Blue and White Society Chapter 297: Thunder egg

“President? Tell me, who are we going to do now!” Master Gou said hehehe.

After returning to the meeting room, Mo Qiong gave a white look and smiled and said, “Little Gou, you are very naughty, let me see if you become a lolita.”

The corner of Lord Gou’s mouth twitched, his face was swollen, and he was speechless for a long time.

Seeing the two of them joking, the researcher was ready to record and sat next to Mo Poor.

“President, let’s talk about Zhu Rong’s feather first.” The researcher smiled.

Mo Poor touched his Adam’s apple, thinking that this was another nickname.

So he said: “Zhu Rong’s feather was sent by Qin Huali to the west of Youze, the former Loulan of the Western Region, and now the edge of Taklamakan.”

“The specific location is about 800 miles south of the west of the ancient Loulan site, and it can’t be more precise.”

The researcher recorded: “What about the characteristics?”

“First of all, it ignites when it is touched. It really misled us before, thinking that it can spark the ignition of all things.” Mo Qiong laughed.

“Isn’t it?” the researcher looked up.

“Of course not, if any creature touches it, it will burst into flames, which means it is equivalent to a lighter with unlimited fuel.” Mo Qiong laughed.

Governor Gou laughed and said: “My good fellow, I was shocked. It turned out to be a ‘lighter’. The Mo family’s description is really misleading.”

“The ancient Zhurong is the official who is responsible for preserving the fire and buds. There is nothing wrong with the name. In addition, there are details about the instant combustion. The fire that emerges from Zhurong’s feathers varies according to the environment. The ambient temperature The higher the temperature, the higher the temperature of its fire. If it is ignited on the sun, it is likely to emit more blazing energy than the nuclear fusion energy of the sun. Because the condition for igniting is human touch, so as long as people hold it all the time It, it will set fire without restraint even in the water. It can be extinguished, but as much as it is extinguished, it cannot be extinguished.” Mo Poor said.

Gou Ye nodded and said: “Typical absolute characteristics, what else is there? What’s the matter with the severe drought?”

“It’s passive. Within a thousand miles of its location, there will be severe drought every year, and the water will continue to lose without rain, even in the sea.” Mo Poor said.

“Can you really do it all?” Lord Gou said in surprise.

Mo Poor said: “Maybe, I don’t know if the Pacific Ocean will do it, but the Bohai Sea will definitely do it. The Mohist once tried to contain it in the Bohai Sea, but the Bohai Sea is shrinking every day, and the sea level continues to drop. Even the terrain has changed, and the land base on the seabed has risen. If it’s just like this, it’s fine, but the countries of Qilu, Zhaoyan, and other countries have been torrential rains, and they were so scared that they hurriedly transferred Zhu Rong’s feathers and sent them to the inland.”

The researcher immediately said: “It’s not that the water disappears out of thin air, but by changing the landscape and changing the direction of the global water cycle system to make the target area severely drought? If it is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, wouldn’t there be… plate drift?”

“It’s possible, that’s why the Mohists finally chose to sacrifice an inland area, escorted by Qin Huali, all the way west, and finally saw a desolate desert, so they buried it there.” Mo Poor said.

Taklamakan has been a desert for a long time, which has nothing to do with Zhu Rong’s feather, but the drying up of Lop Nur may have its influence.

The Feather of Zhurong is actually a good place to be housed in the desert area. Anyway, the desert is still a desert due to severe drought.

Two thousand years have passed, Lop Nur has long been sacrificed, so even if the Blue and White Society finds it, it will keep it in the desert, at most it will be moved deeper into the Taklamakan.

Mo Poor said: “This thing is still considered to have been taken in by the Mo family, but there are some things that the Mo family can’t do anything about.”

“First of all, it’s a thunder egg, so you may not know what it is. Another name is ball lightning.”

Everyone was shocked, knowing that the main event was coming, and they all listened carefully.

Mo Poor continued: “Its shape is like a spirit egg, its momentum is like thunder, and it is erratic. It may appear anywhere in the world at any time, and it can pass through halls and halls, and mortals will die if they touch it.”

“This is ball lightning. Could it be that the Mohists made a mistake, because they didn’t understand ball lightning and thought it was a contained object.” Lord Gou said.

