Blue and White Society Chapter 127: Painless erasure

The Blue and White Society never thought that the contained objects also had soul mates. After all, there was no precedent for this matter. Who would have thought that the contained objects also had soul mates.

And compared with the huge base of human beings, the containment is still too small.

Even in a human society with a population of 8 billion, soul mates are rare.

The situation that Taotie and a robot are soul mates is completely in the blind zone of the thinking of the Lanbai Club staff. I really never thought of it.

However, this is the end of the matter. When I think about it carefully, I find that the more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

If the two are soul mates, many problems can be explained.

Soulmates can pass on feelings and communicate over long distances. For non-soul mates, this requires a very high level of will to do so. As for soul mates, the requirements are much lower, and the threshold for the use of any spiritual power is greatly lowered for soul mates. Basically, a little psychic power is enough to communicate across the distance of these three floors.

It’s no wonder that Taotie’s containment suddenly failed as soon as it was sent to Meng Island, and the Yongcry robot also showed a long-distance communication ability that it didn’t have before.

Obviously the Lanbai Club is extremely cautious, and it is impossible to make any low-level mistakes.

But if the two are soul mates, even if the robot has not lied, even if it has not evolved telepathic communication, it can still contact Taotie when it comes nearby.

In the past, they were far apart and didn’t know each other, but now that Taotie has become the robot’s neighbor, they can sense each other immediately.

David is destroying the robot. As a robot with thoughts and feelings, its pain is immediately conveyed to Taotie.

Can’t this stimulate Taotie to go berserk?

It made it cry again, beeped in its mind again, and now conveyed all kinds of pain and negative emotions to it.

If this root problem is not solved, the glutton may go berserk at any time, and the feeding and containment method will no longer be able to control it stably.

But now it has gone berserk, let’s stabilize it first.

“Suppress it, don’t let it rush up.” The old ghost said loudly, and rushed to the back of Taotie with a volley, holding a weightlessness instrument, which made it difficult for Taotie again.

However, Taotie was really mad with anger, crying and taking a big breath.

The horrific devouring vortex formed in the air, and all the surrounding sundries rushed towards its huge mouth.

The old ghost has rich experience, kicking frantically in mid-air, keeping away from Taotie.

However, he can volley in the air to borrow strength, Xiao Feng and others can’t, he staggered and flew up directly, rolling towards Taotie in mid-air.

“Ahhh!” Xiao Feng yelled in horror, scratching the air in a needless struggle.

The brown hair was even more difficult. He stared at the painting while rolling, unable to make any struggle or resistance at all.

“Crack!” Mo Poor quickly grabbed the brown hair and pushed it back.

There is no doubt that the brown hair must retreat against the airflow, and Mo Poor can grab him again to stabilize his figure.

But Xiao Feng has nowhere to go, sometimes jumps up, sometimes falls, rolling towards Taotie more and more.

“Death…” Xiao Feng saw that he was getting closer and closer to Jukou, and couldn’t help but despair.

Suddenly, a huge sword flew from the left, and Mo Poor was followed closely behind, holding the sword.

One person and one sword rushed out at an extremely fast speed, and the first to catch up with him.

“Bang!” Mo Qiong kicked hard, kicking on Xiao Feng’s waist, this kick directly sent Xiao Feng flying obliquely, and fell against the airflow to the cracked floor a few meters away.

The alloy floor there was turned up, just enough for Xiao Feng to grasp, even though its surface was sharp and thorny, it was nothing to Xiao Feng, even if his hand was cut bloody, he would not let go of.

But Mo Poor was in trouble, he kicked Xiao Feng away, but accelerated himself, and rushed towards Taotie at a faster speed.

Seeing that there were only two meters away from Taotie, Mo Poor suddenly threw the big ham in his other hand and smashed it directly into Taotie’s huge mouth.

The ham flew away at an extremely fast speed, and got into Taotie’s mouth first.

After eating the meat, Taotie calmed down a bit, and the swirling vortex disappeared immediately.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the problem of eating meat is still the same, and eating meat can ease the mood of gluttony.

