Blasphemy: 16 What to do

It’s snowing.

The lead-colored sky was so gloomy that it looked like it was about to fall, and the strong wind carried the goose-feather-like snow flakes straight to the earth, instantly pulling up a huge white curtain between the sky and the earth. As far as the eye can see, in addition to the snow as dense as a waterfall, there are ice beads as fine as rice grains. In the gaps between the wind, you can still vaguely hear the creaking sound of the snow layer falling, and the snow layer is getting thicker.

In such bad weather, there are still people rushing on their way. Dozens of knights braved the wind and snow to **** three carriages on the road leading to the eastern part of the empire.

A few of the knights were still wearing thick blood-stained bandages, which looked like fresh injuries, but their faces were resolute and their eyes were full of fanaticism, and they endured the pain and cold and continued to move forward.

The carriage was covered in burnt black marks and traces of stabbings and stabbings. It seemed that it had also experienced the baptism of war. The carriage was damaged everywhere and drafts were leaking from all sides, so the interior was not much warmer than the outside.

The curtains of the carriage window at the front were opened, an old face looked out, and then the curtains were lowered.

The old man sighed: “It’s starting to snow again. This is the favorite weather for those who crawl out of the ice! I think they will not miss this opportunity. Miss Mora, do you feel their Does it exist?”

“Elder Carmon, there are traces of ice and snow magic in the falling snowflakes. They should not be far away from us.” Mora said calmly.

Mora sat opposite Carmon and three other magicians. This time she did not wear the white holy robe she usually wore, but a black dress with a straight-cut low collar that exposed her round shoulders. Line, a V-shape on the front of the chest, which was opened as deep as **** below the cleavage, exposing most of the breasts, completely ignoring the severe cold snow and wind. The robe hangs softly and smoothly against Maura’s waist. On the outside of her right leg is a slit as long as the skirt. Although the silver and purple two-color thread trimming is densely covering everything at this time, you can imagine what it would be like if Once she moves around, her beauty is breathtaking.

With icy muscles and jade bones, skin that was broken by blows, and a robe as dark as night, Mora’s whole body glowed with a brilliance that was more holy and beautiful than the bright moon. She folded her hands on her knees and sat in a dignified posture, as if she were preaching in front of millions of believers in a cathedral. Only the purple-black rouge on her lips and the emotionless eyes in her blue eyes made her holy. There was a hint of murderous intent in it.

Although Mora is very beautiful, even though her clothes are extremely tempting, the three elders including Carmon, who are well aware of the power of her magic, can only think of her majesty and have no evil intentions.

Hearing that Mora sensed that the enemy was nearby, Carmon immediately opened the car window and gave an order to a knight outside. The other two mages in the carriage methodically took the magic scrolls and wands, and then they began to set up a magic circle in the carriage to defend against ice-based magic attacks.

The two carriages at the back were also carrying magicians with the Eye of Wisdom. After a moment, the three carriages all lit up with a faint blue magic light, indicating that the magic circle with the ice attribute defense had been activated. The knights around the carriage also began to gather and outline the battle formation.

With the command from the leading knight and the roar of hoofs, the entire convoy suddenly began to accelerate, rushing forward against the wind and snow.

“This must be the third volley, right? There’s such heavy snow…” Carmon muttered to himself.

“The goddess has told us to go east, and we must go.” Mora said calmly: “Even if it is really Rockefeller waiting for us in front of us, and even if we fight until there is only the last person left, we must go east. . Even if we all fall, we will fall to the east.”

Carmon sighed: “Miss Mora, I am not afraid of losing my life. But this time all the high-level mages and warriors in the church are mobilized, and there is no decent resistance in the cathedral. If… If we all fall on the road of ice and snow, and the Silver Holy Cult takes the opportunity to attack our cathedral again, then the history of the Eye of Wisdom may end here, and there will no longer be believers to worship the goddess, alas!”

One month ago, shortly after Rogge took away all the elite troops of the principality, the Eye of Wisdom, which had expanded to the southern provinces of the empire, began to continuously conflict with the Silver Holy Cult. Driven by fanatical believers on both sides, numerous small-scale conflicts soon turned into a full-scale religious war. Although there are many believers in the Eye of Wisdom, their history is too short. Whether it is in terms of the number of religious armies, mages, or various clergy with unique powers, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

Perhaps the only advantage of the Eye of Wisdom is that Audreyh frequently displays miracles, which is completely different from the silent Ice and Snow Goddess.

