Blasphemy: 12 Lost Part 1

Chapter 12 The Lost Asrophek Empire still retained many of the simple customs of the nomadic tribes in the northern wilderness in its early days. The first few emperors did not reign for long, and the longest one only held power for about five years. They need to compete with surrounding tribes for land and water, need to guard against the invasion of dwarves and orcs, need to defend against the monsters wandering in the wasteland, and even have to fight to the death with powerful dark entities that occasionally appear.

None of the four great emperors in the early days of the Asrofic Empire died in the palace. They all got what a true Northern warrior deserved, dying in battle.

The harsh environment never succumbed to the Northern warriors. After passing through the initial difficult stage, the empire grew and expanded tenaciously. Just at this time, the miracle of the Supreme God came to the then imperial capital. Soon thereafter, the Church of Light, which was not yet too powerful at the time, sent the most urgently needed light mages, healers, and magic equipment processing and smelting technology to the Asrophek Empire, and gradually replaced the primitive religions of the tribal era. , becoming the largest church in the empire.

At that time, in the eyes of officials from top to bottom of the empire, rights were equal to responsibilities. However, hundreds of years later, as the empire’s territory expanded exponentially and wealth accumulated, these simple customs were gradually fading away. Rank and rank are necessities in an increasingly large bureaucracy. The trend of extravagant comparison is also increasing year by year among nobles of all sizes.

However, the extent of material and comfort erosion in the empire cannot be compared with that of the wealthy south.

“To travel such a long distance, a small nobleman has to bring two followers and drive a carriage, right? Well, if you have a little bit of power and real estate, then there must be a beautiful woman in the carriage. I am now a prince after all. , You actually have to rely on your own two legs to travel!” Rogge thought with some self-deprecation, while running as fast as he could.

The dull footsteps echoed in the forest and disappeared quickly.

Of course the fat man would not be polite to the Druids who put him in such a situation, not to mention that the Druids took the initiative to provoke him: “Damn Druids, you are all waiting for me, dig them out. The City of Yunxiao is just the beginning! I will spend the rest of my life with you! And that **** goddess of nature. One day, I will pull you down from the altar. That beautiful goddess with red eyes… what is her name? … No matter so much, she said anyway, the distance between God and me is not that far away! Goddess of Nature, even if I can’t do anything to you, I will still give out a bad breath on your believers!”

While cursing the goddess of nature and all her followers, Rogge ran over the mountains and ridges towards the city of the oracle.

He could only resist the wrath of the Goddess of Nature for more than ten days at most. During this time, it was not an easy task to fly from the Imperial Capital to the City of Oracle. However, since he is relying on his own two legs, Rogge’s requirements for roads are very low. As long as it is not a place like the abyss where the flame tyrant lives, the fat man can pass it.

So on the big map of the empire, Rogge drew a straight line directly between the Imperial Capital and the Oracle City, and then started running along this line.

The effect of the permanently solidified acceleration spell is quite good, at least no carriage can match Rogge’s speed, and the horse needs to rest and sleep, but the fat man doesn’t.

He didn’t dare to sleep without a strong man from the holy realm guarding him.

Just a few days later, an embarrassing thing happened. All the clothes on Rogge were animated by the wrath of the goddess of nature!

From then on, Fatty had to run naked in the mountains.

This actually brought him a new feeling.

The fat man climbed up the mountain in front of the rising sun, then bathed in the golden sunshine and jumped into the valley. As night fell, accompanied by the stars and the blue moon, he strode across the grassland, followed by a large group of hungry magic wolves.

In the alternation of day and night, he walked through forests, climbed over mountains, and swam across rivers. Along the way, he disturbed the peace of countless Warcraft territories and alien nests. Facing all kinds of angry creatures, Fatty ran away if he could. If he couldn’t run, he would stay and fight fiercely.

Finally, when the sun jumped above the horizon for the fifteenth time, Rogge climbed to the last mountain on the journey. In the valley below, the beautiful Oracle City is quietly bathed in the golden morning light. The lush canopies of three tall ancient elf trees are erupting with light magical water mist. The dense water mist blocks the late autumn cold in the Oracle City.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Rogge looked around and saw vast mountains and a sea of ​​clouds. There was half a red sun in front of him and a blue moon hanging behind him.

