Blue and White Society Chapter 156: Score above 90

The instructor said that there is a screening test at the end of the first year.

All the required items must be passed, otherwise you can leave. How much is the pass? Don’t know yet.

But Mo Poor has already heard what the full score is.

At least a full score in the shooting class, five hundred in the first year. Starting from Advanced Six, it is the second year of the project, and it is normal to fail.

Originally, Mo Poor didn’t intend to get a full score in this level, but he wanted to get a low score on purpose to end the test.

I don’t know, don’t do it on purpose.

This level was so difficult that he couldn’t pass it. Even if Mo Poor cheated, he still couldn’t get a high score.

The content of its project has undergone a qualitative change, and it just so happens that Tianke is absolutely hit.

Since this is the case, there is no need to deliberately fail, Mo Poor directly ‘goes all out’.

He concentrated on it and stared earnestly for more than twenty minutes.

If you want to talk about transparent ballistics, there must be some, but they are different every time, and you will miss it when the crosshair of the scope is adjusted.

There is also a predictive factor in this, but the trajectory of the’crowd’ seems to be untraceable, and Mo Poor hasn’t found a pattern after observing for twenty minutes.

In the end, I can only shoot at a certain opportunity, and finally move the aim and shoot.

But even so, when he fired the bullet, the trajectory of the bullet was blocked, and it wiped eight targets in a row.

The ballistic trajectory is too narrow, and the field of vision is too narrow. If it happens again, Mo Poor will only wipe out more.

Only accidentally injured eight, which is considered to be an excellent performance.

Mo Poor estimated that the muzzle velocity of the bullets did not decrease here, because that meant that the 600-meter sniper bullets were extremely straight, and there would be no slight deviation due to the collision.

“Sure enough, even if it’s shooting, I still have a lot to learn.”

“There are things that can’t be done with an absolute hit. As a user, my skills are also very important.”

Mo Poor thought to himself, he thought he would deliberately fail in a certain level, but unexpectedly he really stopped there.

But this is not a bad thing, on the contrary he is very excited, which means that he can learn a lot of real skills.

In this way, coupled with the absolute hit, his chances of surviving against the contained objects in the future will undoubtedly be much greater.

“There is one last item, vehicle shooting, have you ever played shooting games? In this simulation cabin, it is loaded with simulation operating systems ranging from tanks to helicopters to remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle shooting. The test is that you are not straight Touch the weapon, and lock the target through the screen.” Examiner Xu said.

Mo Poor nodded, knowing that this had erased the feeling of a long-term actual combat gunner, changing from holding a weapon to holding remote sensing and firing buttons.

Although this type of attack method is usually automatically locked by the system, the limit island is playing the limit, and if it must be operated manually, there is no way.

It’s just that this situation is very special. You just need to have basic skills, and you don’t need to show off, because this is the domain of machines.

So there are not many advanced items, and the total score of this item in the first year is only 100.

“Why not use virtual reality? I have used virtual reality in Mengdao, and I feel that it can be used for all tests.” Mo Poor asked.

Examination officer Xu said: “Except for the training of the will, the others do not know how to use virtual reality. The technology is not mature. For the time being, we can create a very strong environment, but the experiencers themselves do not have much action. ability, just take a walk, stroll around, take a look, touch and so on.”

“There are still too many difficulties in enhancing the interactive selection of experiencers. Did no one tell you when you used it in Mengdao? Just treat it as a movie.”

Mo Poor thought about it for a while, and there really was basically nothing he could do.

For example, in Antarctica, he basically just walked two steps and squatted down in the cold.

And the incarnation of a fetal mouse can hardly even move. In addition to enhancing the sense of helplessness in this situation, it is estimated that there is also a reason why it is difficult to achieve more operations with technology. It is impossible to allow the experiencer to do any action in the game, and it is difficult to improve its degree of freedom and interactive technology.

“And…the cost is too high, we only have two sets on Limit Island. Not only is the cost expensive, but all the bullets you shoot, plus my salary, are not as good as the virtual reality for an hour.” Examiner Xu said.

Mo Poor let out a sigh, not to mention the amount of calculation required for virtual reality, at least it is comparable to a supercomputer, and the power consumption of a supercomputer…

It is estimated that in the power supply of the entire assessment area, the virtual reality used for the will test accounts for 99%…

In the next five minutes, Mo Poor finished the vehicle shooting test and did not need to take the advanced test.

The results can only be said to be very average, even if the operation is not complicated, but Mo Poor is too unfamiliar with this control mode.

What is simulated on the screen is the perspective of a person sitting in a vehicle, such as an airplane, as if a teammate with a full score is flying the airplane beside him, chasing the target perfectly, and he only needs to manually control the weapon system to shoot.

It’s easy to say, but even if he was familiar with all the buttons and remote sensing instructions in advance, Mo Poor was still slow to operate.

