Blue and White Society Chapter 285: Prison

“It’s up to you to decide whether to use it or not, let’s solve this first.” Master Gou laughed.

Mo Poor shrugged, that’s what he said.

Wood Armor Art can’t be popularized by him in just one sentence, and it still needs to be tested in detail. If it is really suitable, it will naturally be handed over to the members. On the other hand, if there is a big hidden danger, Mo Qiong himself does not want to use it for the effect of controlling wood in the air.

“I’ve seen the Wooden Armored Wheel, and I’m sure about the man who handles the snake. There are Chiyou’s eyes and Taishan ghost in the underground palace. The situation is more complicated…”

Mo Poor quickly explained the following situation, and Lord Gou laughed and said, “There is no need to hesitate, the ghost of Mount Tai must be contained by us instead.”

“That is to say, we have to release the ghost of Mount Tai first. Our sources of information are all from the observations and conclusions of the Mohists. Plow will definitely obstruct, even fight us desperately, it doesn’t make sense to reason.” Mo Poor said.

“Then we have to change it. Now that we have to contain it, we can make enough preparations before we start. Why wait until Mo Li can’t hold it anymore, and we have to passively take over?” Gou Ye said.

Mo Poor nodded, that’s the reason.

Tolerate Mo Li now, after ten or twenty years, the ghost of Taishan will still be born, anyway, sooner or later, it will come out sooner or later. .

Lanbai Society will not guard outside the underground palace for more than ten or twenty years just because of Mo Li.

“Okay, since that’s the case, we’ll immediately prepare containment boxes with a side length of 40 to 50 meters, and prepare a few more.” Mo Poor said.

“It’s very simple, the key is how we deal with Chi You’s eyes if Mo Li obstructs it.” Lord Gou said.

Although the destructive power of Mount Tai’s ghost is great, it is easy to suppress. After all, physical suppression is enough. The key is to prevent it from running out of the boundary of Mount Tai.

In comparison, Chi You’s eyes are a greater hindrance to the members of the club. Coupled with the wooden armored green dragon, it is simply a thousand troops.

“Don’t fight in the underground palace! Every stone and tree here is a major discovery in the archaeological world.” Yingfei interjected.

Mo Poor and Gouye all looked at him, Yingfei hurriedly shut up, but his face was still troubled, he knew that containment came first, but he couldn’t just watch the underground palace being beaten into a paste.

“Actually, he is right. The underground palace is not suitable for combat. The place is too small, and the green dragon occupies almost half of the ground. No one can escape the threat of Chi You’s eyes. Even the eyes can scare us away. We can’t even get close. It’s futile to contain it. That elm head must want to catch the Tarzan ghost back to the crypt and attack us desperately. It can be said that there will be a three-way melee. ” Mo Poor said.

Master Gou nodded and said: “If you want to deal with Qinglong, you can only use rockets or even missiles. But it is not suitable to use large-scale destructive weapons here, unless we want to die together and be buried in the ground together.”

Mo Poor said with a smile: “That elm head will definitely be happy to completely seal the underground. Then he might deliberately shake the foundation of this underground palace and bury us here with him.”

“We’d better go out and fight. There are mountains and mountains outside, which is much more open than inside. Anyway, this is the depths of Mount Tai. We have enough depth, and we can also suppress it in the air.”

Gou Ye added: “It’s better to divide the battlefield and let the ghost of Mount Tai go far away first, so that we don’t have to worry about facing the attack of the green dragon when we contain the ghost of Mount Tai.”

There is no doubt that the three-party melee is extremely unfavorable to them, they are flesh and blood.

It’s better to deal with Qinglong in one place, and accommodate Taishan’s ghost in one place. The two sides don’t interfere with each other. The Lanbai Club can easily solve it one-on-one.

At the same time, they dealt with the wooden armored green dragon, Chiyou’s eye, the snake man, and the ghost of Mount Tai at the same time. The chaos in the situation was almost gamma level.

Instead, take them apart and it becomes two wave beta battles.

The situation of multiple storage objects should be avoided by members as much as possible, because if there is a combination of characteristics, it will be extremely dangerous.

Generally speaking, members of the club can deal with the beta class independently, and the survival rate is as high as 70%. But at this time, even if there is one more Alpha-level containment object, the situation may change qualitatively.

Mo Poor and Lord Gou discussed carefully, enriched the plan, and prepared several backup plans.

During the period, Mo Poor asked if he wanted support from the Best team.

You must know that the best metal is known as the most unsolvable and strong metal, but Lord Gou refused, because whether it is the wooden armor man or the ghost of Mount Tai, they are all conscious.

Best Metal will be controlled by beings with strong spiritual will, and the drive of spiritual power is its major flaw, so the Blue and White Club tries to avoid letting the best team members deal with intelligent contained objects as much as possible during combat.

Similarly, the proposal to have David the Expositor as a backup was rejected, as the Eye of Chiyou might not be a mind-bending containment at all.

“Don’t trust the Mohist’s judgment too much. What they say is frightening and frightening to escape may not be true. Can dead bodies be afraid? Do statues have hearts? I guess that thing is to forcibly disperse things with eyes .” said Gou Ye.

Mo Poor also felt the same way, so he set about transforming the wooden armored beast that was randomly put together by Brother Ma.

This kind of manual transformation is also a compulsory course for members of the club. It took Mo Poor an hour to transform the assembled beast into a shape similar to an eight-legged unicorn.