Mora smiled slightly and said: “Believers gather because of the goddess and devote themselves because of their faith. In front of the goddess’s oracle, devout believers can sacrifice everything. Even if the Eye of Wisdom is destroyed in the holy war, as long as the goddess survives forever , then she will have new believers, and believers will re-establish a new church. Why should we worry?”

Maura suddenly sensed something, and her face changed. She took out a magic scroll that was sealed with heavy golden patterns, touched it gently, and sighed: “Rockefeller is in front. I will try to contain him in a while, and you must rush out of the blockade with all your strength, and then go to Schild Find Lord Rogge in the city…to avenge me.”

Calmon held his breath and looked at the magic scroll in Mora’s hand. After a long time, he exhaled and said: “This is… the forbidden magic realm?”

The Forbidden Magic Realm is a seventh-level magic that is not included in the formal magic system. Its method of banning magic is to drain all magic energy within the area of ​​effect, so that naturally no magic will be cast, and even half-cast magic will be interrupted. However, the forbidden magic field is a very imperfect magic. It does not solve the problem of where the extracted magic power goes. It can only store it in the body of the caster. Therefore, any spellcaster, even a great mage, who continues to cast the forbidden magic field for too long will be burned to death by the excessive magic power in his body. However, wanting to stop the forbidden magic field that has been cast requires extremely high magic control, which is simply not something that an ordinary magician can do. Even a great magician is only half sure.

Therefore, the magic of the Forbidden Demon Realm has always been synonymous with death.

The Silver Holy Cult has always been famous for the Ice and Snow Mage Group, and their Snow Palace guard level is not much better than the warriors of the Eye of Wisdom. After interrupting the magic of the Ice and Snow Mages, the remaining members of the Eye of Wisdom have the opportunity to rush out.

The wind and snow are getting stronger, and in the strong wind, snowflakes are rushing towards the Eye of Wisdom’s convoy in clusters. The knights dismounted one after another and braved the strong wind to move forward step by step with difficulty.

A young knight walking at the front suddenly let out a long scream! Just now, a large group of flying snowflakes hit his breastplate hard, and he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. When he looked down in shock, he discovered that there was a thin and long ice pick stuck in the snowball. The ice pick almost completely penetrated into his chest, leaving only a short section outside the chest armor.

The knight leader pulled him to the back of the team, looked at his injuries, and his face immediately darkened. He laid the young warrior flat on the ground, and then shouted loudly: “Everyone, raise your shields!”

All the knights raised their steel shields to protect their heads and chests, roaring and continuing to move forward.

The sky became darker, and the ice cones in the wind and snow became more and more numerous, bigger and stronger. Amidst the loud banging noise, ice picks hit the shields of the knights one after another. From time to time, a knight would be hit by the ice pick in an unprotected part and slowly fall to the ground.

The ice cones flying in the sky have begun to be enchanted with ice magic, so once they enter the body, the blood of the injured knights will condense in a short period of time. Even if the ice pick **** a little bit of skin, a large area of ​​skin around the wound will become necrotic in a short time.

The three carriages are still moving forward, although the knights guarding them are falling one after another.

On the road ahead, you can vaguely see rows of Snow Palace guards holding giant axes, wearing heavy armor, and wearing white cloaks.

“Keep going! Try to consume Rockefeller’s magic power.” Mora in the carriage ordered. Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her sight seemed to be looking through the carriage and the wind and snow in the sky, towards the destination indicated by the goddess.

On the other side of the road, the unusually tall Snow Palace guard leader said to Rockefeller beside him in awe: “With you personally in charge, the cunning and lustful witch will definitely not be able to escape this time. I can see it with my own eyes. It’s a great honor for you to cast your blizzard magic!”

Rockefeller was wrapped in a white robe. When he heard the words of the guard leader, his expression changed and he sternly reprimanded: “No matter when you face a magician, you must never be careless! Have all your cavalry mount and prepare, listen. Charge immediately upon receiving my order, and never give them a chance! The victory or defeat of this holy war depends on this. If you dare to have the slightest intention of neglect, then I will immediately change someone to command Snow. Palace guard!”

