Blue and White Society Chapter 123: Died

Mo Poor had already fired ahead of time, but no matter how fast the bullets fired, there was no guarantee that they would continue when the exemption period expired.

The hammer did not leave Blonde’s body, and during the intimate contact, it gave Blonde a big explosion.

This is something that no one expected. Who would have thought that the hammer would fly so fiercely, but after the blond spread his hand, it would still stay in his hand.

It’s as if someone grabbed a bird with his bare hands, and the bird struggled wildly, but after the person let go, the bird still stepped on his hand and would not fly away.

This kind of situation is too rare, as if the hammer has a temper, and it must kill him, so it just flies along the blond hand, always keeping in touch with it, until now.

“How could this be…” The blond stared blankly at the hammer, and after shaking it vigorously a few times, the hammer flew up and hit Mo Poor with a swish.

“Hurry up and eat!” Mo Poor said urgently, abandoning his gun and using his sword at the same time, using flying arrows and hammers to deal with it.

Without saying a word, Blonde lay down on the ground like crazy and stuffed the food into his mouth, Xiao Feng also rushed up to help, gathered all the food without leaking, Blonde just needs to eat.

However, the blonde still shed tears, crying while eating, and her eyes were full of despair.

Too much, the food in this outbreak is roughly estimated to be four kilograms.

It’s impossible for him to eat so much, and even if he could, he couldn’t do it in ten seconds.

Everyone present knows this. Blonde is most afraid of a big explosion. Once the food that exceeds his limit is exploded, it will only last for ten seconds.


It’s really like a soul-destroying meal. In the last ten seconds of his life, he had to eat like hell, eating hazel.

What’s the use? He’s already planted, and he can’t finish the meal at all.

The blond-haired face was ashen, as if he was about to give up. Mo Poor rushed over to help him stuff it, and slipped a bullet casing into the food. Come on, at this moment, Mo Poor forcibly fed her into her stomach.

“Don’t give up, I’ll help you, Xiao Feng, hold on to the hammer!” Mo Poor shouted, grabbed a handful of chocolates and smashed them into the blonde’s mouth.

The blond hair was held open by him, and seven or eight pieces of chocolate poured in together, and actually rushed in, and all the way down the esophagus into the stomach.

The bullet casing is used for positioning, and Mo Poor did not hesitate to break his fingernails to make a dent, which is unique at this moment.

He doesn’t need to know what the blonde’s stomach looks like, he just needs to remember what the bullet looked like just now.

Just like the back arrow chasing the front arrow, the intravenous injection made it impossible for traffickers to escape.

At this moment, Mo Poor smashed it down, and actually forced half a catty of chocolate into the blonde’s stomach.

“Ugh…” The blond hair was naturally in quite pain, it was the pain of the esophagus being forcibly pushed open and something was being poured into it.

But this pain is nothing compared to death, Mo Poor would rather stuff him with acute stomach distension and perforation at this moment than die like this.

No matter what happens in the end, Mo Poor plans to take the blame, and he will always do his best.

“I’m sorry! I can’t stop it!” Xiao Feng was also throwing a flying sword to block the hammer, but he realized how difficult it was after actually operating it.

Throwing and hitting a hammer that moves in mid-air is purely based on the feel for ordinary people. The feel is not good, and it is almost impossible to hit it in a hurry.

Even if it hits the target, it will only touch the edge, and there is no way to push it away.

At this moment, the big iron hammer has already flown close, and it is about to forge Mo Poor into a sword.

“Fuck you, get out!” Mo Poor hurriedly grabbed a sword and threw it, bouncing it away a little.

While flying out the sword, he bowed left and right, grabbed a handful of beef jerky, and smashed it into the blond’s mouth with the same operation similar to a flying knife.

This action is like hitting a baseball, the terrifying momentum of the beef jerky pushes open the constricted esophagus, and slips smoothly into the stomach.

In this way, a total of one catty will be eaten!

But the time is roughly estimated, there are three seconds left, and there is still more than three kilograms of food.

Despair, this is simply a terrifying attack that will kill you.

A bullet to the head is only 300 grams of food, a hammer, after touching it, it is 4 kilograms…

There is so much food, even if Blonde can fit it, there is not enough time.

Mo Poor grabbed another handful of chocolates, but couldn’t help feeling desperate.

“Damn it! What can you do in ten seconds!” Mo Poor was burning with anxiety.

“It’s enough to contain it…” The blond closed his mouth and stood up abruptly, pushing Mo Poor away.

At the same time, the hammer that hit Mo Poor was already close in front of him, and he saw the blond head hit him without fear.


The blond blocked the hammer with his face, and then stretched out both hands, grabbing the hammer firmly again.

“Open your mouth quickly!” Mo Qiong stared at him sadly.

But the blond hair didn’t stop, and ran towards the sword prison with all its strength, grabbing the hammer.

“I don’t want to torture myself before I die, why not use this last time to contain it, after all, no one can catch it except me…”

When the power was restored, the magnetic force of the sword prison became stronger and stronger. When approaching, the blonde could throw the hammer over without much effort.

“Crack!” The hammer was sent into the sword prison by him, and the powerful magnetic force restrained the hammer.

The hammer trembled and stopped moving. It was tightly absorbed in the groove of the giant sword, completely suppressed by the magnetic field.

The blonde finished the containment, and turned to look at Mo Poor.

“You…” Mo Poor knew he was running out of time.

“I really hope…” Blonde died on the spot before finishing his sentence.

In front of everyone, he instantly turned into a sword.

The sword bone is pale, with dark red veins permeating it, criss-crossing, like an infinite tree of life, outlined on the sword.

It seems to be a sword hilt made up of two hand bones. The claws spread out like flowers and extend out from the sword edge. The hilt bones are wrapped with dense gold wires, completely covering the hand bones, like preventing hand slipping and increasing friction. design.

Mo Poor stared blankly at the huge bone sword that was as tall as a man, and was speechless for a long time.

He really wanted to save him, but he felt powerless.

What is ten seconds enough for? Even if Mo Poor cut his stomach open, it would be too late to stuff the food in. Under a truly powerful attack, he would die ten seconds too late.

Blonde knew this very well, and he was very calm in the end. Perhaps, the career of a D-class personnel made him realize it long ago.

One day, the D-class personnel will die in the hands of the containment, one day…

Although he had committed an unforgivable crime, the blonde Mo Poor knew loved life, was strong and honest.

At the last moment of his life, he used his last trace of value and chose to complete containment, which not only saved everyone, but also redeemed himself.

“What’s wrong with him?” The brown hair asked tremblingly, feeling the dead silence on the field.

Mo Poor looked at him, and found that the brown hair was still staring at the back of the painting, without looking up, but tears were falling from the corners of his eyes.

Even if he couldn’t see it, he must know what happened.

Xiao Feng uttered a word while sighing.


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