Blasphemy: 4th blood level

With the expansion of the Oracle City, the Elder’s House is obviously more magnificent than before. The main building has been increased from two floors to three floors, and the courtyard has also been expanded a lot. The wide courtyard is decorated with towering trees and many lifelike statues. The conference room where Rogge often holds discussions with the elders has doubled in size, displaying many fine works of art from before the Thousand-Year War.

But now the atmosphere in the house is incompatible with the elegant environment.

“What’s going on?! Who did the big grassland in front of the door and the rose branches on the outer wall? Where did the wall on the side of the lake go? Ah, by the way, the rose branches on the crown of the ancient elf tree What is water mist? Is it a newly developed large-scale war magic?

But why can’t I feel any magic fluctuations? “Roger banged the table hard, almost roaring!

Elven elders, you looked at me and I looked at you, but neither of them spoke. The atmosphere became very awkward for a while.

“What’s wrong? Why haven’t you spoken? Didn’t I send a message back when I left, asking you to strengthen the city defense at all costs? Why can’t I see where the city defense is being strengthened? Also, that large illusion spell How is your magic research going? Have you got any results?” Rogge asked again.

This time there was still no answer. Rogge’s anger calmed down a bit, and he found that the elders were not afraid, but helpless. Roger noticed something was wrong. He left his seat and began to pace around the room impatiently, waiting for the elders’ answer.

Xius stood up and said slowly: “My lord, the situation now is completely different from when you left. The temple has begun to fully take over the powers that originally belonged to the Presbyterian Council. You know, in the elves, In tradition, the status of the great elf temple that serves Hilo is supreme. Some of your previous orders are really inconsistent with the nature and traditions of the elves, such as massacring villages and prohibiting elves from designing their own armor and equipment. Before you Shortly after leaving, Priest Zhaoye came forward to summon all the elves, announced restrictions on the power of the Elders Council, and abolished the ban that did not allow the elves to design their own equipment. Now, the city of Oracle has fully restored the traditional culture of the elves.

Roger calmed down. He walked to the window and looked at the magnificent Elf Temple opposite and the elves and men and women playing on the lawn.

“So what is the Presbyterian Church doing? Don’t you have any objections? Is it true that the Presbyterian Church can’t do anything about the temple?”

Xius smiled bitterly and said: “The status of the temple has always been above that of the Presbyterian Church.”

The elders in the meeting hall looked at each other and went out silently. Only Hughes stayed, standing next to Rogge, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

“Xius, the elves look happy?”

“Master God, this is indeed the case. I have to say that these decisions of the temple are very popular. Some elders have even turned to support the temple. You see, nature, warmth, sunshine, and carelessness, this He is the real elf.”

Rogge sneered and said: “The previous ones are all right, but Carefree is definitely not the same as the current Oracle City! Adventurers have begun to appear in Dresden, I think, Xiu Elder Si, you must understand the purpose of these adventurers coming here. These adventurers are like locusts, there will only be more and more of them! If I hadn’t already taken the military power of the Principality of Arey, and used tricks to lure Before his death, Grand Duke Tikrik issued a decree allowing elves to legally reside. Do you think the ones who come will be just adventurers? What will appear in front of the Oracle City at that time will be coalition forces from more than a dozen countries of the Holy Alliance! That **** Zhao Ye made the City of Oracle so conspicuous, for fear that the adventurers would not know where the elves’ headquarters is! These big-hearted and brainless priests will not take the human army seriously, Elder Hughes What about you? How many human armies do you think we, more than ten thousand elves, can resist?”

Xius smiled and said: “Master God Envoy, your achievements in the Principality of Are really surprise me. I never thought that you could achieve such a status in the Principality in such a short period of time. You are indeed the leader of the elves. The best candidate for the clan. However, the habits of the elves for thousands of years are not easy to change, and none of them can see as far-term as you do. Although the Presbyterian Council no longer has any power, I still have some influence. . Your ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ still only accepts orders from you. In addition, although the temple has taken over the weapon and armor workshop, the Dark Moon tribe has its own craftsmen. I will let these craftsmen return with you To the Principality of Arei, this way, things like 1,600 poisonous arrows will never happen again. That’s all I can do.”

