Blasphemy Chapter 7: Weak

Her other hand joined in the storm that brought doom to all the furnishings in the room. She seemed to have practiced some martial arts, and there were traces of fighting spirit in her movements. However, for ordinary people, this level of fighting spirit can only slightly increase their strength and speed.

But all the laws of strength did not apply to this angry woman. The furniture in the room is made of precious and extremely hard Tusuo mahogany. If the Dou Qi is not above level ten, even if you can dismantle them with bare hands, you will not be able to create the effect of chopping firewood. Well, that’s right, these kings of trees, which commanded sky-high prices in the mainland market, are now like piles of pitiful firewood.

She placed one hand on a chest-high wooden cabinet with eight drawers and a pile of copper-clad decorations. Her slender fingers shook it very quickly and skillfully, and then the heavy wooden cabinet seemed to have Jumping happily as if alive, it began to dance around her fingers. She waved her hand and threw it, and the wooden cabinet flew towards the wall with a roar!

She clenched a fist with her other hand, and her delicate fist went straight forward in the air at an unimaginable speed, catching up with the wooden cabinet in mid-air, smashing it into pieces like a crystal goblet. of wood. More efficient than the work of the most experienced woodcutter.

She looked around. There were copper corners, hinges, metal handles, and probably the most expensive firewood on the entire continent. None of them stood completely. There was really nothing to smash. Then he breathed out a little. She immediately shouted: “Come out!”

The clear and sweet voice echoed in the room, and it seemed that this drink also contained strange power. A strange high-pitched howl suddenly came from the corner of the ceiling, and then a small thing appeared and fell to the ground with a plop. It seemed that the fall was very heavy. It grunted and couldn’t get up for a long time.

“You’re just a dwarf, but you’re actually the meanest and filthiest underground dwarf! Gregory, you are getting more and more worthless!” the woman said coldly.

The dwarf looked no different from other dwarfs except that his skin was a strange gray-black color. Ignoring the pain on its body, it rolled over and climbed up, pointing to the sky with one hand and touching its chest with the other, and confessed in a panic: “Master Wella! I am doing this for you! You know, after all, there are many things in this world that need to be kept secret. Do it, but the size of the sacred dragon is too big, and sometimes it is even more inconvenient. However, can these tedious, humble, and boring things be allowed to be done by the two greatest, wise, and beautiful masters? No, absolutely not ! So I would rather use the ultimate transformation technique that I learned through hard work to become a dwarf, or the lowest underground dwarf! As long as you can stay beautiful forever.”

The woman who just smashed everything in the room to pieces was none other than Wella who woke up. Although Suotu Hongmu suffered such a terrible disaster, compared with her in the past, this power was almost comparable to that of the previous one. It’s extremely weak. It’s like the difference between a dwarf and a giant.

“So, this is a sign of loyalty?”

The dwarf replied confidently: “Of course!”

“Then why are you using hiding and sneaking to hide in my room? You have suddenly become bolder. Do you think I can’t deal with you with my current strength?” Wella’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly dangerously. got up.

The underground dwarf was shocked and trembling: “No, no! Master Weina, you were able to sweep across the Holy Domain with only level 14 fighting spirit. Although your strength has not yet recovered, you are at least level 5 or 6. , it’s more than enough to deal with me! But in this case, you will lose one of your most loyal servants!”

Wella snorted. During this period of time together, she had already become very clear about Gregory’s character and habits, and naturally also knew why Gregory was hiding here.

As soon as she woke up from the dark dragon circle, she immediately ran to find Feng Yue with a pale face. I don’t know what the two talked about in Fengyue’s hall, but it wasn’t long before Wella ran out alone, returned to the room and started breaking things.

Gregory hid at the door of the main hall to eavesdrop but failed. Being quite intelligent in gossip, he immediately went to Wella’s room and hid there. As for the consequences of being discovered, it didn’t consider that much.

However, because the number of souls is still not enough, although Wella wakes up, she has almost lost all her power. Now she only has fighting spirit equivalent to the fifth or sixth level of a human warrior. Despite this, she still smashed things brilliantly, showing the ultimate in the use of strength. Gregory, who had always blindly worshiped the two masters, even suspected that even if Wella had no fighting spirit at all, he might not be her opponent.

Weina had taken a breath, and she said coldly: “Gregory, stay here for me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere! I will deal with you when Feng Yue and I finish settling the accounts when we come back!”

Gregory hesitated for a moment and said: “Master Weina, do you really want to go to Master Fengyue again? I think… it’s best not!”

