Blue and White Society Chapter 167: Sweet air wall

Yi Bo’s words made everyone see the reality clearly.

It is a very superficial idea to think that becoming a full-fledged member can defeat the contents.

They just have a higher fault tolerance rate.

Just for this, we have to train hard here.

“Controlling the contents and protecting the safety of human beings never depend on strength.”

“The three basic qualities of blue and white members are wisdom, responsibility and sacrifice.”

“Wisdom, including all the things that can be used by human beings, and using them in the most reasonable way, is the brilliance after the eyes of human reason are opened.”

“Responsibility, that is, containment, control and protection, is our mission. Whether it is the frontline fighters, the researchers in the base, or the arbitrators, no matter what happens, everyone must unswervingly perform this duty. “

“As for sacrifice, it is the determination to persevere until the last second at the most helpless moment. It is the belief in carrying out wisdom and responsibility until death.”

Speaking of this, Yi Bo scanned the crowd and noticed that someone was in a trance.

So, he started roll call again.

“Yang Zhou, Yin Liang, Wesker, Pedro…” He called out the names of another forty people in a row, which immediately turned their faces pale.

“You can leave Limit Island now.”


Yi Bo eliminated more than 40 people in one go, plus the previous 60, a total of more than 100 people were eliminated today.

The sixth group was directly screened out by half.

Mo Poor was startled, and glanced at Yang Zhou: He also…

The people who were named were unwilling, but they didn’t refute anything. Some people even exude a sense of relaxation as if being helped to make a decision.

Only a few shamefully asked, “Why?”

“If you are not strong enough, you can’t be a member. Go to the periphery, and you can still contribute to containment. Don’t feel ashamed. If you still feel that you want to become a full-fledged member after you go back, you can come again. But now…you I haven’t thought about it yet.” Yi Bo said.

The forty people who were eliminated again, perhaps they really wanted to become full-fledged members to suppress the keep-emerging objects.

But in their hearts, there is always a certain kind of luck in their hearts, and the illusion that they will be able to defeat the contained objects if they become members of the club.

Being exposed to the reality directly by Yi Bo at this moment, he suddenly found that he was really shaken and flinched.

“Instructor, I have another question.” Mo Poor suddenly reported.

Everyone couldn’t help being stunned. Even if everyone hadn’t been eliminated, they didn’t dare to speak for a while. Unexpectedly, Mo Poor dared to ask questions.

“Say.” Yi Bo said.

“If the members of the club die, what will the club do?” Mo Poor said.

Everyone was stunned, they all wanted to know the answer, and looked at Yi Bo.

Yi Bo smiled and said: “It’s a very practical question. Yes, people can’t just live for ideals. Faith supports us, but it’s not our only one.”

“The income and benefits of the members, you will naturally know in the future. As for the aftermath, even if you don’t ask, it’s time for me to tell you.”

But he didn’t say anything first, but asked the teaching assistant to send away the more than one hundred people first.

Afterwards, in the place where I teach every day, I will explain to everyone the aftermath of the members.

Here, he often introduces some common sense questions that all members of the club should know.

The first is the pension, which is undoubtedly extremely high. Not only is there a high pension paid out in the form of insurance, but also the income of the members can be received every month.

Yes, after the death of the members, they still have income, which is distributed to the family members of the members according to the standard before their death. As for the name, it is given by some departments of the motherland.

In addition, there are extremely high protection regulations for the family members of the members. There will be peripheral personnel in the society to be responsible for their safety. Whether it is an ordinary danger or a danger in the shelter world, they will be discovered immediately.

To put it bluntly, although the Blue and White Society has a huge intelligence network, they can rush to any place on the surface at an extremely fast speed when necessary.

But sometimes, it still takes more than twenty minutes.

If it is really possible for members of the club to come forward to solve it immediately, either there are intelligence personnel or sentry posts nearby, or it is an extremely important place in the world, such as some places in the wild with inconvenient transportation, inaccessible places, and local agencies. , institutions of higher learning, economic pillars, industrial centers of gravity, scientific research institutions, etc…

The places where problems are least likely to occur have peripheral personnel and even members directly in charge.

In addition to this, there is a third type, which is the location of the family members of the members, and they are also the targets of protection.