The guard leader was startled and immediately issued orders one after another. After a burst of clanging armor and the neighing of war horses, a hundred knights were already lined up for battle, ready to go. Seeing how upbeat his subordinates were, the leader of the guard became more confident. He then asked cautiously: “Master Rockefeller, their behavior is really strange! We mobilized so many troops to block and intercept, why don’t they retreat, but insist on coming to die? And you seem to already know this This is why I am not allowed to send troops to outflank their retreat. Ah, I am not questioning your judgment, but with my shallow wisdom, it is really difficult to understand this point.”

Rockefeller stared at the convoy that was trudging in front of the wind and snow in the distance, and said slowly: “It’s not surprising that you can’t understand my decision. Because the goddess of ice and snow showed the oracle and asked me to intercept wisdom with all my strength. The convoy that the Eye of Wisdom is trying to pass through. The goddess’s oracle has made it clear that no matter what the cost, these people of the Eye of Wisdom will never retreat or take a detour.”

The leader of the guard trembled: “What did you say? Did the goddess of ice and snow finally send down the oracle? This… is this true?” He really couldn’t suppress the excitement in his heart, and he didn’t notice that the words just now had seriously affected him. Offended Rockefeller, the great mage of ice and snow.

But Rockefeller no longer cared about this at this moment. He looked at the motorcade in the distance with an increasingly grim look on his face.

The roof of the front carriage suddenly exploded, and a swirling dark black mist floated out from the carriage and slowly rose.

Under the black mist, a jade hand of indescribable beauty appeared. This slender hand held the black mist, and slowly moved upward, gradually revealing the glistening white forearms and upper arms. Next, there was Morana’s holy face, as if shrouded in a layer of halo. Her golden hair was like the first ray of dawn, illuminating the gloomy sky and the dim and **** battlefield.

At this moment, the wind and snow disappeared, the sound disappeared, and even the distant mountains, forests and snowy roads disappeared! In the eyes of the Snow Palace guards and the Ice and Snow Mage, only Mora is like a goddess at this moment!

The Mora clothes standing in the sky are flying like immortals, and the long and strong legs are looming under the parting and closing of the skirt. The scene is graceful and unparalleled. This is a naked temptation that points directly to the most primitive instinct of the human heart. Even the strong-willed Snow Masters can’t help but have their blood pumping and their hearts beating like drums. Those with weaker wills have even experienced physical changes.

Rockefeller sighed, and he chanted a short spell, and an icy wind was instantly generated and circled around hundreds of wizards and warriors of the Silver Holy Cult. The sudden chill brought their consciousness back, and a pair of intoxicated eyes were full of doubts, not knowing what exactly happened at that moment.

“This is Mora’s natural charm! Give me my order, except for the ice and snow mage, everyone else must look straight at Mora and not look at Mora! Anyone who falls under the natural charm will be killed immediately!” Rockefeller said solemnly.

The guard leader immediately gave the order. He secretly broke out in a cold sweat, because he had also been under the natural charm for a short time just now, and he didn’t notice that Maura had risen into the air unknowingly.

Mora’s blue eyes looked calmly at the people of the Silver Holy Cult in front of her, her left hand raised high, holding up the billowing black mist that had turned into several meters in diameter.

There seemed to be endless suction in the black mist. The flying snow, ice picks and cold wind within a radius of tens of meters were thrown into the black mist like a tide, and then miraculously disappeared in the mist.

In an instant, the wind and snow that had been suppressing the knights around the Eye of Wisdom fleet completely disappeared!

The moment the wind and snow disappeared, the three carriages started driving wildly! The remaining thirty or so knights roared like thunder and launched a charge on foot! Countless attack magics passed over the heads of the charging knights with colorful trails and fell into the ranks of the Silver Holy Cult.

Looking at Mora in the sky, Rockefeller narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

“You actually used the Forbidden Demon Realm? Mora, it seems that I have always underestimated you. However, blood, courage and sacrifice are not guarantees of success.” The Great Mage of Ice and Snow thought to himself.