Wella just looked at Gregory quietly.

Gregory was lying on the ground, shaking more and more under Wella’s gaze. It bit the bullet and said: “Master Fengyue has been in a bad mood for a while. You see, no one dares to approach Master Fengyue’s hall now. And now that your invincible power has not been restored, you are certainly more than capable of dealing with a sacred dragon. , but you have to settle accounts with Master Fengyue, you…”

Weina said coldly: “Am I afraid of her?”

Although she spoke powerfully, she stopped walking towards the door.

Weina thought for a while and felt that Fengyue’s recent behavior suddenly became very strange. She called Gregory and said, “Tell me everything that happened in the recent period. Don’t hide anything!”

Gregory was secretly glad to have escaped another disaster. Just as it was about to speak, Wella said again: “Tell me everything you overheard and saw!”

Under Wella’s gaze that could kill a dragon, Gregory did not dare to hide anything. He not only vomited out everything he knew, but also added a lot of what he guessed, and listened to Wella. Bewildered.

While flipping through the memories in the Origin of God, Wella left an ear for Grigori, listening to him talk endlessly and incomprehensibly about Fengyue.

“Huh? What is this? Devouring… It seems like this is a good way to quickly increase strength! It is very suitable for my current situation. I ignored it before.” Wella said to herself, she Then he said to Gregory: “What did you just say?”

When Grigory heard Wella spit out the word “devour”, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He couldn’t help but feel that his decision to learn the ultimate transformation technique and become an underground dwarf was extremely wise. Otherwise, after mastering the devouring human eye, There is really no better delicacy than a weak sacred dragon.

It made up its mind that as long as Wella did not regain her strength for a day, it would never appear in front of her in the form of a sacred dragon.

Gregory of Wisdom immediately decided to find a way to draw Wella’s attention away from him. Now, apart from power, what Wella focused on was Feng Yue.

“I was just saying that once I heard the wise Elder Hughes talking about the recent abnormality of Master Feng Yue, he said with emotion: ‘Love makes human beings blind.’…”

Wella was really startled. She touched the ground with her left foot, and a strong force surged from Grigori’s feet, and he immediately flew up involuntarily. Wella stretched out her hand and caught the underground dwarf in her hand. She stared at Gregory for a long time and asked, “Did that sentence really come from that old guy Hughes?”

Gregory nodded desperately.

Bah! Wella let go of her hand, and Gregory fell heavily to the ground. It was in terrible pain, but it didn’t dare to moan, and couldn’t help but secretly hate the fragility of the underground dwarf’s body. If he hadn’t taken a fancy to the dwarf’s powerful talents in stealth and concealment, Lord Gregory would not have chosen this form!

Weina was silent for a long time, then suddenly reached out and took Gregory into her hand, and then asked word by word: “What is love…?”

Gregory immediately said: “Love… is… just…” It suddenly discovered that it was actually very unfamiliar with this word.

“Trash!” Wella was very angry.

Gregory wanted to make meritorious deeds. He racked his brains and finally said: “The word love sounds familiar. Well, love makes humans blind. Could it be… I think we should ask the humans to ask, Or ask Elder Hughes again.”

Weina snorted and said: “The old guy spent so much effort to let you spread this sentence to my ears. There must be a purpose in it. But no matter what his intentions are, I will definitely not let him That’s all you want! Hum! You go ahead.”

Gregory finally received amnesty, how could he dare to stay any longer? His figure blurred for a while, and he immediately slipped out like a wisp of smoke. It seems that in addition to their hidden talents, the underground gnomes are also quite commendable for their agility.

Weina meditated alone for a while, then left the room silently, like a ghost.

The beautiful and mysterious floating city was originally a very desirable place. Colorful magic light bands shuttled in and out of the sky. In the holy light, fairies held harps and flutes and played tirelessly. But suddenly, a strange and terrifying atmosphere spread in this god’s city.

The Bone King and Elgra did not recognize Wella as the Angel of Light who easily destroyed the Dragon of the Abyss and then swept the world of death clean, but the innate intuition of undead creatures, or rather Instinct made them feel that the floating city had become extremely dangerous. Originally, when Wella woke up, Elgra was presiding over the Dark Dragon Array, while the Bone Emperor was acting as a guard. Both kings had already met her. At that time, the kings did not know the origin of Weina, but they felt that the faint sacred aura on her body made them very uncomfortable.

