Blasphemy: 6 Introduction

One thousand three hundred and twenty people.

Rogg read it several times, and after making sure that he was definitely not dazzled, he finally weakly threw the report in his hand on the table. He suddenly had a headache and frowned. Adjani, who was standing next to him, gently helped him rub his temples.

“Damn, there are as many adventurers as locusts! We only burned four to death four days ago, but four hundred more have come in the past few days!”

Adjani poked Rogge’s face gently with her nails and said, “But they have become much more honest recently! No one dares to cause trouble anymore.”

Roger said tiredly: “Adjani, this is what is really scary. The level of adventurers coming to Dresden is getting higher and higher now. As long as there is a small thing and a reason, the silent volcano will It erupted. We are sitting on the crater now!”

Ajani said: “But this is not the way to defend against them! Sir, you are so tired, let alone those people from the Legal Affairs Department. Greedy adventurers will not be afraid of death, they certainly will not Be willing to leave the Principality of Are. The sisters of ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ said that if the number of them going out is small now, there will be adventurers following behind. Although so far, no one has dared to actually take action, but look It’s only a matter of time before you get up! My lord, the wise men of the elves once said that when a huge flood comes, the best way is not to build a long embankment in front of the flood, but to guide it to flow to the sea. Since we can’t stop taking risks If you come to the Principality of Are, then we can retreat to the central mountains. Life in the human kingdom is really not suitable for elves.”

Something suddenly flashed in Rogge’s mind and he jumped up immediately, startling Adjani.

“Wait a minute! What did you just say? Don’t stop the flood, but lead it into the sea…Aha! I understand!”

Roger hugged Adjani, kissed her heavily, and rubbed her **** and hips vigorously with both hands. Before she could react, Rogge had already gone out like a whirlwind, leaving only a red-faced and disheveled Adjani in the house. She hadn’t figured out what happened!

The ancient Dresden has now become a huge transit point for adventurers. Groups of adventurers came here in pursuit of elves, rested and inquired about information, and then quietly left this ancient city and sneaked towards the central mountains in the southeast. Although there are hundreds of elves in Dresden, the strength of the ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ can be seen at a glance. No adventurer would be stupid enough to confront the army, not to mention that this is the elf guard of a bloodthirsty great magician.

No one knows how strong Roger’s magic power is, but he can easily kill a strong warrior with the most basic magic missile, which is enough to scare all adventurers. What’s more, he didn’t need to recite a spell or use any magic props. Dozens of magic missiles fell like a downpour. How could anyone resist?

The two highest-ranking magicians among the adventurers were also present that day. Their faces turned pale when they saw this scene, and they only said: “He is not a human! This is an ability that only devils have!”

Seventeen-year-old Martha has been in Dresden for almost a week. She followed her brother’s adventure team here, hoping that the elves could realize their dream of becoming famous and rich. Martha was very proud of his brother, a tenth-level swordsman, and deeply trusted in the abilities of his companions. This seven-person adventure team has successfully completed many tasks in the past year!

But now the atmosphere in the entire tavern is very depressing. From time to time, adventurers will curse in a low voice the palace magician dressed as a devil and his elf guards. They have become every adventurer’s nightmare!

The Feige group, which was very famous among adventurers, was over. Feige and another warrior who survived by chance were close to the edge of madness. They spent every day in the tavern and got drunk. But no one will laugh at Feige. Wind Butterfly’s light steps, flying wheel saw and gentle killing have been deeply engraved in the heart of every adventurer. The adventurers knew that if they stood in Feige’s position, they would not be able to escape the fate of death. If Rogge’s disorder hadn’t shocked Fengdie and Adjani, Feige wouldn’t have had the chance to get drunk in the tavern.

Martha sighed. She and her friends had seen heavily armed elf guards on the streets of Dresden more than once.

These elves are not at all the kind, gentle, and beautiful elves she imagined. Their faces did have the exquisiteness unique to elves, but they were all expressionless. Even if there were only five elf guards in the group, Martha’s brother would not dare to challenge them. Martha knew that this was not cowardice. Even she had to feel the fierce murderous aura in these elves, let alone others. People with such cold feelings and murderous intent have always been the opponents that adventurers least want to provoke.