“All ice and snow mages! Strengthen the blizzard magic with all your strength!” Rockefeller gave the final order loudly! At this moment, Mora is like a glutton, greedily devouring all the magic power around him. What Rockefeller had to do was serve her too much food until her stomach burst!

The sky became darker.

Maura’s face suddenly turned pale. She bit her lower lip and struggled to hold on, completely unaware that a ray of blood was flowing out of her purple-black lips.

Rockefeller looked at the beautiful figure in the distant sky and sighed secretly. Now that he has received the Oracle of Ice and Snow and successfully arrived here, Mora, this young, beautiful and respectable magician, is destined to perish here.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rockefeller suddenly caught sight of a strange snowflake. This falling snow turned out to be blue. If you look closely, you will see that there are little stars twinkling in the middle of the extremely beautiful blue.

Rockefeller’s pupils immediately shrank, and he turned around like a whirlwind. He was shocked to see that the flying snow in the sky behind him had turned into azure!

Amidst the blue snow and fluttering stardust, Androni, with her alluring appearance, is walking in the snow!

Her long chestnut hair is flying in the wind, pointing to the ground in the blue starry sky, and the stars surrounding her body are guarding her with brilliance, adding a layer of mystery to her beauty.

With a sneer on her lips, Androni said coldly: “Master Rockefeller, you are so cautious! I didn’t let me wait for this opportunity until now!”

Rockefeller’s face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were only fixed on Androni’s pair of boots that were slowly stepping forward!

Distance! Distance is the devil!

Every mage will be inculcated with this point of view from the first day he learns magic. For a mage, distance is the most important matter of life and death. A mage has to deal with distance all his life, and any explanation of magic will not lack the scope of action or effective distance. There are even mages who attribute the entire art of magic combat to the control of distance.

Controlling distance is an art not only for the mage, but also for those who are enemies of the mage.

Androni didn’t know how long she had been lurking. She waited until Rockefeller’s attention was all focused on Mora and ordered all the ice mages to strengthen the blizzard before she suddenly took action and finally succeeded in getting closer to Rockefeller. distance.

Although Rockefeller is not good at one-on-one combat, he has been a Grand Mage for a long time after all, and he is surrounded by many ice and snow mages and snow palace guards. Under normal circumstances, he still has a better chance of winning against Androni. .

But at such a close distance, Rockefeller would be decapitated by Androni’s sword before he finished reciting the spell!

Androni smiled coldly, leaning forward slightly, and then her beautiful figure pulled out a blue afterimage, bypassing the Snow Palace guards who came to block her like lightning, and rushed into the group of ice and snow mages.

The starry sky drew a brilliant blue cross, crossing over Rockefeller’s body! Androni’s attack was extremely ruthless. This sword was clearly intended to cut Rockefeller into four pieces!

Blue Cross passed by the motionless Rockefeller. The image of the Ice and Snow Archmage was distorted and gradually disappeared, revealing a random portal that had not completely disappeared. It turned out that Rockefeller saw that the situation was not good, made a decisive decision, and immediately escaped using random teleportation.

Androni retracted the blue starry sky like electricity and blocked the extremely powerful ax of the Snow Palace guard leader. She used the power of the ax to fly backwards. Along the way, the blue starry sky was filled with light and had been cut off. The hands of two ice and snow mages cut off the lumbar spine of an ice and snow mage. What Androni attached to her sword this time was not starry sky fighting spirit, but ordinary fighting spirit. After one sword strike, the remaining fighting spirit would explode again, blasting the wounds of the three ice and snow mages until their flesh and blood flew out!

The inhuman screams of the three ice and snow mages, the horrific wounds, and the splashing blood drops and broken flesh made the surviving ice and snow mages and the guards of the snow palace stunned. The blizzard magic temporarily lost its supporting magic power, and its power immediately weaken.

Androni rose slowly, her movement seemed slow but fast, and she was in front of Mora in an instant, slamming into her and sending her flying. The ‘Forbidden Demon Realm’ was finally forcibly interrupted.

Androni reached out and hugged Mora who was about to fall from the air, slowly landed on the ground, and looked at the members of the Silver Holy Cult coldly.

