Blasphemy: 2 Crime and Punishment

With a total height of nearly three thousand meters, Yunxiao Peak has a radius of only tens of kilometers close to the ground. In the endless wilderness, it is like a giant pillar, standing proudly between heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, it was this aloofness that brought its destruction.

On the ground around Yunxiao Peak, there are now more than a dozen huge and tightly protected earth castles. Under the earthen fort, 50,000 dwarf warriors were taking turns to go into battle, digging tunnels leading to the underground of Yunxiao Peak day and night. The underground of Yunxiao Peak is full of hard rocks, but this is not a problem at all for dwarves who are used to hollowing out a rock mountain. Within a few days, more than ten tunnels had connected and merged at the base of Yunxiao Peak, and then countless branch tunnels used to detect the terrain structure under Yunxiao Peak began to extend in all directions like a spider web.

The 50,000 dwarf slave warriors are all elites carefully selected by Alexander. At least more than half of them are good at engineering, and among them there are several great engineers who have designed entire dwarf underground cities. With the support of the abundant national power of the Asrophek Empire, the tools used by the dwarves now are even more sophisticated than those in the era of the dwarf empire. Now there are hundreds of magicians fully cooperating with the dwarves’ excavation project.

Therefore, the crazy plan to dig out Yunxiao City from the ground progressed unexpectedly quickly.

In the first few days, the Druid warriors in Yunxiao City, led by the elders, even tried a sneak attack down the peak. But what greeted them was only a shower of arrows, thrown spears and a fatal blow from a flying axe. After leaving more than a hundred corpses, the druids had to flee back to the City of Yunxiao. They didn’t even know why the other party discovered their whereabouts.

Wrath of the Sky, the guardian magic of Yunxiao City, cannot penetrate the thick soil and rocks, so it cannot do anything to the dwarf tunnels deep underground. Alexander’s army was stationed outside the scope of the Fury of the Sky, and the troops used to protect the tunnels and monitor Yunxiao Peak were all under the strict protection of the War Priest. Even if the city of Yunxiao rains down the wrath of the sky, it can only kill dozens of warriors. Compared with the large amount of magic power consumed by this magic, this result is completely outweighed by the gain. When the mountain collapsed, the City of Yunxiao needed a lot of magic power to maintain the integrity of the city and the safety of the soldiers in the city. Therefore, the druids never attacked Alexander’s army, nor did they use the wrath of the sky. They completely allowed the dwarves to dig at the bottom of the peak.

Every morning, Rogge, Alexander and Pompey would gaze at the City of Night hidden in the clouds in the sky.

It is impossible for the druids to wait for death so quietly. This is something they all know, but they don’t know what the Druid hiding in Yunxiao City is planning.

These days, they have a new worry.

Three days ago, the emperor’s angry edict was quickly delivered to the military camp at the foot of Yunxiao Peak. However, Pompey and Alexander turned a blind eye to this edict. On the one hand, they tried to stabilize the envoy, and on the other hand, they secretly accelerated the progress of digging the tunnel.

But before the first messenger could sit down, the second messenger had arrived.

This time the content of the edict was more severe, and the envoy’s attitude in urging them to withdraw was also more determined.

On the third day, another messenger arrived at the military camp. What he brought this time was an edict written by the emperor himself, strictly ordering Pompey and Alexander to withdraw their troops immediately, otherwise they would be severely punished.

Alexander, Pompey and Rogge knew that it would take at least twenty days to dig down such a peak as the City of Clouds and Nights. The three of them were all ruthless and decisive people. After some discussion, they secretly sent a group of light cavalry to patrol the road leading to the imperial capital, in an effort to kill all subsequent imperial envoys and their entourage.

As for the murderer, it would be easy to blame the Druid.

As for the three envoys in the military camp, they were all locked up in a small remote camp and were not allowed to enter or exit at will. Pompey and Alexander bribed heavily while making secret threats. The lives of these envoys were at stake, so they were naturally frightened into silence and did not dare to say anything more.

It seems that the emperor is extremely angry at their unauthorized actions, and Rogge, who has just entered the imperial political arena, is a little worried. However, both Pompey and Alexander remained calm and showed no signs of panic.

