Blasphemy: 3 Subdue all

Gregory was in a very bad mood today.

It spent more than a month looking for a place to live, but it couldn’t find a dry and warm place in this hellish world. It’s cold and damp everywhere, and sewage is always seeping out of the cracks in the rocks. If you perch on the top of a mountain, the blowing wind will be mixed with countless sticky things like spider webs, which will soon cover your body with a thick layer. This makes it even more uncomfortable.

It impatiently blew out a whirlwind, sweeping the turbid and foul-smelling water on the ground out of the cave.

Gregory stood up on all fours and trembled all over. Drops of water, mucus, and a few pieces of rotten flesh shook off the body. It sighed, looking at its stubby limbs wordlessly, its tail sweeping around in boredom. How can there be any dignity at all like this? It’s just like a crocodile!

It sincerely misses its hometown. It was warm everywhere. How pleasant it was to lie on the hot, black rocks and bathe in the strong wind full of sulfur smell! The lava flames ejected from the cracks in the rocks will pass over its body from time to time, and the heat will penetrate into the bone marrow!

A gust of cold wind hit it, and it sneezed involuntarily, blowing out a stream of light green dragon breath from its mouth. This made him feel even worse. He thought back then, he was also a member of the most superior race in the demon world: the Abyss Demonic Dragon! Although his strength was the lowest among the adult dragons in the clan, as a A naturally noble member of the demon dragon clan, Gregory’s strength is considered strong among any other race. It is a pity that although the Abyss Demonic Dragon Clan is powerful, they are few in number. The whole family only has a hundred demonic dragons, and there are only more than 30 adult dragons. Otherwise, the clan of demon kings would have turned into abyss demon dragons long ago. What makes the Demonic Dragon Clan even more ashamed is that they actually want to be listed among the five major races alongside the shameless, cunning, and classless Demonic War Pig Clan!

Although the demon pig family has cunning and insidiousness that is not commensurate with its stupid appearance, the more important reason why they can become one of the five major races is that the demon pig is a creature that is very good at reproducing!

Although the demon dragon is powerful, even the Dragon King would not think that he can defeat 20,000 first-class war pigs. And corresponding to the thirty adult dragons of the demon dragon clan, there are actually one million war pig warriors! As for the number of the entire demon pig clan, no one has ever made it clear. Therefore, although he is not ashamed to be side by side with the demon pig clan and hates them extremely, the Abyss Demon Dragon King will not be stupid enough to start a war with them.

As a demon dragon, although his strength is relatively low, as soon as he reached adulthood, Gregory was able to be reused by the demon emperor and became the demon emperor’s personal bodyguard. But it was overwhelmed by this honor. It had never been out of the Demon Dragon Valley in the Hellfire Basin. It was dazzled by the clouds of beauties in the Demon Palace and actually tried to personally protect the emperor’s favorite one. Dark Banshee. As a result, the furious Demon Emperor threw Gregory into the Demonic Holy Land – the Dark Demonic Abyss. The eternal fire of reincarnation in the Demonic Abyss instantly burned its body, but its soul miraculously survived and drifted into this space.

After all, Gregory was also a member of the most powerful dragon clan in his previous life. He quickly reorganized his body in another world and turned into an ugly bone dragon. What makes it even more dissatisfied is that although its original acidic dragon’s breath is considered to be the lowest among demonic dragons, it is still hundreds of times stronger than the powerless wind poison attribute dragon’s breath in front of it!

Whether it is the demon world or this other world full of dead things, poison is useless. Especially in another world, can you poison another zombie?

As a dragon known for its innately powerful magic power (although it was considered a previous life), Gregory actually had to use his teeth and claws to fight zombies, skeletons, and ghosts, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Shame! Although the weak are not qualified to be humiliated in the demon world, this is a different world. If it is humiliated, no one will have any objections, right?

What makes it even more dissatisfied is that in the demon world, the mighty appearance and natural dragon power of the demon dragon alone will make creatures of other races avoid it, but in other worlds, there will always be some undead creatures coming. Challenging its own authority, no, there are two more reckless things coming to trouble it.