In an instant, all the years of stagnation in his chest were gone. After taking a deep breath, Rogge roared with all his strength like a real orc!

The rumbling roar took away all the anger, depression, and gloom in Rogge’s heart.

With several snaps, the trees and rocks around Rogge shattered, and four or five squirming, unformed foreign objects fell. Amidst the roars, these alien creatures that had not completed the activation process exploded one after another and turned into several pools of clear water.

Amid the seemingly never-ending roar, a crisp voice suddenly came from behind Rogge: “It’s such an ugly roar, it’s not over! Didn’t you see that all the wild beasts on the mountain have escaped? ”

Roger’s roar stopped abruptly. He turned around like the wind and saw that the beautiful elf not far behind him who was smiling lightly was none other than Effier.

She actually seemed to have known that Rogge had come naked from thousands of miles away. Not only was he waiting here, but he also held a whole set of new clothes in his hands.

Roger said nothing and suddenly rushed towards her. Eiffel screamed: “What are you going to do? Hey! Go take a shower first, it’s so dirty!”

But why does Rogge care so much? He pressed the struggling Eiffel against a big tree, tore off her lower body clothes in a few strokes, and then directly entered her body!

Ephiel screamed, then bit Rogge’s shoulder hard, and then she stretched out her arms and hugged his neck tightly… The storm was strong and disappeared in a moment.

Ai Feier, whose face was flushed, looked at Rogge who retreated more than ten meters away like lightning. Her delicate left hand explored her lower body, and then asked in surprise: “Ah! Just Is this the end?”

“It’s over.” Rogge nodded.

Aiffel didn’t say anything else. She picked up the new clothes scattered on the floor and put them in Rogge’s hands, saying: “Then put on your clothes and go back to the city!”

On the way back to the City of Oracle, Rogge asked puzzledly: “Eiffel, how did you know you were waiting for me here?”

Eiffel took out a map and said: “Elder Hughes gave me your route map yesterday. He said you would arrive this morning, so I have been waiting. You roared unpleasantly, It’s so loud that it can be heard from miles away. Will I still not be able to find you?”

Roger took the map and saw that it was part of the large map of the empire hanging in his room. The northeast corner was the imperial capital Richelieu, and the southwest corner was the City of Oracle. Between the two cities, there was a painting Draw a straight line.

Roger Daqi, the specific location of the Oracle City is still a secret in the empire. He had been careful in everything. He had the impression that before leaving, he had obviously burned the map marking the location of the Oracle City. Why did it appear in Effier’s hands now?

When Rogge set off, Hughes had not yet left the imperial capital. But the fat man ran naked for thousands of miles without sleep, and Hughes waited for him in the City of Oracle for several days.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. Rogge couldn’t understand the inexplicable book that Hughes left behind that talked about the relationship between speed, time and space. It is entirely possible that the old fox Hughes is not only faster than him, but also several times faster than him.

However, Fatty and Eiffel did not go down the mountain very fast. Eiffel’s lower body clothes were torn by Rogge. If she made a big move, some of her beauty would inevitably be revealed. Fortunately, it was surprisingly quiet in the City of Oracles, with almost no elves on the streets, and the two of them were able to return to the Temple of the Divine Envoy without incident.

As soon as they entered the Temple of God, Effie said: “Froya is on the fifth floor. She will not refuse to sleep with you. Androni is on the fourth floor. If you don’t knock her down, you may not be able to sleep with her.” . The other elf girls are outside the city at the moment. If you want to go to bed with them, you still need to wait. That’s it. If there is nothing else, I will go to work. I haven’t taken care of the wisteria on the roof yet.”

“Wait a minute!” Rogge stopped Eiffel and said angrily and funnyly: “Look at what you said, it’s like I want to fall in love with a girl when I see one!”

“Isn’t it?” Eiffel asked in confusion.

