Blasphemy: 16 Behind the Scenes

While Charles was roaring at his new subordinates, in the far south, in the city of Lille, which was at the center of the whirlpool of war and struggle, Catherine was softly discussing with the Grand Duke of Bavaria. The war situation of the Rhine League. Yet the harshness of her words was no less severe than that of Roaring Charlie.

“Dear, I really don’t understand what’s going on! I don’t understand military affairs, but our 100,000-strong army is helpless in front of Roscher, who is only garrisoned with 10,000 people. Already half of it is Month. Why is this? After capturing Roschel, the Rhine City is in front of us. Now the entire Rhine League can mobilize only more than 30,000 troops, right? How can the combat effectiveness of those noble private soldiers be comparable to our elites? Compared to the Knights? I don’t understand why a battle that should have ended within a week has been delayed until now?”

At this time, the Archduke of Bavaria looked younger than half a year ago. He looked no more than thirty years old. His face was completely pale golden, as if he was wearing a mask. He was handsome and mature with a little bit of it. Cold.

“Catherine, we can’t blame Rocherio. In the last attack and defense of the fortress, we lost more than 8,000 people. Now we are facing Rochelio again with the help of two great magisters. He is more cautious. It should be. Moreover, this time Hierro has already said that he is preparing to use the artifact Kingdom of Sin. So this time we are still preparing to surround Roschel, divide our forces to attack the Rhine City, and force Hierro and Lhasa to return to the Rhine City.”

Catherine held the Archduke’s hand and said softly: “My dear, don’t lie to me. This war is very difficult, but the real reason for the long delay is that you and Rocherio are unwilling to face each other. Hierro, Lhasa and Russell, old friends, took action. I know you hoped that they could retreat in spite of the difficulties, so you slowly held your ground. But now the result is clear. They will remain loyal to the Rhine League to the end. My dear, you have given They had a chance, but they let it go. Now, they can no longer blame us for being cruel.”

Catherine’s voice slowly became cold: “Dear, the Great Magister cannot decide everything. I have read all the information about these two Great Magisters, and their top magic can only Released twice, and taking into account other magic and the role of the artifact Sin Kingdom, these two legendary great magisters can kill up to three thousand of our soldiers. In the presence of Mr. Prosis, I don’t want to I think they dare to use up all their magic power. My dear, I also looked through all the siege battles with available data in the past twenty years. When the ratio of offensive and defensive forces reached more than five to one, all the cities were captured, 80% of them. The losses of the attacking side in the battles were about half of those of the defending side. I don’t understand military affairs, so I don’t understand why the attacking side’s losses are often smaller.”

The Grand Duke nodded and said: “Yes, most of the defenders’ losses occurred after the city was broken. At that time, they were basically massacred by the attackers.”

“Dear, didn’t a philosopher once say that a hero is judged only by his success or failure? So I don’t care about the process, only the result! As long as we attack the city with all our strength, we are at least 80% sure that the casualties will not exceed 8,000 people. Is this the cost of annihilating all 10,000 defenders?”

The Grand Duke said somewhat helplessly: “That’s right, my dear.”

“Then why not attack immediately?”

The Grand Duke of Bavaria looked at the noble and beautiful Catherine, sighed softly, and said: “The Supreme God took away my son, but sent you to me again. With your help, things will indeed become much easier. . Catherine, your health and your child are important, don’t worry too much. I will return to the front line tomorrow! I promise you, within a week, I will be able to stand in front of the Rhine City!”

Catherine smiled sweetly and said: “This is the hero in my heart! You are always so decisive and resolute. I know that no one can stop you. Ah, by the way, my dear, I almost Forgot. Didn’t the Pope promise to help us, but now there is no follow-up. I think you should go see him before leaving, and make your request clear and specific. How can he evade it? If he If he still refuses to send the Holy Knights led by Lord Augustus, then you ask him for Templar Knights, at least five! These people will be of great use whether it is siege or field battle. If he still doesn’t Ken, then don’t make any more requests and just leave! Huh, this is what he promised us, and I’m sorry he’s not that thick-skinned! As soon as you leave, he will definitely agree to one of these two requests. ”

The Archduke of Bavaria looked a little embarrassed and said hesitantly: “Isn’t this… a little inappropriate?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it!” Catherine said viciously: “If you don’t go, then I’ll go! The soldiers who died in battle are the most precious resources in our hands. After we shed countless blood to capture them, In this land, the Church of Light wants to spread their teachings freely without paying any price. How can it be so cheap? Hum, I will go and say this to the old guy, even if His Majesty the Pope does not keep his promise, we will He will still keep his promise and allow his priests to preach freely. It’s just that our finances are tight and we have to ask for his understanding if we have to levy church tax in the future.”

