Blasphemy: 4 is coming

Just when Elder Hughes temporarily scared away the Silver Miracle Nicholas, an exquisite and gorgeous carriage drove briskly out of the City of Oracle and sped towards Dresden.

The carriage was extremely finely built and was pulled by four strange creatures that looked like deer and horses. It was obvious that the elf driving the carriage was also a master in the art. He drove the carriage through the completely roadless mountainous area, effortlessly finding a path that was barely passable in the rugged terrain.

The carriage is not big, but it is like floating on two wheels. No matter how the wheels rise and fall, it always maintains a stable balance. When encountering a road that is really difficult to pass, the four creatures pulling the carriage will exert force at the same time, lifting the entire carriage into the air. After gliding in the air for a short distance, it will land lightly and continue moving forward.

There is a beautiful elf sitting in the carriage. Her long pale golden hair is like a golden waterfall flowing slowly, her skin is as moist as ivory, and there is a hint of sadness on her delicate and elegant face. , and a hint of tiredness. Perhaps because she felt a slight chill, she shrank her neck slightly and wrapped her thick clothes tighter.

She was like a kitten, curled up into a ball due to the cold, looking weak, slender, and pitiful.

But it looked like she was very tired from traveling for a long time. Her body softened and she gently pressed against a man sitting next to her.

The man was round, well-dressed, and had a kind face. There was a faint feeling of calmness and authority in his gaze.

The person dressed as a great magician is none other than Rogge.

He moved his body to make the elf feel more comfortable, and said with a smile: “You are tired, Fengdie. But it doesn’t matter, we will be able to go to the resting place soon. You see, we have just passed one You’ve been able to walk in a few months, so don’t worry, your injury will be completely healed. Are you bored after staying in the City of Oracle for so long? It’ll be fine when we get to Dresden .”

Feng Die was indeed a little tired. She closed her eyes slightly and said: “Master Rogge, you are so busy, but you always find time to see me. Are you not afraid that I will really fall in love with you? Then drag you to **** with me?”

Roger laughed and said: “Afraid! Of course I am afraid! But so many people want me to go to hell, am I still living well? One more you is not more, and one less you is not more.”

Fengdie moved again, placed herself in a more comfortable position, and whispered: “Master Rogge, I know that you treat me like this because of Adjani. But my It’s hard to say whether my martial arts skills can’t be restored to their original state. If they can’t be restored, then I’m no different from an ordinary elf. You never do useless things. You waste so much time on me. You might as well spend more time on Andro. What about Ni and Froya! They will be more helpful to you, right?”

Rogg gently stroked Feng Die’s long and beautiful ears and smiled: “How could I be that kind of person?”

“Obviously, you are.” Fengdie’s voice became lower and lower, and finally, she fell asleep deeply on Rogge’s body.

Looking at Fengdie’s sleeping face, Rogge surprisingly felt a sense of tranquility. His tense nerves slowly relaxed. The cabin is warm, luxurious and comfortable, which is in sharp contrast to the snow-capped peaks outside the window. Rogel listened to Fengdie Junjing’s long breathing, and gradually felt a hint of tiredness himself.

Before falling asleep, Rogge suddenly hoped that this wonderful journey could be longer, longer.

“Let go of yourself, open your whole heart to him, completely trust him and rely on him…” In the deepest part of Fengdie’s consciousness, a voice is echoing repeatedly…

Rogg returned to the City of Oracle this time not just to bring back Fengdie.

Sius has told him everything about Nicholas’ revenge, which naturally includes the fact that Nicholas has mastered the ultimate transformation technique and can transform into a human or an elf at any time. Except for Nicholas’s true strength, Hughes told the truth.

What Hughes said to Rogge was that Nicholas seemed stronger than Chris Felena, that’s all. Of course, this sentence is also true when considered strictly. After hearing this, Rogge felt a lot calmer. In his heart, he vaguely felt that if there were two people from the sanctuary guarding him, the silver dragon would have to escape.

And if there is a person from the sanctuary around, it is not impossible to fight Nicholas. Now Feng Yue has stabilized her position in the other world. Although he ordered her not to move, if his life is really in danger, he still has the confidence that Feng Yue will not sit idly by and ignore it.

