Blue and White Society Chapter 203: Counterpart mission

Everyone thought that a group of people discovered a stone pillar that could create people, and it was extremely miraculous, so they made up a lot of brains and imagined a god.

Isn’t that what religion is like? Behind some stories, the prototypes may be just some ordinary deeds and objects that have been deified.

How could the instructor say that there really is such a god…

What the co-authors believe in is not a fiction, but a definite reality.

“No wonder… no wonder they are not afraid of death, they are extremely fanatical, so they have something to believe in.”

Everyone couldn’t laugh or cry, Yi Bo’s gasping for breath was really painful.

“That’s not right, that **** not only exists, but is also a containment object, and was taken into custody by the Blue and White Society… They even knew this, so they should treat this matter rationally, why are they so superstitious about that containment object What?” You Xin asked.

About that δ-077, the authority is too high, and Yi Bo doesn’t know much about it, so he didn’t mention it too much.

Yi Bo just said: “We think this way, but it doesn’t mean everyone thinks so. We look at the contained objects rationally, but some people just want to regard them as fetish objects. This is a difference in thinking. Living creatures They are gods, and dead objects are sacred objects, and many organizations that believe in contained objects are like this, because those things are powerful beyond the mundane world, and possess powers that humans cannot match.”

“What’s more, this kind of worship is only human nature, but we are a minority. That’s why we keep it secret from the public, and we can’t allow people to sugar-coat the existence of the contained objects and publicize them in society. “

“In addition, their fearlessness comes from brainwashing. Most of the people in the sect came out of the stone pillar of creation. Educating pure white thoughts can make them the most steadfast Believers can also make them the most steadfast members. There is nothing to say…”

Mo Poor sighed, this is indeed a difficult group of enemies.

The troublesome thing is not how strong they are, but that they are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Don’t look at the Blue and White Society easily wiped out a stronghold of the religious order this time, but that stronghold is not important to the religious order at all, and it doesn’t hurt if it is pulled out.

Even the religious group knew that the stronghold could not be defended, so they did not leave any clues about their headquarters.

As long as the headquarters of the Gaia Order is not found, there will always be someone from them who can make small moves all over the world and suddenly come out to raid the Blue and White Society.

Success is good, but failure is good. This group of people has been defeated repeatedly, but they have been defeated repeatedly, causing endless troubles for the Blue and White Society.

“There are people who have everything, they have no money, they can send people to make money, get mixed up in the society, run industries, invest in scientific research, produce weapons, support armed forces… All these are simply like tarsal maggots, hard to get rid of ’” Chris said.

You Xin also said: “Not only that, didn’t you say there is cloning technology? This is a taboo technology recognized around the world. They can use cloning technology to copy a rich man to take over the family property, penetrate into certain industries, and form an intelligence network. , which is also a big trouble.”

As everyone chattered, Mo Poor also thought in his heart: Don’t be so troublesome, they still have something that can cure terminal illnesses, which makes them not worry about funds. get funded.

It doesn’t matter if you are accidentally discovered by the Lanbai Society, you should just give up and shout out a sentence of apostasy, and you will die every minute.

“This organization always has a new force, and there are always pious believers who are willing to die for this cause. If you really can’t kill you, you will be disgusted to death.” Mo Qiong sighed.

“This is a group of lunatics. We can still distinguish human clones, and we can even say that they are easy to distinguish. But the people created by the creation stone pillar are real and completely natural people. They are no different from you and me…” said At this point, Yi Bo sighed: “What you can’t get is always the most precious, but what you can get at your fingertips will not be cherished. They are not afraid of death, let alone the price, so they very much want to get something that can threaten the world. Once they get it, they will Use it regardless of the consequences to defeat us and save their god.”

After hearing this, everyone said seriously: “We will never let them succeed! One day we will contain the creation stone pillar!”

Yi Bo smiled and said: “It is a long-term task to deal with the Gaia Cult. After you become official members, if you find them in your daily life, don’t startle them. It’s meaningless, report it immediately, and slowly catch big fish.” .”

“Just like this time, our people have already discovered the stronghold in Ethiopia, but we have not acted, just stared at it. If they didn’t send people to attack us in turn, we were going to find a way to let people go undercover .”

They have already made a move, so they can only be wiped out directly.

Because once the people sent out fail, the religious group will not be so stupid as to think that the Blue and White Society has not found the stronghold in Ethiopia. Even if the Blue and White Society does not destroy it, they will give up there and it is impossible to contact the headquarters again Maybe even commit suicide altogether.