Although Wella’s power is ridiculously weak, her arrogance that overlooks everything in the world is inherent. As soon as she stepped out of the dark dragon magic circle, she turned a blind eye to the two powerful kings and the powerful men beside the magic circle, and went straight towards Feng Yue’s main hall angrily. But for some unknown reason, none of the powerful men had the slightest idea of ​​being dissatisfied with her rudeness.

But today when the two kings were walking in the corridor, they saw Wella again. This beautiful woman stood at the other end of the corridor. She was still extremely weak, but her gaze made the kings shudder.

That is the feeling of a hungry lion looking at its prey.

Looking at those burning golden eyes, Elgra suddenly stopped, then turned to the right abruptly, and turned up the stairs heading upstairs. The Bone Emperor stepped onto the stairs going downstairs.

Weina stood still, her blond hair flying in the wind. In the darkness, those golden pupils burned even more fiercely.

A door in the corridor suddenly opened, and Death Squad just poked his head out, and all the expressions on his face immediately froze!


The Death Squad suddenly shrank back like a frightened rabbit and closed the door tightly with a snap. He is indeed a top killer, his senses are extremely sharp, and he can identify the source of danger without even looking in Wella’s direction.

There was then a faint sound of windows opening and closing. It seemed that the Death Squadron had chosen another path to leave the floating city.

As for Hughes, he left the floating city the moment Wella woke up. In the past two days, he was either studying something with Froya or with Wen who was kept submissive by him. Get mixed together. Anyway, he didn’t see any of Fengyue, Weina and Rogge.

The only person in the floating city who didn’t feel anything unusual was Androni. Not only was she not afraid of Wella, but she always found some excuse to hang out in front of her and chat for a while. If it weren’t for the faint majesty that pervaded this extremely beautiful woman all the time, maybe Androni would have done something. But just being able to look at Wella without doing anything is a very pleasing thing in itself.

Every time Androni sees Wella, she always feels that her eyes are full of burning passion, which is almost boiling! Moreover, Wella would suddenly ask her some topics about love, which made Androni dizzy with excitement every time. She was always wondering if this mysterious and beautiful woman was taking the opportunity to test herself. People who can set foot in the floating city are not ordinary people. This girl must have many unknown abilities. Androni became more and more excited.

She vaguely decided to take this woman into her arms with tenderness instead of the violence she was used to. Although Wella seemed extremely weak, Androni just couldn’t bring herself to show strength.

I really can’t bear it! Every time she thought about this, Androni would involuntarily smile a little intoxicatedly.

But being arrogant, she never thought that her unwillingness to use force on this girl was because of subconscious fear?

Wella is on the verge of breaking out! It’s just that the closer such an active volcano is to an eruption, the calmer it appears. She even started to smile, her smile was elegant and beautiful, a smile that could captivate all living beings.

Except for Fengyue’s main hall, she has visited every place in the floating city countless times. The entire floating city was empty, and the strong men who had already smelled the danger had fled with various excuses. There was only one Androni dangling in front of her every day. Every time Wella sees Androni’s heroic and charming face, the ability to devour her will appear in her heart. And every time, the instinct of the light angel will subconsciously modify the swallowing to be more perfect.

So she looked at Androni with more and more enthusiasm. Wella could only desperately suppress the urge to experiment with devouring by asking about another thing that was equally important to her, love.

However, the more Wella couldn’t control herself, the more Androni appeared in front of her.

Vicious cycle… “Gregory!” Wella used mental fluctuations to unleash a scream that resounded throughout the floating city.

Bah! The deep dwarf fell from the sky and fell at Wella’s feet.

The underground dwarf jumped up, turned around and ran away. But there were waves of strange power fluctuations coming from the ground under his feet. No matter how he changed his body shape, his strength was completely eliminated every time. So after a while, even though Gregory was so tired that he almost fainted, he still kept taking long strides in place.

The underground dwarf finally confirmed that Master Weina could never compete with him even if he only used level 5 fighting spirit. No, not to mention competing, even escaping in front of her was a luxury. Of course, it is still possible to escape in the form of a sacred dragon, but it would definitely be an extremely stupid thing to transform into a sacred dragon in front of Wella, who is familiar with devouring and is very weak. Regarding this, the wise Gregory was very clear.

The underground dwarf felt extremely regretful. Why couldn’t Androni hang out in front of Master Wella more often? If Master Weina swallowed a newly promoted sword master, she should look down on this sacred dragon with no future, right? The vain Gregory suddenly felt that sometimes, being weak was not necessarily a bad thing.

Wella glanced at the tattered black robe on the underground dwarf and frowned: “Gregory, the clothes you are wearing are getting more and more shabby!”