At this moment, Mo Poor was lying two meters away from Taotie. If he didn’t continue feeding for more than two seconds, Taotie would definitely pounce on him and devour him.

Everyone understands this, but Mo Poor hastily brought only a piece of ham to save his life.

This piece of ham is only about a hundred kilograms, which is not enough for the amount that Taotie usually eats in two seconds, so it must be fed again immediately.

“Hey!” the old ghost yelled, and threw a large piece of meat over.

But the situation was urgent, but he threw away the porcelain, and the piece was about to fall to Mo Poor’s side, fearing that it would not reach Taotie’s mouth.

That’s okay, right now Taotie’s tearful and ferocious eyes are staring at the flying meat, if the meat doesn’t reach its mouth, it will definitely pounce on it and swallow the meat and ink together!

Mo Qiong’s heart fluttered, but he was quite calm. With a flip of his hand, he swung his big sword and slapped it, hitting the flying flesh.

This shot accelerated the speed of the meat, and it was shot into Taotie’s mouth with extreme precision.

Taotie swallowed it instantly, without even hearing a sound.

“Good cooperation! Continue!” Mo Poor shouted.

The old ghost was embarrassed when he heard this, what kind of cooperation is this?

But now is not the time to talk nonsense, time is running out, and the meat cannot be stopped.

“Come here quickly!” The old ghost threw the meat quickly, and the members at the other end also came around to help throw a piece of meat.

Feeding this kind of thing is difficult for one person, because manpower is limited, and 500 kilograms of meat need to be fed in two seconds, and the amount of meat thrown away piece by piece is not enough, so someone must help. If you throw too much at one time, not to mention whether you throw it or not, your hands will be sore and trembling after at least a few throws.

Taotie has just lowered his anger, so it is not suitable to tease him, he must be fed every second.

This has caused the two members to be as tired as dogs, often useless with their hands, either throwing them sideways or throwing them too close…

“Damn it…” Mo Poor was still lying down, rolling back and forth on the ground, waving his big sword like playing baseball, checking for gaps and making up for omissions, and slapped the wrong food into Taotie’s mouth.

Seeing that Mo Poor has been making up for their mistakes, he has no spare time.

The old ghost’s eyes lit up and he growled, “Give me a shot!”

“Yes!” The other member didn’t talk nonsense, and quickly withdrew two needles, one for the old ghost’s arm, and one for himself.

After a while, the two of them were immediately refreshed, the soreness of their arms quickly subsided, and the mistakes in feeding disappeared immediately.

Taotie has also become much more docile, tilting his head and sucking non-stop, like a dog catching food.

Mo Poor was so idle that he hurriedly crawled back on the ground, and finally retreated to a safe distance.

Taotie was appeased again, the old ghost already had some calculations in his mind.

“The root of the rampage is that the robot is its soul mate. If this is the case, will killing the robot make Taotie completely crazy?” The old ghost pressed the communicator and said.

“Then it should be obliterated, and in the fastest and most painless way…” David said.

The original destruction was nothing more than grinding the robot to pieces, but this method is too exciting for Taotie. Once the robot dies, the huge amount of pain will drive Taotie crazy, and it is likely that he will not be able to appease him for a long time.

But if there is a quick and painless way to erase the robot in an instant, it will undoubtedly be much better. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. The robot cannot be kept, otherwise the Taotie will run away anytime, anywhere. .

For the time being, it is also possible to send the robot away, far away.

But there is not so much time now, could it be that before the robot is sent far away, Taotie has been in an uncontrollable state of rampage?

“Do you have a solution? David.” The old ghost asked.

“You can use the smoking effect of the tobacco infection on human beings. Ten times of smoking can kill the robot silently. As long as the robot is not in pain, the glutton will not feel anything. However, I need D-level personnel ’ said David.

“Got it!”

The old ghost immediately looked at Xiao Feng, but then said to Mo Poor: “Mo Poor, you take D-80083 to support the interpreter, and follow the command of the interpreter in all actions.”

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