Blasphemy Chapter 4: Rage on

Chapter 4: Furious Rogge’s temporary office is located in one of the most luxurious private houses in Soratu. The original owner here has become a dead soul under the red flags. I just don’t know if there is any of it in Elgra’s crystal. a place.

The city that suffered a devastating blow has restored order. The entry of 70,000 troops has made Soratu City still bustling with traffic and bustling with people, but a thick air of death lingers over the city. In Rogge’s eyes, there are wandering souls everywhere in the sky and on the earth. Their power is too weak to enter Elgra’s eyes, but the emotions at the moment of death are as strong as those of strong souls, so they will last for a long time.

No matter when and where, what always quietly appeared in front of Rogge’s eyes was Fengyue wearing a demon lotus.

But the scene that appears most often is neither the beauty sleeping in the coffin nor the stunning moment when the mask is lifted.

What he saw was the demon lotus that was almost withered but still standing on the top of the lonely peak in the strong wind of the death world. It was the Fengyue that quietly erased the mark of its soul and would rather be destroyed quietly!

Rogg locked himself in the room alone, looking at the countless wind and moon that seemed real and illusory, and let time pass quietly.

Unconsciously, night falls again.

It was late at night, and the soldiers who had been busy in the city all day fell asleep one by one.

Finally, Rogge opened the door and strode towards the temporary headquarters of the army.

After a while, more than a dozen senior generals were summoned to the conference room to discuss tomorrow’s expedition. Within a day’s journey of the army, there is another city, Faerûn. But compared with Soratu, Faerûn is far inferior in terms of city defense and population.

Rogg directly set a point on Faerun and set the next attack target, and then let the generals formulate their own plans on how to march the army, how to supply, and how to divide and attack together.

He just listened, but his thoughts had already flown to the long-destroyed world of death. The forever lead-colored sky, the everlasting strong wind, the endless wasteland, the black armor, white wings, and the piece of white feather that once stuck to the fingertips all emerged from the depths of memory again and again. When Rogge suppresses a picture, a new picture will appear.

‘Lord Rogge, this is the plan for the next few days. Do you think any modifications are needed? ‘ asked Wallace.

‘Only one thing! ‘Rogg didn’t listen to the content of the plan at all, and just said: ‘Burn the original battle flag! Embroider my coat of arms onto the red double flags. From now on, these will be the battle flags of our army! ‘The generals were astonished. Rogge’s move will only force the enemy to resist desperately, increase casualties in vain, and add unnecessary variables to the war. But seeing Rogge’s calm face with murderous intent, and thinking of the terrifying existences accompanying the army this time, none of the generals were willing to say anything more.

When the generals were about to leave, Rogge suddenly sighed: ‘Wait! Even the sternest gods have a merciful side, so we have to give those who are willing to surrender to us a chance. Let’s do this. From now on, every time before attacking a city, we will ask the opponent if they are willing to surrender. As long as one person refuses to surrender, the city will be massacred! Well, let’s find a way to inform the Delaware people about this news! ‘All the generals have left, only Rogge is still sitting quietly in the conference room, until the first ray of dawn breaks through the night.

In the cold wind of the morning, tens of thousands of troops slowly stepped out of Soratu City and headed for the next target. The light cavalry in the army took another step forward to harass the enemy and cut off the retreat of the soldiers and civilians in the small town of Faerun.

After all the troops left the city, the long dragon roar sounded again in Soratu City. The marching warriors turned back one after another, intending to catch a glimpse of the dragon again. However, the soldiers who looked back were stunned!

Roger immediately seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked back!

This time, not only two giant dragons rose from the city of Soratu, but also a gleaming castle!

The castle stands on a huge inverted triangular rock base. The Gothic architectural style is gorgeous and solemn. The ever-changing magical brilliance is like countless ribbons crisscrossing the outside of the building, glowing enough to make the most gorgeous after the rain. The rainbow is also eclipsed by its brilliance. In the brilliance of the castle, countless fairies were flying. They fluttered their transparent wings, surrounded the castle, and sang praises to God with their unique melodious singing voices.

The legendary floating city is a glory that only the gods in heaven can enjoy!

The huge castle, guarded by two giant dragons, slowly flew over the heads of tens of thousands of troops with a trail of light and flames. That huge shadow almost enveloped tens of thousands of warriors. Even the bravest and most disrespectful wild warriors finally bowed under this miracle!

The floating city then rose into the sky and gradually disappeared into the clouds.