Later, Martha learned that the Elf Guard had a name, the Dark Side of the Moon. When she heard the name, her young heart suddenly throbbed.

This pub can only be regarded as ordinary in Dresden. But now there are too many adventurers, and even the price of the most common ale has tripled. With the demon mage and his elven guards around, the adventurers couldn’t take the elves’ ideas at will, so they had to stay in the tavern doing nothing. From time to time there would be a few painful groans in the dull tavern, and Martha knew that these injured were adventurers who had just returned from the Central Mountains.

Not long ago, the Demon Mage suddenly mobilized the Snow Bear Knights and Elf Guards to block the two checkpoints leading to the Central Mountains. All adventurers were only allowed to leave the mountain, not enter it. The angry adventurers quickly gathered more than 500 people, and opposite them were a 300-person public army and troops from the Dark Side of the Moon. Finally, someone lost their mind and began to attack the Elf Guards. Like a barrel of gunpowder being ignited, all the adventurers were controlled by anger and greed. They roared and rushed towards the Elf Guards, trying to defeat the Dark Side of the Moon in one fell swoop. Elves with superb martial arts are worth a sky-high price!

This small-scale conflict ended in a tragic defeat for the adventurers. During the charge, more than two hundred adventurers were shot and killed. The power of a volley of one hundred elite elf archers is definitely not comparable to that of human archers. The most fatal blow to the adventurer’s confidence is the elf’s arrow.

Those arrows whistling and shining with blue light are so beautiful, but they carry deadly murderous intent. Many of the long arrows only hit the adventurers’ arms or thighs, and some even just scratched a small wound. However, all the adventurers injured by the arrows had difficulty breathing, their bodies were weak, and they slowly fell down.

“Oh my God! The arrows of these elves are poisonous!” Exclamations came one after another, and the morale of the adventurers who were still charging in the rain of arrows suddenly fell to the bottom.

Has anyone ever heard that elves who always believe in light also use poisonous arrows? And it’s still so violently poisonous! Rogge was once again confirmed as the devil. If it wasn’t a demon, how could it turn a kind and peaceful elf into such a terrifying war machine?

At this time, no one will naturally think of the methods that adventurers have used to hunt down elves for thousands of years.

Feng Die’s huge wheel saw once again shocked the adventurers’ nerves. Her flying figure has become the representative of death, and the huge wheel saw can easily cut off smaller weapons. This time she was not wearing a visor helmet. All the adventurers were momentarily shocked when they saw Fengdie’s peerless appearance. In this moment of delay, the shining green saw will kiss their throats gently.

Behind her, ten elven guardian warriors led two hundred snow bear knights in close combat with adventurers. The defense line they formed firmly blocked the adventurers, while deadly arrows flew past the knights’ bodies, shooting down the adventurers who were fighting with them one by one.

The battle is short. After paying more than four hundred lives, only a hundred adventurers fled back to Dresden in embarrassment. Fortunately, the demon mage’s men had no intention of pursuing them. It seemed that the order they received was just to block the passage to the central mountain range.

This passage is blocked. If you want to sneak into the Central Mountains, adventurers will have to walk nearly 100 kilometers more. In the snowy Northland, adventurers have to bring a lot of supplies. Walking such a long distance will undoubtedly bring much greater risks.

But this battle clearly made the adventurers realize that there is still a considerable gap between their strength and the regular army, especially the Dark Side of the Moon. The adventurers who are now staying in Dresden are not reconciled. They are still waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity for the elves to be alone, although this chance is really slim.

Seeing that many capable adventurers were seriously injured, Martha couldn’t help but feel lucky that her brother’s team didn’t have time to catch up with the battle. Otherwise, she really didn’t think she would have a chance to come back alive.