Roger didn’t know whether Nicholas could still maintain the terrifying defense in the silver dragon form after using the ultimate transformation technique to transform into a human. But according to Hughes, the advanced transformation technique can completely transform into the target creature and possess all the characteristics of the target creature. At the same time, the characteristics before transformation can also be enhanced to the target creature to a great extent. But no matter what, it is impossible for Nicholas, who has shrunk in size, to completely copy all the characteristics of the silver dragon. If that were the case, the scaled-down Silver Dragon would really be invincible. In this way, in fact, after using the transformation, Nicholas’s overall strength has not improved, but has declined. The good news is that after the transformation, the silver dragon immediately turned from light to dark, making it extremely difficult to guard against.

Fortunately, according to what Hughes said, Nicholas has not left Moonlight Dragon City for more than three hundred years. He must have no knowledge of the world of humans or elves. This may be the only thing that can be used.

“Besides, how does it know that I killed its wife? If it doesn’t work, just let two people take the blame.” Thinking of this, Rogge felt a lot more at ease. Of course, the fat man didn’t know that the glorious image of him surrounded by seven magic light shields that day had already been deeply engraved in Nicholas’s soul.

This time when he returned to the City of Oracle, Rogge mainly wanted to see how the newly researched items of the Immortal Tree Tribe, which was good at architecture, were being prepared. Several new magics have been successfully developed recently. After preliminary testing, Rogge was extremely satisfied with the results. In the future, I will just wait and let the enemy suffer a lot during the battle.

After a winter, the elves’ griffons finally adapted to the northern climate and can move normally. Rogge suddenly had more than a dozen scouts and liaison soldiers who could fly. As for the other mythical beasts of each tribe, they were either frozen to death in the harsh winter, or they were barely surviving. They were struggling to adapt to the climate of the North and were not of much use for the time being.

He originally wanted to see Fengdie and leave, but Hughes insisted that he take Fengdie to Dresden. Fengdie was recovering from a serious injury and could not withstand traveling like this at all, but Hughes built such a carriage, making traveling even in the barren mountains a rare enjoyment.

Double magic circles are engraved on the base of the carriage, one is used to reduce weight and the other is used to maintain balance. The exquisite craftsmanship of the elves is perfectly reflected in this carriage. No matter what position the two wheels are in, the carriage will remain generally horizontal. There is also a magic circle hidden on the floor of the carriage, and heat slowly comes from under the feet, making people extremely comfortable in this cold winter. When the summer is hot, the magic circle on the roof of the carriage will be activated, and the cool air will turn the carriage into a paradise on earth.

In addition, the four seven-colored deer pulling the cart were originally very powerful animals in the forest. It is said that they have some blood relationship with the unicorn and are one of the mythical beasts of the seven-colored deer tribe. If you want to use them to pull a cart, only elves or druids who have trained for many years can do it.

Of course, the elves’ artistic taste is unparalleled in the world. Even if you don’t consider the value of the jewelry decorated on the car itself, the handiwork alone is definitely worth a lot of money. Hughes was well aware of Rogge’s habits and character. In the eyes of experts, this implicitly disguised carriage was priceless and unparalleledly luxurious.

At this point, Rogge had no reason not to like this carriage, and no reason not to take Feng Die away with him.

One day later, this magical car carried Rogge and Feng Die back to Dresden.

Although the Arei Principality is a small country, the old manager of the Grand Duke’s Palace has seen a lot of good things over the past thirty years. When he saw this carriage parked at the entrance of the Grand Duke’s Palace, he was still shocked. The old steward was stunned for a long time, and it was not until Rogge opened the door that he realized what he was doing. He rushed to the carriage at a speed far faster than the young servant and wanted to serve the great magician Rogge himself. Judging from the speed of sprinting several tens of meters, it is completely impossible to tell that he is already an old man in his sixties.

When Rogge helped the slightly lazy and tired Feng Die out of the car, Feng Die’s beautiful face once again shocked everyone present.

When Fengdie followed Rogge in the past, he always hid his beautiful appearance under his helmet and always wore battle armor. He looked more heroic than elegant. But this time she didn’t hide her face, and she was seriously injured and couldn’t wear any armor. She finally showed off her unparalleled elegance in a gorgeous dress.

The old manager reacted first. He saw too many beautiful elves around Rogge, and there was also a peerless beauty named Froya. The more you see beauties, the less shocked you will be.

Although he was a little surprised that Mr. Rogge came back alone, if he thought about the bandits on the road, if they had the idea of ​​​​such a great magician, it would naturally be due to bad luck.

