Blasphemy: 6 once downloaded

A pool of clear water swirled in the slender hands of crystal-clear jade, and the rippling water reflected a delicate and refined face: eyebrows like light willow smoke, eyes like bright moon and clear waves. But at this moment, there was a hint of sadness that could not be captured but lingered in the eyes between the otherworldly eyebrows.

The water was filled with hot steam, steaming everywhere, gradually blurring the delicate face and the faint sadness.

This clear water immediately flowed down from between the fingers, like a small waterfall, falling on the skin that can be broken by blows, like frost, and then followed the concave and convex, graceful and tempting skin. Curve, running all the way down.

The Redbud Butterfly is sitting in this luxurious bathtub made of obsidian. Its bright eyes in the past are lifeless and its expression is blank. It seems that its soul has been separated from its body long ago, and all that is left here is a body. At this time, she was like a shadow puppet being manipulated on the stage, mechanically cleaning her skin inch by inch.

She wants to wash away the shame.

The water is clear and hot, and the steaming water vapor covers her naked body, making her look so beautiful.

Suddenly, the redbud butterfly raised its head slightly, casting its confused and confused eyes towards the skylight on the bathroom ceiling. Outside the window, there was still the distant and mysterious night sky that she had stared at countless times. An inaudible sigh slowly came out of her lips. She lowered her head, picked up the hot water again, and slowly poured it on her round shoulders.

There is just a dark color in the water, which is no longer clear.

She picked up another handful of water, and this time there was a clearly visible blood line in the water, which was slowly spreading.

The redbud butterfly smiled slightly, it was beautiful and sad, and it instantly lit up her lifeless face. However, this beauty is as short-lived as a flash in the pan! The smiling redbud butterfly suddenly trembled slightly all over its body, like dead leaves floating away from the branches in the autumn wind, slowly falling backwards.

The whole world gradually dimmed.

She slowly fell backwards and fell on the edge of the bath, knocking over a delicate porcelain bottle. The porcelain bottle rolled around the edge of the bathtub for several weeks, then fell from the edge and smashed into shiny pieces of porcelain.

When the lanterns first came on, Rogge walked out of the emperor’s palace with exhaustion, climbed into his carriage, and closed his eyes.

His energy is beyond human understanding, and his magic power is superb. Unless he is fighting an opponent in a big battle, he will not feel tired. It’s just that the intrigues and struggles for power between people are sometimes more consuming than a magical battle.

Before dawn today, Emperor Feuerbach summoned Rogge, Alexander, Pompey and several of his most trusted ministers into the palace to discuss matters in the south.

It took 150,000 coolies a month, and after 20,000 died, more than half of the forest leading to the south had been opened. And the Poseidon Legion led by Pompeo marched straight in, sweeping the area within a hundred kilometers on both sides of the avenue. In an instant, countless powerful monsters that had lived in the forest for many years became victims of the Poseidon Legion. Alexander has completed the reorganization of the Glacier Legion and replenished the soldiers. At this moment, he has an army of 120,000 and nearly 200,000 slave corps of various races in his hands, staring at the south.

The empire has basically completed the occupation and plunder of the west coast of the Longines Sea. Various combat materials needed for the southern campaign have been piled up, and a garrison composed of local people has also been formed.

The entire west coast area of ​​​​Longines Sea was divided into three areas, three new imperial provinces were established, and the appointment of major officials was basically completed. This naturally means countless opportunities for profit distribution, so Rogge passionately devoted himself to this struggle to divide the fruits of victory. Over the past few months, after countless negotiations, threats, plots, and compromises, the major forces in the empire finally completed their fight for the three newly established provinces and initially determined the pattern of interests.

Roger’s Holy Church unexpectedly became the biggest winner. He recommended members of the Skull and Bones Society on a large scale and carefully selected candidates for every position. The Skull and Bones Society consists of almost all the core children of the major families in the empire. Therefore, every time Rogge is interested in a position, he will look at which faction and family members are vying for this position, and then give the corresponding members of the Skull and Bones Society to Recommended to go. Many powerful officials were caught off guard by Rogge’s recommendation. Often when Rogge comes over with a letter of recommendation, the candidates who are most actively vying for the position will choose to withdraw on their own. After all, those who are willing to work in such remote provinces are all descendants of these families. How can they compete with the members of the Skull and Bones Society?

These positions were not something that members of the Skull and Bones Society could value originally, but Rogge told them that this was just a springboard, and the geographical location of the west coast of Longines Sea was important. It’s a great time to get results. In the future, these three provinces will be the brightest pearls in the imperial crown.

