Blasphemy: 7 Red Confusion

Zhang Bahongzhuo “Dear Lady Catherine, now let’s take a look at this famous painting “Saints” by Darlov.” An old man with gray hair and noble temperament carefully placed an oil painting on the shelf. Then a thin jasper rod was used as a dot on the screen and the explanation began.

Katherine looked tired and yawned involuntarily. She had not rested for two days and two nights, but the master Cliff who explained art to her was one of the most famous painters today. She had spent a lot of effort to invite him back, so there were not many opportunities to listen to his explanation.

“”The Saint” itself is a mystery. Whether its current appearance is Darlov’s original intention has not yet been completely determined. There is a saying that Darlov made a rough draft for this painting, but in the end The composition and coloring of the painting were done by another person and tampered with Darlov’s original intention. I personally prefer this statement. You see, although this painting is almost identical in every detail, even in the inner style of the coloring, It is exactly the same as Darlov’s other works, but if you taste it carefully, you will find that this painting has a bit more murderous spirit, which is not found in any of Darlov’s works. These differences are very subtle and require considerable artistic ability. You can only tell the difference with your attainments. For example, the prostrate believer next to the Saint, from his expression, position and movements, looks more like a dying soldier on the battlefield. How to interpret “The Saint” is painting A major event in the art world itself, it is also a good topic to test the viewer’s artistic skills…”

Cliff kept explaining and explained the knowledge about painting appreciation bit by bit through “Saints”.

There was a faint ringing of bells in the distance, and the sky began to light up slightly. Before he knew it, Cliff had been explaining for more than three hours. He looked at the time and said goodbye to Catherine immediately.

Catherine was extremely tired, so she called the maid, began to bathe, change clothes, and put on makeup again.

An hour later, Catherine regained her dazzling appearance, and she walked into the restaurant in the most moving manner.

It’s time for her breakfast with MGM.

MGM and Macbeth have been staying in the Grand Duke’s mansion for two days, and these two days have been Catherine’s sleepless days.

At this moment, MGM has already sat down at the dining table. He had just arrived a few days ago and didn’t quite understand the etiquette among the southern royal families, but his noble status, extraordinary strength and persistence in beauty made him stand out from the crowd. As a high-level angel, he can change his appearance according to his wishes. However, he was already very satisfied with his new body, so he only added a pair of extremely finely trimmed mustaches. Coupled with that faint smile, MGM exuded a heart-wrenching mature charm all the time.

The dining table is filled with all kinds of exquisite breakfasts. Yesterday, MGM had tried the famous breakfast from the South under the introduction of Catherine. Today, what was placed on the table were all the famous delicacies from the North.

During the entire breakfast time, Catherine not only allowed MGM to taste the northern flavor that was completely different from the previous day, but also explained in detail the evolutionary history, production techniques and some of the dishes that MGM liked very much. Legends associated with it.

At the same time, Catherine herself is the most perfect teaching on court etiquette.

For MGM, every time we spend time with Catherine is a rare and wonderful experience. He felt more and more that this world, which he had never seen before, turned out to be so wonderful.

An hour and a half later, the long breakfast was finally over. But MGM felt that time passed too quickly.

As long as Catherine is thoughtful, any time spent with her will become the most wonderful memory.

Under the guidance of the maid, Catherine and MGM came to the private collection museum of the Grand Duke’s Palace.

Catherine led MGM directly to the art gallery on the left.

“Noble Lord MGM, today I will be honored to explain to you a crude art of painting in this world. I hope you like it.”

In front of Catherine’s charming smile, MGM responded gracefully and said: “The wonderfulness of this world is beyond my imagination. I am now very much looking forward to the other wonderful things you are about to reveal to me.”

Catherine came to an oil painting, took the thin jasper rod from the maid’s hand, and said with a smile: “Noble Lord MGM, when talking about the art of painting, we can’t help but mention one of the greatest painters in history. Master Darlov. This painting is his famous work “Saints”. “Saints” itself is a mystery. Whether its current appearance is Darlov’s original intention has not yet been completely determined…”

Under the guidance of Catherine, MGM was completely immersed in the world of painting art. That gentle voice and delicate hands are slowly presenting the history of painting art in mainland China to MGM. He was fascinated by Catherine’s elegance and perfection, and was surprised by her breadth.

Perhaps the only regret is that time really flies by. But manipulating time is a task that is completely incompetent even for high-level angels like MGM.

After a quick lunch, Catherine went to the weapons exhibition hall of the Grand Duke’s Palace, waiting for Macbeth who had just visited the training camp of the Royal Guards of the Principality.

Macbeth’s heroic face was expressionless. As soon as he stepped into the weapons exhibition hall, he silently followed Catherine to visit the weapons collected by the Grand Duke of Bavaria. Occasionally when he sees a weapon that interests him, he will pick it up and wave it around briefly, then put it back down.