Gregory rushed out of the cave, his wings beating rapidly, but the leaky bone wings only carried him a few dozen meters.

This is enough for it to fly to the top.

Gregori assumed a dragon shape that he thought was very powerful. He supported the ground on his two hind limbs and tail, with his upper body standing high and his wings spread out to welcome the uninvited guest who obviously had malicious intentions.

Its posture is a very majestic fighting posture for a dragon. Unfortunately, Grigory forgot that its body shape has changed a lot since it turned into a bone dragon.

Rogg, who transformed into a skeleton corpse witch, discovered the ridiculous undead creature on the distant peak two kilometers away.

This is a strange thing that looks like a dragon or a snake. Although it has a long body and short legs, it only uses a quarter of its lower body to stand on the ground. The rest of it stands high, swaying in the strong wind of the alien world. However, its wings were spread wide, making it look like a reed in the wind, swaying this way and that, as if it might be blown away by the wind at any time. Rogge couldn’t help but laughed in his heart, and his gloomy mood was diluted a lot.

Feng Yue doesn’t have Rogge’s sense of humor. Her strong fighting instinct allowed her to instantly discover the weakness of this vain bone dragon.

Feng Yue’s wings spread wide, and a strong wind formed in front of her, rushing towards Grigori like a beast. The vain Gregory had poor eyesight to begin with, and he was not very good at sensing the world with his mental power when he first arrived in another world. It finally managed to see clearly that the two attacking skeletons did not seem to be that low-level, especially since it seemed that it had never seen a flying skeleton in its memory. But before the poor Vanity Bone Dragon could figure out the situation, a strong wind pulled it up on the spot and threw it far to the bottom of the peak.

“Boom”! Gregory fell heavily into the pile of strange rocks at the bottom of the peak, almost breaking it apart.

It finally turned over and shook its dizzy head. The wave of magic coming from the top of the mountain made it feel distraught! Rogge quickly completed a few small spells, and several tabletop-sized stones floated up from the top of the mountain, hitting the strange bone dragon that had just climbed up.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Gregory was buried under a pile of boulders again.

It is angry, it is finally angry! The proud blood of the dragon made Grigori furious!

It is a demonic dragon, how could it be played with by two low-level, despicable and dirty skeletons like this! A dragon roar sounded leisurely, and with a bang, rocks flew, and Gregory soared into the sky among the gray mist and stone debris!

As soon as it circled proudly in the air, that despicable corpse witch reached out and pointed at it!

Yes, despicable! Unparalleled despicable! They didn’t even say hello, they just attacked! At least this time, it didn’t wait for Lord Gregory to get ready for battle, or even wait for it to complete its elegant and mighty combat flight in the air! The corpse witch used a spell on it! Still the most shameless gravity technique!

The space around Gregory’s body fluctuated, and every bone around him immediately became several times heavier. The bone dragon flapped its wings a few times in despair and fell headlong into the ground. While it was still in mid-air, the winged skeleton that was viciously pursuing the demon emperor appeared in front of it inexplicably. Fengyue took the sickle in her hand and used the handle to violently fly the bone dragon away.

Plop! Grigori could only be proud for a minute before he fell back into the pile of rocks where he had soared into the sky.

As soon as the poor bone dragon poked its head out from the pile of rocks, someone pinched its neck bones, and an irresistible force pulled it out of the pile of rocks.

Feng Yue rolled Grigori, who was much larger than herself, several times, and then fell heavily to the ground. Rogge began to recite the spell, and a ball of purple soul fire floated towards Gregory, ready to take advantage of this rare tonic. However, Fengyue’s sickle swung and destroyed the purple fire. Feng Yue then grabbed the bone dragon neck bone that was about to escape and lifted it up.

The demon skeleton and the poor bone dragon communicated face to face like this. Obviously the bone dragon was not very satisfied with the devil. Feng Yue shook Grigori heavily from time to time, causing rotten flesh to fly all over his body.

