Blue and White Society Chapter 1000: Box holder

During the waiting period, Mo Poor raised a few spiritual resisters to a level where they could resist the fear of all beings.

Mo Poor doesn’t need it, he really throws them all into the Fear of All Beings, as long as the space-time axis is on the scene and the depth axis is at the Fear of All Beings, the effect is the same.

I saw them move a short distance one by one, and each of them resisted in their hearts, reaching the level of David.

“Where’s Lord Gou?” Mo Poor asked.

“He’s still digesting his energy and said he’ll be there later,” David said.

Mo Poor nodded, at this time the beautiful woman walked into the hall fully dressed.

She walked to the wall, inspected the badge of the Lanbai Eye, then looked at Mo Poor and said, “Are you the president of Lanbai?”

Mo Poor said: “That’s right, you are also a member of Lanbai Club.”

The woman nodded and said, “My name is Ayi, codenamed Yuexian, and I belong to the Tianshen group.”

“How long have I been petrified? How come the logo of the blue and white eye has been changed? Who designed this? It’s not as good as before… Uh, is it that person?”

Everyone was astonished, what the hell, the Celestial Group?

But I won’t be surprised soon, now there are one hundred thousand three-eyed tribes in the Lanbai club, and their powers are terrifying.

If you have to set up an organization, they can also be called the Tenjin Group.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “This is not the dimension you were born in, and we are not the Lanbai Club you belong to. Don’t you remember your situation before you were petrified?”

Ayi widened his eyes and said: “Another dimension? Ah! I remembered, I was exiled by the Destroyer, and he actually exiled me to another dimension?”

“The Destroyer?” Mo Qiong asked.

Ayi pursed his lips and said: “The Destroyer is the code name we gave him. To be precise, he is the holder of the box, and the box is the most powerful containment in the world. It holds the entire dimension, The holder can edit almost all the information in the dimension, even if he is not proficient, even if the usage is rough, or even does not understand the information, he can still create all kinds of cheating passwords and permissions to strengthen himself.”

“That guy was selected by the box and has become the God of the dimension. He can make all containment effects invalid against him, and he can create and destroy multiverses with one thought, and even design rules.”

“He randomly compiled a set of practice systems, and divided the entire dimension into ninety-nine layers. The upper and lower realms are clearly graded, and each realm has nine realms. In the lower realm, the strongest president among us was originally a saint, but he turned into a saint in the lower realm, and he is eight hundred and eighty-two levels away from the world destroyer in the upper realm.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

This is too strong, what is the concept of making rules? This directly edits the world view.

This is equivalent to their cultivating immortals, who have worked so hard to achieve perfection, and suddenly someone added more than 800 realms to their heads…

It may even be a nonsense, but this is ‘orthodox’, ‘mysterious’, ‘natural way’…

Mo Poor couldn’t help but be speechless, good guy, each dimension of Lanbai Club has its own suffering.

The contents of Ayi’s dimension are no worse than theirs. The Destroyer is actually equivalent to their queen.

Even that box is more disgusting than the Queen…

The queen is infinitely adaptable, so strong that she can’t see the edge, but the box holder is more direct. Ordinary people hold the box in their hands, and they are God.

It’s hard to say which of the two is better, because both have things they can’t change. Ayi used the word “almost” when talking about the power of the box, which means that the box also has things that cannot be seen through or edited.

If you think about it, you will know that first of all, there is a clone body of Poluoge, which cannot be changed even by a box.

“Didn’t he directly destroy you?” Mo Poor asked.

Ayi said bitterly: “Do you know the ultimate containment procedure?”

Mo Qiong said clearly: “I understand.”

Ayi closed his eyes and said: “The president told us this final measure, so we plan to commit suicide collectively with one containment object, and die with all the containment objects.”

“But we failed. After the World Destroyer realized the ultimate containment measures, he found that he could not change the iron law, so he suddenly appeared, killed most of us first, but kept the remnant souls. And some Partners, including me, were captured by him. Some of them were imprisoned in each realm, and even a special one was reserved for free development to ensure that the contents would never disappear.”

David and the others were heartbroken, it was too tragic, if there was no ultimate containment measure, the blue and white society in that dimension would be wiped out directly, and would be easily wiped out by a mortal with a box.

The most important thing about the ultimate containment measures is not the death of all members, but a change of heart.