Rogg helped Fengdie walk towards his room. The old steward and more than a dozen maids and servants followed closely behind, fearing that the service would not be adequate. The general manager of the Grand Duke’s Palace was originally of high status, and even Shilay wanted to curry favor with him that day. But he is already over sixty, and he is eager to live another three to five years. Great magicians like Rogge are obviously his hope. What’s more, the Grand Duke’s Mansion has a new owner. It’s time for the old one to go and the new one to come. In order to hold on to the position in front of him, the old manager had already put all his old bones into practice and used all the skills he had used to serve Grand Duke Tikrik when he was young.

“Where’s Adele?” Rogge asked casually.

“She went to inspect a batch of newly made combat knives. I’m not blabbering, but she is pregnant, and she has to work so hard every day, which is not good for the child.” The manager replied.

Roger nodded. He had already learned about Adele’s enthusiasm for power. As for whether the child in her belly was dead or alive, Rogge would never care.

After settling Feng Die, Rogge went to the newly built temple of the Eye of Wisdom alone.

Today is the day that Eye of Wisdom made an appointment with Rogge. On this day, Saint Mora will summon the goddess Audreyh to the world for the first time in the new temple.

Rogg, dressed in casual clothes, stood silently in front of the new temple of the Eye of Wisdom for a long time.

After meeting Rogge that day, Mora immediately selected an extremely grand and huge house in the north of the city as the location of the new temple. This house originally belonged to a well-known wealthy businessman from the Holy Alliance, and it would cost a lot to buy it. When Rogge heard about this, he just smiled. Even if Eye of Wisdom can afford the money, whether the person is willing to sell it or not is another matter. Based on his impressions from that time, Rogge determined that the Eye of Wisdom would not be too wealthy. Not much time has passed now. How could this church, which 90% seems to be a cult, become rich so quickly?

But the news that came immediately surprised Rogge.

Wisdom’s Eye took ownership of the house without spending any money. The reason is very simple, Saint Mora inspired the wealthy businessman!

After this incident, Rogge asked Froya to quietly meet with the wealthy businessman. “He fell under a natural charm.” The goblin, who is a master in magic, concluded.

The natural charm effect is far longer-lasting than ordinary charm magic, and its power is by no means comparable to ordinary magic. This ability is extremely rare. As far as Rogge knows, only a few high-level forest elves have such innate skills. It’s really incredible that this kind of ability appears in a human woman. It seems that Mora has some forest elf blood in her body. In this way, it makes sense for the Eye of Wisdom to develop so quickly in the Principality of Leighton. At least Audreyh chose the right envoy for himself.

But this ability is destined to have no effect on Rogge, who is so determined that he is almost paranoid. However, there are only a few ordinary people who have endured all kinds of hardships like Rogge, not to mention possessing huge mental power like him.

In a short period of time, the Eye of Wisdom completely transformed the house into the appearance of a temple. This speed of transformation is almost miraculous. But if you think about the thousands of people working feverishly around the clock, this speed is not surprising.

Rogg mingled among the crowd, silently watching the miraculously rising Temple of the Eye of Wisdom. The whole temple looks tall, heavy and steady. But the huge bleeding eyes on the front made Rogge feel vaguely uncomfortable. With this mark, the whole temple exudes an evil smell.

Compared with the huge main hall, the extremely spacious courtyard is also the reason why Mora fell in love with this place. The Eye of Wisdom has announced that today will be the day when the true God will come. Now the entire courtyard was crowded with people. Rogge made a rough estimate that there were nearly ten thousand people! In this way, one out of every ten people in Dresden is crowded here.

From the discussions of these people, Rogge knew that there were many people watching the excitement, and most of them had doubts about the arrival of the true **** claimed by the Eye of Wisdom. In an era when the Church of Light increasingly dominates the mainland, life for small sects is becoming increasingly difficult.

The time of advent is near.

Saint Mora has appeared at the gate of the main hall. Behind her are dozens of followers wearing black robes. These people looked just like what Rogge had seen that day, with most of their faces hidden under the hats of their black robes, looking mysterious.

“A cult is a cult!” Rogge was a little funny at first, but then he sensed strong magic fluctuations in the eight people behind Mora, and he stopped laughing. It seems that Eye of Wisdom’s family background is quite good!