The pride of the Demon Dragon clan turned out to be nothing in front of the vicious Fengyue.

After a while, Gregory fully realized this. It watched helplessly as Feng Yue put a little gold star in her right hand into her mouth. Even if it knew that Venus represented the most unequal soul contract, it was helpless. If it bites it in one bite, this devil’s right hand, which shines with metallic luster, will definitely be fine. Instead, it will crush his own skull with its backhand. Gregory had already understood this from the exchange just now.

Situations are stronger than humans, and sometimes stronger than dragons. Gregory is a bone dragon who knows the current affairs, and there is no choice between destruction and enslavement. What’s more, in the demon world, only the Demon Emperor and a few dozen of the highest-level demons have freedom at all.

After the contract was completed, Feng Yue let go of his hand and threw Gregory to the ground. It climbed up and followed Feng Yue’s feet dejectedly.

Roger stared at all this in stunned silence. Although the strength of Gregory’s bone dragon was ridiculously weak, not even as good as the thousand-year-old zombie lord he had encountered before, the scene in front of him was obviously far beyond Rogge’s understanding.

“Feng Yue!” Rogge tried to communicate with Feng Yue who was taking the bone dragon away.

Feng Yue turned around and conveyed the idea of ​​”that’s it for today”. She jumped onto the bone dragon’s back and went away.

Roger was silent. After a while, the skeleton dispersed and left the other world.

“Bang!” A vase was smashed to pieces on the luxurious celestial stone fireplace. Next to meet their tragic fate were several crystal goblets, a Renaissance saucer and a half-bottle of Elegance Era wine.

Andre gasped, and after continuously throwing a bunch of things, he finally felt calmer. Even if you are already a strong person, smashing things is still a good way to vent your anger.

“Why do you let Froya go on an adventure alone and lock me here?! I really doubt whether my father is right to let you take full charge of the affairs of the Principality of Bavaria! I have decided, if you stop me again , don’t blame me for being rude!”

David obviously didn’t take Andre’s threat to heart. He sat leisurely on the sofa sipping black tea and said slowly: “My dear brother, of course you can knock me down and step on me to get out of this world.” Hall. But you also know my father’s temper. Since I am responsible for all affairs of the principality, and you are also under my management, these impulsive actions will only bring you trouble. You don’t want to go back to the Skyfire Forest Will it last three years?”

When he heard the words “Sky Fire Forest”, Andre’s expression was obviously unnatural. He grabbed a heavy Imperial Encyclopedia and threw it viciously at David. David tiptoed and dodged easily as if he and the sofa were gliding on the water. But the encyclopedia suddenly shot out several pages and exploded into pieces on David’s head, scattering confetti on his end.

David smiled and calmly arranged his clothes. Now that Andre has obeyed him in disguise, there is no need to argue with this younger brother over trivial matters.

“You don’t have to worry about Froya. How can she be in any danger if she uses such a huge force to catch a few dwarves? What’s more, in terms of strength, she is just a high-level magician, but in terms of insidiousness… No, no, In terms of intelligence, there are really not many people who can rival her. Besides, she also has a small team of Golden Lion Knights and Rogge to protect her. With this team, even if you go to rob, you may not succeed!”

Andre suddenly raised his head and said: “That ugly fat man looked at Froya with a look in his eyes. If you hadn’t stopped me, I really wanted to kill him! I don’t understand why you value such a person so much.” Waste!”

“Trash, trash?” David recited it silently twice, became rarely serious, and said: “My dear brother, with your sixteenth-level fighting spirit, among our generation, you are only inferior to Austria. Feilok’s. The fighting energy in the starry sky is vast and boundless, and you should always be calm. Why do you and Froya want to kill an insignificant Rogge so much? For both emotional and rational reasons, you should have more important things to do. Yes!”

Andre pondered.

David finished cleaning up his clothes and started drinking tea again. “Dear brother, what’s so hard to think about? You and Froya are both rare geniuses, not something mortals like me, brother, can compare to. Correspondingly, you are much more sensitive to the world around you.”