Once the members of the Lanbai Club surrender to him, their faith disappears, and they give up the cause of asylum, then they are no longer members of the Lanbai Club. This is the most complete ‘death’.

Thus, the World Destroyer will not only not twist their minds, but will also keep them trapped at the bottom, where they will grow up carelessly, and always keep some seeds of resistance against themselves, which can be passed down from generation to generation to replenish fresh blood.

Otherwise, once the blue and white members die, the ultimate measure will also be triggered.

But that box is really an unsolvable thing.

But the user is not necessarily unsolvable.

At least the so-called ninety-nine floors, a huge system of rules, is almost meaningless in front of the contained objects.

The Destroyer doesn’t understand the information at all. But this happened a long time ago. So many years have passed, a total of 60 million years, the fool has grown up, right?

“How did you get exiled…” Mo Poor asked.

Ayi was in a bit of pain, she covered her face and said nothing, so Mo Poor didn’t ask any further questions.

She appeared completely naked, obviously she didn’t want to talk about some things.

But after all, she is a member of the club, so she adjusted quickly and said: “The way we die is very special, that is, to print the universe on Best Metal. Best Metal is something he can’t edit It can carry everything, and it is the cornerstone of the dimension. The entire universe can be ‘imprinted’ on Best Metal, and all things belonging to that universe will be destroyed. Except for information, information will exist like a record in That best metal surface.”

Hearing this, Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took out the best metal that Hao had used.

He still didn’t feel anything, but Qin Huali’s perception of the golden apple was more stable.

“Yes, I feel a world. All the history of a world from its birth to its destruction is recorded on it. It’s probably like this. In the end, it’s not a destructive destruction, but an ‘end’. It has been frozen into a ‘history’. A ‘record’, not a real substance.” Qin Huali said.

Information defines itself as matter, it is matter, defines itself as records and concepts, then it is just intangible and qualityless information.

Ayi saw the best metal in Mo Poor’s hand, and said in surprise, “You have it too?”

“That’s it. There will only be one person in each dimension who uses Best Metal’s ‘recording function’. When we were preparing for mass suicide, the World Destroyer had just finished designing the ninety-nine layers. In fact, at that moment, we It has already failed.”

“Damn it! He didn’t know about it himself, he only knew that we were going to use this to destroy the universe, so he rushed to the scene to take away our best metal and killed most of us.”

“… After he stripped me naked, he found the best metal hidden in my body, and he was so scared that he immediately exiled me.”

“He may be using this function for the first time. Now it seems that since I have arrived in another dimension, he should use the box and throw me out of the box…”

Mo Poor quickly asked: “How do you use Best Metal’s ‘record function’?”

Ayi said: “As long as it is the most powerful person in the dimension, you can use it.”

“Best metal is indestructible, nothing but spiritual power can change its shape, and it has not acknowledged its master, any stronger spiritual power can take away its control.”

“That is to say, Best Metal actually has a measure and judgment of all spiritual powers, and it naturally knows who is number one.”

“The first, as long as you perceive the information of a certain universe, even a little bit, you can imprint that entire universe on Best Metal and turn it into history.”

Mo Qiong sighed, thinking that it was so.

No wonder Ayi said that the moment the World Destroyer finished creating the ninety-nine layers, the plan failed.

Of course it failed. Originally, in the Blue and White Club, there was probably a member who was the most spiritually powerful. But the World Destroyer’s pretentiousness just happened to decipher the plan of the Lanbai Society.

The person with the strongest spiritual power in the dimension became the World Destroyer at that moment, and no one else could use this function of Best Metal.

“Similarly, I’m afraid no one on our side can use this function.” Mo Poor said calmly.

Hao could use it back then, because in that era, the one with the strongest spiritual power in the whole dimension must be the ancient god.

The one with the strongest spiritual power among the ancient gods is probably Hao, that’s why Hao discovered the hidden function of Best Metal.

But he will definitely not destroy the mother universe, so he only uses this function to deter other ancient gods. The ancient gods all went to an early universe to become gods. Their lifeline is there. Once that universe is destroyed, The ancient **** then disappeared.

This is Hao, the truth about being able to become the Supreme God King.

Nowadays, times have changed dramatically, and the person with the strongest spiritual power is undoubtedly the Zerg Queen.

“Damn…” David and the others were also aware of this, and couldn’t help cursing.

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