The courtyard was already crowded with people at this moment.

After Saint Mora appeared, the crowd fell silent, waiting for her to announce the start of the ceremony. But Maura stood quietly, her eyes searching the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, as if she was looking for someone.

Rogg quietly used his brute force and squeezed forward easily and calmly.

Rogg was determined to test Mora’s strength and began to increase the magic power. Seeing that the superior Maura had no reaction at all, he felt relieved and smiled slightly.

Suddenly, Maura’s face was filled with joy, and her clear eyes fell on Rogge!

Roger’s heart was beating wildly, and he had no idea how Mora found him among nearly ten thousand people. Could it be that she really had an oracle?

When he thought of the dreamy woman in gray robe and silver eyes that day, the fat man couldn’t help but sweat, and his legs became a little weak.

“***, I’m here to negotiate terms, not to fight! What are you afraid of…what are you afraid of her for? Even if it’s a fight, I’m not helpless at all!” Rogge encouraged himself secretly.

He came prepared today, and he still had a trump card in his hand.

Both Androni and Froya had seen this kind of cult’s seance ceremony too many times, and they had no interest at all. Rogge happened to be unwilling to let them come either. With the power of Odaireh that Irog had witnessed that day, even if they were present, it would be of no use. Only those in the Holy Realm can fight against Odaireh.

“If that old guy Hughes is here, maybe he can handle it. Huh! This old fox is mysterious. One day, I will squeeze out all his old tricks.” Rogge thought to himself.

In the crowd, a priest with an eye of wisdom gestured to Rogge, and then struggled to squeeze through the crowd towards the side door of the temple.

Roger raised his head to the sky, vaguely sensing Feng Yue’s aura, and finally felt at ease.

The fat man mustered up his courage, followed the guide with the Eye of Wisdom, and disappeared into the side door of the temple.

The main entrance of the temple was originally a ten-meter-high hall that could be used to hold large banquets and dances. Now it has been greatly expanded and has become the main place for believers to pray and worship. Since the construction had just been completed, the smell of wood and paint still lingered in the air.

Those who are qualified to sit in the worship hall at this moment are the most devout believers who have joined the Eye of Wisdom. In front of God, faith is the only criterion for measuring everything.

Rogge, under the guidance of the guide, went directly to the altar at the back from the side door. The prayer room where the altar is located was built by opening up several rooms so that it could accommodate the huge summoning magic circle.

The guide brought Rogge to the altar and said: “Dear Lord Rogge, the great goddess Audreyh has passed down the oracle through Saint Mora. You are the only one who can stay when she comes. People here. I will go out now. Please wait for the arrival of the true God with peace of mind. Sir, in the Eye of Wisdom, except for the three or five people like Saint Mora and Elder Carmon, you are the only one who can witness the true God! What a blessing!”

While talking, the guide was extremely envious.

Roger was noncommittal. He had already met Audreyhe, but unfortunately he was really scared that day. Looking back afterwards, although he had seen the true God, he still knew almost nothing about God. Perhaps the person who knows the most about God in the world is the Pope, right? There are still many descending angels hidden in his Church of Light.

He settled down and waited calmly for the arrival of the sacred moment.

The world suddenly became silent.

The nearly ten thousand noisy crowd inside and outside the temple suddenly felt something at the same time. They all closed their mouths and involuntarily focused their eyes on the big **** eye on the temple.

In the silence, a little boy’s high-pitched voice suddenly sounded: “I saw it! That eye blinked! I saw it! I see…” He was immediately covered by his panicked mother. . The simple woman quickly began to pray. As for whether the prayer was related to the goddess Audreyh, she didn’t care so much.

Everyone outside the temple focused on that huge eye. This time, everyone clearly felt that the eyes were alive, looking down at the people below.

People were so shocked that they opened their mouths and were speechless.

A bit of milky white light lit up in the pupil of the huge eye. In the blink of an eye, this light was so bright that it was blinding!

Some devout believers were so excited that they fell to their knees with tears in their eyes, chanting prayers in praise of the goddess Audreyh.

At this moment, the entire Temple of the Eye of Wisdom began to glow with holy light. It was like a landslide and tsunami had occurred inside the temple, and the holy power was increasing endlessly!

Godly power is like the sea.