David paused and then said: “You want to kill him because your intuition tells you that Rogge is a threat to your lives!”

“Ah!” Andre’s expression changed a little.

“It stands to reason that with his strength, even if there are dozens of him, he will not pose any threat to you. But there can only be two reasons for you to be aware of the threat: one is that he is too He is too cunning and hides his strength; the second reason is that he may have huge potential, which makes you feel uneasy. From the information I have on hand, the first reason is unlikely, so only the second reason is left The reason is: He has the potential to threaten you!”

David was leisurely playing with the ancient crystal cup in his hand and said: “My dear brother, now do you understand why Ofiloch and I value him so much and keep wooing him? I want to come to Ofiloch. Ke must have felt his potential. As for why he has such great potential, sooner or later I will figure it out.”

Andre was silent for a moment and said calmly: “A dead person has no potential. Just kill him, so why bother?”

David smiled and said: “Even if your master is here, how sure are we that we can deal with Ofiloch and Elesis? It’s easy to kill Rogge now, but how are you going to deal with Ofiloch’s revenge? ? What’s more, the Grand Duke of Bavaria was the God of War of the Alliance when he was young. He has been running the principality for twenty years. We still don’t know how many murderers are hiding in the dark. My dear brother, if you act willfully, if something goes wrong It’s a big deal for my father, so don’t blame your brother for being unkind!”

Although David was smiling, the seriousness in his words actually made Andre shudder.

“Dear brother, in fact, with your ability and intelligence, even if your strength is not as good as Ofiloch’s, you are at least his strong opponent. But in this little matter of Rogge, you have been at a loss several times. In the final analysis, it is just your arrogance. Your arrogance and vanity make you unwilling to admit the strength of your opponent, and your perverted perfectionism makes you accustomed to judging people by their appearance. You feel threatened by Rogge, but I don’t want to admit it. These factors are the key to preventing you from going further. Otherwise, with your peerless talent in martial arts, you might have reached the level of a sword master by now.”

David said a lot in one breath, then sighed and recited a poem in a low voice: “Vanity, you are my favorite original sin!”

Andre stood up slowly and regained his composure. He raised his hand and waved, and the broken porcelain and crystals on the ground flew up one after another, gathered in his palm, and turned into a blue and transparent crystal under the fighting energy of the stars. He played with the crystal and asked, “What should we do now?”

“Do nothing, wait for father’s orders.”

“What to do with that fat pig?”

“Of course you can use it for me!”

“Recruit? What can that cunning fat pig do?”

“If he refuses, I will find a son-in-law for my father.”

“What!” With a snap, the blue crystal fell to pieces on the ground.

The Clark Chamber of Commerce’s convoy headed west, secretly unloading the goods in a small town on the way, and then headed southwest. One day later, it finally arrived at the Chamber of Commerce’s mine.

Only when you have been to the mines in the Principality of Ron will you know why Ron is called the country of mines.

The Clark Chamber of Commerce’s mines stretch across the entire valley, and there are more than 3,000 miners of all types. Counting women, the elderly and children, it has formed a bustling town. Like most mining towns, the town is dominated by taverns of various sizes. When the convoy entered the city, it was already dark, the taverns were at their busiest, and drunkards were already starting to stumble around on the road.

The convoy’s entry into the city caused a small sensation. A group of children shouted, jumped, and ran behind the convoy for a long time.

What makes Rogge very uneasy is that the one responsible for the defense of this small town is actually the Ice and Snow Silver Fox Mercenary Group!

Although all the ice and snow silver fox mercenaries who had met Rogge and the knights of “Dragon and Beauty” had been killed, all the main forces of the ice and snow silver fox were later killed by Ofiloch. After catching them all, Ice Fox died on the spot. Silver Fox and Wind Fox are still struggling to survive in the dark prison of Lille City. But even after losing several thousand elites, the Ice and Snow Silver Fox mercenaries still have a huge force of more than 7,000. Once Rogge’s identity is exposed, even if the number of people is doubled, he will definitely die.