Catherine walked with him without saying a word. Weapons are different from art, and without any martial arts skills, she cannot express her own opinions in this field. What’s more, in Macbeth’s eyes, the high-quality magic equipment collected in the Grand Duke’s mansion is really no different from a child’s toy.

Macbeth only saw half of the gallery before losing all interest. He turned to look at Catherine and asked: “Mrs. Catherine, I heard that there is a very famous Mr. Prosise in your country. I wonder if you can arrange for me to meet him?”

“Lord Macbeth, Mr. Prosise, the Star Sword Master, is following Marshal Rochelio to prepare for the war against the Dro Empire. This war is of great importance, and I think he may not be able to respond to your request for a martial arts competition. . If you want to meet the powerful people in this world, I have another suggestion, but…” Catherine hesitated.

Macbeth raised his eyebrows and said coldly: “Lady Catherine, I admire your beauty and wisdom very much, and I fully understand your piety. You don’t have to have any worries in front of me, just say whatever you have to say.”

Despite Macbeth’s assurance, Catherine still hesitated for a while before subconsciously lowering her voice and saying: “I heard that the two adults came to this world to hunt down a fallen angel?”

Macbeth’s eyes flashed, and an invisible force field immediately restrained Catherine. Under great pressure, Catherine looked pale and frightened. Her little mouth was open wide, but she couldn’t make any sound at all; she tried in vain to struggle, but she couldn’t even move a little finger.

“Say! How did you know about this?” Macbeth’s tone was still the same as usual, but Catherine knew that as long as she gave an incorrect answer, she would be killed immediately. Through two days of contact, she knew that Macbeth was not as scrupulous as the Pope. He completely ignored the jihad cause of the Grand Duke of Bavaria who inherited miracles, and naturally he would not consider whether Catherine’s life and death would affect the jihad in the principality.

The pressure on Catherine relaxed slightly, allowing her to speak reluctantly: “This is…the Pope told me.”

Macbeth frowned, walked around the room a few times, and then waved his hand, and the pressure to restrain Catherine immediately disappeared. Catherine sat down weakly on the ground, holding her hands on the ground and coughing.

Looking from Macbeth’s point of view, you can just see the white skin of her chest and her deep cleavage rising and falling sharply.

Macbeth suddenly felt his heart beat slightly faster, and there was an inexplicable restlessness. He was stunned for a moment, his mind moved slightly, and he suppressed the abnormality in his body.

Catherine glanced at Macbeth, her eyes full of panic, but there was something else hidden deep in the panic. Macbeth doesn’t know enough about the world, so he fails to see the true meaning hidden in Catherine’s eyes. In fact, even if he has lived in this world for decades, he still has little chance of seeing through Catherine’s mind.

“Go on.” Macbeth stood in front of the long window with his hands behind his hands and said calmly.

“Can I ask, what is the name of the fallen angel that the two adults are chasing?” Catherine’s tone returned to calmness, but the subtle tremor revealed a little timidity in her heart. Look, Up she was frightened by Macbeth’s roughness.


Katherine was silent for a long time, then said softly: “I…have heard of this name.”

This time, even Macbeth lost his usual calmness and indifference. He suddenly turned around and asked: “What!? Where did you hear this name?”

“Recently, a new church has arisen in the Asrophek Empire in the north. I heard that the goddess they believe in is called Odeleh…”

“Hey! She really pretended to be a **** and stole the power of faith. She will definitely not be able to escape this blasphemy…” Macbeth thought to himself.

Catherine continued: “I heard that every time she performed a miracle, it was filled with hymns and accompanied by dazzling holy light…”

“Well, to be able to use divine power to such an extent and dare to claim to be a god, it seems that even if she is not Audreyhe, she must have something to do with her…” Thinking of this, Macbeth immediately interrupted Catherine, asked: “Where is the headquarters of the Eye of Wisdom?”

“In Dresden, the headquarters of the Principality of Are, a vassal state of the Asrophic Empire.”

Macbeth nodded and said: “Very good! I’ll go over and have a look.”

“Please wait a moment!” cried Catherine.

Macbeth is a little impatient, but still ready to hear what she has to say.

“Lord Macbeth, as far as I know, except for a few miracles, the goddess Audareh of the Eye of Wisdom has never appeared again. It seems that she is very cunning and knows how to hide her tracks. . If you go directly to chase her, you will probably miss her!” Catherine said.

Macbeth frowned and said nothing. In fact, he just wanted to track down Odelah’s whereabouts. Once verified, he would immediately summon Achilles and MGM. With him and MGM present, the arrogant Achilles wouldn’t dare to play any tricks. You must know that there is a reason for Odelech’s fall. If Achilles also falls, then Tiratmis, who created them and is responsible for guiding them, will also be guilty of this.

As for the pursuit of the angel of light Audreyh… Even though Macbeth is very arrogant, he always has this bit of self-knowledge.