A stream of sacred power surged out from the Temple of the Eye of Wisdom, washing away everyone’s bodies and souls. In the sacred power of Tao Tian, ​​people panicked, just like sinking into the deepest sea on a stormy night. However, the sacred wave passed, and they found themselves safe and sound again.

Godly power is like fire.

The milky white sacred flames soared into the sky from the top of the temple, spraying dozens of meters into the air before gradually dissipating. In the huge sacred flame, there are dozens of little angels flying faintly.

Suddenly, an extremely loud hymn sounded from the depths of everyone’s soul. The sound of this hymn was so high and loud that it was as if there was no trace of noise in the world!

Everything comes and goes suddenly.


A cold, clear, and arrogant voice that does not belong to this world sounded deep in everyone’s soul:

“Whoever believes in me will be saved.”

In the face of such divine power, everyone trembled and fell to the ground, and some pious people were so excited that they cried loudly, unable to control themselves because they could be so close to the true God in their lifetime.

“Believers!” Saint Mora shouted loudly, her sweet voice was like singing a sacred and solemn aria, “The great goddess Audreyh has just descended into this world! We have felt the majesty and glory of God with our souls! Now, let us remember this moment and praise the great goddess Audreyh together!”

A holy light rose from Mora’s feet. In the pillar of holy light, Mora slowly rose into the air, her eyes glowed with two dots of golden light, and her long golden hair flew without wind in the pillar of holy light!

Mola’s voice became extremely distant, long, and solemn, with endless reverberation, shocking everyone’s heart.

Natural charm.

With the support of huge holy power, Mora’s natural abilities were enhanced several times. Every time she recited a line of praise for Odelech, someone would repeat it.

In a moment, the uniform voice of hymns chanting to the goddess Odelech resounded throughout the sky above Dresden.

As for the most devout believers in the inner hall of the temple, they were at the center of the surge of holy power. They all fell on the ground devoutly, trying desperately to engrave every bit of their experience deep in their memories.

There was only one person inside and outside the temple who was neither happy nor excited. All he had was unspeakable fear.

Rogg mustered up all his courage and tried his best to stabilize his increasingly weak knees to prevent him from falling to the ground. He was so brave that he could barely look at Audreyh, who was floating in the air in a gray robe and looking at him quietly.

“I’m here to negotiate terms, not to fight!” Fatty cheered to himself repeatedly.

Audreyh with black hair and silver eyes was as beautiful as a dream. Rogge wanted to keep his eyes on her face for a while, but he always turned to one side involuntarily.

“Disrespectful.” Audreyh broke the calm. The anger in her cold voice made Rogge’s hair stand up.

“Great… Great Odelech, although you are an extremely noble true god, but… But I am not your believer yet. You should inspire me with your kindness and tolerance, so that I work for the Eye of Wisdom. However, I refuse to dedicate my faith to any god.” Rogge was still stammering in the first few sentences, but at the end, he thought that the words had been spoken anyway, so he hesitated and actually got over it. Speak more fluently.

He recalled the situation when he met Audreyh that day, and he had a vague feeling that she had no intention of killing him, so he became more courageous and was able to continue bargaining.

A small storm formed between Audreyh’s brows, which made Rogge’s mouth go dry and his heart almost stopped beating.

“What do you want?”

Roger’s voice became very dry: “Great Odaireh, you are a true god! You… you wouldn’t be embarrassed to do it to me personally, would you? That would… be very powerful* *A portion.”

The fat man then remembered that this goddess didn’t seem to care much about her identity and face. Although she didn’t move her hands that day, she did move her feet, and it was definitely not light. Maybe it was a light kick to God, but with the fat man’s body, his **** was really swollen for several days.

When he thought of that kick that day, Rogge’s heart trembled. He couldn’t suppress his **** and couldn’t help but look at Audreyh’s feet.

Sure enough, they are still a pair of bare feet that are as ice-like as snow and translucent.

Immediately, a milky white light lit up on the toes, burning Rogge’s eyes with a huge pain. For a moment, he couldn’t see anything.

Roger closed his eyes, holding back his screams, and finally opened his eyes. His eyes were already red and swollen, and he was crying. He was afraid of irritating Odeleh again, so he looked straight into Odeleh’s silver eyes. It’s a pity that her face became blurred amid the tears.