While Martha was thinking wildly, a big man ran into the tavern excitedly. He shouted: “Hey! There is great news! The demon magician has actually changed his gender! It has been rumored these days The hunter certificate turned out to be a real thing! The time when it was issued was very strange, it is said that…”

Another middle-aged swordsman jumped up, quickly covered his mouth, and looked around nervously. Everyone in the tavern was looking at him. He forced a smile, greeted his team members, and hurriedly left the tavern.

At this time, everyone was no longer in the mood to drink, and were whispering to each other. Many adventurers even checked out and left so that they could go outside to inquire about the news.

“Brother, what is a hunter certificate?” Martha asked curiously.

“I heard that adventure groups with hunter certificates will be allowed to enter the Central Mountains and can supply supplies on Rogge’s territory. I thought this was a rumor two days ago, but now it may be true!” Martha’s brother replied.

Martha suddenly felt uneasy and said timidly: “Brother, do you think this is a trap? Maybe there are some ferocious monsters waiting for us in the Central Mountains! Brother, these elves are bigger than We think it’s too much, so let’s go back!”

My brother hesitated for a moment, and finally said: “What Martha said makes sense. We’d better be more careful. However, if there is a hunter’s certificate, one is better than none! I don’t want to fight with those elves who are armed to the teeth. We are having a conflict! Now, let’s go out and see if the hunter certificate is genuine.”

It turns out there really is a hunter certificate.

The certificate issuance location is at the Legal Affairs Department. Twenty hunter certificates were issued for the first time. Each certificate allows the holder to bring ten followers into the Central Mountains through the blockade of the Elf Guards. The conditions for obtaining the certificate are surprisingly simple, only one hundred gold coins, first come first served, valid for two months.

There is also an exploration mission issued at the same time as the certificate. It is said that the great palace magician Rogge has a huge and incomplete map of the Central Mountains in his hand. All adventurers who enter the Central Mountains with permission must map the terrain they pass. If the adventure team’s map fills the gaps on the Rogge map, they will receive a reward of one thousand gold coins and become an official knight in the Principality of Are. Member choice.

One hundred gold coins is not a small amount, but most adventurer teams can afford this amount. Although many people are worried about whether there are any traps behind this, more adventurers are more willing to seize the opportunities in front of them. Take risks, what would you do without some risks? As a result, the twenty hunter certificates were snatched away, and the adventure team that did not get them all regretted that they should have hesitated and missed the opportunity.

The day after the hunter certificates were officially issued, several teams of impatient adventurers set out. The earlier you arrive at the Central Mountains, the earlier you will have the chance to discover the secrets of the elves. As for how to transport the captured elves out of the Principality of Are, that is something that needs to be worried about later.

But two days later, even more shocking news came.

There are actually dragons roaming the Central Mountains!

The person who brought this news back was an adventure team called the ‘Forest Silver Wolves’. They entered the Central Mountains for exploration very early, before Rogge sealed off the Central Mountains. They wandered around the Central Mountains for nearly a month, but found nothing. Just when they were desperate and ready to return, the dragon appeared.

It was a gray afternoon, and a giant dragon flew over the ‘Forest Silver Wolf’! Its huge body was more than ten meters long, and its wings spread out and covered the sky! The scope of its dragon power is surprisingly broad, and even the ‘Forest Silver Wolf’ felt the majesty that shocked the soul!

The ‘Forest Silver Wolves’ hid themselves for fear that the giant dragon would discover their whereabouts. They will not yet dream of receiving the honor of being a dragon slayer.

But the flying posture of the dragon is strange, slow and shaky. Suddenly, a backpack slipped from the dragon’s back and fell not far from the ‘Forest Silver Wolf’. There was a hole in the backpack, and there were actually gold and silver utensils and jewelry inside! The ‘Forest Silver Wolf’ couldn’t believe their good luck. They actually met a giant dragon that was moving!

The dragon hovers over the forest, looking for his lost treasure. But it flew with difficulty and clumsiness. After several circles, it still couldn’t find the place where the backpack fell. Finally, it made a few long and unwilling calls and flew deep into the Central Mountains.

The wealth in the backpack is so huge that it surprises the ‘Forest Silver Wolf’! Jewelry and gold and silver themselves account for only about half of the value. The exquisite craftsmanship and long history also add huge value to this batch of jewelry. God knows how many years the dragon has been collecting these treasures!