Roger sighed and said: “Elder Hughes, it is really not easy to be this divine envoy!”

Xius smiled slightly and said: “It is not easy for the Dark Moon clan to train guardian warriors! There are only six of the younger generation of elven women who have grown up to be guardian warriors, and they have been handed over to you.”

Roger chuckled and cursed secretly that this old fox was really good at bargaining.

Speaking of the guardian warriors, Rogge suddenly remembered one person and asked: “How is Rumsfeld’s mission going? Is he back?”

Sius’s sharp gaze pierced Rogge’s heart: “He has come back. During this period, he was under great pressure and needed to talk to the priests from time to time to keep his soul intact. Lord God Envoy, this child is very Your talent will be very useful to you.”

Rogg stared back without giving in at all: “Elder Hughes, what I promise you is to bring a new future to the elves. I can only try my best to ensure the realization of this goal, and I can’t take care of other things. So many! Besides, you also know the stubbornness of elves and their persistence in feelings. In the face of feelings, it is not surprising that an elf will do anything. I am not a person who likes to take risks, whether it is the future of the elves or me. I don’t like risking my own safety.”

Xius shook his head, sighed, and stopped insisting.

After looking at the Great Elf Temple for a while, Rogge suddenly said coldly: “We must solve the temple problem, otherwise we will pay a heavy price.”

Xius shuddered, “Master Envoy of God, the relationship between us and the temple has not been tense to this extent yet? Let me try harder! The priests will respect the opinions of the elders.”

Roger nodded and said: “It would be best if Zhaoye could keep his duties and not interfere with us. But I really doubt this. However, since you said so , I will wait a little longer. But Elder Hughes, our time is running out. If we are really at a critical moment, can you make up your mind to help me?”

Xius gritted his teeth and finally said: “If it really comes to a critical moment, the Dark Moon Clan and I will definitely be on your side!”

“That’s good.” Rogge finally let go of his worries.

It’s night.

A faint magical light illuminates the Oracle City. Looking from a distance, the entire city is glowing, like a fairyland on earth.

Rogg felt extremely distressed about the magic power used for lighting, but he had to admit that this city was really the only beautiful city he had ever seen in his life. Even the Green Sea is a bit inferior.

The fat man took a walk in the city and then returned to the Temple of the God’s Envoy. Rumsfeld was already waiting for him in his room.

After settling himself in the large chair, Roger asked: “Rumsfeld, you look much better! How was the mission accomplished?”

Rumsfeld described the mission accomplished simply and succinctly. Even the fat man who wanted to find fault had to admire his seriousness and dedication. He also completed these tasks of searching terrain and detecting minerals seriously and meticulously, which were similar to a short-term exile.

A magic map is placed on the large desk in front of Rogge. Rogge recited a spell, and several rays of light flashed on the magic map. The mountains and rivers began to grow, the trees began to appear, and the water in the small lakes also flashed. The Oracle City is only a few inches in size on the map, but three ancient elven trees can still be distinguished. The scenery and terrain of the two hundred kilometers around the Oracle City are displayed bit by bit. This magic map was a treasure passed down by the Dark Moon Clan for many years. Rogge knew how precious it was, so he found an excuse and took it for himself.

Rogg carefully adjusted the magic map. The three-dimensional scene displayed on the map slowly shrank, and large blanks began to appear around the Oracle City. Rumsfeld handed Roger a green crystal. Rogge gently stroked the green crystal, eliciting the magic contained in it bit by bit.

To the northeast of the Oracle City, a large mountainous area slowly appeared. The terrain is displayed very clearly, with almost no blind spots. On this newly added terrain, a dozen magic markers flashed with a faint light. There are ore marks representing various minerals, red marks representing dangerous areas, and sword marks representing military significance. What interested Rogge was a small red copper mine in this area. According to Faith, this extremely scarce mineral can only exist in cuprite. Enamel iron is an important raw material for making the best fire attack magic weapons. If it is made into armor, it can have high fire damage defense properties.