Under Eiffel’s clear gaze, Rogge’s face inevitably turned red. He coughed twice and said, “It’s not like we need so many in one day…”

Ai Feier said: “I know there are some changes in your body. Going to bed will happen a lot for any race that persists for a short time, such as the Philly lion, the Camorado leopard and so on. . If you persist for such a short time now, you will definitely want more. I still have a lot of things to do and can’t accompany you, so I will tell you in advance where the people who can sleep with you are. But… your health this time The changes are really not that great.”

Roger couldn’t laugh or cry, and asked with a wry smile: “Okay, okay! What about you now, are you still willing to go to bed with me?”

Ai Feier frowned and said: “Your question is very strange! You should know that I can do it at any time as long as you want. If you are asking me how I feel, it is better not to do this than not doing it.”

No matter how strong Rogge’s nerves were, he was inevitably defeated in front of Effie and fled upstairs in panic.

When he gently pushed open the door of Froya’s room, he was greeted by a puff of colorful smoke. The little goblin has completely turned his residence into a large magic laboratory. Dozens of various vessels on the experimental table contain different magic potions of different colors.

In the corner of the room, Androni is resting. She assumed her signature pose again, with her long legs resting high on a test bench, and her face covered with one of Froya’s magic books.

In the room, Froya was facing the sky, busy and busy. When she heard the door open, she said without raising her head: “Just put the food on the table next to you, and then go out. Don’t disturb me!”

“It’s a little early to leave for dinner now.” Rogge said with a smile.

Froya suddenly exclaimed and froze in place, unaware that the crystal bottle in her hand was falling to the ground.

Biluo Xingkong quietly reached over, caught the crystal bottle, and then quietly put it back.

Froya had completely forgotten that such a crystal bottle had ever existed in the world. She just turned around slowly and looked at Rogge.

The little fairy suddenly smiled. Although she was not decorated at all and even her hair was messy, she looked very charming with just one smile.

She said: “Damn fat man, you actually came back alive?”

Roger smiled and said: “If I don’t come back alive, wouldn’t I have wasted an opportunity to take advantage of you?”

Froya’s face turned red, she bit her lower lip and said to Androni: “Annie! Please go out for a while!”

“No! I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” Androni took off the magic book covering her face and said with a smile.

The little goblin glared at Androni for a while, then finally snorted and said to Rogge: “Follow me!”

Froya pulled Rogge into the inner room, then slammed the door behind her.

Androni looked at the closed door and smiled slightly, with a bit of bitterness in her smile. The long, snow-white index finger of her right hand clicked on the armrest of the chair, as if counting time. When she clicked one hundred and twenty times, the door to the inner room opened.

Froya’s face was flushed, and her green eyes were full of water, so charming that it was thrilling. She gritted her teeth and stared at Rogge, as if every word was squeezed out from between her teeth: “Damn fat man! Now that you’ve taken advantage, why don’t you get out! Wait, how long will you stay when you come back this time?” /

Rogg calculated the time and said: “We will set off in two days. This time I finally got the opportunity to lead the southeastern front of the empire facing the direction of the Principality of Serkeli and the Empire of Delaware. Prepare yourself, too. Come with me.”

Froya’s body trembled slightly, but she still said calmly: “If you don’t think I will drag you down, then I will go with you.”

Roger smiled and said: “How can you be a drag? Well, I have to go find that old guy Hughes and come back to see you in the evening.”

Froya said with a half-smile: “I only promise to give you an advantage once. If you dare to force it… I still have some dragon poison here! Do you want to try it?”

The fat man laughed and went out.

The little fairy is busy again, but unlike before, there is always a smile on her lips.

In the corner of the room, the thick magic book was always covering Androni’s face. She seemed to be unable to stand the jealousy between Froya and Rogge, both of whom were extremely shameless.

However, she held Biluo Xingkong’s right hand loosely, and her fingertips were trembling slightly.

The emperor’s order is very strict. If Rogge is not at the front line within a month, he will be killed immediately. Although the Principality of Are is not too far from the headquarters of the Tide Legion assigned to Rogge, the army still has to walk for more than ten days. There was very little time left for Rogge. Fortunately, the elves were very efficient. In just one day, the three thousand elves troops had been reorganized and could set off immediately. These elves include 2,000 archers and 1,000 engineering troops. It can be said that the Oracle City has already come out in full force.

