood? This is your Buddha?”

“Yes! He is the Buddha!” ​​the man said loudly.

“…” Mo Poor didn’t expect him to open his eyes and talk nonsense, so he stopped talking nonsense with him, and drew out a knife to chop the pillar into strips.

Then get out a bag and pack it all up.

In this process, he was always on guard against the two violently blocking him, but unexpectedly, they didn’t stop him at all.

Then Mo Poor asked them to put on another robe to avoid having totems painted on them, and then led them out of the house.

“Seal this house and no one is allowed to enter.” Mo Poor said.

The totem poles may not be the only ones that have an effect. You must know that anything with that kind of pattern is a medium for memes. Maybe this family has painted related patterns on the walls, floors, or some decorations.

So before the arrival of the D-class personnel, block measures are taken directly.

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