The Archduke’s smile became even more embarrassing. He forced a smile and said: “I don’t think the Pope will break his promise. I will go to St. Peter’s Basilica right away.”

Catherine watched with a smile as the Grand Duke’s figure, like a golden cloud, rode out of the Grand Duke’s palace and galloped towards St. Peter’s Basilica.

When she turned back, the smile on her face had long since disappeared. She coldly called a maid in and asked, “Is Mr. Franco already here?”

“Madam, he has just arrived. But isn’t your appointment with him half an hour from now?”

“Every time he waits for the summons half an hour in advance. Well, it seems that he controls time very accurately and is a talent.” Catherine thought to herself, and said to the maid: “Inform him to come see me now!”

Compared with a few years ago, Franco looks much more mature, wearing a blue and black dress that is simple and elegant. He bowed to Catherine and sat opposite her. But when he saw Catherine’s ivory skin and perfect and noble temperament, there was still a faint flame in his heart that could not be suppressed.

“Hello, Lord Viscount Franco, this is the second time we have met.” Catherine’s elegance made Franco unable to find any flaws.

“I am very happy to have this honor. Are you dissatisfied with the ordnance and armor produced in Sellersburg when you summoned me this time?”

“On the contrary, I think I can’t find better armor except that produced by Thalersburg. So I am going to transfer the orders from other arms dealers to you. From next month, I hope Sailer Fort’s supply can be doubled.”

Franco was startled for a moment and said: “Mrs. Catherine, I am very happy to get so many orders, but I have to say that Sellersburg’s production capacity may not meet your requirements! In case of a mistake I’m afraid…”

“Master Franco, this is the final decision. You don’t have to worry about insufficient production capacity. Soon the industries of two arms dealers will be under your name. You will be able to cope with it by then.” These orders. I very much appreciate your ability to manage the territory, and also your leadership skills. The scene of hundreds of dwarf slaves working hard is completely unseen elsewhere. You know, the principality is in great need of talents, as long as you Contribute to the great cause of the principality, and you will definitely gain something.”

Franco pondered for a moment and said decisively: “Mrs. Catherine, thank you very much for the trust you have given me. I know that the principality’s finances are currently very tight. This is good. From now on, all the supplies that Sellersburg will supply to the principal army Ordnance is only priced at cost, and I will not earn a single copper coin from the principality’s treasury.”

Catherine smiled slightly and said: “Thank you. I am worried about the empty treasury of the principality! But you don’t have to worry, you will definitely be compensated for what you have paid for the principality.”

The two chatted casually for a few more words, then Franco stood up, saluted, and went to go through the formalities for taking over the property.

Katherine thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: “Franco is really a smart man, and he seems to be very well-informed. He actually knows the reason why I just executed two arms dealers this morning. Well, I like it. Smart people……”

She felt a little tired, stood up, and stretched lazily. At this moment, her bulging belly could no longer be concealed by clothes.

Catherine came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the northern sky, wondering what she was thinking.

The celebrations in Leyton Kingdom have been held for a full month, but King Romon is still unfinished.

The splendor and luxury of Leyton Palace is in line with the status of Leyton Kingdom in the Holy Alliance. Every night, the square in front of the palace will be filled with gorgeous carriages of all sizes. Almost all the dignitaries of the kingdom gathered in the palace to participate in various celebration receptions, banquets or dances.

This is not only a rare opportunity to make friends with each other and cling to the powerful, they also want to take a closer look at that elf who is as pure as orchid and as weak as willow, Ikelel.

King Romon is already sixty-two years old this year, but he feels that he has become thirty years younger in the past month. He never thought that the smiling Ikelel was so beautiful and charming. The moment the elf smiled, the old king immediately felt that winter had gone and spring had come again. It was so worth it to start a war and kill thousands of soldiers for this moment! What’s more, this war also made the old king’s prestige rise to an unprecedented level.

