Blasphemy: 9It’s so hard to die

She didn’t know how long she slept, but she felt that her sleep was really long, fragrant and peaceful.

She still remembers that at the moment when her eyes were filled with bright red, her heart felt unparalleledly relaxed.

Everything is finally over.

Froya sat up suddenly, still sleepy-eyed, looking at everything in the room drowsily.

This is a light and elegant room. The furnishings in the room are very simple. Although the style and design of the furniture are very elegant and elegant, and it can be seen that the craftsman’s artistic taste is not low, the materials and decoration are too ordinary. No expensive materials were used. In Froya’s eyes, this was a typical room of a down-and-out noble.

Froya gently twisted her fingers, and several small electric sparks appeared on her fingertips. She smiled, as long as she could still use magic, it would be fine.

The door opened, and an old man with a chic expression walked in.

Froya immediately came forward to greet her. She was extremely dissatisfied and started complaining:

“Is this the underworld? Although the sunshine in this room surprises me, the decoration and furniture are too simple! I was a princess when I was alive, and I was also a great magician! I have tried it just now Well, even in the underworld, I can use magic. How can I allow you to neglect me like this! Even the servant is an old man! There must be a few maids, right? There are so many dead souls of civilians, can’t you extract even one of them? And you! Don’t be in a daze! Go and call the person in charge here! Judging from your appearance, you should have been an elf in your previous life. You are not young yet. Why do you still look so stupid? No wonder you are the only one in the underworld. I can be a lowly servant.”

The old man opened his mouth, with a very strange expression on his face, and after a long time he said: “Welcome, Your Highness Froya. Although I am sorry that I cannot satisfy you, but here, I am the one in charge right now. What do you need? ?”

Froya became even more dissatisfied and said angrily: “You are actually the one in charge? No wonder the status of Hades is getting worse and worse. Not to mention compared with the Supreme God, even the killers rarely believe in it. In the underworld How can it be possible for you to take care of it and grow? Forget it, I just came to the underworld, and my requirements are not high. I can just make do with it. First of all, I didn’t see where my clothes are and where I put them. Which. I also need a clean and spacious bathroom, and a few sensible and well-behaved maids. Moreover, for a great magician, a magic laboratory is indispensable! Since you know my name, you must also You know who my teacher is. Although he is not dead yet, he will soon, and he will never enter the heaven, he will only come here. Huh, by then it will be too late for you to try to curry favor with me… Ah! ! Oh my God!”

Froya, who was talking endlessly, suddenly screamed, took a breath of air, opened her beautiful eyes wide, and looked at the elf elder in front of her in disbelief.

The old elf couldn’t help but smile on his face, and his appearance looked so familiar…

Froya suddenly rushed to the window and looked out.

Yes, this exquisite and beautiful city is like a fairyland on earth, this city is full of green and all kinds of flowers, this miraculous city that is always warm as spring, is the City of Oracles.

With a swipe sound, Froya turned around, stared at the elf elder, and said: “I remember you. You are…you are…Elder Hughes!”

Xius smiled and said: “Exactly!”

Froya was a little stunned and said: “What…what’s going on? Am I not already dead?”

She suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch Elder Hughes, but Hughes casually stepped back and let her pass the sudden attack, and then smiled and said: “Your Highness Froya, you don’t need to pinch me to know this. It’s not a dream.”

Froya couldn’t help but reach out and touch her neck. It was so smooth and delicate, so how could there be any wounds?

“This is impossible! Am I really not dead?! But Rogge…he clearly slit my throat! I remember that I was already dead.”

“You look very energetic.”

“This is absolutely impossible! I want to kill him, and Rogge is definitely not a soft-hearted person! How could he let me go?”

Xius coughed and said: “This… Master Rogge has said that with an additional scar, you have paid the price for what you have done.”

“Scar?” Froya’s face turned green. She suddenly pushed Hughes away and said anxiously: “Oh my God! A scar! Where is it? Is it on the face? Where is the mirror? Get me a mirror. Come!”

Her push was so fierce that Hughes immediately fell to the ground. The old man groaned for a long time before struggling to get up.

Froya finally pulled out a mirror and looked at it left and right. There was no damage to her beautiful appearance, but there was a small scar on her neck that was about an inch long and so light that it was almost invisible. Although she had let go of most of her worries, Froya had always been extremely proud of her fair and slender neck. Now that she had such a scar, how could she not be angry and anxious?

She said angrily: “Where is this **** Rogge, where has he been hiding? He dared to attack, and he actually left me a scar! I will never be tied down this time, I will fight with him It’s not over! Even if he still loses, he can’t win easily!”

Sius smiled and replied: “I’m afraid this is a bit difficult. The Lord God Envoy is currently leading an army thousands of miles away to fight fiercely with Levi and the Kingdom of Latvia. I’m afraid he won’t have time to come back and fight with you.”

