Blasphemy: Under 8 Red Confusion

A raging forest fire is difficult to extinguish.

Under the cover of night, Rogge was running along the corridor of flames left by Tangke Bakala. The wide flame corridor is filled with huge charred trees that emit light green smoke, many of which are still spitting out weak tongues of fire.

Although several days have passed, the huge footprints left by Tangke Bakala are still emitting an astonishing high fever. At the base of some footprints, the molten rock is even still soft.

Walking on the flame corridor, Rogge has already discovered a special feature of the dark forest, which is the extremely strong vitality.

Between the giant trees that have not yet burned out, Rogge will often see several dark red shoots growing quietly. They are not afraid of the surrounding flames, high temperatures, and charred solid ground. They grow tenaciously and at a terrifying speed that is visible to the naked eye. These new plants look different from other plants in the dark forest. They are extremely heat-resistant and can even absorb the energy needed for survival from the breath left by the Fire Tyrant.

Roger picked off a new leaf.

This dark red leaf twisted and stretched in his hand, and even had several pointed nozzles protruding from the edge of the leaf, seemingly trying to penetrate his skin to **** blood to replenish it. energy necessary for growth. Rogge observed the new leaf carefully for a while, and then a small ball of extremely light silver flame ignited in his palm, burning the leaf that was not afraid of fire into a ball of green smoke without any ashes. Leave.

There was a slight sound of strings on the ground around Rogge, and the new terrifying plants seemed to already know the tragic fate of their companions, and they burrowed underground with all their strength. After a while, within a few dozen meters of Rogge, there were only sections of charred wood, without any life left.

But Rogge knew that not far underground, there were countless young but terrifying new plants lurking.

This is the horror of the dark forest!

The Dark Forest is like a huge beast. For it, every catastrophe is an opportunity for new life.

Rogg jumped up and ran down the flame corridor like a wisp of smoke.

The surrounding scenery swept back quickly. Against the background of thick and gloomy colors such as dark gray, black, dark green and dark red, a bright red suddenly flashed across Rogge’s sight.

He stopped suddenly.

Rogg looked around and found that he was in a very huge ashes field. If the previous Flame Corridor was a road, then this place was a huge square. Within a radius of 10,000 meters, there is not a giant tree that can still stand upright. It seems that the flame tyrant Tangke Bakala was stimulated by something, so he completely destroyed this large forest.

Similar to the situation along the way, there are countless new plants growing quietly in this ruins, and one is even trying hard to poke its head out from under Rogge’s feet.

Roger didn’t care about these very dangerous new plants. His eyes only fell on the edge of the ash field. There, there was a clump of low shrubs, very common in dark forests.

It’s just that unlike those shrubs that are either dark green or dark gray, this bush is all flashing bright red.

He couldn’t help but walk towards the bush.

The dark forest is windy.

The wind here is rich in all kinds of negative energy related to darkness, which is incredibly rich. Because of this, even an inconspicuous breeze contains huge power. In the dark forest, you can often see a gentle breeze passing by, and then a strange scene of giant trees swaying in the wind. Because of this, it is very difficult for even those who are proficient in martial arts to travel through the dark forest. When there is no wind, the dark forest is no different from the outside world, but once the wind picks up, the people flying by will be like a small boat struggling in the huge waves, and every move will feel like they can’t help it.

The creatures in the dark forest are not only adapted to the wind here, they also know how to use the wind here. Some terrifying monsters can even use wind as their weapons. These monsters may be fragile in the outside world, but in the dark forest, their power is increased several times.

A whirlwind swept through the entire ash field. Huge charred trees were rolling continuously, and the giant trees that had escaped the edge of the ash field were swaying in the wind. The wind didn’t seem too strong, but several thick tree trunks flying in the wind showed its terrifying power.

This cluster of bright red shrubs also swayed slightly in the wind, but their movements had nothing to do with the movement of the wind. They just kept swaying according to their own rules.

Roger stopped at the edge of the bushes. The bushes were glowing with a faint red light, reflecting a small patch of bright red world around them.

Finally, he slowly stretched out his left hand and reached into this mysterious bright red space.