At this time in the Principality of Arei, Redbud Butterfly had already prepared an army of 40,000 people and had set off a day ago. Just from the speed of the entire army, we can see her outstanding talent.

According to Rogge’s plan, he will lead the elves to join the principality’s army in the province of Duke Doriac, and then march to the southeastern front. If there is really no time, he can go to the front line alone and report to the station first. But he has decided that this time he will bring Androni or Hughes with him no matter what. Otherwise, he, the prince of the empire, cannot be allowed to run naked to the front line to face his future subordinates, right?

When he first returned to the City of Oracle, Rogge found that it was almost an empty city. Most of the elves, even the elderly and children, rushed to the mountains to build an underground castle. Even Hughes went to take charge of it himself. The fat man was very curious and rushed over to take a look. As soon as he entered the underground passage, he was immediately shocked by the scale of the underground city and the complexity of the passages.

According to an elf mage responsible for the construction of the underground city, this underground maze was originally occupied by a group of powerful undead, but when they were about to come to the surface to do evil, they were noticed by Elder Hughes in time, so the elves and The undead trying to rush to the ground started a long tug-of-war and gradually gained the upper hand. Seeing that the situation was over and that the elves might invade the underground maze at any time, the undead finally abandoned their nest and fled, hiding deep in the central mountains. Later, Elder Hughes felt that it was a pity to abandon such a huge underground labyrinth, so he planned to renovate it as a possible future shelter for the elves.

Roger was convinced after hearing this. The City of Oracle is indeed beautiful, but the terrain it is located in is easy to attack and difficult to defend. No matter how many defense facilities are built and how much defensive magic is developed, the city’s defense power will never be able to match the thoroughfares extending in all directions and deep inside. An underground maze in the heart of the mountain.

The fat man himself strongly agrees with the construction of such an underground castle. He lacks taste and has always disdained all kinds of gorgeous but impractical things. It just so happens that the overly beautiful and exquisite Oracle City is the best annotation of gaudiness.

Rogg walked around the underground maze under the guidance of the elf mage. This place indeed seems to be a gathering place for the undead, and there is a faint smell of death everywhere in the passage. Although these residual auras are weak, Rogge himself is a necromancer and is extremely sensitive to the aura of death. He felt that these breaths were very pure and powerful, and must come from some very powerful undead.

The fat man nodded secretly. He finally understood why Hughes suddenly left without saying goodbye. Once such a powerful undead rushes towards the Oracle City, the remaining elves will inevitably suffer heavy losses. It’s a pity that these undead souls were born at the wrong time and ran into an old fox that was rarely seen in thousands of years. They were able to escape into the mountains, which was a good ending.

The fat man took a quick look in the underground maze and hurried back to the Oracle City to arrange the equipment for the elf troops to attack. Because of this, he passed by the main hall located at the deepest part of the underground maze. If the fat man stood in the hall, he would definitely recognize that this was the hall of the lich Elgra.

Rogg also discussed with Hughes how many elves to deploy. After all, the Oracle City requires a certain number of elves for its own operation and defense, and the construction of the underground fortress also requires a large number of manpower.

Sius was very much in favor of Rogge’s deployment of three thousand elves. He believes that the City of Oracle is now hiding behind the Principality of Are, and there is no problem in terms of security. The only thing to worry about is the orc tribe wandering in the central mountains. Orcs are extremely prolific, and within a few years a tribe will separate a group of orcs, allowing them to move to distant places in search of food. Otherwise, the tribe of orcs will become bigger and bigger, and even the lush green mountains will be gnawed into bare ridges.

Speaking of the orcs in the Central Mountains, Rogge suddenly had another idea.

Just a few days before Rogge returned to the City of Oracle, Dulin led his troops back to the principality. He brought out 3,000 soldiers and brought back more than 2,700 people. The only difference was that all the rookies became brave warriors. In a few months, Dulin traveled thousands of miles deep in the mountains, fought dozens of battles with orcs and various warcraft, and uprooted more than a dozen small orc tribes. However, he found that as the troops gradually deepened into the mountains, they encountered more and more orc tribes, and whether in terms of organization, individual combat effectiveness, or equipment, the orc warriors of these tribes were stronger than the small tribes they had encountered before. Much.