Because the Asrophek Empire is watching eagerly, the Holy Alliance has not had a civil war for more than 20 years. The last time the Leighton Kingdom expanded its territory was thirty years ago. Now the three highland principalities within the Holy Alliance, which had always boasted their elite military strength, were actually defeated by the Kingdom of Leighton in a single battle, and were annexed and exterminated. This really made the old king, who had always been proud and proud, feel complacent.

That day, when the old king rushed into Iclaire’s room like a whirlwind and told her the news of defeating the three highland principalities and rescuing all the elves, he finally got his wish and saw the elves smiling.

Iclaire walked up to the old king, gently stroked his beard, and said softly but with great pride: “I know that your Majesty will definitely bring the news of victory. Your Majesty, You are the hero of my dreams! I can only express a little bit of my feelings by devoting all my love to you. The great magician Rogge once divined my destiny. He said that with the love of the elf Iclaire For a person, martial arts and meritorious deeds will accompany him throughout his life. Your Majesty, let me dedicate this luck to you!”

Viewed from such a close distance, Ikelel’s little face perfectly displayed the elf’s delicacy and fragility, and was so beautiful that it almost made Romon suffocate. But what made him even more ecstatic was that the old king, who had met countless people, saw clearly the burning love in the eyes of the elf! He has supreme power, endless wealth, and countless women, but he knows how difficult it is to have a sincere love.

That night, Romon announced that the entire Leyton Kingdom would have a month of partying!

Tonight’s dance was no different from the previous ones. In the sky full of firework and firework, the palace orchestra played the “Spring” waltz vigorously, and the whole dance was gradually getting into climax. In a few more songs, it will be close to midnight, and it will soon be the time when the music ends and everyone disperses.

King Romon is old. Although he is in high spirits, he is gradually feeling tired from the continuous carnival nights. Now he was sitting on the throne with sleepy eyes, the golden cup in his hand was crooked, and the wine in the cup was about to spill out. The maid behind the old king had quick eyes and quick hands and immediately took the golden cup.

In the stuffy ballroom, Ikelel beside King Romon seemed a little sullen, and she stood up. A maid hurriedly came over to help her, but the elf said: “It doesn’t matter, it’s so stuffy here. I’ll go out and get some fresh air.” Her elegant and delicate back disappeared into the back hall.

In the luxurious ballroom, there were several pairs of fiery eyes always paying attention to the elf. Shortly after she left, several figures quietly left the ball hall.

This terrace at Leighton Palace demonstrates its luxury purely by its size.

Iclaire came to the terrace alone, leaning on the railing and looking at the night sky in the southeast. There was the Oracle City, her countless brothers and sisters, the towering ancient elven trees, and the tender green and yellow that she was used to.

The warm and exciting dance music faintly came from the room. To Ikelel’s ears, these dance music sounded so straightforward, fiery and vulgar. She deeply misses those famous elves’ songs. That is the real art, and that is what she really likes. She is a natural born Sara tribe person with an almost fanatical love for elegance and art. What is there here, in this splendid palace? Everyone here would only stare at her with naked eyes full of lust, while desperately showing off their power, wealth, status or force to her. They didn’t know that these were not what she needed at all. Even hearing this made her feel bored and sick.

Among all the men Ikelel had ever seen, it seemed that only on the day that changed her fate, the God Envoy Rogge looked at her with no **** at all, but with a strange and stern look. This gaze seemed to penetrate her soul, scanning all her memories and thoughts. At that moment, in front of this strange and cold gaze, she seemed to be completely ecstatic.

Roger stared at her for half an hour, then nodded and told her that she could leave, and that he would discuss some things with Elder Hughes. Ikelel was very scared. That night, she quietly found Adjani, but Adjani didn’t know Rogge’s plan. She could only comfort Iclaire. Everything the God Envoy did was for The future of the elves.

The next day, Elder Hughes called Ikelel and told her personally the plan that changed her life.

A rush of footsteps behind her interrupted her thoughts. Ikelel’s ears twitched, and she took a deep breath, turning the disgust on her face into a frosty look.

“Ikelel?” This eager voice belonged to Kerry, the eldest prince of the Kingdom of Leyton, “My goddess, are you waiting for me?”