Although the Silver Holy Cult has more than 200 Snow Palace guards, after Rockefeller escaped and three more ice and snow mages were eliminated, not to mention that the magic power of Carlmon and others far exceeded the ordinary ice and snow mages. In terms of numbers, the Eyes of Wisdom that came out had the absolute upper hand at this moment. With the addition of Androni, the situation on the battlefield has become one-sided.

Mora’s face was pale, and blood could not help but pour out of the corners of her mouth. Her whole body went limp and she leaned limply against Androni. Although she had endured the ‘Forbidden Demon Realm’ for too long and her body was severely damaged, Androni’s rescue was timely and Mora’s life had been saved.

Looking at the bewildered members of the Silver Holy Cult, who didn’t know whether to fight or retreat, Androni asked: “How to deal with them?”

Mora’s voice was weak, but the chill in her tone caught up with Rockefeller’s blizzard magic: “All blood sacrifices! For the goddess, there is no tolerance in the holy war.”

I don’t know when a bard once said: “A true adventurer, every drop of blood in his body is full of the spirit of exploration and the desire for wealth.”

Indeed, for thousands of years, the unknown and wealth have attracted generations of adventurers to leave their cozy homes and embark on unknown journeys. No matter it is the vast wilderness, thousands of miles of sand sea, vast ocean, endless dense forest, or severe cold and heat, wind, frost, snow and rain, nothing can stop the adventurers.

The steep snow peaks are no exception.

“Bronzebeard! Did you lead the wrong way? We have been climbing all day, and there is nothing but ice and ice!” A two-meter-tall heavy armored warrior roared angrily. The face is ferocious, and there is a little green in the skin color, and it seems to have some orc blood. The giant hammer weighing a hundred kilograms in his hand is definitely not something that ordinary human warriors can swing.

“I swear on my beard! This is definitely the right place! Unless the map marked the wrong place! Jack, with your half-orc wisdom, do you still want to laugh at the geology and surveying skills of the mountain dwarves?” A full body The dwarf, who was all wrapped in extremely thick bronze armor, roared. Although he was just as tall as the waist of an orc warrior, his voice was not small at all.

“Bronzebeard! Jack! Shut up, both of you!” a man dressed as a mage, his face hidden under a red robe, shouted angrily. It sounded like the voice of a middle-aged man, elegant but also a little evil and cruel. After stopping the reckless orcs and dwarves, he turned to the others and said: “This should be the place marked on the map. Since we have already come up, let’s search the entire peak. Get moving. Mission The remuneration is worth our lives!”

This is a team composed of more than twenty adventurers. The various professions in the team are well matched and the individual strengths are outstanding. It is obvious that such a team must have a prominent reputation in the human world.

“Look over there! That’s the Ice Demon!” an archer shouted.

Sure enough, on the edge of a high ice platform in the distance, a light blue ice demon was standing. Its green eyes stared at these uninvited intruders, and they were full of sharp teeth. Balls of light blue cold air began to spit out from his mouth.

The red-robed mage said solemnly: “Everyone, be careful! There must be more than one ice demon here! The thing we are looking for is probably on that high platform, line up, let’s attack it!”

The silence that had lasted for thousands of years on the ice peak was finally broken by the deafening scream.

Boom! The orc’s giant hammer brought a strong wind and hit an ice demon hard. The light blue body made of tens of thousands of years of ice was not afraid of cuts and stabs, but it could not withstand the shock of the giant hammer. Countless cracks appeared in the ice demon’s body, and then there was a bang, and the ice demon fell from the chest down. They all exploded into pieces of broken ice!

“The fifth one! Damn it, why is it endless…” The orc warrior roared and stepped onto the high ice platform. Then he suddenly opened his mouth wide and stood at the edge of the ice platform.

The dwarf Bronzebeard roared wildly and hit the orc warrior’s leg hard, knocking him away and barely avoiding the two-foot-long sharp claws of an ice demon.

“Jike! You stupid half-orc, why are you in such a daze…” The dwarf followed the half-orc’s gaze and looked forward. In an instant, the roar that came out suddenly stopped!

The adventurers boarded the ice platform one after another, and they all stood stunned on the spot!