This kind of sluggishness is like playing a game with a mouse and keyboard, but the control keys are changed to something else.

No way, this is what you got in the test, which is to kill the feeling of holding a weapon in your hand, and only use this kind of thing to control the vehicle weapon.

Of course, as a video game, Mo Poor can kill the enemies on the screen without hesitation, but this is meaningless.

He finished the exam honestly and got 20 points.

However, maybe practice makes perfect for this thing, and because the weapon is powerful, you don’t need to pursue harsh accuracy, just destroy the target, so the score is not very important. Examiner Xu still gave Mo Poor a very high overall score: 518.

It is true that his firearms score is too high. Mo Poor scored 520 points in the firearms test, and the crossbow and other tests are also full marks. With such a poor score in the vehicle test, he still has a comprehensive score of 518.

This score, let alone a rookie, is beyond the charts even for the entire one-year period.

Out of the shooting range, Mike and others followed immediately.

“Mo Poor, is this what you said last night that you are good at shooting? 518 points! More than twenty-five times mine.” Mike said convincingly.

Du Xiaoyu also said: “You have to teach me how to do it, I want to learn.”

Mo Poor said with a smile: “Some can’t be taught, but I will teach those who can. In fact, you don’t need to learn from me, why did you forget to come here? The instructor must be much better than me, I didn’t hear Say? There are still many after the sixth level, and the official members must be better than me, so you have to learn from the instructors. When we train together, we will just tutor each other.”

Du Xiaoyu thought the same thing, Mo Qiong stopped at Advanced Six, and only scored 20 points in Advanced Six.

The instructor must be more powerful.

“What’s next?”

“I remember you said last night that you have a strong will, right? A doctor has given you a high evaluation? How about we test the will.” Mike said.

Now they dare not underestimate what Mo Poor said last night.

Last night, Mike felt that Mo Poor’s willpower was praised, maybe it was just the doctor being polite, but now he must not dare to think so.

“Whatever, you have to take the test anyway.” Mo Poor said.

After chatting for a while, I saw Yang Zhou walking towards the shooting range, and said with a smile, “Hey, you are all here, did you take the shooting test?”

Mo Poor was stunned and said, “We have finished the exam and are preparing to take the will test.”

“Oh, then you guys go to line up first, there are so many people over there, I’ll take the shooting test first.” Yang Zhou said, and went in for the test.

The people did not wait for him, and went to the will test office together to line up.

There are indeed many, many people queuing here, because there is only one virtual reality device here.

However, everyone sat up for a while and then got off, and then there were staff members who gave psychological counseling and scored by the way.

Everyone spends some time in virtual reality, ranging from a dozen seconds to a minute or two, so the traffic is very fast.

Not long after, Yang Zhou seemed to have finished the shooting test and came running here.

“You just finished the exam?” Mike asked in surprise.

Yang Zhou said with a smile: “Isn’t that fast? We are not veteran students. Everyone here is extremely strict. It would be great if we could get twenty or thirty points in the test. I went to the driving test before. Until someone gets 3 points in the test, haha.”

Mo Poor squinted, driving… he got 2 points.

“Mike, how much did you pass the shooting test?” Yang Zhou asked.

Mike said: “20 points.”

“Holy shit, even you only got 20 points in the exam? Then I did okay, I got 18 points! Just a little lower than you. Your 20 points should be the best score in the sixth group, right?” Yang Zhou thought Mike’s marksmanship is considered the best among them, he is a professional bodyguard after all.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Mike waved his hands greatly: “I’m not! I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Yang Zhou was stunned and said: “Yes, I forgot that there are professional soldiers in our team. You should be the number one among ordinary people.”

“No, no, she’s only 60 points.” Mike pointed at Yan Wei.

Looking at this woman, Yang Zhou felt embarrassed. He didn’t expect this woman to get such a high score in the exam.

“60 points, my God, are you taller than a soldier?” Yang Zhou said with emotion.

I thought it was no wonder that Mike had such a big reaction. It turned out that the number one was a woman, and her score was three times that of Mike.

Unexpectedly, Yan Wei shook her head and said, “No, Mo Poor is higher.”

“Oh?” Yang Zhou was immediately happy, the relationship is good, is it true that the first one is still in their room?

“Moqiong, are you higher than 60 points? How much are you?” Yang Zhou asked.

Mo Poor said with an uh: “Let’s line up first, let’s talk later.”

Yang Zhou was puzzled and said, “Sixty-five? Or seventy?”

Seeing that Mo Poor didn’t say anything, he yelled in horror: “Damn it, you didn’t get ninety points in the exam, did you?”

Everyone raised their foreheads, and finally understood why Mo Poor didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Everyone was queuing up, and there were still people offering psychological counseling over there, but Yang Zhou was bluffing.

Mo Poor hurriedly said: “Well, yes, I got more than ninety points in the exam.”

Du Xiaoyu also said: “Well, it is indeed over ninety…”

“No problem.”

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