Blue and White Society Chapter 207: Song of Reversal

When everyone in the Darwin team applied to the instructor to change their appearance, Yi Bo seemed to have been prepared.

“Oh? For camouflage, you can use the image adjuster to remotely tamper with body data, including skin color, but you need to go to a containment base far away. If you want to change your image immediately, I recommend you to transform directly.” Yi Bo on the channel Li said.

“Huh?” Mo Poor was taken aback.

Yi Bo said: “I’m ready. If it’s a complete transformation, changing the gender from the root, then I will provide you with a song of reversal. You can also call it a song of **** change. This is the simplest , I’ll ask the containment base to play a song, and just transmit the sound to your headsets.” Yi Bo said.

“It’s so simple? Just listen to the song once, and the gender will change? If the broadcast is broadcasted throughout the city, wouldn’t it reverse the gender of the whole city? What are its side effects?” Mo Poor said.

“Permanent and absolute deafness, the kind that cannot be saved.” Yi Bo said.


Mo Poor was shocked, absolutely deaf, this is not a small price.

But only Mo Qiong and You Xinyanwei were surprised. On the other hand, Alexander and the others looked calm, as if there was no need to worry about this side effect.

Mo Poor asked in puzzlement, “What do you mean? Such a huge price, we can use it casually?”

Yi Bo said: “Originally it couldn’t be used, but under the research of a certain doctor, this side effect was cracked. So this song has become a great weapon for members to quickly transform into disguise.”

“Crack!” Mo Poor was taken aback, the price was actually cracked! Didn’t we agree to be absolutely deaf?

Yi Bo explained: “Normal people will go deaf immediately after listening to this song, including interrupting listening. But then we found that there is a kind of people who are immune to this side effect, and that is deafness.”

“Uh…” Mo Qiong You Xin looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly understood.

“Experiments have shown that people who are already deaf will no longer be deaf. Therefore, before the side effects occur, it is good to stab yourself deaf. This kind of thing can be easily cured by Lanbaishe, but if you wait until the side effects If the side effect of Zhuanzhige erupts, it will be hopeless, it will be absolutely deaf, and it will be impossible to hear a little bit of sound again,” Yi Bo said.

Mo Qiong thought that that was the case, there was such a way to crack it, and instead of deafening him with the contained objects, he might as well do it himself. Deafness caused by the contents is not saved, but doing it yourself can still save it.

The deafening effect is not applied to the deaf, which is a hidden characteristic of this containment object. By summarizing this characteristic and using it, people can bypass its side effects every time.

Alexander is obviously a veteran who has changed, and said with a smile: “This is the fastest disguise support in the club. If you want to change your appearance at a critical moment, you can immediately listen to this song through the communicator. It only takes a dozen seconds Your image will change drastically, and your gender will be reversed. Even your appearance will change so much that you can’t recognize it. What’s more, when you encounter certain contained objects, you can immediately unlock and track them by changing your **** immediately. , because this is a complete refresh of the body.”

“Understood, sometimes it can save our lives, it is convenient and fast, and you will need it sooner or later.”

Mo Poor asked: “Isn’t that right? Isn’t it deaf if you are deaf? Even if you can recover in the base afterwards, if you transform during an emergency mission, it will be troublesome if you can’t hear?”

“It’s very simple. Let me teach you. There is a way to use a small needle to penetrate the Waiguan acupoint to seal off one’s hearing, and then pull it out afterwards, and the hearing will be restored soon.” Alexander said skillfully.

Yi Bo also added: “If your muscles have been trained to more than 700 yuan, then there will be an extra piece of smooth muscle in the auditory nerve, so that you can control your hearing independently. Not only hearing, as long as you train the corresponding muscles Nerves, sight, hearing, smell, and taste can all be closed off on their own.”

Mo Poor has a thorough understanding, which is indeed much more convenient. It seems that the club has thoroughly studied all kinds of songs of reversal.

“Then let’s choose, should we go to the Pacific Base to adjust our body for two days, or just listen to a song?” Yi Bo asked.

Mo Qiong gave him a blank look. Originally, he just wanted to change his appearance. There was no need for such a complete reversal in this mission.

However, it takes two days to go to the Pacific base. Compared with the Song of Human Reversal, it is extremely convenient, and it is the first choice in terms of efficiency.