Gregory immediately said: “Master Wella, although this Shadow Hidden Robe is a bit old, you know that it is very difficult to find magic equipment suitable for a dwarf…”

“Shut up! Grigori, come out with me.” Wella interrupted the deep dwarf who was obviously going to have a long speech.

The underground dwarf wiped away his cold sweat and said respectfully: “I will obey your instructions.”

In the blink of an eye, the master and servant had already left the gate of the floating city. Wella glanced at the floating clouds below and jumped out of the floating city lightly. Her head and feet had passed through the thick clouds in the blink of an eye.

The underground dwarf looked down, his gray-black face actually turned a little white. Jumping from a high altitude in the form of an underground dwarf is simply suicide! But the consequence of keeping Master Wella waiting for too long is tantamount to suicide. The underground dwarf’s mind went blank, and before he understood what was going on, he jumped down after Wella.

The underground dwarf shouted and danced all the way, and fell from the sky. It suddenly felt its whole body shake, and was lifted upwards by a strong force. Although it was still falling, it no longer felt weightless. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in an ancient and gorgeous courtyard. There was a magnificent tall building in the Baroque style in front of him. Four fully armed guards at the door were looking at this side with their mouths open.

Wella let go of her hand, and the underground dwarf fell to the ground again. When Gregory got up, he saw that Wella had walked to the two oak-coated copper doors. Only then did the guards react. They gathered around and shouted, “Who dares to break into the Royal Library of Delaware?”

Weina suddenly heard the scolding, and her face turned cold. She put her hands on the guard’s long-handled ax slightly, and the four guards with at least eight levels of fighting spirit spun around involuntarily, and then four of them wore thick steel helmets. The big heads hit each other hard!

Looking at the guard lying on the ground, the underground dwarf couldn’t help but feel a little gloating.

Wella didn’t even push the door open, she punched a hole in the door large enough for one person to enter and exit, and walked into the big library. The underground dwarf hurriedly followed in.

The large library is divided into three floors. The bookshelves on the walls stretch from the floor to the ceiling, and each cell is densely packed with all kinds of leather-bound books. Each high-rise bookshelf can only be reached by stepping on a special ladder. Many librarians in the library were busy up and down. They turned around in astonishment and looked at this mysterious woman who walked in in a shocking way.

Wella said calmly: “Go and bring all the books about love!”

With a cry, the underground dwarf pulled out a dull dagger, jumped up and shouted: “Hurry up! Whoever moves slower, I, Gurli… I will kill him immediately!”

These librarians are all people who do not know martial arts. Although the vicious dwarf looks very ridiculous, there is a faint coercion in the mysterious and beautiful woman that cannot be resisted.

A moment later, in front of Wella, who was sitting upright, books about love had piled up like a mountain. There are poems, novels, biographies, histories, and even theoretical research on love, more than tens of thousands of them?

Weina closed her eyes and said calmly: “Everyone choose a book at random and read it as fast as you can!”

Dozens of librarians looked at each other. They didn’t know what this mysterious woman meant, but looking at the big hole in the heavy door, no one dared to resist.

Perhaps in history, love has never been interpreted in dozens of ways and from different angles like this. Dozens of voices with different heights and thicknesses read aloud from the book in their hands as fast as they could, and the resulting huge and strange sound echoed in the library.

If it weren’t for the lingering fear of this woman in their hearts, these librarians would have fallen to this huge sound that was as powerful as the top chaos technique. The deep dwarf’s legs were weak after hearing it. It tried its best not to distinguish the content of the sound, but the content poured into its ears by itself. All kinds of stories, exclamations and logic could not help but torture the deep dwarf’s wisdom.

In this way of reading that only pursues speed, the poems have no impact and appeal brought by the cadences, and the romantic warmth or sadness and poignancy of love novels are completely absent.

Wella sat quietly with her eyes closed, her beautiful face showing no emotion at all.

A burst of exclamation suddenly came from outside the library door. It turned out that before I knew it, it was time for the guards to change the guard. The replacement guards discovered the unconscious guard and the damage to the door, so they sounded the alarm and rushed into the great library.

The librarians stopped reading one by one, and they discovered that the gorgeous high-backed chair in the middle was empty.

Not far from the big library, Roger was pacing back and forth in the study. He had received reports of a break-in into the Great Royal Library, but did not take it seriously. His body is still very weak, and although his external injuries are almost healed, the recovery of his magic power is extremely slow. However, Rogge was not afraid of anyone coming to cause trouble. Anyone who dared to come to Tiffany to cause trouble for him at this time were all stupid fools. Perhaps the only exception in this world is the Pope of the Church of Light who seems to be falling at any time.

