Blue and White Society Chapter 275: Mohist Underground Palace

Going west from Daiding, bypassing the valley, Yingfei went deep into the no-man’s land in the back mountain.

There was also a middle-aged bald man with him. The two had good feet and climbed mountains and ridges in no man’s land. They used yellow powder to repel insects and medicinal wine to avoid snakes. They walked intermittently for two days and one night.

This afternoon, Yingfei was filling water by a mountain stream, took a sip and said, “Brother Ma, that’s all for my information, the rest is up to you.”

“There won’t be a big tomb here, are you mistaken? There is a good tomb.” Brother Ma said with a frown.

Yingfei was not surprised but pleased, nodded and said: “Yes, this will not be a big tomb, nor will it be a good tomb, this is the tomb of the Mo family.”

“The Mo family? Shall I play with me? The Mo family advocates festival burials, where did the tomb come from?” Only then did Brother Ma know what Mo family’s tomb Yingfei took him to find, and immediately blew his beard and stared.

Yingfei hurriedly laughed and said, “Don’t worry, the Mohist burial festival advocates not wasting social wealth on the dead, but it doesn’t mean that there will be no tombs. Didn’t we agree to come to this ‘pot’ to give you fifty Wan, you can just help me find the tomb, if you lose money or make money in the tomb, leave it to me.”

“Looking at Feng Shui is useless, we can only analyze it geologically.” Brother Ma said, carefully observing the trend of the nearby mountain shape.

Now that we know that the tomb we are looking for is not located in any geomantic treasure, we can only analyze it from the texture of the underground soil layer.

Not all places are suitable for building tombs. Some places have too much groundwater, some places have soft soil, and some places have too deep roots.

The two of them worked together, slowly digging and verifying in a radius of 20 miles, analyzing and searching.

After another two days, the two finally locked on a mountain stream.

Old Brother Ma pointed to the valley in front of him and said: “The shadow of Mount Tai, the west of the Nai River is the world of ghosts, here happens to be deep and steep, and there is no sunlight. Nai River. The mountains are high in the east and low in the west, with the sea on their backs and the middle song, negative yang and yin, and no vegetation…”

“Didn’t we agree to only look at geology? Why are we talking about Fengshui again?” Yingfei said in a daze.

“I’m not saying that this place is good, but that we must not break ground here.” Brother Ma said.

Yingfei curled his lips and said: “Never mind it, let’s test the soil layer first.”

With abundant funds, he prepared a lot of detection instruments. The two men not only used scientific methods to measure first, but also deployed shovels, entered the deep valley and started digging.

They used the two methods together, tossing and tossing for three hours, and suddenly Yingfei said happily: “That’s it, the soil layer 30 meters underground is vague, and the traces of the two kinds of soil mixing are obvious, which are the traces of deep digging The rammed earth layer caused by it.”

“This place is not suitable for breaking ground. Even Mohist will be buried on the Ming Ghost Festival. How could a tomb be built here?” Brother Ma asked strangely.

Yingfei didn’t care, and after confirming a few points, he began to dig the hole.

This guy is a professional tomb robber. He is adept at digging holes. After a while, he dug into the ground as if he was escaping into the soil.

Brother Ma stood thinking at the edge of the extremely narrow robbery hole, and suddenly said: “Wait a minute, what you are looking for is the ancient tomb of the pre-Qin period?”

“Of course, if you don’t want to help dig, you can leave on your own and ask old man Liu to get the final payment.” Yingfei shouted in the robbery cave.

“Let me tell you, there shouldn’t be a tomb here at all, but since the rammed earth layer that was common in the pre-Qin period was found, it means that there is indeed a mound of sealed earth underneath.” Brother Ma said.

“That’s it! This is what I’m looking for.” Yingfei said.

“No, listen to me, the mound of soil is not necessarily a tomb, there is another possibility, and that is the underground palace!” Brother Ma said.

Yingfei was silent for a while, then suddenly crawled out of the robbery cave and said, “The underground palace?”

The underground palace is part of the mausoleum, but the difference is that most of the underground palace contains the remains of the buried dead.

Like the underground palace of the Qin Mausoleum, Qin Shihuang’s own coffin is not inside, but in a deeper tomb.

In other words, the tomb is to the underground palace what the Forbidden City is to the capital.

There will be caves on the top of the sky, city walls and canals, densely packed houses, well-defined rooms, and even bridges and mountains.

There are so many burial places in this kind of place that they cannot be counted. He stole the excavation without authorization, and the blue and white society will hold him accountable.

“The Mohists advocate festival burials, how could they build underground palaces?” Yingfei said depressedly.

“I said, this is not a tomb, this may be an underground palace that is not a mausoleum, that is, a dungeon for the living…” Brother Ma said solemnly.


Infineon was shocked at first, and then overjoyed!

Mohism advocates festival burial, and advocates that social wealth should be used by the living instead of the dead.

Building an underground palace is contradictory! Unless… this underground palace is for living people.

Conversely, if there is an underground palace here, it is very likely that the underground palace belongs to the Mohists, because anyone who builds an underground palace must be an emperor, and he will never choose such a place where it is absolutely forbidden to break ground.

If there is an underground palace in this place, the only one who dares to do this after much deliberation is the Mo family!

“The underground palace of the Mohist…” The underground palace of the Mohist…” Yingfei was about to cry. He had been looking for it for ten years, but he never thought that there would be an underground palace of the Mohist.

After all, it is impossible to have a large tomb during the Mohist festival burial. He has always thought that at most he could find clues of wooden armor in the tomb of a prince of the Han Dynasty or a prince of the pre-Qin Dynasty, and he would be satisfied.