At that moment, Rogge seemed to have an illusion. He felt that his hand had passed through the barrier of space and entered the mysterious space that he had visited several times in his soul form. That space was filled with a storm of energy. Fatty once doubted if there really was anyone strong enough to survive in that space.

He opened his eyes, looked intently, and saw that his hand was still well connected to his body. But the arm that has entered the bright red world, the skin is now exuding a faint red brilliance, just like the bush.

Roger tried to touch this mysterious bush, and the feeling on his fingers told him that this was just the most common bush in the dark forest. But the detection of mental power showed that this bush was in a very strange state, as if they were existing in two different planes at the same time.

But it’s really just a bush.

How can a bush exist in two different planes at the same time? Rogge’s brows furrowed as he saw an unusually bright red leaf in the center of the bush. So he stretched his body as much as possible and tried to reach out to touch the red leaf. Intuition told Rogge that he must not let his whole body enter this bright red world. No matter how he stretched his body, one foot would stay outside the bright red world.

Roger’s hand finally reached the red leaf, but his fingers passed through the leaf, as if the leaf was just a phantom. He tried a few more times, each time with magic of different properties attached to his hand, but the result was that it always passed through the leaf surface, and no force of any nature could touch the red leaf.

Roger retreated, closed his eyes and thought, while using his mental strength to explore this mysterious space. Finally, he finally determined that the red leaf was indeed an entity, but it did not exist in this plane at all. There is a mysterious power that makes its projection appear in this plane. Moreover, the entire bush is being pulled extremely slowly towards that unknown plane by this mysterious force.

Rogg suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the bright red world. When he took his hand back, there was already a touch of red in his palm. This was not light or entity, it was just a color, representing an invisible force.

The red slowly dimmed, and Rogge knew that this meant that the mysterious power was gradually losing.

The bright red world shrouding this bush is actually an extremely dangerous trap, a trap that connects to an unknown plane with no way back. The trap will disappear only when the mysterious bright red disappears, but the prey already trapped in the trap will be completely destroyed by the transformation of different spaces as the bright red disappears.

However, this bush is so obvious that it does not seem to be a deliberate trap, but just a natural barrier formed by the unconscious bright red falling on the ground.

Rogg raised his head to the sky, and the sky was still a lifeless dark gray.

After stopping in front of this bush for a long time, Rogge finally continued to move along the flame corridor with a heavy heart.

The clouds over Moonlight Dragon City have never been so dense.

Although it is morning, the tall and spacious rooms in Dragon City are still very dim, and the scenery further away becomes blurry. In the past, even in the darkest moment before dawn, the walls of Dragon City would emit a soft light. Every silver dragon is used to sleeping under this comfortable light.

The light of the Moonlight Dragon City comes from the divine power of the Dragon God. On the day when the Dragon City turned from brilliance to dimness, all the silver dragons knew that the Moonlight Dragon City was far away from the Dragon God’s care.

The dim environment made the silver dragons in Dragon City become anxious and restless. Although the dimness had lasted for a long time, the silver dragons were obviously still not accustomed to the new environment. The uneasy atmosphere continued in Dragon City. It spreads day by day.

The only place in Dragon City that still exudes brilliance is Longchi.

In the huge dragon pond, the sapphire blue water ripples without wind, exuding a soft and extremely comfortable magical atmosphere. However, the water in the pool only covers the bottom of the pool at this moment, which is completely different from the scene in the past when the entire dragon pool was filled.

Cranio, standing by the dragon pond, sighed deeply. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before the dragon pond would completely dry up. At that time, all the magic barriers in Moonlight Dragon City will lose their energy, and the dragon eggs will only be able to rely on the flames breathed by the silver dragons to keep warm. The injured warriors will have to rely on their own physical strength to recover from their injuries, and even the lighting inside Moonlight Dragon City, Either you can only rely on secular flames, or you can rely on the silver dragon to support the magical light with its own magic power.

Moonlight Dragon City, which has lost its dragon pond, is just a body without a soul.

Cranio walked up the stairs with heavy steps, arrived at the temple dedicated to the Dragon God, and began his daily routine of atonement prayers.