In contrast, although it seems easier to make achievements by following the army’s expedition to the south, that direction has gathered all the famous generals and ministers of the empire, so it is actually very difficult to get ahead. What’s more, the imperial army is on an expedition and fighting against the Dro Empire, which is also one of the three empires. No one dares to say that they will win. Of course, the Dro Empire was suffering from internal and external troubles at this time, and its national strength was no longer what it used to be, but after all, its long-established foundations were there and should not be underestimated at all.

After some encouragement from Rogge, most Skull and Bones members accepted their new positions and took office. One by one, they were gearing up to do something in this land that was still dripping with blood and smoking. There is never a lack of opportunity to build a new world from the ruins.

The few who were extremely fanatical about the war, as well as those careerists who were confident in their superior abilities and committed to shining a dazzling light in the Southern Expedition, chose to stay in the Southern Expedition army. For these people, Rogge also spent a lot of effort and made proper arrangements for them one by one. Some of them were recommended to Alexander and Pompey, and of course these people had good relations with the military factions. Others were assigned to serve in the Ice Palace Warriors. At this moment, Rogge’s Ice Palace Warriors already have more than 2,000 elite warriors. Due to their outstanding individual combat capabilities, they have become a force that can determine the situation on the local battlefield.

But the thing that troubles Rogge the most is that he never has anyone who can be regarded as a talented person in military strategy. With no choice, he even had no choice but to use Mei to prepare the entire Ice Palace Warriors. But he still couldn’t find a suitable talent to take over the position of leader of the Ice Palace Warriors, causing this position to remain vacant to this day. After thinking about it, the only one that could suit his liking was the Redbud Butterfly.

The Redbud Butterfly, like Mei, was born in Hanyue Camp. When it comes to using troops, she is better than Mei. It’s just that Redbud Butterfly also controls the entire army of the Principality of Arei, and its position is equally important.

For a month, Rogge has been troubled by the selection of hundreds of positions. Fortunately, there is a careful and useful Robosky who can share his worries in this regard. It’s just that Robosky is a talented person in politics, but he is also useless in leading troops. At this time, Roger couldn’t help but miss the dead Charlie deeply.

Today the emperor summoned the imperial ministers to discuss the relationship with the Dro Empire.

At this time, the Dro Empire had been at war with the Duchy of Bavaria, which was supported by the church, for several months. The Grand Duke of Bavaria showed his former glory again. He and Rochelio each united their own armies and entered the Dro Empire like a broken bamboo. The Dro’s army, which was obviously superior in military strength, repeatedly sought opportunities for decisive battles with the Bavarian army. However, the Archduke and Rochelio resolutely avoided fighting and wandered around, constantly eroding the strength of the Dro’s army in mobile warfare.

This war made the world truly realize the combat power of the Principality of Bavaria. During the months of war, powerful and meritorious legions in the army emerged one after another. The Lion-Hearted Knights, Lion-Tooth Legion, Human-Faced Spiders, and Moon Wolf all made the Dro soldiers famous and fearful. And Rocherio and his son have the potential to become famous generals recorded in history.

As long as the main force of the Dro Empire is defeated in the decisive battle that will come sooner or later, Bavaria’s famous generals will be recognized by the entire continent.

Another, less conspicuous piece of news was quietly circulating among political figures from various countries on the mainland.

It is said that in the late spring and early summer, an elite thousand-man light cavalry regiment of the Dro Empire tried to raid a military supply center behind the principality’s front line. As a result, the Holy Knights of the Church of Light were resting in that town, and there was no news about this light cavalry since then.

Such a battle report is a far-reaching message in the eyes of those who care about it.

In the past hundreds of years, although the Church of Light has possessed a force comparable to that of a large country, its transcendent status and large number of believers have made such a huge force almost useless. Even if the Holy Knights were dispatched to suppress the heretics, there were only a few times in history.

Since the defeat of the Asrofic Empire a hundred years ago, the Light Church’s power in the south has not only remained unaffected, but has expanded rapidly. In fact, the kings of many southern countries are believers in the Church of Light. This is true for Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Principality of Bavaria. Regarding wars between believer countries, the Church of Light has always had an attitude of staying out of the matter and not intervening. And if the news of the destruction of the Dro Empire Light Cavalry Corps is true this time, it means that such a behemoth as the Church of Light has finally given up its hundreds of years of non-interference in the secular world and begun to officially intervene in the national war!

Whenever I think of the Blood Angel Augustus and the 50,000 holy knights behind him, I am afraid that the king of any country will be restless.

