Blue and White Society Chapter 272: Mozi’s doubts

“According to what you said, if the containment really existed, it existed as early as in Yanshi, and it was handed down to Gongshupan after six hundred years, and then it was given to Mozi, and then Because the Mo family was severely suppressed and completely annihilated and disappeared? Why didn’t you start with Chi You? Chi You also has seventy-two ‘brothers’ who bite stones and swallow gold.” Mo Qiong asked with a smile.

Yingfei said: “That’s too long ago, there is no need to involve everything, at least there are clear records in the pre-Qin period. We modern people can say that Liezi made up the prostitution in Yanshi, but Liezi is a man. However, I have read the palace notes of the royal family of Zhou, if it is not true, it means that he is arranging the affairs of the late King Mu of Zhou, and this behavior is not a trivial matter.”

“The story of Yugong Yishan, it is said that there is no problem with his making up fables. After all, it is about ordinary people in the mountains, and it is very philosophical. But King Mu of Zhou hated the fact that the puppet seduced his concubine. If the royal family There is not a single sentence in the palace notes, is this something that Liezi dared to preach out of thin air? At that time, it was still under the rule of the Zhou royal family, and Zheng Guo was also one of the vassal states with the surname Ji. Liezi dared to make it up so purely?”

“First of all, it’s not about whether the royal family will make trouble for him. In terms of public opinion alone, countless gentlemen will reprimand and ridicule King Zhou Mu for nothing. This is simply challenging the bottom line of gentlemen. This ‘keyboard man’ must be judged as a crime.”

“It was not allowed in the social atmosphere at that time to make up fables to King Mu of Zhou, unless… Zhou royal palace notes clearly had a prototype. Maybe even the more knowledgeable people at that time knew that there was such a thing. Plant something.”

“Otherwise, I don’t think Liezi would write something irrational out of thin air.”

After listening to Yingfei’s words, Mo Poor bowed his head in thought.

It seems reasonable to be told by Yingfei…

Yanshi’s prostitution is probably a fact that Liezi mixed in many fables.

To modern people, this kind of thing looks like an allegory imagined by Liezi. But is this really a fable? What philosophy? What’s the point?

Xue Tan Xuexuan’s fable is to tell people that there is no end to learning any skill, and don’t be complacent with a little achievement.

The fable of Yugong Yishan tells people to persevere, and where there is a will, there is a way.

The fable of Bian Que’s heart-changing is to tell people that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and they should learn from others’ strengths to make up for their own weaknesses.

“Yanshi makes prostitutes, emmm…” Mo Poor thought for a long time, but he didn’t expect the truth of this story.

If I have to say it, it is the last sentence of this fable: After hearing what happened to Yanshi, Lu Ban and Mo Zi dared not mention their own superb skills.

Is this the philosophy that Liezi wants to talk about? If it is, isn’t it repeated with “Xue Tan Xuexuan”? And it’s not as good as that one.

Because the whole chapter of Yanshi Making Prostitutes mainly talks about Yanshi offering wooden prostitutes to King Mu of Zhou, only the last sentence mentions the shame of Lu Ban and Mozi, and never mentions the art of wooden armor.

It would be a stretch to say that the central idea is to keep people from becoming complacent.

Isn’t it nice to have ‘Xue Tan Xuexuan’? Why bother to write about Yanshi again, and bring out the dead king?

It would be better to say that Liezi was expressing: Mozi and Lu Ban are nothing special. At the beginning, Yanshi presented a wooden prostitute to King Mu of Zhou. These two people are not the pinnacle of wood armor art, Yanshi is.

Yingfei said: “It’s more like Liezi is showing off what he saw in the palace notes, and it’s really against Mozi’s small skills.”

“This…” Mo Poor smiled and didn’t take it seriously.

“It’s a pity that Lu Ban died early and didn’t see what Liezi said, and Mozi didn’t know if he saw it or not. But Mozi’s spirit lies in studying the principles of the art of wooden armor. I don’t care what Liezi said. Liezi didn’t understand Mozi’s thoughts at all, and he didn’t hit the key point.” Yingfei said.

“Oh? You mean that Mozi’s inventions are more oriented toward practicality and exploration of principles?” Mo Poor asked.

Yingfei nodded and said: “Yes, Mozi once reprimanded Gong Shuban for making things that are not beneficial to people. Building a wooden bird that can fly is not as good as the wooden poles made by ordinary craftsmen. The wooden poles are mounted on the axles. A cart can carry fifty stones. And what is the practical use of a wooden bird? What a carpenter makes is called skillful if it is beneficial to people, but clumsy if it is not beneficial to people.”

“This is Mozi’s attitude, and it can even be said to be close to the scientific spirit. So Mozi made crossbows and ladders, four-wheeled vehicles and balances, pistons and resonators, and even researched optics and mechanics, and Putting forward the early atomic theory… I think that even Mozi, who is the user of the containment object, would probably just laugh at what Liezi said: You don’t understand what I want to do, it’s not that I’m not as good as Yanshi, it’s that Yanshi is not as good as me. Don’t compare me with Yanshi, he is just a mediocre man who makes playthings to serve the powerful.”