The temple was dark, and Cranio’s amber eyes were the brightest light source in the hall at this moment. On the altar at the end of the hall, the huge statue of the Dragon God does not feel any sacred and solemn atmosphere. It is just a stone sculpture with nothing special about it. It is essentially no different from the boulder under Dragon Peak.

Cranio prayed silently with the most pious heart, hoping that the Dragon God could forgive her sins and bring God’s grace to Moonlight Dragon City again.

The long prayer was over, and this time she was still disappointed.

In fact, even without the blessing of the Dragon God, the Dragon Pool, and the natural dangers of the Dragon City, the overall strength of the Silver Dragon clan, which still has ten adult warriors, is still strong. Any dragon, whether high or low, adult or old, can easily destroy a group of human adventurers. Logically speaking, Cranio had no reason to be upset. There are really only a handful of races that can pose a threat to the aloof Silver Dragon. Even if all twelve steel golems of the Babylonian Empire’s Golem Legion were driven under the Dragon City, Cranio would only need to send six warriors to annihilate the entire Golem Legion.

But she still felt uneasy day by day, as if a pair of invisible eyes were watching her. This unknown enemy must be stronger than imagined and able to kill Nicholas silently. She had already seen that the Babylonian Empire had only abused Nicholas’s body, and that its murderer was someone else. Of course, just the evil act of torturing corpses was enough for Cranio to make the decision to destroy the golem army. Maybe the real murderer who killed Nicholas was those who seriously injured him, but it must be this unknown enemy who killed Nicholas in the end.

That day, when she drove Nicholas, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, from Moonlight Dragon City, Cranio’s heart had already died. That was the first time she realized the responsibility and helplessness of being a king. This enemy can insert the infinitely powerful silver dragon into the conspiracy, which is obviously not something ordinary silver dragons can handle. Perhaps the only way out for Moonlight Dragon City at this moment is to gather the strength of all Silver Dragon warriors.

But Cranio doesn’t even know who this mysterious enemy is.

In fact, her heart ached all the time because she could never forget Nicholas’ miserable fate.

She was once again immersed in boundless pain, and she didn’t even know how she returned to the Silver Dragon King’s meeting hall on the top floor of Dragon City.

After Cranio prays every day, it is the routine meeting time of Moonlight Dragon City, so there are already several silver dragons waiting here.

Cranio suppressed the grief in his heart and managed to cheer up. From Silver Dragon’s perspective, she is still very, very young. The responsibility of the position of Silver Dragon King is too heavy for her.

Seeing that Craneo had already established himself as the Dragon King, a young silver dragon warrior said: “Dear Craneo, I have discovered the ambush location of the Golem Legion of the Human Babylonian Empire. They have hidden it very cleverly. If you hadn’t brought back the news of the human invasion, so that we could search for it purposefully, it is very likely that they would have successfully lurked near Dragon City. They brought a total of six steel golems. If we had one If one or even two soldiers were ambushed, the consequences would be disastrous.”

The words of the Silver Dragon Warrior made Cranio involuntarily think of the scene that day, and she felt another heartbreaking pain!

The other silver dragon also spoke: “Dear Cranio, following your instructions, we have expanded the search scope around Dragon City these days. Forgive me for bringing back bad news. I don’t know why. , the frost-armored giants on Qingshi Mountain left the camp under the leadership of their leader. Looking at the direction they were heading, it was Moonlight Dragon City! Judging from the number, they had a total of more than 80 adult warriors. It seemed that there were more than 80 adult warriors in the camp. All the giant warriors are involved in this operation. I can’t fly too close, but I don’t think their intentions are friendly.”

Cranio nodded, adding a layer of worry.

A heavy sound came from outside the door, and then another silver dragon entered the meeting hall. He seemed very uneasy.

“Dear Craneau, I brought back a very bad news from the dark forest! The flame tyrant who has been sleeping in the cracks of the abyss for many years walked out of the abyss at some point and has now traveled through the entire darkness. Forest! The direction he is heading towards is Moonlight Dragon City! I observed his traveling speed, and he will arrive at the gates of Moonlight Dragon City in three days at the latest. It seems that Tangke Bakala’s goal is also Dragon City. ”

Cranio felt dizzy and couldn’t help but let out a low moan.

