Blue and White Society Chapter 102: Dangerous

Mo Poor was in the room, using Carl’s computer to search for possible information.

It took about fifteen minutes for him to have a general understanding of the composition of the entire institute.

Unfortunately, he did not find a full description of the contents.

Only a few containment numbers can be found, and where they are contained.

Because most of the containment measures are reinforced, updated, and routinely inspected, Carl has participated in them, or indirectly designed them.

Occasionally, he would apply to bring a certain contained object out of a certain place, and deploy several D-class personnel to contact and study it.

Similar records are everywhere in his computer, so Mo Poor took out a piece of A4 paper, wrote and drew on it, and quickly outlined the distribution of the contents.

He numbered everything on which floor, but most of them only knew the number.

Of course, he already knew the characteristics of Taotie. It was located in room A3 on the tenth floor, which was far away from here.

Beside the place where it is held, there is a meat warehouse, which sends a large amount of meat there for a long time. At the same time, there is a genetically modified organism breeding room, which uses hormones and genetically modified technology to produce a large number of animals to supply gluttony.

Before the transfer of Taotie, the people here have made long-term preparations. After all, if they are not prepared, how could they just transfer Taotie here?

As Karl said, they would not make that kind of low-level mistakes, there must be other reasons for the gluttonous rampage.

“The contents are almost all below the fifth floor, but Carl doesn’t have the simple characteristic information in the computer…”

Mo Poor was a little disappointed, but then he thought of the one at the door: “As a D-class personnel who has been in direct contact with the containment for a long time, would he know something?”

He put the distribution map he had organized in his pocket and walked out of the room.

Outside the door, the young man squatted on the ground and cried silently, he was very scared.

Everyone is afraid, the containment has failed, and the people in the Blue and White Club cannot protect themselves, and the crisis may spread here at any time.

But he was handcuffed in the corridor, unable to run or hide, it’s no wonder he was afraid.

Despite his frequent contact with the containment, he has not become emboldened by it.

And he knows that there is a containment that is no longer managed by anyone, and it may break through the facility at any time, and he is in the corridor, and he can’t even run away.

“Huh?” The young man was crying, when he suddenly saw Mo Poor coming out of the room again, he was startled for a moment, then pleasantly surprised.

“Great, are you going to uncuff me? Save me, let’s hide together.”

In his eyes, if Mo Poor was able to open the door, he must have found a place to hide.

At this moment, he didn’t stay in a relatively safe house and ran out again, he must have wanted to save him again.

However, Mo Poor squatted nearby and asked, “You are so scared, what are you afraid of?”

“Containment breach! Don’t you know about containment breach? I don’t know what γ-520 is, but I know that there are some terrible containments here! And this floor…” The young man hurriedly said.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he stared at something behind Mo Poor in horror.

Mo Poor turned his head suddenly, and saw a half-meter-tall cactus in a corner of the corridor.

“Hiss…” Mo Poor was sure that there was nothing in the corner when he came.

No, it wasn’t there when I first came out of Carl’s office, that’s what just came up.

“Don’t breathe out!” The young man let out a low voice.

Mo Poor’s expression froze, and he saw the pot of cactus rushing towards the young man as if teleporting.


The cactus slapped the young man’s face directly. The left half of the young man’s face was covered with thorns, and even the ball of his left eye was pierced with blood.

But he didn’t say a word, his mouth was tightly closed, and he didn’t even breathe out.

Mo Poor could tell right away that if he dared to breathe again, he would surely die.

“Wooooow.” The young man was handcuffed behind his back, and he could only wink.

He seemed to be signaling Mo Poor to get the cactus down.

Mo Poor hesitated for a while, but seeing the young man holding his breath and whining wildly, he thought to himself that if he kept holding it like this, sooner or later he would be unable to hold his breath.

He didn’t know anything about this thing, but the young man obviously knew something. If he hadn’t reminded him just now, he would probably be the one who was slapped on the face by the cactus now.

Mo Qiong held his breath, held the bottom of the cactus’s basin, and pulled it off the young man’s face with force.

The young man raised his chin and pointed to the opposite room.

Mo Qiong understood, opened the door, threw the cactus inside, and watched the door lock.

When the door was locked, the young man panted suddenly: “It’s a good thing you came out, otherwise I would definitely die!”