Froya finally came to her senses. She calmed down and said, “It seems that Rogge really didn’t kill me. What’s going on? How long have I been asleep?”

Sius still had the same smile that had never changed for thousands of years, and said: “I don’t know exactly what happened between you and the Envoy of God. I only know that the Envoy of God sent someone to take you out of your sleep before he went to war. I sent it over and told you to rest for a while in the City of Oracles. Your condition was not very good at the time, so I had to think of some temporary ways to let you sleep more to refresh yourself. You just fell asleep now It’s only ten days. My old man’s method comes from ancient elves and has always been very effective. You see, you are so energetic as soon as you wake up.

Houston paused for a moment, then said as if he was enduring a lot of pain: “And it can be seen that you originally planned to fight in the underworld and make a big impact on the world…”

Froya screamed in surprise, blushing on her face, and she felt so ashamed for a moment!

She suddenly felt that Hughes’ elegant smile full of wisdom was so hateful.

Under Hughes’s smile, Froya felt more and more uncomfortable, and the burning on her face could not go away no matter what.

She also took the risk and chanted a short spell. A cold wind blew from top to bottom, making her shiver, and then she calmed down.

Froya combed her hair and said calmly: “Since Rogge won’t kill me, then I will leave. Tell him for me that one day I will come back to kill him.”

Xius said: “The envoy of God has asked you to stay in the City of Oracle for a while. If you want to leave, you have to wait until he comes back from the war. You know, I am just an ordinary elf elder. , I cannot disobey the divine envoy’s instructions.”

“So, he plans to imprison me here?” Froya said coldly.

“If we must talk about imprisonment, then the entire Oracle City and the surrounding dozens of miles are your prison. In this prison, you can move freely.”

Froya snorted and said: “So free? Aren’t you afraid that I will run away?”

Xius smiled and said: “Actually, it is not impossible for you to leave. I am the person responsible for guarding you. As long as you defeat me, you can leave at will.”

Froya looked at Hughes up and down, snorted with great reluctance, and said: “Elder Hughes, my memory is not that bad, you are a killer! Killers are the natural enemies of our magicians. , don’t say that your strength is far greater than mine, even if you are not as good as me, I am not willing to fight with you. I understand, in fact, you still want to lock me up, right? Well, I won’t leave, but this princess will eat It costs a lot to use, it depends on whether you can afford it.”

Froya’s eyes blurred, as Hughes suddenly had two small teacups and a small teapot in his hand. He sat down at the table, took out a small stove from somewhere, and started making tea.

In a moment, two cups of tea are ready.

Xius greeted Froya, and the little elf was not polite. She sat down and took the tea to drink.

After she drank it all in one gulp, she thought about it carefully, suddenly smiled brightly, grabbed the tea cup in front of Hughes, and drank it all in one gulp.

Xius sighed, looking like he was in great pain, and murmured: “My old man only orders the tea leaves he grew. You and the Divine Envoy are simply a pair of robbers! Alas! You don’t understand at all. Respect the elderly. Fortunately, you still know how to taste tea. If you give it to the God Envoy, it would be a complete waste.”

After watching Hughes making tea, Froya quietly dispersed the lightning chain that had been prepared for instant use.

Xius smiled, and his gaze that seemed to see everything made Froya feel very uncomfortable. She was almost certain that the old fox must have known that she was planning to attack him secretly.

Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling of frustration surged into her heart. Maybe all along, what I thought was a trap has been seen through by these people, right?

Xius seemed to know what Froya was thinking, and said: “Your Highness Froya, the envoy asked me to tell you that he is very grateful for everything you have done for Fengdie. He said that he will We’ll do it for you, so you don’t have to worry anymore.”

Froya was startled, her face was very ugly, she forced a smile and said: “Feng Die is so cute… I didn’t do anything to help her… I…” Her voice became weaker and weaker, and finally she couldn’t continue. .

Froya felt extremely depressed. She deliberately planted the chess pieces of Feng Die, hoping that even if she failed and died, she would drag Rogge to **** with her. Froya is extremely talented. This time she reunited with Rogge in the North Country. It didn’t take long for her to discover that it would be difficult to kill Rogge completely if she could not destroy Rogge’s soul. Moreover, this man is extremely cunning, thick-skinned, extremely powerful, extremely resistant to magic and poison, and he has countless capable people around him. How easy is it to kill him? After thinking about it, just in case, Froya prepared to use the extremely powerful curse power on Fengdie’s soul contract to destroy Rogge’s soul.

But now, everything is in vain.

Obviously Rogge has known about her arrangement for a long time, how could he not be on guard? If it doesn’t work, just order Feng Die to commit suicide.

Froya really couldn’t control her mood, her eye circles were a little red, and she said in a low voice: “It turns out that he knew everything a long time ago… He deceived me so well!”