The ‘Forest Silver Wolf’, who had made a sudden unexpected fortune, hurriedly left the Central Mountains, but was stopped at the blockade. To their surprise, they were not challenged in any way, but were told that after leaving the blockade, they would no longer be allowed to enter the Central Mountains without a hunter’s certificate. In this way, the ‘Forest Silver Wolves’ returned to Dresden with their harvest. They displayed some of their trophies, including an elegant purple and gold crown.

After hearing the news, Archduke Carlos immediately sent someone to buy the crown at a high price.

The suddenly rich “Forest Silver Wolf” is determined to end their adventurous career, find a quiet place, and live a prosperous life. In the envious or jealous eyes of countless adventurers, eight “Forest Silver Wolf” adventurers left Dresden. Now they had so much money that they spent a lot of money to hire a hundred snow bear knights to protect their safety until they left the Principality of Are.

With the appearance of the ‘Forest Silver Wolf’, another piece of gossip began to spread among adventurers. It is said that Rogge and his Elf Guards severely damaged an ancient dragon not long ago, and now they are asking adventurers to search the central mountain terrain in order to capture this dragon.

The dragon.

No adventurer dares to provoke a giant dragon, but when the dragon carries a large amount of treasure, a small group of high-level adventurers will want to try their luck. If this moving dragon was seriously injured, it would be like a moving mountain of gold!

Martha’s brother has been as excited as a child these two days! His luck was unbelievable, and he actually got a hunter’s certificate! A hunter certificate can pass ten people, but their adventuring party is only seven people. So three high-level adventurers temporarily joined their adventure team at a cost of five hundred gold coins each.

Martha was also excited. The Central Mountains were tempting her young heart. Dragons, adventure, wealth, elves, and heroes are enough to make any girl crazy. Everything is ready, and tomorrow, Martha and her friends will set off!

It was late at night when they came out of the tavern. Everyone was a little drunk, even Martha drank several glasses of strong liquor.

While passing through a dark alley, Martha suddenly felt uneasy. Dozens of black-clothed and masked men stood on the roofs and walls on both sides, with more than a dozen gleaming crossbows aimed at them. Before they could react, sharp arrows flew like rain!

Cries of killing came from all directions, and there was no telling how many people were surrounding them. But Martha could see that these people were also risk-takers. She was confused and scared, but remained calm. She raised her wand and used her most skilled fireball technique to rescue her friends. However, just after reciting two syllables of the spell, she was interrupted by a dagger inserted into the back of her heart.

Before she fell, the last thing that caught Martha’s eyes was a hand holding a hunter’s certificate. The certificate was still dripping with blood. That was her brother’s blood…

Rogge, wearing a nightgown, was sitting on his comfortable lounge chair, sipping red wine and gazing at Dresden at night through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Every night in this ancient city is not peaceful now. From time to time, there will be shouts of death, fire or magic flames piercing the tranquility of the night.

Another fire lit up in the distance, and it was unknown how many more adventurers would fall in this battle. Rogge was thinking proudly. He seemed to see adventurers fighting each other around the hunter certificates. According to the figures reported by the Legal Affairs Agency, the number of adventurers has been decreasing almost every day since the issuance of hunter certificates. The adventure teams that have obtained the certificates are trying their best to rush to the blockade to avoid being intercepted by other adventurers. More adventurous teams moved the battlefield for hunter certificates from Dresden to the blockade.

The Dark Side of the Moon only recognizes certificates but not people. Even if someone kills someone to seize evidence in front of them, they will just pretend they didn’t see anything.

One kilometer outside the blockade is the default boundary of the Dark Side of the Moon. Entering this line means that you are protected by the Dark Side of the Moon and can successfully cross the blockade. Countless fights and killings took place outside this line. Even the Snow Bear Knight had some unbearable expressions on his face, but the elves on the dark side of the moon faced it all calmly.