The ice and snow silver fox mercenary had already gradually faded from Rogge’s memory. Unexpectedly, he went out to hunt this time, but he ran into the fox’s den!

Walking between small groups of mercenaries, although Rogge seemed calm on the surface, he was extremely nervous in his heart. The Dragon and Beauty and the Golden Lion Knights were also secretly on guard. Fortunately, the journey was uneventful. The convoy passed through most of the town and finally arrived at the headquarters of the Clark Chamber of Commerce in this area safely.

Everyone didn’t care about resting. Once they settled down, they gathered in a secret room in the basement of Clark Chamber of Commerce. A sand table model of this area has been placed in the center of the secret room.

A large area of ​​hills in the sand table was painted red, which Jing Ge had just painted. The hills are surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the side facing Clark Mine is covered by a dense forest. The low-lying areas between the hills are covered with swamps.

Jing Ge began to introduce this terrain, not the local snake Benjamin. As a big slave merchant, Jing Ge obviously has his own unique source of intelligence. I don’t know if the two old foxes have reached a tacit understanding, but Benjamin didn’t seem very surprised that Jing Ge was so familiar with the terrain of his lair.

Paulus frowned. Although he had long known that the dwarves would not live on any plains, this kind of terrain that was completely unsuitable for cavalry combat was obviously beyond his expectation. He protested dissatisfiedly.

“Oh? Could it be that your knights can only fight on horseback? This is not the quality that a first-class knight should have!” Jing Ge said with a smile.

Under Froya’s slightly contemptuous gaze, Paulus became furious. “Nonsense! Even if we are dismounted, we are still the best warriors! Do you want to see my sword skills?”

The slave-catching warriors are good at fighting on foot, and the “Dragon and Beauty” knights who were born as street gangsters are even more capable of riding and dismounting. Movement in the forest is not a problem, but the problem is that the dwarves’ kingdom has always been deep underground. No one knows how deep their underground kingdom will dig and where it will extend. It is really not easy to encircle and blockade everyone until they are all captured.

Jing Ge said: “The reconnaissance on the ground and the warriors surrounding me are competent, but the problem is how wide the dwarf tribe’s activities are underground. We have no way of knowing.” He said this and looked towards Roger and Froya.

This kind of underground reconnaissance is originally difficult, but magicians have many tricks. At least most of the mages’ pets are reconnaissance types. As powerful as Froya, no one knows how many mysterious spells and magic weapons she has.

Froya frowned and said: “I don’t have any good solution for this. Maybe a large-scale ground cracking spell or even an earthquake spell would be a way. Even if they have tunnels leading to the outside world, they will also give Broken.”

Everyone looked at each other in shock. If a few level-7 earthquake spells were used as the witch said, the dwarves would not be able to escape. However, everyone should not think about catching slaves and just collect the corpses.

Froya glared at Rogge quietly. Rogge had no choice but to step forward and take out a beautifully crafted glass bottle with a lifelike wolf carved on it. The bottle is full of pale golden liquid that is constantly surging. Even through the bottle, you can clearly feel the powerful magic contained in this bottle of potion.

Rogge said loudly: “The dwarf tunnels are as dense as spider webs. It is not easy to block them all. However, they must drink water. I have some ‘Curse of the Fallen God’ here, which can make those who drink it Extremely weak and weak, and the effect of the medicine is particularly long-lasting! As long as this bottle of potion can be dropped into the water source of the dwarves, hehe… As long as they drink this potion, even if the dwarves run away, they will never be able to escape very far. Five of them We can catch up with the road that God takes in one day!”

“Moreover,” Rogge added: “This thing is colorless and odorless, so even the dwarves can’t detect it! Once they get a little bit of it, the powerful dwarves will become even stronger than the young elves. Vulnerable!”

As Rogge spoke, he became addicted to profiteers and continued to wave the bottle in his hand: “This thing is only a small bottle, but it can be diluted almost infinitely without affecting the effect! This bottle will last for three days. The entire dwarf hills can be covered with underground water veins in a matter of days! No dwarf will be able to escape our grasp at that time!”

