Blue and White Society Chapter 243: Settlement

Seeing that they were eating so happily, Mo Poor asked them to cook dozens of kilograms of rice again.

There is no oil and water, and the rice is served with pickles. They actually tasted like high-end cuisine.

Their past days were in dire straits, and Mo Poor just gave them meals, and they all showed satisfied expressions.

As far as Mo Poor knows, the staple foods of Japanese and ancient farmers were wheat and radishes. Although rice was paid as a tribute, it is not completely uneaten. Those who have not eaten are children or young people, basically living a lifetime At least I have tasted it a few times, especially during the Azuchi Momoyama era, when serving in the military, there would be rice to eat.

But this group of people actually said that they had never even seen cooked rice.

After asking, Mo Poor found out that most of the time, their staple food was taro and beans. If they mixed all kinds of beans together and cooked, it would be a meal, and they didn’t even eat buckwheat.

As for rice, it is neither affordable nor allowed.

It was at least a thousand years ago that productivity was so low.

In Rihe at that time, although the technology and system were learned from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, most of the areas were ghost lands, and only a few core areas such as Heianjing had achieved considerable development.

So there are still many such miserable farmers in other remote areas.


“It’s delicious!”

After the second bowl of rice served with sauerkraut, their taste buds seemed to be opened to a new world.

The softness and aroma of the rice, coupled with the slight springiness of the teeth, made them feel that they had no regrets in this life.

With sauerkraut, it seems that a chemical reaction has occurred, and the complex taste makes their brains crazily secrete happiness hormones.

Although sauerkraut is just sauerkraut, the craftsmanship is much higher than that of ancient times.

Modern people like to eat once in a while, not to mention that this is something that Lord Gou himself often eats. The impact on the taste buds of those who have never eaten good food is irresistible.


“I can eat such a good thing.”

“Are we already dead?”

“It’s worth killing me now.”

The group of Tuqi people cried and started talking nonsense.

Mo Poor can see that they are very insecure, after all everything is like a dream.

So he said: “No one will kill you. From now on, you will work for me, and you can eat rice every meal, and…”


“I will eat this from now on?”

“How is it possible? Is this rice all for us to eat?”

Tuqi people are going crazy, what is the concept of eating rice every meal? It was already the most beautiful day they could have imagined.

The excitement of this group of people forced Mo Poor to swallow the second half of his words.

At first, I wanted to add another order, but seeing how easy they are to satisfy, let’s forget it and talk about it later.

Although this group of people has no potential, they can do some physical work on the island at most, but it is still beneficial, that is, it is really easy to feed.

If modern employees only give food every day, they would have rebelled long ago.

As for these people, they are extremely happy when they have food to eat, and such a high level of happiness can’t be called abuse.

The rice given by Lord Gou is enough to last for half a year, and the rice is not expensive. In the future, this thing can be eaten openly, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be poor.

What’s more, with so much open space on the island, they can buy some rice saplings, wheat seeds, and even various vegetables for them to grow themselves, and self-sufficiency is no problem.

Thinking about it carefully, Mo Poor almost picked up 300 people for nothing.

He ordered a hundred adaptive seeds online, and then waved for the two scholars to come over.

The two scholars had eaten their fill normally, and felt relieved a lot, and they were no longer so worried.

Tuqi people feel that giving them food is to kill them, and they must do extremely dangerous work, otherwise how could they be so kind to them?

These two scholars are smarter. Seeing this act of calming the people like opening a warehouse to release food, they knew that Mo Poor would not kill them, but just let them live and work in peace on this island.

It can be seen that the concepts and perceptions of ‘people’ in the two countries are completely opposite.

“Shangxian, what are your orders?” The two scholars made a speech.

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “Huh? Am I going to become a fairy now?”

The two scholars were embarrassed, but they still bite the bullet and said: “The great immortal opened up a world and used many magic weapons, so he is naturally a man among immortals.”

“Okay, it’s fine for them to lick. If you two are educated, just call me the boss.” Mo Poor said.

“It’s…the boss.” The two scholars saluted again.

“Which dynasty and generation are you from?” Mo Poor asked.

“Our brothers are all from Yaoshan Mountain in Xingzhou. The current dynasty name is Zhou, and the reign name is Xiande.” The older scholar said.