At some point, most of the tens of thousands of troops were kneeling on the ground, praying and praising the goddess. Only Rogge stood there, silently watching the floating city sink into the clouds.

There is no suspense in the battle of Faerûn. There were less than 30,000 soldiers and civilians in the small city, and the city defenses were short and old. The only thing that will make Faerun remembered by future generations is that the people here not only love their hometown, but also have the brave blood of the North flowing through them.

In front of the **** double flags, they refused to surrender!

Rogg has put on a new heavy armor for this battle. Because of the overnight work, the workmanship of this steel armor was extremely rough. The only advantage was that it was thick and heavy enough. The weight of the double-edged ax in Rogge’s hand was not necessarily something that even a strong orc warrior could lift. The huge axe, one meter in diameter, shines with a chilling and cold light all the time. And the thick and curved handle reminds people of the ferocity of this giant ax all the time.

‘Your Excellency is so brave! ‘Robosky also put on armor and stood beside Rogge with his sword in hand. Although he was afraid, he always had to face difficulties to flatter him, not to mention that in a chaotic battle, the safest place should be around the army leader.

‘Robosky, stay back. You’ll die if you follow me. ‘Roger said calmly. His voice came out through the gap between the helmet and the mask, and seemed a little dull.

‘Sir! No matter how dangerous it is, I will…’ Just as Robosky was about to seize the opportunity to show his loyalty, bursts of coldness suddenly came from the left and right, almost freezing him in an instant.

Two men in black robes were already standing around Rogge at some point. The one on the left was unusually tall. He slowly pulled off his black robe, revealing dark black full-body armor. The two-handed giant sword in his hand was no less terrifying than the double-edged giant ax in Rogge’s hand. The man in black robe on the right only had two sharp bone blades protruding from his sleeves. His body was still wrapped in the black robe, but traces of light brown smoke could not help but spread out from the bone blades, surrounding the blades. The blade is condensed and does not disperse.

‘Robosky, you will really die if you follow me! You can attack the city with the army. ‘Roger said again.

Robosky’s face was pale, his hands were shaking so much that he could hardly hold the sword. He knew that this was a great opportunity to show his loyalty, but not to mention that he was extremely timid. Even if he was brave by nature, he would never be able to withstand the natural coercion exuded by the two men in black robes.

Rogg looked at the city of Faerun. Although the soldiers on the city knew they were in desperate situation, everyone had a solemn look on their faces. The flags on the city were not messy at all, and no one was walking around randomly. They were standing still like a mountain standing still. He faced an enemy force several times his own with great momentum.

‘How courageous it is to be able to regard death as such for these low-status civilians! Rogge sighed as he walked towards Faerun. His dull footsteps sounded the final knell for Faerûn.

Hearing Rogge’s seemingly ulterior emotion, both the Black Warrior Emperor and the Bone Emperor remained silent and followed Rogge to Faerûn.

The tens of thousands of troops then slowly moved out and pressed towards Faerun.

The defenders in Faerûn were very puzzled. Why did the enemy not prepare any siege equipment? Are they going to crawl into Faerûn with bare hands?

The answer will be revealed soon.

As the earth trembled, Faerun’s weak city wall suddenly cracked with several large cracks! Rogge had only gone a hundred meters when a section of Faerun’s city wall collapsed! In the smoke and dust, bricks and sand fell down, burying many soldiers who could not escape!

The three Death Gods who were heading towards the gate of Faerûn seemed not to have seen the collapsed city wall at all, and still moved forward leisurely as if taking a leisurely stroll.

The Black Warrior Emperor and the Bone Emperor seemed to be stepping on an invisible ladder, going higher and higher, and finally became parallel to the city wall of Faerûn, walking through the air as if they were on flat ground! The soldiers at the top of the city were stunned for a moment. The few arrows shot here and there could not even touch the bodies of the two kings. A commander with considerable combat experience shouted loudly: ‘Gather the archers and crossbowmen! Aim at the one on the left and shoot intensively. Even if he is a saint, we have to shoot him down! ‘It’s a pity that nearly a hundred archers have just lined up at the top of the city, and a low and strange whistling sound comes from far and near! A big dark blue ice ball was spinning at high speed, flying towards the city! It didn’t fly too fast, but it was spinning at high speed, with countless blue ice needles flying in all directions. The size of the ice ball shrank rapidly, and when it flew to the top of the city, it suddenly exploded, dumping countless ice needles into the group of archers.

After the ice rain, only a few warriors could still stand on the top of the city.