“What is this?” Mo Poor asked hastily.

“α-418, this thing is pretty good. If I’m not being handcuffed, I don’t have to be afraid of it. But if I can’t move, I’m dead. This thing can chase and kill the target through the breath of people. Find the nearest one first, if I couldn’t hold back my breath just now, its thorns would directly pierce me through.” The young man said.

Is it not dead? Being shackled here, he would either suffocate to death or be killed by a cactus.

“Is it only locked by human breath?” Mo Poor asked.

“Well, all the rooms here have airtight valves, and there is only one exhaust system. If you throw it into the room and lock it, it won’t be able to find us in a while,” said the young man.

Mo Qiong thought that there was nothing to be afraid of. He even had a way to breathe in front of the cactus.

However, Mo Poor still frowned and said, “All the storage items are below the fifth floor. Could it be that everyone in the Lanbai Club has died? Why did it appear here?”

The young man said in astonishment: “What? Do you think the contained objects can only take elevators?”

Mo Poor was taken aback, yes, the cactus seemed to teleport just now.

Nowadays, almost all combatants are trying to suppress Taotie, but Taotie is a monster that can destroy facilities. A cactus can be locked in a purely closed room, but what if this room is bitten by Taotie? Naturally, the cactus came out.

The researcher is in the protective cabin, and the combatants are wearing protective clothing and have life support devices.

Therefore, the targets of the cactus are almost always D-class personnel without any protection, as well as idlers like Mo Poor…

If it can run out, other things will naturally come out. It’s not that if you hide upstairs, there are members of the commune below to block it, so it must be safe.

The young man said again: “And there is a storage on this floor!”

“What?” Mo Poor was startled.

The young man pointed at Mo Poor’s back with his chin and said, “β-382 is in a room directly over there, and it happened to be transferred to the fourth floor in the early hours of this morning because of the modification of its containment measures. High-level personnel take turns to control… I am one of them.”

Mo Poor’s face was serious, he didn’t expect that he was on the same floor as himself, and there was a containment in the first place.

And it’s no wonder that a D-class personnel was left here.

“Untie me quickly, I will definitely die if I am locked in the corridor.” The young man begged.

“D-level personnel are bound to die sooner or later,” Mo Poor said.

The young man said: “Yes, I should have died a long time ago, but it is a day to live. I would rather atone as a D-class personnel, really…otherwise I chose to accept the execution last week. I also know This is the time for many containment matters, everyone’s purpose is just to survive, we can help each other.”

“There is still a combatant at the elevator entrance on the fifth floor, I think it’s better for me to ask him.” Mo Poor said.

The young man shook his head and said, “If you rush over, he may kill you, because you should find a place to hide instead of running around. Especially you are carrying a pistol.”

“I know what you are worried about. To tell you the truth, I have two effects on my body, both of which were infected during the experiment. One made my blood become high-concentration hydrochloric acid, and the other deprived me of pain. It also gave me an extra pair of eyes.”


I saw him turn his head, two locks of hair were shaved off at the back of his head, revealing a pair of disturbed eyes.

“You can still deduct it…it can exist independently.” The young man said again.

Mo Poor didn’t bother, and at the same time thought to himself, it’s no wonder that this guy is still calm and composed after being slapped **** by the cactus, so he doesn’t feel any pain anymore.

Thinking for a moment, he shot the youth free from the knocker.

The youth’s handcuffs are leaning against another handcuff, which is connected to the door.

Mo Poor broke one of the pair with a shot, allowing him to walk around, but his hands were still handcuffed behind his back.

“Tell me what you know, and then I will lock you in a room, and you will wait there until the people from the Blue and White Society come to you.” Mo Poor said.

“Thank you very much.” The young man seemed to really just not want to stay in the corridor. Although his hands were still handcuffed at the moment, he was still very happy after hearing what Mo Poor said.

But at this moment, a scream sounded.

The two were stunned, and immediately ran to the end of the corridor to take a look, and saw that the security guard guarding the stairs had been attacked by something, and had fallen into a pool of blood.

The elevator door was open, and the corpses of security guards were lying inside, with blood spattered everywhere.

“Hiss, what’s coming up?” Mo Poor felt his hairs puff up, as if something had been hidden around him.

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