Because that would prove that his ancestors did not lie, and his guess all along was also correct.

How would you know that there is an underground palace for living people under your feet. If it really belongs to the Mohist, there must be a shocking secret buried by the Mohist for thousands of years.

“Xiao Fei, this is what you’re looking for, right? You’ve been looking for the pre-Qin ancient tomb, but you’re actually looking for this underground palace of the Mohists?” Brother Ma asked.

Yingfei hurriedly stabilized his mood, and said: “I only knew that there would be something here, but I only thought it was an ancient tomb. After all, the underground projects are all mausoleums. I never thought that it would be a dungeon where living people live.”

He found this place based on the painting on a silk map found in the tomb of a Mohist in the Han Dynasty. He studied it for a long time and repeatedly compared the rivers and mountains in the country, and finally found that the painting was the topography of a certain place at the western foot of Mount Tai.

“This is all your guesswork, maybe this is just a small tomb with thin burials.” Yingfei said.

“Stop talking, I’ll dig it for you.” Brother Ma picked up the thing and didn’t leave, he ran to another point to dig.

Yingfei frowned slightly, knowing that Brother Ma is also obsessed with the underground palace. The underground palace is often full of cultural relics. One or two people carry a few with them, and they can’t move them all for more than ten years.

However, he is young and strong, so he is not afraid that Brother Ma will be greedy on the spot, and he will be even less afraid afterwards… If he really finds the underground palace, he will directly contact and report to his superiors, and let the Blue and White Society send someone to keep it. and then handed over to the state.

Both of them are veterans. They try their best to dig the robbery hole as deep as possible.

Because of the abundant funds sponsored by Mo Qiong, Yingfei brought enough supplies. The two ate and drank in this deep valley for two days, and finally confirmed the existence of the underground palace, and dug a robbery hole directly leading to the stone wall on the side.

“Take out the explosives!” Brother Ma said after smashing the stone wall a few times and finding that the stone wall seemed to be poured with copper water.

Yingfei shook his head and said: “Don’t destroy it, if oxygen is poured in, everything inside will be destroyed.”

“There must be a lot of good things in it. If you can take away one or two, you will be prosperous. What are you afraid of?” Brother Ma didn’t know that Yingfei was a peripheral member of the Blue and White Society, so he didn’t care.

Yingfei took out the mask gas cylinder from the bag, and even the close-fitting protective clothing and said: “Let it lack oxygen in it, anyway, it must be full of poisonous gas. You are a senior, and you must know why no one dared to steal Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum.” Right?”

Brother Ma said: “It’s not full of mercury. Mercury is highly poisonous. It can not only enter through the mouth and nose, but also penetrate the skin. People of the older generation will die one by one. They can’t steal it at all.”

“I have no problem with this set of equipment. The whole body is covered and the skin is tight to the flesh. Even if I am soaked in poisonous gas, I will be fine.” Yingfei laughed.

“Xiaofei, give me a set too.” Brother Ma said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, this is the only set, the mask gas cylinder is too much prepared, but this can’t prevent the poison from penetrating the skin.” Yingfei said.

Brother Ma’s face was ugly, but he refused to leave, so he could only say, “Explode it and see.”

Seeing that he was unwilling to give up, Yingfei went up first to put on the equipment, then went down to the depths of the burglary, activated the airbags, and blocked the burglary, so that there would be no air circulation.

Blast the stone wall with the dynamite apex, and the flames will use up the last bit of oxygen.

“Boom!” A small hole was blasted into the stone wall.

Yingfei first stopped and listened for a while, seeing the reverberation inside, which lasted for a long time, he couldn’t help being excited.

Throw the fluorescent lamp into it first, and find that the small hole is at a high place, and the fluorescent lamp directly falls to a depth of more than ten meters.

“How’s it going!” Brother Ma immediately shouted on the airbag when he heard the explosion.

Yingfei said: “This stone wall seems to be a city wall. We have dug a shallow hole, and it is half of the city wall.”

“Is there any poisonous gas?” Brother Ma asked.

INFINAIR took out the instrument and checked it, and found that there are indeed a lot of harmful gases, but there is no poisonous gas that penetrates the skin, and a mask is enough.

But he didn’t tell Brother Ma, but said: “It’s poisonous! Don’t come down.”

Speaking, he nailed the rope into the robbery hole, climbed down along the rope, and settled down soon.

Holding up the lamp, he was shocked by just one glance.

He really climbed down from the city wall, and in front of him was a huge city, the road was paved with bluestone, the stone houses on both sides stretched vertically and horizontally, and there were neat drainage ditches.

Every ten meters, there are tall wooden water mercury, and there is still water storage in it.

Every 20 meters, there are huge bronze pillars. The giant pillars lead directly to the dome, with spiral upward steps, connecting many two-story wooden houses.

Looking up, there are staggered wooden beams across the entire city. These wooden beams are wrapped in bronze, like rails, supported by countless bronze pillars, and run through all the two-story wooden houses.

There are also many carriage-like vehicles scattered on it, but it is impossible for horses to walk on these tracks suspended in the air.

Being curious, Yingfei walked up a huge bronze pillar and came to a carriage.

Surprisingly, I found that the carriage has a tight mechanism and many pedals, so it can be ridden like a bicycle.

However, at the position of the pedal, Yingfei suddenly saw what he dreamed of.

A wooden armored man with hands and feet and a head like an obelisk.

“I found it…I found it! I found it!” Yingfei burst into tears.

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