At the end of the broad ice platform, there is a war spear with silver brilliance flowing throughout its body, as if it is made of crystal. The brilliance emanating from the gun coated the ice surface within a few dozen meters with a soft silver sheen. This war gun looks like it is alive, and the light and dark luster on the gun seems to be secretly echoing the heartbeat of this war gun.

Behind the battle gun, there is a coffin that is more gorgeous than ordinary imagination. The deep black background that looks like a bottomless abyss, the intricate and gorgeous golden rose branch decorations, and the life-like dark dragon statues at the four corners all make the adventurers’ hearts beat faster. At one end of the coffin, there is a statue that looks like an angel. The wings on its back stretch out in front of it, gently protecting the extremely magnificent coffin. Each feather on the angel’s wings is dark black and decorated with gold and green patterns. The flowing curves are like life, quietly touching the heartstrings of every adventurer.

“It must be an artifact…” A thin hunter finally squeezed out a few words, his voice sounded extremely dry.

The red-robed mage has not completely lost his mind. He shouted loudly: “Everyone, be careful! All artifacts must be protected…”

Before he finished speaking, he felt his eyes darken, and there was a violent tremor under his feet, followed by a thunderous rumble and ice cubes whistling all over the sky.

The mysterious existence guarding the artifact finally appears! Its huge body is tens of meters long, covered with huge dark blue scales. There are dorsal fins on its back like battle flags. It spurts bursts of white mist from its huge mouth full of sharp teeth. It has blue eyes. Staring at the adventurer in front of him.

“Is this… a sea dragon?” The red-robed mage was the first to recover from the shock. His common sense seemed to be very profound, and he actually recognized this extremely rare creature in front of him.

However, how could a sea dragon that had always lived in the vast ocean suddenly appear on the top of a towering snow peak? Moreover, although this sea dragon looked ferocious, it lay motionless on the ice. It just kept panting, as if it was dying.

The red-robed mage suddenly realized something in his heart! He felt that every drop of blood in his veins was slowly getting colder.

The sky suddenly darkened.

An adventurer with keen senses suddenly raised his head and immediately subconsciously groaned: “We are finished! That… that is a giant dragon…”

Above the adventurers, there was the creature they least expected to encounter, a giant dragon. This giant dragon exudes divine radiance, and its posture is majestic and elegant. It is different from any dragon clan that everyone has ever heard of. However, adventurers would rather encounter a dragon that can be recognized, even if it is a black dragon, at least they can understand it somewhat. And now? The most likely outcome is that they encountered a legendary and mysterious dragon!

Four more figures slowly descended from the sky and stood still ten meters above the ground. They looked down at these adventurers coldly.

The slowest Orc warrior among the adventurers has also felt the powerful aura faintly coming from the four people in the sky at this moment. Under the heavy invisible pressure, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably. With a bang, he finally could no longer hold the giant hammer in his hand and let it fall on the ice.

The red-robed mage looked at the sky and said with difficulty: “Sanctuary… there are still four… hehe, haha…” The last two dry laughs were as bitter as the noise of a night owl.

An invisible palpitation quietly passed through the hearts of the adventurers.

The wind and moon fell from the sky and stood in front of the coffin. She didn’t even look at the adventurers, but said coldly: “Find out why they found this place, and then kill them all.”

The adventurers were stunned when a man in black robe who had been standing in the air suddenly appeared in front of them. Two extremely sharp bone blades slowly stretched out from the wide cuffs of the black robe.

“Wait a minute!” the red-robed mage shouted, trying to make a last-ditch effort: “If you kill us all, you won’t even want to know why we found this place!”

Another black-robed man in the sky let out a deep laugh. A hand holding a bone staff protruded from the cuff of his robe. His words sounded the final death knell for the adventurers: “Don’t worry, your soul will tell me everything.”

“Haha…it’s actually a lich!…” The red-robed mage was lucky. Before he was chopped into pieces, his consciousness had already fallen into madness.

“Someone commissioned these adventurers through a killer organization to search for lost treasures in this area.” The lich hidden in the black robe said the results he had tortured from the souls of the adventurers while talking on the coffin. A magic circle is drawn below. From the head of its white bone staff, steaming blood kept pouring out, melting into blood-red magic symbols on the ice. Whenever a magic talisman is completed, the faces of the corpses of adventurers on the edge of the ice platform will turn gray.