Although the Principality of Bavaria’s combat power far exceeded expectations, after all, it expanded too fast and its power was always limited. Even if the Dro Empire can be defeated in the end, they will probably not be able to escape the fate of losing both sides. However, if the Church of Light officially joins this war, the situation will immediately change.

Perhaps after defeating the Dro Empire, the sword in the hands of the Grand Duke of Bavaria is still sharp enough to behead several more monarchs.

This war is burning fiercely and fast, and we don’t know how long it will continue to burn and how many countries it will affect.

The Principality of Bavaria is like a ferocious beast with all its claws and claws. Although it is still fighting against behemoths like the Dro Empire, everyone in the surrounding countries is already in danger. Therefore, although there are signs that the Church of Light is preparing to formally intervene in the war, several countries are still secretly in contact with the Dro Empire and preparing to intervene in the war.

The changes in the south soon changed the north as well.

The Asrophic Empire aggressively opened roads in the forest and gathered hundreds of thousands of troops on the border. If it said it had good intentions towards the Dro Empire, even the goblins could not be deceived. But what the emperor was discussing with the ministers today was whether to form an alliance with the Dro Empire and send troops to join the war on the condition of ceding territory.

To Rogge’s surprise, the emperor’s proposal was unanimously supported by all the ministers. This is not because the ministers were flattering Emperor Feuerbach. In the empire, these powerful ministers have always expressed their own opinions on major events, and are not afraid of conflicting with the emperor. This is also the biggest difference between the Asrofic Empire and the southern countries.

Roger soon realized that what these important ministers really cared about was not the Principality of Bavaria, nor even the Austro-Hungarian and Dro Empire. The only thing that the empire values ​​​​is the Church of Light in the south.

Rogg’s current status is aloof. He participates in all important meetings of the empire, but rarely expresses his opinions. Regarding the issue of aiding the Dro Empire, he always remained silent, but he was thinking about it in his heart. Rogge was initially an enemy of the Church of Light, partly because of Elesis and partly because his identity as a necromancer would not be tolerated by the church. Then, as he delved deeper into the Church of Light, Rogge couldn’t help but have doubts about the true purpose of the Church’s existence, and the answer he came up with was something he didn’t even want to think about.

If things only come to this point, then there may still be a possibility of compromise between Fatty and the Church of Light. But after meeting Achilles, Rogge finally understood that the person who had always stood behind him and silently done everything for him would never be seen in heaven.

So no matter how difficult or desperate this road is, he has to continue walking.

Roger suddenly understood Rodriguez somewhat.

No matter how smooth, sophisticated, or unscrupulous he is, there are always times when he has no choice at all!

Perhaps many years from now, he will be another Rodriguez.

What would he be thinking at that time?

Roger suddenly thought of the child in Mei’s belly, the child who had proudly declared to the whole world that he was extraordinary from the moment he existed.

Roger sighed softly.

If he becomes Rodriguez one day, I just hope that the child will not become Rogge.

The fat man in the carriage felt extremely tired and kept rubbing his forehead.

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded outside the carriage, and soon there was a clang. The Ice Palace warriors guarding both sides of the carriage quickly raised their giant shields and drew out their long-handled battle axes. After the defense of these warriors was completed, dozens of figures appeared on the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the avenue, shooting dozens of arrows at the protecting Ice Palace warriors. Of course, these arrows are useless in front of the Ice Palace warriors with huge shields, thick armor and powerful personal weapons.

The attackers were obviously caught off guard by this result, but they saw that there were only ten Ice Palace warriors, and the number comparison between the two sides was really huge, so a man who looked like a leader shouted a few words to the carriage.

The captain of the Ice Palace Warriors bowed his head and walked to the carriage window and said to Rogge: “Your Majesty the Pope, it seems that the attacker is a remnant of a small cult. How do you think we should deal with it?”

Rogg closed his eyes and said impatiently: “Kill on the spot! Don’t bother with the corpse, just leave it to the city defense army to deal with.”

After that, Rogge closed the car window, blocking out all the noise.

He hardly waited long, the carriage shook slightly and continued to move forward.

A moment later, ten Ice Palace warriors whose armor was stained with blood escorted Rogge’s carriage back to the Grand Temple of the Holy Church. When he stepped out of the carriage, Rogge had regained his energy after a short rest.

When Rogge returned to his office, there was already a thick stack of confidential documents on the table. The fat man sighed softly. He really wanted someone to share these chores, but unfortunately he also lacked political talents. The only thing he deserves to boast about is the large number of strong men.

Rogge was taking apart the confidential documents one by one and reviewing them one by one. Suddenly, Rogge stood up abruptly and read the secret document in his hand twice, his face already turning ashen.