“The Emperor is urging us to take action quickly. He is impatient with waiting.” Alexander comforted Rogge.

In just twenty days, the dwarves have completed the underground project at Yunxiao Peak. They don’t need to hollow out the entire Yunxiao Peak, as long as they can make it lose its balance.

Destruction is far easier than construction. In the eyes of dwarves, simply knocking down such a mountain is much less difficult than building an underground city in the heart of the mountain.

During this short period of time, Rogge felt quite idle. He visited Androni once a day. On the one hand, he was concerned about her recovery from injuries, and on the other hand, he wanted to take advantage of her weakness to gain some exposure.

Froya is busy preparing new magic potions every day, and occasionally gets very close to Rogge. She could always easily arouse the fat man’s **** and desire, and then find a way to escape.

Only one time when she really couldn’t escape and saw that Rogge was about to take action, she exclaimed: “No!”

Roger smiled and said: “Do you regret it now? It’s too late!”

Froya stared at Rogge, lay down on her back, closed her eyes, turned her head to one side, and said coldly: “Then come!”

Rogg leaned forward slightly, and Froya immediately trembled. Although she seemed calm on the surface, the five slender fingers of her right hand had quietly grasped the bed.

But the little goblin waited for a long time, but there was no other movement.

When Froya opened her eyes, she saw Rogge resting his chin on his hand, admiring her beautiful face from a very close distance, but with a little teasing in his eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” Rogge asked with a smile.

Although the little goblin had extraordinary skills, he couldn’t help but blush on his face, which made Rogge deeply moved.

She pushed Rogge hard, but he couldn’t move, so she had to say: “Get out of the way!”

Of course Rogge would not give in, he just smiled and asked: “How can you be willing to accompany me?”

The little goblin smiled sweetly and said: “This sentence is more or less the same. In fact, it is very simple to want me to be willing to do it! Either you fall in love with me, or you find a way to make me fall in love with you, just take one of them. ”

After saying that, she finally struggled out from under Rogge, straightened her clothes, and said: “Damn fat man, don’t just think about taking advantage of me! You always need your love for this kind of thing. Only if you wish, you will be happy!”

Roger laughed and said: “Maybe I will be happier when you don’t want to do this kind of thing!”

Froya’s body trembled slightly, and then she hurried out the door like a frightened little rabbit.

In the past few days, Feng Die’s mood has become extremely unstable for unknown reasons. The dark power in her body was increasing day by day, and correspondingly, her body’s primitive instincts became extremely strong. Every night, she had to have a crazy affair with Rogge before she could fall into the deepest sleep.

Looking at Feng Die, who was completely different from the past, Rogge couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

The sleeping Fengdie’s stunning appearance remains the same, but the simple elf who rode the white tiger back then has long since died in the world.

In the wilderness of the Northern Kingdom, no matter inside or outside the city, everyone is waiting for the moment when the City of Yunxiao collapses.

As the scheduled day of the decisive battle approaches, the heartbeats of the hundreds of thousands of troops surrounding Yunxiao Peak will quietly speed up a little every day. Most soldiers were unaware of this, and the few who were alert mostly attributed it to nervousness. Only Rogge and a few other people noticed that the surrounding space atmosphere had begun to become abnormal, but no matter how they observed, thought, discussed, and tried, they could not find the cause of the abnormality, or even the possible consequences of this abnormality. Not the slightest clue.

The unknown is the greatest fear.

Roger has been feeling uneasy in his heart, but he knows that he cannot find out the reason for his uneasiness.

Amidst the vague fear, the moment of decisive battle finally arrived.

In the early morning of the decisive battle day, Rogge looked at the City of Yunxiao in the distance, listening to the bugles one after another, but there was some expectation and relaxation in his heart.

Not long after Alexander’s military order was passed down, there was a slight tremor in the earth. Immediately afterwards, the trembling became more and more obvious, and some war horses began to neigh lowly.