Ball lightning has not been studied until the modern scientific community, because it is too erratic, it is not known when it will appear, and the duration is extremely short, which has caused great obstacles to research.

Some scientists say it is an air ion ball, or some kind of cloud-like charged substance.

But it’s not conclusive anyway, because this thing is red, orange, yellow, blue. White, purple, almost any color is possible. And the shape is also uncertain, there are flat, ring, oval, fusiform, swirl, dumbbell…

It can be said that there are all kinds of strange things, some are transparent, some are directly hollow, and there is no fixed shape at all, like lightning **** that are constantly changing dynamically.

So it is said that it is a natural phenomenon, but it is not clear what it is, and it is said that it is a contained object, but it has not been captured until now, so it cannot be concluded.

Even the Blue and White Society has not concluded that it must be a contained object, and they are only trying their best to capture and study it, so how did the Mohists conclude that it is a contained object?

Do you think it is a containment object because it is so strange?

Mo Poor shook his head and said: “In the study of ball lightning, Mozi has left us a lot… He once heard that someone in Zheng State was struck by lightning, the whole hut was blown up, and all the livestock died. But the person was fine, so he rushed to inquire. Zheng Guoren said that when he saw the thunder eggs, he only thought that the **** of thunder came to the world and the **** of heaven was angry, so he knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that he was willing to sacrifice to heaven and beg for mercy. So he died All the livestock, and the family is fine.”

“Later, I heard that there was a thunder egg incident in Chu, so I rushed to find out. The difference is that the thunder egg chased someone for 300 steps, and no matter what the person said, he hid again. It’s useless anywhere, just split it into a ball of burnt ashes. The strange thing is that all the obstacles passed along the way are fine, even the thatch is not ignited, but the man was ignited, and even the clothes were intact.”

“These two incidents shocked Mo Zi greatly, so he searched everywhere about the deeds of the thunder eggs, and found that some thunder eggs didn’t do anything, disappeared after a circle, and some even entered The human body. Therefore, he believes that the color of the thunder egg represents its purpose, or function. Blue means lightning strikes and only kills people, orange means it explodes but does not kill people, red means it turns people into charcoal but does not set fire, White is explosive and combustible, and the disaster is the heaviest. Yellow enters the human body, and finally purple…hangs in the sky and does nothing.”

The researcher nodded and said: “That’s right, we have also concluded these. There is also green. Green is for going through halls and rooms, rolling around, bombing the ground, but not killing people. Black is also available, but it is too rare, I don’t know What role. We do suspect that it is a containment object, but it is too erratic, and we have not discovered its birth conditions so far.”

Mo Poor said: “Mozi concluded a rule, all witnesses are women.”

“Huh?” Everyone was taken aback, what does this have to do with women?

Mozi’s brain circuit is too clear! But this is indeed a way to investigate the contents, that is, to summarize the common points.

It’s just this commonality, who will pay attention? There are either men or women in this world, and it may be a coincidence that there are women.

Mo Poor said: “We still have the research direction of physics, but Mozi doesn’t have so much knowledge, so he can only slowly sum up and explore from such tiny clues. Mozi collected information about ball lightning everywhere, and combined The legend of Thunder God, I searched for ancient books, wondering if this kind of thing has happened since ancient times. Unfortunately, the time of Mozi is too old, so it can only be speculated through legends.”

“The mysterious bird of destiny descended to give birth to Shang, Jian Di ate the mysterious eggs and gave birth to deed”

Everyone was stunned and stared at Mo Poor.

Mo Poor continued: “Huaxu’s family traveled in Lei Ze, and gave birth to Fuxi after sensing the **** of thunder. The mother of the Yellow Emperor saw the purple lightning surrounding the Polaris and sensed it, and gave birth to the Yellow Emperor…”

“The mysterious egg may be a black thunder egg, which made Jian Di pregnant. The trace of Lei Ze may be caused by the bombardment of green thunder eggs, which made Hua Xu pregnant before marriage. Zidian is even more purple thunder. Eggs, hanging high under the starry sky, the witnesses were induced to become pregnant.”

Master Gou stared and said: “Fuck? Could it be that this thunder egg is a stallion?”

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