“The blood of these guys is really good. It seems that our chance of success can be a little higher.” Elgra looked at the completed magic circle and said with satisfaction.

Feng Yue nodded, and with a move of her hand, the dying sea dragon on the ground floated to the top of the coffin. The Death Scythe flashed in her hand, and then a cross-shaped crack opened in Hai Long’s throat, and large streams of indigo blood spurted out!

Hai Long was twitching in agony, and the scales all over his body opened and closed, but his huge body seemed to be tightly bound by invisible shackles, unable to move at all.

Every time Hai Long struggled, a wave of blood would spurt out. At some point, the angel on the coffin turned its back to face the sky, and its wings spread out, catching the rain of blood spilled in the sky without missing a drop. As soon as the indigo blood comes into contact with the angel or the coffin, it will immediately seep in like a dry sponge without leaking a drop.

The sea dragons of the Extreme Ice Ocean are between sub-dragons and real dragons, and are not very powerful. It’s just that they have always been hiding under the thousand-meter ice cap, so they are extremely difficult to catch. The most special thing about Ice Ocean Sea Dragons is their extremely strong regeneration ability. The source of this ability lies in their blood.

On the top of the solitary peak, Hailong’s whine became lower and lower, and finally, its eyes closed weakly.

After receiving the last drop of blood, the angel slowly lowered his body and protected the coffin with his wings. The whole body blood of the huge sea dragon is supposed to be enough to fill several coffins of this size, but now the coffin bottle is like a bottomless pit. It has sucked all the blood from the sea dragon and it is still not finished. It floats quietly in the air without moving.

The four dark dragon statues lit up one by one, but the last statue only had a very dim light, and the light was erratic and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

For a while, there was silence on the ice peak, only the wind whistled unwillingly.

Night quietly enveloped the entire ice peak.

The last bit of light on the dark dragon statue gradually dissipated, and Feng Yue finally sighed quietly.

“Dear Fengyue, only the blood of the Ice Ocean Sea Dragon is not enough. It seems that we still need to implement the initial plan.” Elgra said.

“The original plan? Well… okay… let me think about it…” Feng Yue’s voice and tone suddenly became indescribably strange.

Her silver eyes narrowed slightly, like two crescent moons, as if they were looking into the night sky. In fact, she is blind to everything in front of her now.

“The original plan…the original plan…well, that’s it!…Hmph! Why are you afraid of him!…No, how could I be afraid…Wait, let’s think about it again…”

Feng Yue’s mental fluctuations were chaotic and even occasionally leaked into Gregory’s consciousness. But at this moment, the sacred dragon no longer cared about satisfying its curious heart. The scales on its body were slightly raised, its wings spread out, and it stared at Feng Yue’s right hand extremely nervously, ready to escape at any time.

Although the four strong men stood in the air as if nothing had happened, their eyes were also focused on Feng Yue’s right hand. The atmosphere on the top of the ice peak has become extremely solemn. Although the four strong men are not as nervous as Grigori, they are secretly gathering strength.

Fengyue’s right hand is clenched tighter and power condensed in her fist is rising crazily, seemingly endless! Around her right fist, several lavender lightning **** appeared out of thin air, swimming around irregularly, and as Feng Yue’s power increased, new lightning **** continued to be generated. Gregory knew that every gorgeous lightning ball contained extremely terrifying power, enough to completely destroy it! Moreover, once these lightning **** get out of control, even Grigory can’t say that they will be able to avoid them at such lightning speed.

Seeing another ball of lightning gradually forming, Gregory finally couldn’t bear it any longer, mustered up his courage, and said tremblingly: “The most… most beautiful master of Feng Yue, you… what are you doing?”

Feng Yue suddenly woke up from her dream. She was immediately shocked to notice something strange. She waved her right fist towards the sky. Those extremely dangerous electric **** flew into the night sky with brilliant flame tails, touching Clouds bloom into beautiful purple fireworks.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Yue stared into the distance, not even looking at the crowd from the corner of her eyes. She said coldly: “Just implement the original plan.”

Before he finished speaking, that magnificent figure had disappeared into the distance. But the faint panic when she left seemed like she was running away.

The volume of crime and punishment is finished

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