All the beings around Moonlight Dragon City that could rival the Silver Dragon were gathering towards Dragon City at the same time! If these three forces were combined into one, they could easily destroy all the silver dragons in Moonlight Dragon City.

Cranio vaguely felt that behind the three obvious enemies, there was still a huge shadow, which was the truly terrifying enemy of the Silver Dragon Clan. But she can no longer care about much. The most urgent task at hand is to resolve the imminent crisis.

Kranio thought for a moment and said to a silver dragon: “Ston, you should now lead the three warriors to the place where the Babylonian Golem Legion ambush and make a show of searching. Since they only brought six Steel Golem, then they will never dare to be enemies with the four Silver Dragon Warriors. Seeing you searching in the sky, they will definitely avoid it and choose another ambush location. What you have to do is to force them to change the ambush location. Located on the path of the frost giants.”

Ston swung his dragon tail and said a little irritably: “Give me six warriors! I can guarantee that every steel golem will be dismantled into steel blocks!”

Cranio shook his head and said: “The Iron Golem is a very troublesome and powerful enemy. As far as I know, there is no sign that the human Babylonian Empire can form an alliance with the frost armor giants of Bluestone Mountain. I don’t know about the frost armor. Why are the giants marching to Moonlight Dragon City? But if they can fight with the steel golems of the Babylonian Empire first, it is not a bad thing. This can at least buy us a few days. Stone, even if you can All the golems have been dismantled into steel blocks, but it is inevitable that warriors will be injured. The dragon pool is almost dry, and the last pool water must be left to treat the warriors injured in the battle with the flame tyrant. Stan, our situation now It’s very unfavorable. Before we can determine the purpose of Tangke Bakala’s coming, we must try our best to avoid unnecessary battles.”

Cranio discussed with the two old silver dragons around her for a moment, and decided that early tomorrow morning, she would lead several silver dragons to the dark forest and ask the flame tyrant Tangke Bakala face to face about his purpose. If the target of the Fire Tyrant is not the silver dragons, then of course thank God.

If Tangke Bakala also came to destroy Moonlight Dragon City, then the fate of the Silver Dragon Clan is really in danger.

There are actually two options before Cranio. One is to take advantage of the fact that the three enemies are still a certain distance away from Moonlight Dragon City, and use the silver dragons’ natural advantage in speed to gather the strength of the entire clan. Defeat each one and eliminate these three groups of enemies. Another option is to abandon Moonlight Dragon City, move the whole family, and find another place to live.

But silver dragons are arrogant. It would be even sadder for them to give up their dignity, give up the Moonlight Dragon City where they have lived for thousands of years and flee the city than to kill them. Cranio had absolutely no confidence that the Silver Dragons would be able to choose the latter path. And the former plan was not a good choice either. The terror of Tonkebakala is known throughout the north. Craneo only knows that he is very powerful, but does not know how strong he is. Even if the silver dragons came out in force and destroyed the flame tyrant, she didn’t know how many warriors would fall in the flames of Tonk Bakala.

If the first plan succeeds, only a few silver dragons will be able to return to Moonlight Dragon City alive.

However, the enemies of the silver dragon are not just the flame tyrant, frost armor giant and steel golem, but also the equally powerful black dragon among their enemies!

Even if Cranio chooses to migrate, after losing the natural protection of Moonlight Dragon City, the Silver Dragon Clan, whose vitality is severely damaged, can no longer compete with the Black Dragon. If the Black Dragon Clan intercepted them halfway… Craneo felt a burst of sadness in her heart, and she couldn’t even imagine the consequences.

What’s more, the enemy hiding in the dark has not yet appeared. Cranio’s intuition told her that this enemy was no less dangerous than any known enemy of the Silver Dragons.

“Could it be that… I will be the last Dragon King of Dragon City?” Cranio looked at the dark sky outside the giant window and thought silently.

She suddenly saw a ray of clouds in the thick clouds, which was a lively and gorgeous red glow!

She was startled. When she looked intently again, the sky had returned to its monotonous lead color, as if nothing had happened.

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