It can be said that once a member’s family encounters an abnormal event, they will be dealt with immediately.

“That’s all. If you still think about resurrection, you can bring it up. The plane ticket back is free.” Yi Bo laughed.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and remained silent.

After the dissolution, Du Xiaoyu went to Mo Poor’s side and sighed: “I didn’t expect Yang Zhou to back down.”

Mike also said: “To be honest, I really thought that members of the club could learn something. But… if you don’t have it, you don’t have it.”

“Mo Poor, what were you thinking just now?”

Mo Poor shook his head and said, “I don’t have any idea. I knew how high the mortality rate of members was before I came here. What? Don’t you have this idea?”

Mike and Du Xiaoyu were a little dazed, staring at Mo Poor in a daze.

They did not expect that Mo Poor chose to come here knowing that the members of the commune were like ants.

“You know? Have you been through a lot of containment incidents?” Mike asked.

“You don’t need to experience so much, once is enough. If you see a powerful member being eaten by a monster as food, you will know it.”

Mo Poor blinked, he didn’t shrink back because of the cruel situation of the Lanbai Society, since he came, he naturally took into account the possibility of his inexplicable death.

But he still came. After all, it is good to be stronger. There are no such perfect things in the world. A higher survival rate is profitable.

“Train hard, learn more skills, it’s better than nothing.” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

The days on Extreme Island were the most fulfilling time for Mo Poor. He spent almost every day on the training ground and in bed.

Sometimes he just sleeps on the training ground because he has too many shortcomings.

However, with enough efforts, Mo Poor’s abilities in all aspects are improving by leaps and bounds.

Following that large-scale persuasion, Yi Bo distributed two carats of Taffy stones to the rest of the people, and gave them a hang-up.

Because of the stimulation of that big persuasion, the rest of the people worked harder, almost crazy.

After all, everyone is deeply aware that they have no magic weapon to rely on, and they will not have many cards to learn in the future. These things learned at this moment are already the basics for them to face the contained objects.

It’s either quit or it’s crazy, there is no room for fooling around.

But even so, after another three months passed, 20 people from the sixth group were eliminated again.

These 20 people are all of relatively poor talent, Yi Bo directly told them that even if this talent barely passed the final assessment, they might not be able to survive the day of becoming a full-time member, and died in a certain mission.

Some words made them sound like cannon fodder, but in the end they said that the twenty people left.

Mo Poor could see that Yi Bo did it on purpose to weed out those who could pass the test but were still not confident enough.

When these people are said in this way, they feel that they are very reluctant, so it is better not to be reluctant.

Mo Poor didn’t waver at all when he was persuaded to quit this time, because he found that he was fundamentally different from most of the outsiders who came to Limit Island.

That is, he didn’t expect much from the strength of the members at all. He knew that no matter how many skills he learned, the biggest reliance was probably the absolute hit, and everything else was used around it.

He came to learn these basics honestly. It would be better if he had black technology, and he didn’t ask for black technology to be darker than absolute hit.

If it is said that the most attractive thing for a full-time member is not strength, but experience, intelligence, exploration know-how for unknown contained objects, and strategies for dealing with known contained objects.

This is the most worthwhile place to learn.

Time flies, time flies, and Mo Poor unknowingly honed for a whole year.

On this day, they will face the final assessment of the first year, and until now, the instructors have not told them, how much is considered a pass?

Instead, he just said: “Just try your best to take the exam. When you pass, the society will infect you with an effect. That effect is safe, and it is also a unique skill that every member must know. It has infinite uses.”

Everyone asked: “Every member of the club knows it… Could it be Lingkongxudu?”

“That’s the one, but we call it the sweet air wall, some of you can’t stand sweets, you don’t need to take the test, just go home by plane.” Yi Bo laughed.

Mo Qiong gave a blank look, and here he is again. Everyone was nervous at first, but as time went by, the rest of the people were all old fritters.

Everyone knows that instructors always like to dismiss them, and then they always throw out something that attracts them, which makes their hearts flutter.

It’s not all because of his responsibilities, everyone feels that this should be more of Yi Bo’s bad taste.

“Have you started learning to cross the void in the second year? The air wall…”

Mo Qiong vaguely felt that he might be able to benefit from this thing forever.

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