Everyone looked at the green bottle in Rogge’s hand with extremely complicated emotions. This thing is indeed the “curse of the fallen god”. If you get a little bit of it, you can imagine the outcome! People like Paulus who had some issues with Rogge secretly made up their minds that they would never eat or drink anything Rogge had touched in the future. Those who had a good relationship with the fat man, such as the old fox Benjamin, were thinking about how to get a bottle or two of their own. in hand.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t understand how such a bottle of something, which can be said to be priceless, got into the hands of Rogge?

Kate is the most profound and wise among the aristocratic young people. He glanced at Froya thoughtfully. The little goblin noticed immediately and looked back with a smile, but the coldness in his eyes made Kate tremble. She hurriedly moved her eyes aside, chanting the name of God desperately in her heart.

With the backing of this bottle of devil’s potion, everyone suddenly felt a lot more confident, and the discussion immediately became heated, as if the dwarves had been tied into long strings and were being transported to various factories. At this moment, the dwarf hills on the sand table seemed to have begun to glow with golden light in everyone’s eyes. As for the forests and swamps surrounding the dwarf hills, they can only be regarded as trivial tests. Which of the people present was not a person who came from a life-and-death situation? Are you still stumped by these little things?

In fact, the primeval forest that lies between the Dwarf Hills and Clark Mine is called the Forest of Silence, and no one has gone deep into it for hundreds of years. The humid and rainy climate of the Principality of Roan has caused the ‘Forest of Silence’ to be shrouded in thick fog all year round, with mutant monsters of all sizes scattered among them. The monsters that appear in areas rich in mineral veins are often more ferocious and powerful than those in other areas. An unknown scholar once proposed that the magic field in places rich in mineral veins is stronger and more unstable than other places, thus affecting the magical beasts living there. Unfortunately, he spoke softly and no one paid attention to his report.

Compared with Warcraft, the poisonous insects in the Forest of Silence are even more difficult to deal with. But as long as Froya is here, everyone doesn’t have to worry about this problem at all. And Rogge is a necromancer, so he has to study scorpions, insects and mosquitoes. When it comes to the ‘Forest of Silence’, a few more bottles of insect repellent will naturally appear in Rogge’s hand.

Only Rogge knows that in addition to being a senior mage, Froya is also a master of pharmacy! In her seemingly ordinary carriage laboratory, there were piles of countless weird magical materials, as well as a large number of potions whose uses he didn’t know. He recognized several of them, including five bottles of ‘source of magic’. Rogge didn’t know if Froya had mastered the formula of this magical medicine, but looking at her casually placing these bottles of extremely expensive potions, he knew that this treasure, which all magicians dream of, was very important to Froya. is not that precious.

Potions that can instantly restore magic power are extremely rare, and their price is comparable to gold. Just like this ‘source of magic’, owning a bottle can change the outcome of a magic battle. Being an enemy of Froya, who has five bottles of ‘source of magic’, is equivalent to having a wheel battle with six level 14 magicians! How many people in this world can deal with six Froya?

It was then that Rogge understood how terrifying Froya was. Just like after he put on the armor ‘Reincarnation’, the less powerful warriors could only stand helplessly being bombarded by his magic.

The power of matter is sometimes infinite. This further strengthened Rogge’s determination to become rich.

Relative to the dwarves themselves, Benjamin was more interested in the mineral veins being developed by the dwarves. After some bargaining, it was agreed that after sweeping the dwarf hills, the slaves would belong to Jing Ge and Rogge, and the mine would belong to the Clark Chamber of Commerce. The rare mineral deposits dug out of the veins are sold to the Hammer of War at half the market price. In return, Clark Chamber of Commerce will fully support all activities of Jing Ge and Rogge. Especially in terms of large-scale orders for military equipment, they will supply the Hammer of War in large quantities at low prices. In fact, it is equivalent to supplying Bavarian public guns in disguise.

The spoils are not evenly distributed, but cooperation has resulted in unexpected benefits for all parties, so this alliance is extremely strong, at least for now.

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