The fat man had to admit that Rumsfeld was a talent, and he couldn’t bear it for a moment. Is it worth destroying such a talent for Feng Die?

Roger raised his head and looked at Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld looked at him calmly, neither arrogant nor humble. What Rogge saw in the elf’s eyes was fatigue, melancholy and a little despair. He smiled and was about to say something when he suddenly felt something was wrong. The fat man looked at the elf carefully again and finally understood where this feeling came from.

Be firm.

Rumsfeld was very tired and melancholy, even a little desperate about his current situation, but he never wavered. Rogge didn’t know what the elves’ unwavering faith was, but whether it was love, good nature, or dedication to the entire elves, this meant Rogge’s failure. All the difficulties and torture Rogge faced against this elf never destroyed or even shaken his will.

Rogge began to reassess Rumsfeld. There is no doubt that he is a genius among the elves. He has outstanding martial arts skills, is determined, remains calm in times of crisis, and handles matters in an orderly manner. But in Rogge’s mind, the definition of talent only applies to those who can be used by him. Because of Fengdie’s existence, Rumsfeld could no longer be loyal to him.

The more talented a person is, the more dangerous he is. This thought flashed through Rogge’s mind.

“Rumsfeld, you have done a great job on these tasks! You have worked very hard during this period, so take a good rest! I will not give you another task after ten days.”

Rumsfeld was startled, almost not believing his ears. He knew more or less what the God Envoy was planning towards Feng Die. He also knew why he was the only one to do these almost difficult tasks. It was only out of consideration for the entire elves and the temple guardian’s duty to obey orders that he fulfilled every order given by Rogge to the letter. However, he never told anyone about the difficulties involved.

The first time he massacred the orc village, the blood on his hands had exceeded the previous total. After that, he couldn’t sleep for several nights. Whenever he closed his eyes, countless pairs of crystal clear eyes of orc children would appear in front of him, and their tiny screams before death would ring in his ears. Then he would get up, vomit uncontrollably, and then sit quietly until dawn, waiting for the next task of massacring the village that might come at any time.

How many nights like this have you had? He can no longer remember…

Roger’s kind voice brought him back to reality: “I heard that you often go to the temple during this period? Are the priests’ solutions effective?”

Rumsfield was shocked. The conflict between the envoy and the temple priest was now close to being open to the public. He carefully considered his words: “Master God Envoy, the tasks you assigned me are all tasks I have never done or even thought of. So I am under great pressure and even doubt whether I can complete the tasks assigned by you. With the enlightenment and blessings of the priests, I gained confidence again and completed several tasks you will give me later.”

“Very good!” Rogge smiled and patted Rumsfeld on the shoulder, “As you know, I have some opinions about that **** Zhaoye. But this time she did a good thing. ! I also know that you are under a lot of pressure, but if the elves want to survive, everyone cannot live among the blue sea and blue sky. Only if we walk in the darkness can other elves live under the sun. Our descendants, Only in the future will it be possible to grow up carefree and no longer have to worry about war and killing. Do you understand?”

Rumsfeld felt a turmoil in his heart. The changes brought to the elves after Rogge’s arrival are obvious. He still couldn’t understand many of the ways of the Lord God Envoy, but he knew best the terrifying combat power of the ‘Dark Side of the Moon’. Although he was a martial arts and military genius in the Dark Moon tribe who specialized in the art of war, he never thought that Rogge would be able to bring out such a terrifying force in just a few months. Maybe the Lord God Envoy is right. Only if some elves voluntarily walk in the darkness can other elves have a guaranteed future.

“Lord Angel, I…” Rumsfeld didn’t know what to say.

“Okay, there’s no need to say anything, I understand everything. Rest time is precious, just relax these days!” The fat man’s smile can always warm people’s hearts.

Rumsfield bowed, turned around and was about to go out, but Rogge stopped him again: “By the way, when you go to the temple in the future, it’s best to go at night, so as not to be seen by other elves. As the guardian of the temple, it is not good to let other elves know that you have moments of weakness in your heart!”

Rumsfield admired the Lord God’s thoughtfulness very much. He agreed and then left.