This is very comfortable and clear, Mo Poor nodded and said, “Zhou? Is it the empress?”

The two scholars looked at each other and said: “You should be talking about Wu Zhou, right? Boss, you may not be very clear in the sky… Da Tang has been dead for fifty years.”

Mo Poor thought suddenly, what? Datang dead?

“Oh, Hou Zhou, by the way…Xian De, is that Chai Rong?”

The two scholars hesitated for a while, and finally the younger one said: “The surname of the country today is Guo… The sage is the adopted son of Taizu… But he treats his biological father like Yuan uncle, and never makes his brothers kings , and the Chai clan has not been named as the royal family…”

Before he finished speaking, the older scholar glared at his younger brother, and then said: “The boss has sharp eyes, and the truth is His Majesty’s surname. Going back to the root and returning to the original, how can you correct it?”

“… Brother taught me a lesson.” The younger brother trembled and dared not speak.

Mo Poor touched his Adam’s apple, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although members of the club must be familiar with history, it is not necessary to study history. Chai Rong is indeed the name of later historians. At that time, he was indeed Guo Rong. No one dared to say that the Chai family was a royal family. To say that the Chai family has the right to inherit is not courting death ? Only Guo Rong’s own son is.

Thinking about it carefully, calling his ancestral surname was just to weaken the legitimacy of his rule by the Zhao Song Dynasty, so as to strengthen the legitimacy of the Zhao Song Dynasty’s replacement in disguise. That is: Chai can replace Guo, and Zhao can also replace Chai.

As a modern person, he has a different way of thinking. Even if he is familiar with history, he can’t compare with these two real ancients.

“The Zhou you are talking about has been dead for more than a thousand years.” Mo Poor said while drinking water to hide his embarrassment.

“Yes…someone has told us before that the name of the country today is Lanbai.” The older scholar said.

“Pfft!” Mo Qiong spat out a mouthful of water, and hurriedly said, “No! No! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Just as Mo Poor called Guo Rong Chai Rong from a modern point of view, these two ancients also understood the Blue and White Society as a dynasty from their point of view.

It’s true if you think about it, the Lanbai Society doesn’t allow them to wander around, they can only live in the territory of the Lanbai Society, let them work, and provide them with living security, isn’t it just to Anmin?

The ‘national power’ is so strong and the land is so vast, even if it is not the ‘Xian Dynasty’, it must be the Shang Kingdom.

Seeing that Mo Poor reacted so strongly, the two scholars turned pale, and hurriedly said: “The villain is here for the first time, and I don’t know what taboo I have committed. Please forgive me…forgive me for my ignorance.”

Mo Qiong sighed: “It’s okay, it’s not so taboo. Anyway, the Lanbai Society is not the dynasty you know, and you can’t go back to the Central Plains. From now on, you can settle down here.” , food, clothing, housing and transportation are all guaranteed. Seeing that you are powerless, I don’t count on you for farming. Take care of these Tuqi people for me, and lead them to reclaim a piece of wasteland and circle a manor, except I let you In addition to planting a few seeds, I will also provide you with traditional crops so that you can be self-sufficient…”

“Of course, I also have additional requirements for you, that is to learn, first give me a thorough understanding of modern Chinese characters, and then I will give you the instructions of these machines for study. I don’t ask you to know what’s going on, give me first It is enough to know why, know how to use it, and know how to read the thermometer.”

The two scholars are overjoyed, isn’t this just becoming an official? It might not be very formal, but it’s enough.

They thought that they would also work together with those savages, and thought to themselves that if they had read books for nothing in this life, they would be able to be petty officials.

The real work is also reading and studying, which is really great.

Looks like Lan Baichao is kind to scholars.

Seeing them bowing their heads and secretly delighted, Mo Poor shook his head secretly. It can only be said that the taller out of the shorter ones, these two scholars are not very useful, but it should be possible to manage this one-third of an acre of land.

“I’ll give you another three hours. If you’re done here, go to the headquarters to find me. You still have pet companions that you haven’t got yet.” Lord Gou smoked a cigarette for a long time, and said suddenly.

Mo Poor was taken aback and said, “What? And pets?”

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