Xius sighed and said: “Based on my understanding of Lord God Envoy, even if he doesn’t know that you are helping Fengdie deal with him, you will not be able to succeed.”

Froya said bitterly: “Yes! How could a person like him not leave a way out for himself? He left such an obvious flaw in Fengdie because he hoped that all the enemies hidden around him would use this to start their thinking. To deal with him, avoid looking for solutions from other aspects. And he must have already had a countermeasure.”

Xius sighed: “My Lord God Envoy asked me to advise you that you have died once. Just let all the unhappy things in the past go! It is very hard to scheme against others all day long. . He hopes that at least during the time you are living in the City of Oracle, you can not think about anything and live a happy and relaxed life.”

Froya’s face changed several times, and she suddenly fell on the table and cried bitterly.

Hius stayed by his side silently. He found out another tea leaves and a pot of clear spring from somewhere, and silently brewed another small pot of tea.

The tea was just hot, and Froya, whose shoulders were still hunched and crying bitterly, stretched out her left hand, fumbled to take the small teapot off the stove, and brought it to herself.

Froya sat up, with tears still wet on her face. She drank up the tea in two sips, then took the mirror, carefully cleaned up her appearance, and said:

“I admit it! It seems that I can’t fight that **** fat man. Even if I want to fight, he has taken away all my magic equipment, so what can I use to fight him? Huh, this **** fat man is pretending to be generous! ”

“The Divine Envoy also explained this matter. He said that he just borrowed these things for use. You don’t need them here anyway. When the battle is over, he will come back and return them to you. He also said , anyway, what I borrowed is worthless, and what is truly valuable has been left to you.”

Froya sneered: “This money man, everything is measured by money. Can my magic equipment be bought with money? Besides, I don’t have a single magic equipment in my body now, and he gave it to me What’s left?”

“Isn’t the artifact Lost Paradise left here?”

Froya snorted and said, “Where is it? Why didn’t I see it?”

Froya’s face turned pale when Hughes said something: “Aren’t you Paradise Lost?”

“What are you talking about? I…I don’t understand…”

Xius sighed: “In order to increase your magic power, you actually chose the path of fusion with the artifact. The Lord God Envoy said that he knew from this that your past must not be easy. The reason why he told everything frankly , I just hope you can understand that it is impossible for you to kill him, so don’t waste your efforts anymore.”

Froya finally fell silent.

After a long time, she took a deep breath and said with a smile: “Now I have really figured it out. Elder Hughes, the tea is very satisfying to me, but why is it so shabby here? Can you find me two maids? Come?”

“Your Highness, the City of Oracles is short of manpower, and everyone has something to do. So here, we have to do everything ourselves.”

Froya stared at Hughes almost ferociously for a long time, and then said: “You are awesome! I just drank a few cups of tea from you, and you treat me like this. Huh, let’s see!”

She thought for a while, and suddenly said with great tenderness: “Elder Hughes, you are so capable, especially since although you are a killer, you have much more knowledge in magic than I do. Let’s do this, Accept me as your student!”

Xius’s face changed drastically, and he declined resolutely: “Your Highness, I know exactly what will happen to me when I become your teacher! That means there will be no peace even in the underworld! My old man actually knows nothing about magic. I borrowed it from the Elf Codex and looked it up, and I can’t count it.”

When it came to the underworld, Froya couldn’t help but blush. She spat and began to try to explain: “When you are new to a place, you are afraid of being bullied, so of course you have to be more aggressive! Elder Hughes, what do you think? Where is the elf tome? Can you let me take a look at it?”

Reluctantly, Hughes took out a huge and beautifully decorated ancient book from his arms and handed it to Froya. The little elf really couldn’t see how this big and thick book was put down in his arms in the first place. The little fairy is a great magician, and fairy writing is one of her required courses. She opened the book cover and was immediately stunned: “The War of the Twelve Elf Kings? This… what is this?”

She opened a page at random and read: “King Glassar’s spear, like lightning, thunder, like an eagle flying across the sky, pierced the demon’s chest… Elder Hughes, this is An epic praising the history of elves, right? Where is the magic you mentioned?”

Xius said with a smile: “On the surface, it seems so. King Grasal is a famous paladin in the history of the elves. If this epic is interpreted in ancient elven language, it is an article about practicing spears and The experience of fighting spirit. The part that records magic is in the poem praising the great elf magister.”

The little goblin snorted and said: “I understand. Anyway, I don’t understand the ancient Elf language. How can I explain it? It’s up to you? I don’t care. If I don’t understand something in the future, I can just ask you.”

She came to the window, looked at the beautiful scenery of the Oracle City, and suddenly chuckled. For a moment, she was charming and bright.

“Elder Hughes, let’s go see your tea garden now!”

Xius’s expression changed immediately.

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