The fat man put on the most flattering smile and said: “Dear goddess, I have experienced your power! I have no intention of offending you! But your beauty is really not what this world should have, so I That would be rude! Having said that, if I don’t act rude after seeing your beauty, that would be truly rude and offensive! Ah! Don’t be angry, I’ll get down to business. As a humble holder of secular power, I will assist your followers and your religion to the best of my ability, allowing them to preach freely in the territories under my jurisdiction, including, of course, my present and future territories. However, as your loyal and humble servant , can you give me a little reward?”

“What do you want?” she asked lightly.

Roger was refreshed and said: “A devout believer is a priceless treasure. And I am just a humble layman. Compared with faith, I only want a little insignificant thing, gold coins. As a full support for the Eye of Wisdom For the price, I want to levy a small tax on the income generated by the church in my territory…”

Audreyh’s calm gaze made Rogg feel uncomfortable. He always felt that this goddess was not easy to deceive.

He hurriedly said: “Of course, of course, this tax does not need to be levied. In order to better protect your believers, can you give me dozens… no, more than ten… ah no! A divine weapon is good Oh! Of course, a dead person cannot protect your believers. Although I am a good magician, there are too many strong enemies among my enemies. Can you give me one or two more divine powers? If you If you are afraid of trouble, then the natural charm of Saint Mora is not bad! Also, if my life is threatened, you will not sit idly by and ignore it, right!”

The fat man’s wishful thinking was very good. If there was a true **** who could come to the world to support him, then how could the silver dragon or the wrath of the sky be considered in his eyes? Taking advantage of the fact that Odelech had just come into the world, it was obvious that she was a little different about him, so he wanted to trick her into making a promise to the oracle. Once there is the blessing of the true god, even if the wrath of the sky does not come to provoke him, he will come to provoke him.

Think about it, with the goddess coming directly by his side, who does he have to be afraid of? In the past hundred years, none of the gods that have been believed in by the world for a long time have come to this world in person.

Rogg couldn’t help but start to feel proud. He counted his enemies one by one, and finally thought of the Pope, and suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart.

“You are very brave, you dare to lie to me so bluntly.” A storm gathered between Audreyh’s brows again. This time, thunder and lightning were already shining in the dark storm.

Roger’s legs went weak, but he managed to stand firm and said tremblingly: “Great Odeleh, although your power and miracles are great, compared with the miracles of the Supreme God of the Church of Light, It’s still very inferior. And I am also a great magician who is not weak. You have just arrived. If you want to develop your followers, my assistance is very important to you. This condition is not high. , isn’t it?”

After saying this, he was already sweating profusely.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will punish you if you are so disrespectful?”

Rogg suddenly raised his head and said: “Great goddess, although I am just a humble mortal, I am not completely powerless to resist.”

“Of course I know.” Audreyh suddenly smiled softly. At this moment, the room seemed to become brighter. The entire temple shook slightly, and Rogge felt dizzy again.

“You are so bold, right?”

Audreyh pointed his delicate hand in the air and yelled: “Summon!”

While Rogge was stunned, the bone dragon and Feng Yue, who was covered in demon lotus, suddenly emerged from the void, as if being pulled out by an invisible giant hand.

Of course Fatty doesn’t know that the demon lotus is completely empty at this moment.


The Demonic Lotus, which had just raised the death sickle like lightning, stopped in response, completely frozen in the air, as if it had never moved.

Rogg felt a severe cold coming from deep inside his heart, and his teeth began to chatter uncontrollably.

Audreyh’s slender hands slowly drew a beautiful arc from the air…

“Back off!”

“God, I didn’t mean to offend you…” The bone dragon wailed and disappeared into the void.

The demon lotus struggled for a few times, gradually became distorted and blurred, and finally disappeared.

Rogg desperately tried to summon Fengyue and Bone Dragon in his heart, but of course, he couldn’t get any response.

Just like that slowly flew in front of Rogge.

Looking at her dreamy face, Fatty was still standing, but he was already frozen with fear.

“Are you afraid of me?”


“We can talk again. In this world, people usually use a way to express their piety. Well, what is it?”


“You are right, it is a donation! So are you willing to donate?”

Roger nodded desperately!

“Very good. For the time being, your donation will be set at 200,000 gold coins per year! You are very capable. Mora will ask for your opinion on every step of the development of Eye of Wisdom in the future.”

With a slightly proud chuckle, Audreyh’s figure finally disappeared.

The frightened Rogge could no longer hold on, his legs went weak and he sat down on the ground.

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