The Bone Emperor and the Black Warrior Emperor have already invaded the city!

At the foot of the city, Rogge had already reached the city gate. He looked at the city gate covered with thick pig iron, shouted suddenly, silver light flashed around him, and the double-edged giant ax crashed on the city gate! The giant ax could not withstand the force, and the ax handle had been severely twisted, but a large crack had been opened on the city gate. Rogge smiled coldly, shouted again, picked up the deformed giant ax, and slashed at the cracks!

After the loud noise, the city gate of Faerun was chopped open by Rogge! He stepped into the city gate and looked up towards the top of the city. Blood rain and mutilated limbs were splashing everywhere on the city. The Black Warrior Emperor and the Bone Emperor had turned into two black gases, hovering and harvesting the lives of the unyielding warriors.

The prelude to the massacre has begun, and courage is useless in front of these gods of death who are born for harvesting.

Outside the city, the Tide Legion soldiers who were waiting in formation fired their guns at the ground and let out bursts of cheering sounds with a distinct rhythm, and the heavily armored legion began to advance slowly.

At dusk, Rogge was standing on the terrace of a gorgeous private house in Faerun, silently looking up at the dreamlike floating city against the backdrop of the clouds in the sky.

Although he didn’t know where this flying city came from, he knew that Feng Yue was in it.

But Rogge can no longer sneak into the floating city. He clearly felt that the entire castle was shrouded in a magical barrier that he could not yet understand. Even if Rogge had a way to climb up to the floating city, he still had no confidence that he could sneak into the castle without alerting anyone.

What’s more, Rogge sighed, what’s the use of going in, and how should he face Feng Yue?

It was late at night, and the city of Faerun finally became quiet. There were not many people in the city, so the task of cleaning up the bodies was not onerous.

Roger sat in a room without lights, resting his chin on his hands, quietly looking at the floating green light in front of him. This green light flickered for a while, then seemed to be weak and gradually dimmed. Rogge relaxed his mental strength a little and released a little more of the divine power of the goddess of nature, so several more green lights lit up in the room. These were the seeds sown by the goddess’s divine power.

As the connection between the seed and the goddess of nature’s power was cut off again, the erratic green light inevitably dimmed. Rogge just repeated these steps over and over again, concentrating on observing the rise and fall of the goddess of nature’s power.

Fat Man has discovered that even the divine power derived from God is not completely irresistible. For example, when in the imperial palace, the divine power of the goddess of nature would never occur. Of course, this may also be because the wrath of the goddess of nature had not grown strong at that time. And when there is a powerful enough presence around him, such as Macbeth, the activities of Nature’s Wrath will become relatively quiet. In particular, Macbeth, a high-ranking angel who serves in front of the God of Yishou, although he cannot eliminate the divine power of the goddess of nature, when it comes to suppressing and preventing the divine power of heretic gods, Macbeth, who specializes in dealing with heretics, has a good way.

Around Odaireh, the divine activity of the Goddess of Nature is even weaker. So much so that Fatty could even release his divine power bit by bit to study it. In the ongoing research, Rogge had a vague feeling that he had almost touched the pulse of another world.

In the silence, Rogge suddenly heard faint crying. The crying sound was very familiar. Although it was very faint, one could still tell it was Froya’s voice.

Roger was startled, his figure flashed a few times, and he appeared in front of Froya’s room door. He gently opened the door and found that Froya was covering her head with a thick brocade quilt. Judging from her twitching shoulders, she was crying very sadly, but she didn’t want anyone to know, so she tried her best to suppress it. Stop the mourning.

Rogg just wanted to comfort her when he suddenly realized that Froya felt a little different today than before.

It seems that she is weaker.

He then gathered his mental energy and quickly scanned Froya’s body, finally discovering something was wrong with her.

Froya’s magic power dropped by two levels out of thin air, reaching level 12!

Roger was shocked. He sat on the edge of the bed, gently held Froya in his arms, and asked in a low voice: ‘Froya, what happened? How come your magic power suddenly dropped so much? ‘Froya turned around and saw that it was Rogge, and she suddenly threw herself into his arms and burst into tears! The crying was simply uncontrollable!

Rogg patted Froya’s back gently, comforting her while thinking hard about the reason why her magic power suddenly dropped by two levels. Rogge asked in a low voice: ‘Froya, have you permanently blessed anyone with magical effects? ‘Froya lay in his arms, her sorrowful voice stopped for a moment, and she shook her head gently.