“Mozi’s “The Will of Heaven” has made it very clear that the sky includes everything in the universe, and the will of heaven is the law of nature. His thought itself is a materialist with a scientific spirit, but he also understands ghosts… He combined the laws of nature with the human mind, and expounded a theory that is both idealistic and materialistic.”

Mo Poor said: “This is Mozi’s desire to use ghosts to restrain people’s hearts, so as to save the chaos of rites and music. To respect heaven and ghosts, so that people will not do evil things.”

Ying Fei said: “Don’t all living beings believe in ghosts and gods before he proposed to explain ghosts? If you don’t report it, the Mohists will report. Facts have also proved that Ren Xia’s role is even greater. At that time, the disciples of the Mohist schools were traveling all over the world in full swing. He will definitely abandon his family and children and come to kill him with a sword.”

“During the heyday of Mohism, the public security was amazingly good wherever there were Mohists. Because if you kill someone for no reason, the Mohists will raise their swords to repay after hearing about it. If you kill a Mohism, all the Mohists within a hundred miles All Mohists will put down their hoes, go home and take a sword to find the door. If you kill all Mohists within a hundred miles, Mohists from all over the country will gather here, and even more… There is a way to kill Mohism all over the world, otherwise the rich and powerful will die Undoubtedly, the monarch will not be able to keep it.”

“The matter of understanding ghosts is just to use ghosts to frighten the world in words, but in fact, it is the thousands of Mohists who frighten the monarchs of all countries. Those who are ghosts are ghosts.”

Mo Poor knows what Yingfei means, if ghosts are useful, they won’t be so polite.

To strengthen people’s awe of ghosts and gods is not as good as Confucianism to strengthen morality.

Since Mozi is a chivalrous man, it is impossible for him not to know that ghosts are useless. Judging from his actions, he is clearly a pragmatic person. It is very clear that the sword of the Mohist is more useful than the heavenly ghost who monitors the world and pursues the will of heaven.

“You want to say that Mo Zi wavers between materialism and idealism?” Mo Poor asked.

Yingfei shook his head and said: “No, Tianzhi is his worldview, and Minggui is also his worldview. He just added Tiangui to make up his theory in the natural law of Tianzhi, because he I feel that there are natural laws alone, which cannot explain all the doubts in his heart, and an idealistic variable that changes according to the human heart must be added to make his ‘universe model’ tend to be perfect.”

“How does this idea… differ from Newton’s?”

Mo Poor was taken aback. As a member of the Blue and White Society, he certainly knew that Newton was a pioneer in the thought of the Blue and White Society.

Newton did that because he came into contact with the contents, not because he was old and wanted a sustenance.

So… what about Mozi? What did he touch?

“Mozi is a researcher with a scientific spirit. The difference between him and Yanshi is that what he pursues is not how lifelike the products after the art of wooden armor are, but why…that thing…can make wooden A strange thing.” Mo Qiong said following Yingfei’s train of thought.

Yingfei said happily: “That’s right! He is the same as Newton… No, Newton is the same as him, using the scientific spirit to study the contained objects. You and I know the consequences of this.”

Of course Mo Poor knows that if you study the contained objects with a scientific attitude, you will inevitably be at a loss.

Because the contained objects often have an idealistic variable, such as the reverse song that reverses the physiology according to the inner gender cognition. If you think you are a man, you will turn into a woman. What kind of idealism is this?

There are even some contained objects, the definition of “one” is directly judged by the holder. For example, if a person’s lower body is completely annihilated, is the remaining part considered a “person”? As far as Mo Poor knows, there is a contained object that will be judged according to the human heart, which will cause two people to use it with different effects, because one thinks it is a ‘half person’, and the other thinks it is a ‘one person’, just the lower body It’s just ruined.

Even the Lanbai Society can’t figure out why the contents are like this, let alone Mozi? It is impossible to know why.

“Mozi must have held the contents, but he has a scientific spirit, so he wanted to study the “will of heaven” from the contents, which is the law of nature. He did it, after all, it is the art of wooden armor It is normal to sum up some principles of optics and mechanics from it, and figure out the principles of crossbows and the like. But so far, he has no doubts about the thing itself and the wooden man derived from it. It is impossible to study thoroughly.”

“So, he feels that the will of heaven is still flawed. Not everything in the universe is in the materialistic laws of nature, and an idealistic variable must be added. That is the heavenly ghost…a kind of reality that is really based on human will. The will of heaven, that is, the absolute characteristic.”

After hearing Yingfei’s speculation, Mo Poor was filled with emotion.

I have to say, this guy is really capable of talking to his superiors to allocate money to support his search for the ‘Art of Wooden Armor’ several times.

The things he said are enough to impress the Blue and White Society, and they will spend a few dollars to support it.

What if you find it?

However, INFINAIR has been looking for it for several years but has not found it, and now it is no longer supported.

“My special funds are gone, and my superiors will not allow me to search and excavate ancient tombs of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties.”

“But I didn’t give up. I discovered another ancient tomb some time ago, from the pre-Qin period, and it was on the route of Qin Shihuang’s east tour. Because it is not a noble tomb, it seems to be just an ordinary person’s tomb, but it is surprisingly Great, I plan to dig it out privately…”

“Ahem… Can my brother support some funding?”

“…” Mo Poor had a strange expression on his face.

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