Catherine walked to Macbeth’s side, leaned forward slightly, and lowered her voice: “I heard that Rogge, the prince of the Asrophic Empire and the lord of the Duchy of Are, has a very close relationship with Audreyh. , very close. It was because of his full support that the Eye of Wisdom was able to develop rapidly in the north. I heard that there were many powerful people around Rogge. For example, one of Mr. Prosis’s apprentices I have been working for him. Also, the intelligence I sent back from the north infers that Rogge and Audreyh are likely to have an affair…”

Catherine, who has a noble temperament, actually uttered the vulgar words “have a leg” in a soft voice. The strong contrast between this made Macbeth feel thirsty in his throat.

“Audreyh…have you fallen to this point?” Macbeth thought to himself. In front of his eyes, the radiant and extremely arrogant light angel in the heaven appeared again.

This time, Macbeth’s heartbeat could no longer slow down.

“Rogg, Rogg…” Macbeth read the name several times, and then sneered: “Very good! I will go to the north to see who can seduce Audreyh to fall. Such a character!”

Catherine immediately said: “I will prepare a map of the Asrofic Principality for you, as well as a portrait of Rogge…”

“No need!” Macbeth waved his hand and said, “The information just now is enough.”

After saying that, Macbeth’s figure fluctuated and gradually disappeared.

Catherine stood in the room for a while before leaving with a sad look on her face.

In the corridor, the maid supporting Catherine asked carefully: “Mrs. Catherine, you look so sad. Is there anything that’s bothering you?”

Catherine sighed softly and said: “Oh, I’m worried about Lord Macbeth. He is so arrogant, but… I heard that there are many powerful people in the north…”

The master and servant quickly passed through the corridor and entered Catherine’s bedroom.

Where they just passed, there was a fluctuation in the air, and Macbeth’s figure slowly emerged. He looked at the direction where Catherine disappeared and showed a rare smile.

He then turned to the north and disappeared again. However, Macbeth did not see it, and even if he saw it, he would not be able to interpret the meaning of the smile on the corner of Catherine’s mouth.

In the dark forest, the tremors of the earth have not stopped.

The flame tyrant Tangke Bakara has passed through most of the dark forest, but his anger does not seem to have subsided at all.

Several giant trees burned and fell in front of Tangke Bakala, but his footsteps suddenly stopped and he raised his head to the sky, as if he was looking for something.

“Who is hiding there! Do you think you can hide from Tangke Bakala’s eyes?” The flame tyrant suddenly roared, and with his extremely loud sound, dark red flame ripples spread. Opened, the forest within a kilometer radius was immediately submerged in raging fire!

There was an unnatural distortion in the sky, and a stunning figure in black robes appeared, with a pair of bright red eyes staring expressionlessly at the flame tyrant on the ground.

Tangke Bakala was angered by this obvious slight. He roared again, and a ball of almost colorless and transparent flames enveloped Achilles.

Achilles opened his lips slightly and muttered something in a low voice. A bright red color quickly spread to his cheeks, neck, and eventually spread to all exposed skin.

Achilles floated quietly in mid-air, his bright red eyes fixed on the flame tyrant, letting the flames rage.

After the recent transformation, his physique has become completely immune to fire.

Tangke Bakala roared again, grabbed the void with his right hand made entirely of flames, and a huge dark red, semi-melted rock immediately appeared in his palm!

In the blink of an eye, the rock flew in front of Achilles!

Achilles frowned, obviously more serious.

His left hand, as white and tender as dripping water, was spread out in front of him, and an invisible net blocked the incoming lava. Achilles’ whole body was shocked, and he was hit slightly by the huge momentum of the lava!

Achilles’ face was His delicate white right hand opened and slowly tilted downwards. A bright red color flowed down from his palm and floated towards Tangke Bakala. This red color is not light and has no entity. It seems that it does not exist in this plane at all. It kept changing its shape, passing through a series of obstacles on the way forward, and floated to the top of Tang Kebakara’s head.

The Flame Tyrant seemed a little nervous about this weird red color. His huge body lowered slightly, and he kept spitting out flames as thick as viscous liquid. These spitting tongues of fire weaved into a dark red curtain, blocking the falling red.

The streak of red seemed to be very unwilling to stay on the flame curtain, but it could never find a gap to penetrate, and finally dissipated reluctantly.

Achilles nodded, and he ignored the Fire Tyrant. Those bright red eyes were already looking into the distance at this moment, looking at the beautiful figure that once had infinite radiance.

He suddenly rose into the sky and disappeared into the boundless blue sky in the blink of an eye.

The Flame Tyrant suddenly lost his target and looked extremely angry. But at this moment, the only things that could vent his anger were the towering ancient trees around him. After knocking down countless giant trees, he finally calmed down and walked towards Moonlight Dragon City again.

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