So Immortal White Immortal, we can only do it as soon as possible, maybe we can gain something.

The Blue and White Society understands them, and they also understand the Blue and White Society.

They discovered the actions of the Lanbai Society, and they could directly send people to fight desperately. But the Lanbai Society can’t do it. The Lanbai Society must consider the overall situation. As long as the other party feels that they have not exposed the stronghold, they will keep it.

“In short, our war with the religious order has been protracted. Not only the Gaia religious order, but also religious organizations, large and small, are our enemies. The specific information will wait for you to graduate later. Your partner will teach you.”

This exercise encountered a real enemy, which can be said to be more effective in training.

At least, the people in Darwin’s team have fully realized Mo Poor’s strength. Like before, when Mo Poor reported information and thought he was talking nonsense, it would never happen again.

After this battle, Mo Poor seems to have become the core, in charge of remote output, protected by everyone, and covering everyone.

However, most of the time, they have no chance to fight.

On weekdays, in addition to being familiar with the terrain, they analyze various abnormal events from peripheral intelligence.

Abnormal events do not mean that there are contained objects. Most of them are rumors or natural phenomena…

Occasionally, there are also human factors, such as the information obtained from the police outside, saying that someone was killed by a ghost, the death was horrific, and the corpse filled the water pipe.

It seems to be really abnormal, but after careful investigation, they found that… This is a murder case. The murderer chopped the dead into meat paste and stuffed it into the water pipe, and deliberately did some weird things on the scene He wanted to pretend to be a ghost to kill people, and then hinder the police from solving the case, intending to scare off the African police here.

Of course, with the assistance of various high-tech means and external reasoning experts, Mo Poor and the others solved the case in only half a day.

After the murderer was arrested, he confessed, but he was also quite confused, thinking when did the Kenyan police become so powerful?

He didn’t know, if he didn’t pretend to be smart, he might really be able to get away with it for a long time if he dealt with the traces a little. After all, the Kenyan police are really good…

But he wanted to make this an unsolved case, so he arranged the scene meticulously. In the end, he couldn’t help exonerating himself. Instead, he attracted two reserve members of the Blue and White Club, two peripheral policemen, and a super hacker. An expert in traceology, plus a Ph.D. in semiotics.

With the Blue and White Society, all those who try to cover up the crime in weird and mysterious ways will be caught in the end.

Similar cases that have been pending and have never been resolved are either rumors or the work of the contained objects.

Mo Poor spends most of his time running around, investigating such unusual events.

In fact, he doesn’t need to go to any of them, as peripheral personnel can also distinguish abnormal events very well.

But he is a newcomer after all, so he has to do more and learn more. As long as he is nearby, he will personally investigate with the peripheral personnel.

The real containment practice during this period usually only lasts for a day or two.

So until three months have passed.

Captain Chris is graduating, and the three-year term will be due in October.

Everyone got together for this, had a barbecue in the wild, and saw him off.

According to Mo Poor’s imagination, Chris should hand over the captain’s position at this time. Not surprisingly, he should be handed over to Alexander. He is the most qualified person in the team after Chris left.

I don’t know, until the next day after watching Chris board the plane, Chris didn’t mention it…

Mo Poor said strangely: “Eh? He didn’t designate the next captain, who will command the team next?”

Alexander and several senior team members told him: “It’s not over yet, do you really think the captain just left? He still has a mission before graduation.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Mo Poor said.

Alexander smiled and said: “This is a custom, and it is only done by the captain after graduation. The society will give him a containment and let him complete several goals. But we are to find him and catch him. Catch him, a guy who is hiding in society and abusing containment!”

“Against the mission? Is he going to act as the holder of the wild containment?” Mo Poor said.

“That’s right!”

“But why did he leave by plane?” Mo Poor asked.

Alexander said: “Change identities! Do you think we are arresting Chris? No, we are arresting a stranger, an unknown enemy. When will this enemy appear, where will it appear, and what will happen again?” We don’t know what to do. As usual, we analyze and verify based on various intelligence clues, and then slowly lock in a person who is committing crimes in Kenya’s domestic containment.”

“Understood? After finding him, we can’t even recognize him. After all, if he is still the same as before, we can easily find him. Then this task will not exercise our investigation ability. We simply want him The passport photo is ready.”

“So the society will let him have plastic surgery first, and maybe directly use the containment to change his appearance. He will perform this task with a completely unfamiliar posture to fight against us, and any appearance is possible!”

Mo Poor grinned and said, “Wow, is there such a way to play?”

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