Roger knew that hundreds of giant pillars supporting the ground on the east side of Yunxiao Peak were being blown down one by one. When all the giant stone pillars are blown apart, the hollowed-out ground will no longer be able to bear the heavy weight of Yunxiao Peak.

A loud rumbling sound was heard in the distance. A large piece of mountain fell off from the east side of Yunxiao Peak, and countless boulders crashed to the ground in the smoke and dust!

At this time, even ordinary soldiers can see that the towering Yunxiao Peak is shaking!

Suddenly, after a deafening roar, the ears of more than 100,000 imperial soldiers could no longer hear any sound!

The lonely and proud Yunxiao Peak tilted silently to the east. Yellow smoke rose from the bottom of the peak into the sky and covered the ground for dozens of kilometers in a blink of an eye. Boulders were flying in the dust, and sand and gravel were falling like a galaxy. The tilting Yunxiao Peak suddenly became shorter, and then the huge peak broke into three parts in the air and slowly dropped to the ground. The huge wind pressure pushed the smoke and dust outwards, and in the misty dust, even the smallest gravel became as sharp as a knife!

In the face of this vision in heaven and earth, the strength of all strong men is as small as an ant.

More than 100,000 soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles were deeply shocked by the unprecedented spectacular sight before them.

Everything went according to plan, and the direction in which Yunxiao Peak fell was exactly as expected by the dwarf engineer.

“What is that?” Rogge suddenly exclaimed.

The city of Yunxiao that keeps falling has emerged from the clouds, revealing the true face of Cangxiong Qingqi.

At this time, the entire aerial city was surrounded by huge electric lights, appearing mysterious, majestic, and infinitely powerful. But what shocked Rogge was that the City of Yunxiao slowly broke away from the mountain peak that was tilting towards the east, and turned to fly west!

The city of Yunxiao is actually a flying city? !

Fortunately, Yunxiao City did not fly for long before it began to fall diagonally to the ground. Judging from where it landed, it should still be surrounded by the imperial army.

At this time, the main force of the imperial army was deployed to the east of Yunxiao Peak, and the defense in the west was much weaker. However, tens of thousands of elite imperial warriors can hold off the druids for at least a while.

The commander of the western force was a veteran who had experienced hundreds of battles. He observed the flight path of Yunxiao City for a while, estimated the distance, and immediately ordered the army to return to the camp and defend it with the help of the camp’s defense facilities.

The City of Yunxiao will fall about one kilometer in front of the camp. Even if the Druid warriors are not shocked to death and want to escape, they will still face the barriers of the imperial army camp. As long as the troops on the western front can hold on for a while, when the army on the eastern front returns, it will be the end of the Druids.

Pompeo and Alexander each led an army, bypassing the still-collapsing Yunxiao Peak from both sides, and rushed towards the location of Yunxiao City.

Just a few hundred meters above the ground, the City of Yunxiao suddenly adjusted its angle. Instead of falling to the ground, it continued to fly forward. The distance it flew was farther than the emperor’s general expected. Much further.

Its final destination turned out to be the emperor’s camp!

The entire city left a deep trench on the ground, diagonally rushing into the Imperial Army’s camp, completely destroying the entire military camp.

The roar like gloomy blue thunder completely covered up the weak screams under Yunxiao City. Tens of thousands of the emperor’s most elite warriors rested in the camp under Yunxiao City.

After a series of impacts, all the buildings outside Yunxiao City were destroyed, exposing countless dark passages in the city. The strange thing is that the city of Yunxiao stayed quietly in the camp, surrounded by the army returning from the empire.

No druid warrior took advantage of the opportunity to escape. It seemed that the City of Yunxiao had become a dead city, and its fall was its last glory in the world.

Neither Pompey, Alexander nor Rogge believed that things would be that simple. How could Sky Fury die so easily if he had a way to make the entire city fly in the air?

Alexander waved his hand, and thousands of warriors cautiously entered the City of Yunxiao, gradually going deep into the deep passages.

A moment later, faint sounds of fighting and screams suddenly sounded in Yunxiao City. But it didn’t take long for the city of Yunxiao to regain its tranquility.

Those warriors who penetrated deep into the city of Yunxiao were silent again.

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