Roger’s voice turned cold and he said: ‘Could it be that… someone used spirit absorption on you? ! who is it! tell me! ‘He stood up suddenly, his face already covered with frost.

Spiritual Drainage is a very vicious spell in death magic. It can extract all or part of the victim’s magic power for the caster to use. The magic power drawn is used up, and the caster will not increase the magic power level. However, the target that is extracted often loses magic power permanently as a result. This magic is the ultimate weapon for undead masters to use in magic battles with other magicians, but the difficulty of casting it at level eight is commensurate with its power.

Rogg suddenly thought that besides Elgra, who else could be the necromancer around here who could use spiritual absorption?

The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, then he slowly sat down next to Froya, hugged her into his arms, and said softly: ‘I know who did it. Froya, please be patient, we can’t fall out with them now. But don’t worry, it won’t take long before I’ll break that lich into bones, bring it back to you, and let you burn it to ashes with your own hands! ”oh? ‘Froya raised her head and looked at Rogge with her sad green eyes. She seemed to be hesitating, but still shook her head heavily and said: ‘No, you can’t fight the lich! Anyway, I’m of no use to you. It doesn’t matter even if all the magic power is absorbed. I can still make potions, which doesn’t require advanced magic power. Ah, I don’t understand, but in short, you can’t go and die! Rogge held Froya’s arm tightly and smiled slightly: “Who said I was going to die?” Magic is not the only factor that determines victory or defeat. Although I will definitely have to pay a sufficient price, I must have a way to break it into bones! ‘Froya’s green eyes flashed with a hint of surprise and a hint of joy. She suddenly laughed and said: ‘What! Damn fat man, you guessed wrong, this matter has nothing to do with the lich! My magic power is reduced because that goddess of yours took away my lost paradise. ”What! ? ‘Roger was shocked. Froya’s ability to fuse with the artifact back then still made him marvel at the magic of the magical world.

But Paradise Lost, which has been completely integrated with body and soul, can still be taken out. This is completely unbelievable! Without the support of the artifact Lost Paradise, Froya’s magic power only dropped by two levels, which was already considered good. After all, at her age, she is able to cast sixth-level magic, and she can definitely be called a magic genius.

Rogg suddenly realized why he felt so familiar when he saw the floating city. Because that is the lost paradise of artifacts! But he never expected that when Lost Paradise was presided over by Audreyh, it would turn into a miraculous floating city!

He thought for a moment, then smiled and said: ‘It is a good thing worth celebrating that Paradise Lost can be taken out! Your magic power is far from being able to completely control this ghost thing. Even if you don’t use it, it will **** your life force all the time. Even if you take dragon bone grass, it won’t last for a few years. Besides, dragon bone grass can only be taken once! Why are you crying? ‘Froya’s eyes darkened, and she sighed softly: ‘Damn fat man, you… you don’t understand. ‘She immediately smiled, jumped down to the ground, danced on the spot, and said with a sweet smile: ‘But you have a conscience, and you are actually willing to challenge the lich for me! Whether it’s true or not, I’m very touched! ‘Rogg smiled At this time, he was not stupid enough to admit that even if there was no such thing as Froya, he would still have to fight the three kings. He hugged Froya hard, then gently placed her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and was about to leave the room.

Froya hugged the pillow, bit her lower lip, and said: ‘Damn fat man, why did you change your gender again? Don’t you…don’t want to stay? ‘Roger smiled and said: ‘I have learned a lot of new things these days, so I have to take the time to practice. If I don’t work hard, what if something really comes to absorb your magic power in the future? I am a man, if I don’t work hard, how can I protect my woman? ”Pooh! ‘The little goblin smashed the pillow over and said: ‘Who is your woman! Go away, I’m going to sleep! ‘Rogg walked out of Froya’s room and walked directly onto the rooftop. He looked up at the floating city in the night sky that seemed to only appear in dreams. He sighed heavily, then closed his eyes, and several more green dots appeared around him.

In the sky, Hughes was sitting leisurely on the top of a tower in the floating city transformed from Paradise Lost, looking down at the dark and silent Faerûn below. His extremely sharp eyes traveled across a long distance and captured a few bits of Biying that were appearing and disappearing below.

As if in agreement with Rogge, he also let out a long sigh and said to himself: ‘Oh, I have to go and grab the lost paradise. Now, who can climb up? ‘Seus was sighing, and a low voice suddenly came from behind him: ‘Respectful, elegant, wise, and uniquely tasted Lord Hughes, is there anything unpleasant that happened to you? ‘

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