Dulin suspected that a new orc empire had taken shape deep in the central mountains that stretched thousands of miles. After detecting a tribe with hundreds of elite orc warriors, Dulin used a hundred warriors as bait to lure all the adult orcs in the tribe into an ambush, and then gathered them together to kill them. Du Lin then took advantage of the victory and attacked the orc tribe’s village, killing all men, women, old and young. Then he took all the food he could find and quietly withdrew from the central mountain range.

Dulin’s results were beyond Rogge’s expectation. It seems that this young commander of the former Holy Alliance coalition forces who was appointed in a critical situation does have extraordinary abilities.

Brother and sister Bauhinia Butterfly and Du Lin are both rare generals. It’s a pity that both of them surrendered to the fat man reluctantly. Even the two brothers and sisters probably wouldn’t believe it if they didn’t have their hearts. Therefore, although Fatty entrusted the two with important responsibilities, he also instructed Horn not to relax his surveillance of them for a moment.

In order not to cause a fire in the backyard during the expedition, Fatty put a lot of thought into it. In addition to the soldiers Dulin brought back, Rogge also allocated 20,000 new troops to Dulin and instructed him to clear out the orcs in the Central Mountains. In Fatty’s new letter to Dulin, he told Dulin that except for weapons and armor, all supplies would be provided on site. If the war situation permits, we should also plunder as much food as possible for the principality.

Many of the 40,000 expedition warriors led by Bauhinia Butterfly came from the principality’s occupied areas, while Dulin’s warriors were all from the former principality of Arei. In this way, even if Du Lin wanted to rebel, his soldiers would not obey.

During the two days he stayed in the City of Oracle, Rogge was almost crazy with work. But even so, he could always find a little time to be intimate with Eiffel. But every time afterward, Eiffel’s unabashedly strange look would always make Rogge hate him so much that every crevice in his teeth would itch. However, he could only completely suppress the wrath of the goddess of nature for only so long. In the extremely limited time, no matter how powerful the fat man was, he could not show his bravery to Eiffel.

In the early morning two days later, groups of elves walked out of the Oracle City, preparing to enter the battlefield of blood and fire again. The elves all have the talent to communicate with animals and are naturally excellent riders. The North Country is rich in war horses, so Rogge simply turned all the elves into cavalry.

Roger rode at the end of the team. After walking a certain distance, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked back. The fat man had excellent eyesight. Even though he was far away, he still saw Eiffel’s beautiful figure on the top of the city flashing away. Originally, Fatty only felt that the maverick Eiffel was very unique and it was very easy to get along with her. Other than that, he didn’t have much special feeling.

But now, somehow Fatty suddenly felt lost.

“Maybe I should take her with me…” Fatty thought silently. He sighed and shook his head again. Eiffel is not strong enough, and Rogge cannot protect himself now. How can he take care of her on the battlefield? If you want to survive among thousands of troops and under the magical flames in the sky, it is impossible without a certain degree of strength. Just looking at the “Tide” legion led by the famous imperial general Frederick, which has made no achievements in the past ten years, it can be imagined that the enemy Rogge is about to face is definitely not easy to deal with.

Roger led three thousand elves into the Principality of Are, and then directly entered the imperial province under the jurisdiction of Duke Doliac without passing through Dresden.

Due to their natural appearance, the price of elven slaves remains high whether in the empire or in the south. Although the elf trade has been declared illegal in the Principality of Leyton and the Principality of Are, which were originally part of the Holy Alliance, and extremely strict laws have been enacted to punish those who dare to participate in the elf slave trade, the elf slave trade in other areas of the empire is still legal and active. .

Rogg’s reputation has long spread throughout the empire. He is famous not for his strategy, conspiracy or outstanding magic power, but for his betrayal and the sharp contrast between his mediocre appearance and the stunning elven guards around him. However, in the Principality of Are, the elven troops often operated in mixed operations with the far larger number of human troops, so they were not too prominent. But this time three thousand elves formed an army alone, which was really eye-catching.

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