Rogg looked at the night scene and kept making calculations in his mind. “When all those who have obtained hunter certificates have passed the blockade, it will be time to issue the second batch of certificates. Well, only ten certificates will be issued in the second batch. We cannot let the adventurers who stay in Dresden There is nothing to do! It seems that the price can also be mentioned, five hundred gold coins should not be a problem.”

He drank the wine in one gulp and thought about how to involve more adventurers: “Maybe the second batch of certificates should be issued secretly. The adventurers cannot be told which team has obtained the hunter certificate. , so that they will be suspicious of each other and fight each other. As long as the fighting begins, hatred will continue to flow blood. It is time to add two more dark side assassins to the blockade. We must stop them from breaking through with force. All the fantasies of the blockade. Well, you have to put more bait and give them a little sweetness. A wounded dragon moving is not big enough. Well, many people still dare not provoke dragons. A full Fortune’s Tomb of the Undead? This is a good idea, but I don’t know if Fengyue is willing to lend me some more men. The open-pit gold sand mine is also good, and there are adventurer ruins. Ah ha, there are enough baits! It should be able to attract their attention It is transferred away from the elves. If adventurers want to gain wealth but cannot afford to provoke the dark side of the moon, the only way is to **** the hunter certificate. Kill and rob! The more people die, the better!”

Adjani had just come out of the bath. She casually put on a nightgown. The overflowing spring light reflected her pretty face and slender ears, making her look extremely alluring.

She came up behind Rogge, rubbed his shoulders with her hands, and chuckled: “What harmful things are you thinking about again?”

Roger chuckled and said: “Didn’t you come up with this idea for me? Hehe, since we can’t stop the adventurers, let’s open a small opening for them. If thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, most of them will be killed. They squeezed in. Will the adventurers who cross the bridge be able to escape from my grasp? Haha!”

As Rogge said this, he put his hand into Adjani’s bathrobe and ran it up her thigh. She whispered and begged for mercy: “Sir, didn’t you just… just… let me go? I really can’t stand it anymore! Do you want me to call other sisters in?”

Rogg kissed her heavily on the lips and said with a smile: “You gave me such a good idea, how could I not comfort you! This is the benefit you deserve!” , he picked up Adjani and walked towards the bedroom.

Adjani’s protesting voice kept coming: “Sir! How come this idea came from me? I just relayed the ancient wisdom of the elves… This is obviously you…ah!”

Dresden suddenly became an adventurer’s nightmare city. In order to compete for the hunter’s certificate, adventurers often get into fights even during the day. The second batch of ten hunter certificates were released secretly. No one knew which adventurer team these ten certificates were issued to. Therefore, the southeastern direction of Dresden is closely monitored by adventurers without certificates. Any team of adventurers trying to advance towards the blockade will continue to withstand the test of ambushes, assassinations and sieges.

Originally, the farsighted among the adventurers had realized that something was wrong, and the fighting among the adventurers began to get out of control. At first, they were fighting for the certificate. Later, more and more adventurers became enemies, and the number of vendettas to avenge brothers, sisters and friends gradually increased. Several high-level adventurers want to form a temporary union to coordinate the distribution of hunter certificates. But suddenly two more adventurer teams returned from the central mountains.

They discovered an undead tomb. Because the undead inside were too powerful, they were forced to cooperate and successfully broke through the first level of the tomb. At the entrance to the second floor, the extremely powerful undead instantly claimed the lives of two people in the team. The two adventurer teams escaped in panic. But only the harvest from the first level is initially estimated to be more than 50,000 gold coins. Enough for this group of adventurers to retire.

The huge wealth and new adventure locations instantly ignited the greed of adventurers. No matter how powerful the undead are, they are much weaker than the ancient dragons. Few people want to get their hands on the dragon’s wealth, but many adventurers still have the confidence to plunder an ancient tomb of the undead that is rich in treasures.

According to Rogge’s plan, a group of adventurers will die first in order to compete for the certificate, and another group will die in the central mountain range. However, those who return from the adventure will be humiliated on their way back home. The pursuit of the marauders.

Once killing begins, it will be passed down from generation to generation in the form of hatred.

“I will open the door for you.” Rogge thought darkly.

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