He was so excited that he hugged the elf, but the elf gently struggled out of his arms.

“Dear His Highness Kerry, you are always like this, aren’t you afraid that His Majesty Romon will know about it?”

“I’m not afraid! Ikelel, believe me! I will give everything for you. Tell me, what can I do to win your love? As long as you tell me the direction, I can do anything for you! ”

Iclaire said coldly: “Are all men like this? Before they get it, they always swear that they can give everything. Once they get it, they become completely worthless in your eyes. Isn’t it?”

Kerry was so anxious that he knelt on one knee in front of Iclaire and said eagerly: “I can prove it! Giving everything for you is more than just words! Iclaire, I heard, What you admire most is bravery, tell me! Is that so?”

Eclair looked at Kerry coldly and said: “I hate you nobles the most, you are all guys who only talk about bravery. Only warriors who return victorious from the battlefield are qualified to talk about bravery. ”

Kerry’s anger rose and he roared: “Ikelel! I will show you whether I am a person who only talks about empty talk! My father only pacified the three highland principalities, I will show you , in the hands of me, Kerry, the entire Holy Alliance will become the hunting ground of the Kingdom of Leyton!”

Eclair said noncommittally: “Okay, I will wait for the day when you become a real warrior and king. It has been my dream since I was a child to spend my life with a real king.”

The dance is coming to an end, and Kerry has to host the last few dances and goes back to the dance hall. However, Ikelel did not leave. The elf’s keen hearing told her that there was another person hiding behind the thick curtains.

She sobbed softly.

“Ikelel! What’s wrong with you? Did Kerry bully you?” The man hiding behind the curtain ran over in a hurry. He was very young and handsome, with a slightly childish look on his face.

Ikelel was taken aback, and she looked at the person coming with some panic. Under her gaze, the young man looked embarrassed and uneasy, and even his face turned red.

The elf sighed faintly and said: “It turns out to be His Majesty Fifth Highness, you can’t help me. I’m just an ordinary elf, I don’t have the power to choose my destiny.”

“I can help you! I am eighteen years old and have already participated in the battle to pacify the three highland principalities. I have also killed four enemies with my own hands. My swordsmanship teacher and military strategy teacher both praised me as the best among all princes. The most talented person! Ikelel, I know I am still young and even a little naive, but I already know love! Yes, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you ! Maybe I can’t do anything for you now, but as long as I can, I will never hesitate. Ah! By the way, my uncle is the Minister of State of the Kingdom, he will definitely help me!”

Ikelel looked into his eyes, sighed suddenly, and said, “Can you guarantee that anything I tell you will only be kept in your heart and will never be shown in front of anyone?”

“I promise! No, I swear!”

“Kerry said that once His Majesty dies, he will be the king of the Leyton Kingdom, and at that time, he will accept me.”

“This bastard!” the young prince was extremely angry, “I want to challenge him to a duel!”

The young man’s impulsiveness quickly cooled down in the elf’s cold gaze.

“Ikelel, do you want to tell your father about this?”

“Your Majesty will not believe He likes Kree very much. Besides, our elves have a long lifespan, and His Majesty is already old. After his death, if Kree becomes the king, he will receive It’s normal for me, isn’t it? I’m just an ordinary elf. I can’t control my own destiny, and I don’t dare to hope for happiness. Therefore, Your Highness, I cannot accept your love.”

The young prince calmed down, and he suddenly said firmly: “I think I understand. Dear Ikelel, don’t worry, Kerry will not become the king of Leyton. This is a young prince A knight’s promise to his elf princess!”

The dance was finally coming to an end, and the sound of voices could be heard faintly in front of the French door of the terrace. The young prince also left.

Only separated by a door, outside is the cold wind of the northern winter night, while inside is a luxurious and extravagant palace dance. Ikelel sighed softly. This was not her world, but she had to endure it and play her role well. This is related to whether countless brothers and sisters can live happily. She didn’t understand why the elves couldn’t live peacefully in the central mountains as before, but had to fight for a living space in this cold human kingdom with conspiracy and bloodshed.

“Perhaps one day, the Divine Envoy will give me an explanation? When will he take me away from this greedy, dirty, and ugly city?” She thought dreamily, staring at the southeast night sky.

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