Bleach Stronger by AFK Chapter 442: Hongji

It really fell off!

Looking at the strange yet terrifying creatures in front of them, Jiang Han and Lu Lin didn’t know what to say.

Although he is not the Knight of the Bright Moon, the huge creature in front of him is obviously not weak, and the pressure that permeates the surroundings is undeniable.

“This is so effective”

Although it was not the first time they had seen Ren Yanan’s good luck, Jiang Han and Lu Lin couldn’t help but be stunned when they saw it again.

“What kind of creature is this?” Ren Yanan looked unsurprised or careless, and then curiously looked at the huge creature that suddenly appeared.

Compared with the surprise and curiosity of the girls, Kos and Saiura turned pale, and a layer of dense cold sweat instantly broke out on their backs. A huge sense of oppression was like a mountain rock, rolling heavily on their hearts

When the huge creature’s gray and dull eyeballs turned around, the shock in the hearts of the two people reached its peak in an instant, and they did not hesitate to take action first.


The huge creature suddenly opened its mouth wide and let out a high-pitched howl like a baby crying, which made people’s eardrums hurt.

Affected by the sound, Kos and Seura could not help but stagnate. The next second, they were shocked to see rich purple mist spurting out from the mouth of the giant creature, pouring towards the two of them like a torrent.

Even if they didn’t know what the purple mist was, they could intuitively guess that it must be very deadly. The two of them unanimously chose to duck to the side.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Saiura suddenly heard the crisp sound of metal friction in his ears. He turned his head and looked around, and found that the huge creature had arrived in front of him at some point. It opened its mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp blades. , biting down on his own head.


The frightened screams stopped abruptly only halfway. The giant creature closed its mouth, and a scalp-numbing sound like the stirring and friction of metal turbine blades came from inside.

Looking at this scene, Kosi felt as if a basin of cold water was poured on his head, and he was suddenly chilled from head to toe. The memory of almost dying under the sword of the Chief Officer of the Gotei 13 Team came to his mind again.

The unspeakable fear instantly destroyed his will to fight. Without any hesitation, Kos turned around and ran away, rushing madly into the distance.

As long as he finds his companions and any sergeant major, he still has a chance to survive!

It’s a pity that his luck was not as good as last time. As a shadow enveloped him, the **** mouth embedded with countless sharp blades bit down again, swallowing Kos together with the hard ground under his feet, and he fell on the street. Leaving a huge hole.

Crunch! Crunch!

The sound of scraping metal and chewing bones and flesh echoed in the empty streets.

Even the three women who were rescued by the giant creature couldn’t help but feel frightened at this moment.

“The monster won’t turn around and eat us too, right?” Ren Yanan asked worriedly. The other person didn’t seem to be very picky about food.

Jiang Han and Lu Lin both shuddered and looked scared.

This way of dying is absolutely painful!

However, looking at the scene where the huge creature effortlessly killed two StarClan sergeants, one knew that if it really wanted to harm the three of them, it would be impossible for them to escape.

“Don’t worry, Ksitigarbha will not take action against you.”

While I was panicking, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind me.

The three women were startled and quickly turned around to look, only to realize that there was another woman behind them.

The woman is very beautiful, with a classical and gentle temperament. Her dark and smooth hair is combed into a bun and tied behind her head. Two strands of hair fall down from the side of her face, making her skin as white as snow.

Her limbs are slender and slender, but if you look closely, you can see that her wrists, elbows and shoulders have joint patterns like those of a puppet’s limbs.

“Who are you?”

Jiang Han subconsciously took half a step back, showing a wary look.

Forget it about herself and Lu Lin, Ren Yanan is a level 24 Morning Star Knight, and anyone who can approach her silently is at least a powerful person at the level of the Bright Moon Knight.

“First there was a powerful and terrifying strange creature, and then a powerful man of the Bright Moon Knight level appeared. When did the Bright Moon Knights become all over the streets? What happened in the city?” Jiang Han gritted his teeth. , and felt extremely confused.

Lu Lin stared at the woman in front of her intently, her eyes falling on the white feather fabric she was wearing, and a hesitant light flashed in her eyes.

“Huh? This dress looks so familiar, I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before.” Ren Yanan scratched his head, looking confused.

This sentence crashed down from Lu Lin’s mind like a thunder, instantly triggering her memory, and she finally recalled the information related to this white feather fabric.

The Gotei Thirteen!

This white haori is the uniform of the Gotei 13, and it is a special costume that can only be worn by captain-level characters!

The moment the thought emerged, Lu Lin couldn’t help but open her eyes wide and swallowed uncontrollably.

The woman in front of me is the captain of the Gotei 13?

It is rumored that one of the thirteen strongest members of the Gotei Thirteen Team, a strong man with the peak power of the Knight of the Shining Moon?

As if aware of Lu Lin’s thoughts, the beautiful woman in white haori smiled slightly and said softly: “This is the first time we meet, my name is Benihime, and I am currently the captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13th Division.”

Sure enough!

Lu Lin took a deep breath, and Jiang Han next to her also looked surprised.

“The Gotei Thirteen? Ah, it’s the armed group founded by Agawa, right?” Ren Yanan clapped his hands in sudden realization.

Jiang Han glanced helplessly at his nervous friend, then looked at Beniji, and asked hesitantly: “How come the members of your Gotei Thirteenth Team appear in Baiwei Castle?”

“Sir Maya Hayashi asked for help from the Seireitei.” Beniji explained softly.

The three girls suddenly realized.

“Where’s Ah Chuan? Has he come yet?” Ren Yanan asked excitedly, “I haven’t seen him in nearly a year and I miss him so much!”

Expectation also flashed in the eyes of Jiang Han and Lu Lin.

Hongji did not speak, but shook her head slightly, making the three women look disappointed.

“I’ll take you to a safe place.” Hong Ji waved her hand, and the Ksitigarbha Jizo not far away drifted over.

As they got closer, Jiang Han and Lu Lin subconsciously tensed up their delicate bodies due to the oppressive huge body. On the contrary, Ren Yanan boldly stepped forward and touched the golden body of Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha. .

“What kind of creature is this?”

“It’s my’s called Bosha Jizo, you can call him Jizo.” Hongji chuckled.

The creature in front of them has nothing to do with humans in any aspect. It is more like a summoned creature. After listening to Hong Ji’s words, the three women only thought that the word companion was Hong Ji’s way of expressing her close relationship with the summoned creature. After saying this, he nodded in understanding.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Han finally remembered the business and said hurriedly: “Lord Hongji, we have to rush outside the city to meet up with Your Majesty and the others!”

“Just call me Hongji.” Hongji smiled slightly, “Let’s rush there now.”

After a pause, she turned to Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha and whispered a few words. Then she saw the latter’s size shrinking sharply, becoming only half a person tall. A pair of butterfly-like wings behind his back swayed slightly, hanging Stop fifty centimeters above the ground.

“Ksitigarbha is too big and the target is too obvious when flying in the air. Let’s rush there from the ground.” Beniji explained softly and walked forward.

The three of them, Ren Yanan, looked at each other and quickly followed.

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