So he just listened briefly and waved his hand to the generals below to deal with the break-in of the Great Library.

There is still one unresolved matter in Rogge’s mind. It wasn’t until Androni pushed open the door that he really made up his mind.

Anne sat directly on Roger’s seat, habitually put a pair of long legs on his desk, and then said: “Damn fat man, are you looking for me?”

“Yes!” Rogge stood in front of the window, seeming to be still hesitating. After a long time, he said: “Annie, there is something I want you to help me with.”

“Help you get to the floating city? That’s absolutely impossible!” Androni said immediately.

Rogg smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: “That’s not the case.”

He thought for a while again before telling Androni his request.

Androni sighed and said: “Damn Fatty, you know I can’t leave the Floating City for too long now… But for this matter, I will find a way to go there for you.”

Androni stood up and walked out. When passing behind Rogge, she stopped and sighed: “Damn fat man, do you have to live so tiredly all the time?”

Roger just smiled bitterly. Androni said nothing and went out.

At this time, on a roof terrace of the Delaware Emperor’s Palace, Wella threw Gregory to the ground, then stepped on the underground dwarf and ordered: “Transform back into the sacred dragon, let’s return to the sky city!”

Although the underground dwarf knows that it is very dangerous to restore the sacred dragon form, if he does not change, his spine will be crushed by Wella in the blink of an eye.

After a dragon roar that echoed through the sky, the elegant and majestic sacred dragon soared into the sky from the Delaware Palace and flew towards the clouds.

The sacred dragon just flew past Rogge’s window.

Rogg suddenly saw a graceful figure on the back of the sacred dragon! His whole body shook violently and he threw himself in front of the window, but the sacred dragon was extremely fast and had already rushed into Yunxiao.

Rogg looked up at the surging clouds, feeling disappointed and feeling lost.

Finally, the silent Rogge raised his head again and looked up at the clouds in the sky. His gaze had passed through the thick lead clouds and landed on the seven-colored floating city.

“What a beautiful floating city! When my strength is restored, won’t I be able to go up there?” Rogge smiled slightly.

The two doors of the temple opened silently, and a ray of light came in, but it was not enough to illuminate the hall that was always in absolute darkness.

Feng Yue seemed to have been floating in this empty dark temple since ancient times, quietly looking at Wella as she strode in.

Weina walked straight to Feng Yue and said coldly: “Feng Yue, how long are you going to stay here?”

Feng Yue was silent.

Wena frowned and said: “We don’t have much time! I need more souls to restore my strength. Although the war in the south is not completely over yet, it is almost over. We have to let him find a way to continue the next step. This is a war; the number of our believers is too small, and the power of faith is simply not enough. I feel that the number of our believers in the north has hardly increased, and there must be someone secretly obstructing this. But expanding believers and fighting dissenters are also He needs to come forward. Also, your agreement with the three cowards in the Abandoned Land is about to expire. What are you going to do? Are you going to let them go back and watch him go to war with these three cowards? Instead of this, why not Destroy those three guys right here, and one of them is almost finished anyway. Well, it is indeed difficult to convert the power of the dead into holy power, but it is just slower. Fengyue, I have to say, you can figure it out The swallowing is really good. But how long do you plan to continue hiding here?”

Weina waited for a while, but there was no answer from Fengyue. She suddenly sighed: “You have done so much for him, why are you hiding here alone now? Go meet him. No…”

Weina immediately stretched out her hand and said: “Okay! This is what you said. Give me the demon lotus!”

Finally there was a little fluctuation in Fengyue’s silver eyes, and she asked lightly: “Why.”

“It’s okay if you don’t give him, then go see him yourself and explain yourself!”

There was an imperceptible tremor in Feng Yue’s right hand, and a spark of energy danced brightly and dimly.

But in the end, this spark faded into darkness.

Feng Yue stretched out her right hand, with the center of her fist upward, her fingers slowly opened, and the beautiful demon lotus slowly emerged in her palm. Through the dancing sparks on the demon lotus, you can see that her lips have lost all color.

Weina grabbed the demon lotus and turned around to leave. When she crossed the gate of the temple, she suddenly stopped, raised her eyebrows lightly, looked back and smiled sweetly: “From now on, you can just be your goddess! From now on, I am Feng Yue!”

The door closed silently again, and the temple returned to absolute darkness.

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