Blasphemy: 11 God’s Wrath Part 1

Chapter 11 A little light appears again in the deepest darkness of God’s Wrath. Rogge suddenly felt a huge convulsive pain in his head, and his huge mental power was like a pot of boiling water, rolling continuously.

He finally calmed down his mental agitation, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, it was another dream, a dream that was so real that it was completely indistinguishable from reality. Rogge didn’t know why he had so many strange dreams during this time. He had a vague feeling that these were not just empty dreams, they were probably real tributaries of destiny. But this is just a guess. The scenes in the dream are places he has never seen before, so there is no way to know whether it is true or false.

In the dream that just ended, Rogge deduced that this was a war that took place in the demon world. Is it just that the war between the heaven and the devil has already started? Is the world in his dream alluding to the war that happened in the past, the ongoing war, or the coming fight?

Roger doesn’t know.

But Fatty knows how powerful that little figure on the mountain of corpses in the center of the battlefield is! Its fighting method is incredible, and its seemingly clumsy jumps can always cut down angels flying in the sky like lightning. This is really incredible. But after experiencing it hitting him head-on, Rogge knew that this weird fighting method must be real. He didn’t understand because he simply couldn’t understand the composition of its power and the way it used its power.

Roger opened his eyes completely and sat up from the bed. Eiffel had already left at this time, but her lingering fragrance still lingered on Rogge’s body. There was a light and soft magical light in the room, and it was already dark outside the window. It looked like it was already late at night.

Rogg put on his clothes and got out of bed, and suddenly smelled a mixture of blood and stench that was too strong to be resolved. He was slightly startled, the smell was very familiar, it was the smell of the demon world battlefield just now. Roger tried to find the source of the smell, but both his body and clothes were as clean as before, with no stains visible.

Roger frowned and walked to the full-length mirror, wanting to take a closer look to see if there was anything wrong with him. As soon as he stood in front of the mirror, he was immediately stunned!

That Rogge in the mirror has a very thin and light blood line under his eyes! Rogge’s hand trembled as he slowly touched his face, and then put his fingertips in front of his eyes.

On his fingertips, there was a small drop of blood. At this moment, Rogge was suddenly in a trance, feeling that he couldn’t tell which one was the dream, here or the demon world.

Fortunately, Fatty is a straightforward person. Since he can’t figure it out, he just puts it aside for now. He still has big things to do.

Roger walked out of the room and happened to meet Androni wandering in the corridor. Apparently she was going crazy with boredom, but she had promised Rogge not to leave the 100-meter radius around him. Androni is also a strong person in the Holy Realm after all. Since she has agreed to something, of course she can’t just say it. But this way, she was bored to death within two days.

“Annie, have you seen Adelene and Milo?” Rogge asked.

Androni shook her head, curled her lips and said: “How could I possibly know their whereabouts? But, are you sure these two demons are trustworthy? But although Adelene doesn’t look very good, It feels really comfortable. This is the first time I don’t feel disgusted with demons.”

As Rogge walked towards his magic laboratory, he frowned and said: “Annie, how strong Adelene’s magic power is, even I can’t detect her details, and I never know her heart. What are you thinking about. So you’d better not provoke her, and don’t try to do anything to her. You are no match for her now.”

Androni followed Rogge into the magic laboratory, snorted and sneered: “You can’t measure the bottom line of her power, does that mean I can’t do it? How arrogant.”

Roger glanced at her, and Androni, who was so concerned about face, couldn’t help but feel guilty and turned her gaze to the side. Rogge simply stopped and looked at her carefully from top to bottom. The lustful eyes seemed to have substance, and they kept wandering around Androni’s body.

Androni was furious, her hand had already grasped the blue sky, and she said coldly: “Damn fat man! Don’t think that because you are more capable, you can do whatever you want to me. In such a small room, your despicable methods It’s not easy to use it!”

Roger laughed and said, “Annie, didn’t you think you were better than me just now? Why do you sound so guilty now?”

This time her face finally turned red, and she was so charming in an instant, which made Fatty involuntarily think of the happy time in the Green Dragon’s Lair. The fat man ignored Androni’s threats and just looked her up and down, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Androni was about to have a seizure when Rogge suddenly said: “Annie, do you want to increase your strength?”

Her heart skipped a beat. Of course she wants to increase her strength. It is precisely because of the gap in strength that the distance between her and Feng Yue will become farther and farther.

Rogg stared at her, nodded, and said: “I can see that you want to increase your strength, and I think you should be very clear about what strength means to you. Every time your strength increases by one point, in the Saint If you take one more step forward in the domain, you will be closer to her. But in fact, we all know that she is moving too fast, so fast that we can’t even imagine! So in fact, the two of us are gradually being She left.”

Androni sighed softly and said: “Yes! But compared to me, your strength has improved much faster. That time back then…well, after that incident, I can kill you at any time. But in a short period of time, your power has so easily surpassed mine. I can’t even compare to you, so how can I catch up with her? By the way, **** fat man, what on earth are you doing? How did you practice, and how did your strength grow so fast?”