He used the joints removed from other wood armored beasts, so it still looks weird, but he tried his best.

This eight-legged unicorn doesn’t have many fighting methods, but its mobility is extremely high. There are blades hidden everywhere on its body, and the power of a collision is not bad.

More importantly, the jumping power is amazing, coupled with the absolute hit, this jumping power is enough to make it a seemingly complicated but powerful arrow!

The eight-legged unicorn is five meters tall, and it can ride on it, or get in from its chest, and there is a seat like a cockpit inside.

Of course, the horse has no eyes.

The whole day after that, the Lanbai Society mobilized the nearby peripheral fighters.

A medical team, two combat teams with strict military training, plus an air force team consisting of eight armed helicopters.

However, there is no more powerful missile support. This is Mount Tai, not a barren mountain. There are many scenic spots and villages on Mount Tai.

The state helped them evacuate everyone on Mount Tai and all villages within twelve kilometers of the underground palace.

But it is also required that the spread of the battle should not exceed these twelve kilometers.

“Twelve kilometers, enough.”

“Did the people evacuate?”

“The above said that there is no problem, you can start to act.”

“OK, follow the plan.”

Mo Poor went down to the bottom floor alone, and saw Mo Li digging a hole. After all, every time the ghost of Mount Tai came out, he had to change a new hole, and he had to dig this kind of hole himself.

Looking at this primitive way, Mo Poor shook his head and approached the past.

Mo Li was very alert, and quickly jumped onto Qinglong’s back. Qinglong’s tail danced in the air, warning Mo Poor.

Actually, at this time, Mo Qiong could collapse Mo Li with one shot, blowing his head off.

But this plan was rejected in the previous deduction. The first is the snake manipulator effect, whoever kills will inherit it, whether it can be avoided or avoided, as for sending D-level personnel… neither Mo Poor nor Lord Gou thinks that D-level personnel can surprise and kill Mo Li.

Secondly, Moli is not the only Mujia man here. This wooden armored green dragon includes the thoughts of dozens of Mujia men, and it can move itself.

This first opportunity is to release the ghost of Mount Tai.


Mo Poor suddenly threw a special bomb and flew towards the back of Qinglong’s neck.

“Bang!” The bomb slammed into a small gap in the intricate wooden armor on the back of Qinglong’s neck with extreme precision.


The huge explosion happened in an instant, Mo Li didn’t react until then, Qinglongclaw made a move to block, but it was too late.

The bomb was so powerful that Qinglong’s neck was blown away, and his head was pulled out of the hole.

“Rumbling…” Loud noises resounded everywhere in the underground, shaking everywhere, even the entrance of the crypt rustled, and rocks splashed.

The wooden armored green dragon’s neck was blown off. The head spins away from the body.

However, the Wooden Armored Beast has a very strong ‘recovery ability’, as long as it is not completely smashed, it can be reassembled again. This is almost the ultimate in the design of the Mohists.

Seeing that the huge dragon head stretched out two mechanical legs to support the ground, it immediately jumped towards the torso.

The torso also jumped out of nowhere, and immediately rejoined the dragon head. Numerous wooden armor hubs at the edge moved and joined, and reconnected instantly, tightly and seamlessly.

“Slag!” There was a strange roar from the ground, and a huge rock colossus burst out of the ground.

It was the ghost of Taishan who took the opportunity to escape!

However, the wooden armored green dragon jumped down again in an instant, and the rock giant screamed, and ran frantically towards Moqiong, which was the entrance to the upper floor.

The appearance of the dragon head is equal to the appearance of Chi You’s eyes.

Mo Poor forced himself not to look there, but the Qinglong rushed towards him with mighty power, which also made Mo Poor feel an inexplicable pressure, which would be triggered within ten meters of Chi You’s eye.


Mo Poor finally realized the feeling of being intimidated by Chi You’s eyes, who said that Te Niang has no sense of fear!

It’s just that this sense of fear is not a distortion of the mind. In other words, its absoluteness is not reflected in fear, but in flight.

This fear can be easily overcome by Mo Poor, but his will can’t bear it, his body can’t. It was as if an order had been given to Mo Poor’s body: Withdraw! Get out! Don’t stay here for long!

Since then, Mo Poor’s body involuntarily ran towards the passage.

He can run if he has feet, and he has to roll if he doesn’t have feet. Even if it is a dead thing, it will move inexplicably to escape from that eye!

This is absolutely all focused on making people escape.

However, the good news is that during the forced escape, Mo Poor overcame his fear and was able to fight back!

“Shhhhhhhh!” Mo Qiongqiang turned his head in fear, throwing bombs while running!

There is no reason why the bomb he threw hits!

“Boom boom boom!” Qinglong was bombarded indiscriminately again, with rocks splashing behind him, sawdust flying, and flames rushing to the top.

In normal times, the wooden armored green dragon could have suppressed the ghost of Mount Tai, but now that Mo Qiong is making trouble, it’s different.

Mo Poor was the first to step on the wall and fled up, followed by the ghost of Taishan. The thick rock propped its arms on both sides of the passage, and climbed up with a bang. After it came up, it ran faster. To catch up with Mo Poor.

“This guy is so fast.” Mo Poor observed while running, and found that although the ghost of Taishan was huge, it was not too bulky, and his hands and feet were swinging very fast. It can suddenly advance twenty meters!

If it weren’t for air resistance, it would be faster!

“Under normal conditions, it is more flexible than me…”

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