He will not look far away, not only because he does not want to lower his evaluation, but also because he is not that vulnerable.

After these years of training, his body and will have been different from what they used to be, especially the training of will. At first, he didn’t mind this change, but as his will became stronger, he no longer Will worry about little things.

Everyone has experienced too much in the will training, even experienced the bite of meat worms, and now no matter what they become, they will not be shaken in their hearts.

Even if you become a reptile, you will fight from the standpoint of a human being.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Mo Poor doesn’t have any psychological burden, it just doesn’t mean that he won’t be hypocritical.

The members are a group of iron men whose human flaws have been suppressed to the lowest level, and they are not afraid of any challenge unless they are absolutely distorted.

“Instructor, I won’t listen, I choose image adjustment…” Alexander said suddenly.

“Huh?” Mo Poor was taken aback, wondering if he had changed? Could it be… Isn’t it the same as when training in virtual reality?

Thinking back carefully, when Chris chose Yanwei to join the team, it was Alexander who suggested it. He hoped that there would be real women in the team and not always make him transform.

“Alexander…you care? I heard that you want Yan Wei to come because…” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander smiled and said, “Of course I care, these thieves always tease me, I must tease me back this time!”

“…” Mo Qiong was speechless.

At this time, a very gentle member of the team smiled and said: “That really disappoints you, I also choose to adjust my image.”

“Ah? Shaka, why are you… What are you doing? It takes two days to go back and forth, and there are only six of us. If you want to do this, I won’t change.” Mo Poor frowned, and agreed to change together. , what the **** are these two shrinking back?

Unexpectedly, Alexander smiled and said: “Don’t get me wrong, Chris knows me after my transformation. He and several other old players have seen my transformation. Our transformation is for disguise, completely Transformed into another person. But the transformation of Song of Reversal is fixed, and there is no point in pretending if I change this time.”

Mo Poor raised his eyebrows and said, “Is that so, what about Shaka?”

Sha Jia smiled softly and said, “My gender identity is originally reversed, and the transformation of the reverse song has no effect on me.”

“Huh?” Mo Poor was startled.

Alexander explained: “The song of reversal is triggered based on people’s gender perception, not based on genes. If a person thinks he is a man, he will be reversed into a woman by this song. Conversely, women will also be reversed into men. It has nothing to do with whether their bodies are male or female.”

“That is to say, its judgment is idealistic. Don’t look at Sha Jia as a man. In fact, he always thinks he is a woman. Of course, this is a gender cognitive barrier in the eyes of others, but for us, This is not considered a mental illness, because no matter whether he thinks he is a woman or not, his conviction is the same. You see, if he didn’t say it, how would you know that he has this problem? Under his will, even minor illnesses Not counting.”

Mo Poor looked at Sha Jia, who smiled softly at him, making Mo Poor ashamed.

“Brother, we’ve known each other for so long, I didn’t even know you wanted to be a woman…” Mo Poor said, Sha Ka, who has been violating his true nature, made it difficult for people to see how heavy a psychological burden he has.

Shaka smiled frankly: “It doesn’t matter, to me, this is the same as I don’t like sweets, but I have to eat sweets constantly for work.”

Mo Poor nodded, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked: “Wait a minute! If you reverse it according to people’s gender perception, how do you change it back?”

If he reverses once, it will be the same as Shaka now, the heart and body are opposite. He still thinks he is a man, so he can’t change back to a man.

Alexander said: “It doesn’t matter, the body reversed because of the song of reversal can be restored by listening to the song again. Under the song of reversal, everyone has two forms, one is your natural form, One is the reversed form. In the case of Shaka, it is not invalid, but effective, but the reversed form is the same as the natural form. If the two forms are the same, it means that they have not changed.”

Mo Poor nodded, and said to Alexander: “It’s been too long since you’ve been away for two days, why don’t you just put on makeup, makeup can also be used to disguise yourself.”

“Chris can tell that he is proficient in face recognition, and he also has a perfect score. Through makeup, we can reveal our musculoskeletal shape. No one can fool him with makeup.” Alexander said.

Mo Poor curled his lips, there is no other way. There are a lot of things to learn in the club, and he also learned face recognition, but he didn’t expect Chris to get full marks in the elective courses.

“Then Mo Poor, you will be the temporary captain now, and I will hurry back as soon as possible.”

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