Looking at Rumsfeld closing the door gently, Rogge smiled grimly.

“Whether you are the guardian of the temple or the priest, if you want to go against me, you can’t do it without paying a price. Hum, I’m afraid you can’t afford the price…”

The next day, Rogge went to the temple alone. He wanted to personally talk to the three priests about the future of the elves.

In the deepest prayer room of the temple, the divine envoy and the three priests started arduous and strange negotiations. The elven priests headed by Zhaoye made Rogg thoroughly see the elves’ arrogance and stubbornness, and the fat man who was deep in the city was so angry that he flipped the table. Rogge, who was completely angered, also showed the priests what it means to be arrogant, rude and rude. The fat man began to threaten and extort nakedly, bargaining wherever possible, and one of the three sentences would include a cordial greeting to Zhao Ye’s sensitive parts.

The elf priests had never seen this kind of posture before. They were so angry that they were shaking all over, especially Zhao Ye, who almost fainted. She even wondered whether Rogge’s true identity was the envoy of the orcs? God knows why the naturally elegant God of the Elf Tribe could be such a vulgar and vulgar person?

Although the priests are supported by most elves, they are not willing to completely break with Rogge. Zhaoye did not doubt the authenticity of Rogge’s identity as the divine envoy. In fact, she personally sensed Hilo’s purest divine power in Rogge, and it was she who announced her recognition of Rogge’s identity. Rogge also has a trump card in his hand, which is the miraculous power in him. If the temple and Rogge break up, and Rogge once again performs miracles, it will be a big problem how many elves are willing to follow the priests.

Rogg saw the fatal weakness of the priests and became more and more wanton. He simply stood up, stepped on the chair, and argued loudly with the three elf priests with overwhelming momentum. The fat man threatened that if the temple dared to completely oppose him, he would split the elves, then introduce the human army of the Holy Alliance, and turn around to level the Oracle City. At that time, even if the priests could escape with the elves, the ancient elf tree would not be able to escape. In this cold northern mountainous area, the elves would not survive long without the magical protection of the ancient elven trees.

The priests were stunned by Rogge’s rogue appearance.

Seeing that the fat man had the upper hand, he was even more proud, and even declared that if the elves were to perish from now on, then you three priests would be the most direct sinners!

The priests were shocked and angry. It was obviously Rogge who said he would lead back the human army to destroy the elves, so why did they become the sinners? But Zhao Ye, the toughest one, is huddled in the corner of the room. She was so angry that she rushed up to argue with Rogge, but the scoundrel touched her breast! The other two priests also had their faces touched and their buttocks pinched. The priests are already physically weak, so how can they be a rogue opponent with a monster like Rogge? Now the three elf priests could only huddle together, hiding from Rogge’s power in the corner of the room.

Most elves have a noble spirit of sacrifice. Fatty discovered more and more that as long as the lives and future of the entire elves were traded, there was almost no disadvantage. But he didn’t want to rush these priests, and everything should be done in moderation. In the end, the fat man only proposed that the temple should not be allowed to interfere with the command of the Dark Side of the Moon, and that the weapons, equipment workshop and alchemy laboratory must also be handed over to him.

The chaotic priests did not expect Fatty’s request to be so simple, so they hurriedly agreed to prevent Rogge from pushing further.

As soon as the priests nodded, Rogge immediately returned to his polite appearance. Zhaoye’s eyes blurred as he saw that Rogge had sat back in the chair with a holy look on his face, and the overturned table had returned to its original state. At this moment, if any elves came in, the priests huddled together in the corner of the room would appear to have lost their bearings.

After seeing Rogge’s rogueness, Zhaoye once again realized Fatty’s genius in disguise. She knew in her heart that this was Rogge demonstrating to her. Even if she told her about the ugly scene just now, Rogge would never admit it. Moreover, the holy priests were actually touched by the angels. If this news spread, it would be an extremely heavy blow to the faith of the elves.

Zhao Ye’s heart is getting colder and colder. Is there really no way to deal with this scoundrel? “Maybe assassination is the best way…” This thought flashed through her mind.