The content of the secret message is very simple: Bauhinia Butterfly suddenly committed suicide. Fortunately, she was treated in time and her life was temporarily saved. However, she was still unconscious until the secret message was sent. The second half of the secret document briefly describes the circumstances of the few days before and after Redbud Butterfly committed suicide, and draws an inference.

Rogge slowly threw the secret document into the brazier, then called the waiter and coldly ordered: “Send my order and have Aite come to see me immediately!”

The weather in the North is getting warmer day by day, and the fish harvest in the Longines Sea is gradually increasing, which has greatly eased the supply pressure on the imperial army.

Rogge has been very busy these days. The Asrofic Empire has been in secret contact with the Dro Empire and is preparing to send a mission to the Dro Empire secretly to discuss participation in the war. This mission is naturally composed of military and political personnel, but the most distinguished secret member of the mission is Rogge, the Pope.

Rogg decided to visit the Dro Empire in person to see the customs and customs of this powerful country, one of the three major empires in the world. Rogge was actually not interested in expanding the empire’s territory. He had other purposes for traveling with the envoy this time.

Three days ago, Ete had actually arrived at Ludan Port, but Rogge never saw him. Late that night, Rogge finally adjusted his mood and felt that it was time to meet this bad friend who had been fooling around together.

When the tall magic swordsman stepped into Rogge’s office, the fat man was pacing back and forth on the floor. Aite wanted to hug his old friend like before, but for some reason, he suddenly felt that there was an insurmountable gap between him and Rogge, so he took back the steps he took.

Looking at his childhood friend for a long time, Rogge sighed heavily and finally said: “Etter, if you are short of a woman, where can you find one? Why do you have to provoke her?”

Ate was a little uneasy at first, but after hearing Rogge’s words, his face slowly darkened, and he said slowly: “All the women I have met put together are not as good as her.”

Bang! Rogge slammed the table angrily and yelled: “You want her, no problem! You can chase her and flirt with her! Why do you have to use this method? What do you think she is? She is the kind of person in the tavern who can be played with casually. Are you playing with a woman? Do you know how much effort I put into catching her? I had already decided to transfer her to lead the entire Ice Palace Warriors, but you did this and made her commit suicide! Are you satisfied? Now? Who will lead my troops now, you?”

Etter’s face turned green and red. He stared at Rogge and suddenly yelled: “She likes you! How can I go out? You are more capable than me now and have a higher status than me. I will take it.” Why should I compare with you? Since our reunion, you haven’t even given me a decent seat. If this continues, what hope do I have of getting her?”

Ate’s roar actually calmed down Rogge. He looked at Aite quietly, his cold eyes finally made the magic swordsman shut his mouth, and subconsciously turned his gaze to one side.

Rogge said coldly: “I sent you to lead the army alone? What do you want to do, to die? I put you next to the Redbud Butterfly, just to let you learn from me. When you learn how to lead an army, I will naturally It will make you stand alone. Etter, you are still the same, with no patience at all, how can you achieve great things? And how many people and things are involved in every decision I make now? How can I accommodate you in everything?”

Etter suddenly raised his head, met Rogge’s gaze, and said word by word: “Not all people are like you, and can risk everything for the great cause! At least for me, she is mine now Everything! No matter what means I use, I want her! Let your career go to hell! If you continue like this, in a few years, apart from your great career, I will see what else you have left!”

The pair of childhood friends stared at each other for a long time. Rogge finally let out a long sigh and shook his head. He felt that his interest was waning and he really didn’t want to say anything more.

At this moment suddenly a waiter came to report that Redbud Butterfly had arrived at Ludan Port and was waiting outside for Roger to summon him.

Roger was startled. He had no idea when the redbud butterfly woke up and why it came here alone. He glanced at Etter, frowned and ordered: “Let her come in.”

A moment later, Redbud Butterfly in casual clothes walked into the room. Her delicate face was sickly pale, but her eyes had regained clarity and determination.

She seemed to have completely ignored Eter’s presence, and said directly: “Sir Rogge, the responsibility of the commander of the Alley Army is heavy, and I cannot bear it, so please allow me to resign from this position.”

“Okay.” Rogge’s straightforward reply surprised Redbud Butterfly. After a pause, Rogge said again: “You should first serve in the Ice Palace Warriors. I will notify you of the specific position later.”

The Redbud Butterfly seemed to still have the intention of refusing, but finally agreed and left on its own.

Rogg looked at Etter and sighed: “You have to bear the responsibility for what you have done. You don’t have to go back. I will also arrange a position in the Ice Palace Warriors. As for the result, it depends on It’s your own. That’s all I can do for you.”

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