Zhao Ye was shocked and quickly confessed to Shi Luo: “Ah! Why do I have such sinful thoughts? My Lord Shi Luo, please forgive me for my uncleanness of faith… Oh my God!”

But she knew very well that even if she wanted to assassinate Rogge, how could it be easy for a great magician with the protection of the Lord God to succeed? What’s more, the Dark Moon tribe, which is the most proficient in assassination, is in the hands of Rogge. Who can she find to assassinate Rogge?

Roger stepped out of the prayer room with a cheerful expression. The status of this prayer room is sacred, and apart from sacrifices, only the envoy Rogge is eligible to enter. No other elves will be allowed to come near.

Because of this, no elf knew about the ugly scene in the prayer room.

Roger walked briskly towards Hughes’ home. He couldn’t help but replay the wonderful scene just now in his mind. Zhaoye’s **** were big and elastic. If he hadn’t grabbed them, he wouldn’t have known they would be so wonderful. Zhaoye’s shocked and stunned expression made every bone of the fat man feel lighter. After the fat man rubbed him hard a few times, Zhaoye screamed and ran away.

“Damn, you have to use rogue methods to deal with these gangsters!” Rogge thought viciously. He laughed a few times, opened the door directly and entered Elder Hughes’ home without knocking.

“Lord God Envoy, it seems that you have made great gains in your negotiations with the temple!” Hughes said with a smile.

Roger knew that the old fox was always well informed. He nodded and said: “It’s just a little gain. The workshop and alchemy laboratory are coming back, and I can go back to the principality. You can arrange the production of 50,000 poison arrows as soon as possible. Also, this poison is not strong enough! Production The quantity is too small. Keep an eye on the magician in the alchemy room and ask him to improve as soon as possible. Don’t let him be lazy!”

Xius said: “This matter is easy to handle. Lord God, I have been thinking about the current situation during this period, and I feel that it is still full of crises! In my opinion, the key now is that you can fully control the power of the Principality of Are as soon as possible. You and The sooner Adele’s marriage is held, the better. You know, elves have great value in the eyes of the human race. The more value, the greater the temptation. Although you single-handedly helped Carlos come to power, in the history of the human race , the mentality of those in power on and off the stage is completely different. With all due respect, you may already be the target of Archduke Carlos’s guard against you. After you marry Adele, you can calm his mind. In case Carlos wants to deal with you, we can arrange an accident then. A female Grand Duke who is your wife is much easier to control than a male Grand Duke who is your brother-in-law.”

Rogg thought for a while and said slowly: “It makes sense. Marriage and blood ties are the most effective ways to consolidate power. I will hold a wedding when I get back! However, I don’t know if Adele is easy to control. This woman is cold-hearted and ruthless, and sometimes I feel a little scared.”

Xius smiled and said: “If it’s not enough for the Grand Duke to be your wife, then it will be enough to be your son. According to the importance that humans attach to blood, your and Adele’s children will have the Tikrik family in them. With his bloodline, he can legally inherit the principality. And this child actually only needs to have Tikrik bloodline in name.”

Rogg said gloomily: “This makes sense. You also know, I don’t hope that the blood of Tikrik will still exist in a few years. Well, this child better have the spirit of an elf Bloodline.”

Xius twitched his beard and nodded with a smile: “Actually, Fengdie is a very good child. I believe that the result of her and you, sir, will definitely be a hero in the future.”

Rogg looked at Hughes and said slowly: “Elder Hughes, you are really not simple! You have already planned all this, right?”

Xius smiled and said: “Master God, the elves have no ambitions. What we want is just to allow the elves to live and develop peacefully in the kingdom of the human race. The elves will not be your enemies. I know that you must have your own goals and plans. The elves will be a great help to you. As long as you don’t treat the elves as pawns, but as friends who share weal and woe. The elves always spare no effort to help their friends. ”

Rogg chuckled and said: “With a wise man like you, the elves will rise again. It’s only a matter of time!”

Xius shook his head and sighed: “The elves have no ambitions. Even if they did, they were all dissipated in the war a thousand years ago. We don’t need to rise. That’s unrealistic. Now the elves just want to survive. As long as I can pay any price to survive.”

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