Roger smiled slightly and said: “Actually, my power is not strong. Even compared with you now, it is not much higher…”

Androni’s face turned cold and she said angrily: “Damn fat guy, what do you mean you’re not much better than me? Am I bad?”

The fat man laughed and said: “No, no, how can I say you are bad? In fact, it is very difficult to improve absolute strength, but the skill of using strength is much easier. To put it simply, you have to do it in the right way. Time defeats the opponent in the right way. As for what is right, you can only understand it after you understand the inner rules of the entire plane. Well, Annie, if you are really eager to understand the rules of the plane, I can help You. But this is not without cost. If you are willing, we might as well make a deal.”

“What deal?” She vaguely felt something was wrong.

“I can let you touch the power of powerful gods. As for how much you can understand from it, it depends on you. Of course, this will not bring a direct improvement to your power, but it will The rapid growth of your strength makes it possible. When you can see the road ahead clearly, you will naturally walk much faster than a person groping in the dark.” The fat man smiled like a kind fox.

Androni’s heart is beating faster and faster. Even if the factors of Fengyue are put aside, the temptation of further power is unparalleled for every strong man in the sanctuary. Because without a fanatical paranoia about power, it would be almost impossible for a person to enter the holy realm. She was careful not to let her emotions show on her face, and said cautiously: “What are the conditions of the transaction?”

“It’s very simple. In exchange, you have to give birth to a child for me.” Rogge slowly stated his conditions word by word.

“This is impossible!” cried Androni. She turned around and left, but Rogge had no intention of stopping her. Androni is tall and has long legs. Although her steps are getting slower and slower, she still reaches the door in a few steps.

She finally stopped, turned around, and said angrily: “There are so many people who can give you a child, why do you have to come to me? And doesn’t Mei already have your child? Change the conditions!”

Rogg pondered for a moment and said: “Annie, my body is very different from before. So my children will also change accordingly. I estimate that now only women with strong strength can It is possible to leave a child for me. As for Mei, I don’t trust her at all, let alone trust her. And the child in her belly may change at any time. You actually don’t understand the nature of this war. , and I don’t know what kind of existence is always confronting behind the millions of troops on the battlefield. In fact, no matter how strong he is, there is no guarantee that he can survive to the end of this war. The same goes for me, so I just hope I can leave another child.”

Androni’s face was uncertain, and her heart was obviously struggling in pain. Rogge was not in a hurry, he just looked at her leisurely, waiting for her decision quietly.

Androni finally raised her head, met Rogge’s gaze, and said calmly: “Deal.”

Rogge was greatly surprised. He did not expect that she would agree so simply and neatly. Androni looked at the proud fat man and said: “Don’t be so proud. I promise you, it’s for other reasons, and it’s definitely not because I like you. And you also know my physical condition and the stimulation is too great.” Sometimes, I can’t control my counterattack. It’s up to you to solve this problem.”

Rogg laughed and said: “This is simple, just knock you out first…”

Before the fat man could finish his words, he hurriedly shrank his head to avoid the sweep of Androni’s scabbard. Rogge smiled triumphantly and led Androni, who was on the verge of breaking out, into his magic laboratory.

After carefully walking through several portals, the two finally came to an extremely spacious hall. There was almost nothing in the hundred-meter-wide hall, and the entire ground was occupied by densely packed magic symbols. The magic circle was huge, complex and obviously expensive. The entire magic circle is engraved on the floor, the symbols are cast in fine gold, and the lines connecting the magic symbols are made of magical mithril. At important nodes, there are also pieces of high-grade magic crystals with different attributes. Androni came from a wealthy family and knew the price of these things. She knew that these hundreds of high-grade magic crystals alone were worth more than one million gold coins.

The magic circle is like being immersed in water, with ripples passing over it from time to time. Whether it is crystals or magic symbols in the magic circle, they will be slightly distorted by these ripples. The magic circle buzzed, and the sound sounded very pleasant.

Androni knew that there was no water at all above the magic circle, and the ripples were not due to the brightness of light, but to the distortion of space. Above the entire magic circle, there is a twisted and strange space!

The twisted space was filled with faint green light waves. In the center of the space, there was a little girl who was all green. She bent her body, hugged her knees with her hands, and just floated quietly in the air. It seems that even if she stands straight, she is actually only about one meter tall.

In the light blue world, the little girl’s hair is floating gently like algae. Her body looks naked, but if you look closely, you will find that there are very faint and complex patterns on the skin, making it unclear whether it is armor, natural armor or natural skin.

Looking at the sleeping little girl, Androni’s body began to tremble uncontrollably for some unknown reason. She couldn’t help but take a few steps back, and then she stopped when her back was against the wall. .

“This…what is this?” She looked pale, and all the blood had gone out of her face. She tightly grasped the hilt of Biluo Xingkong’s sword with one hand, while the slender fingers of her other hand were subconsciously grasping the wall behind her, as if trying to find a place to rely on. At this time, the green little girl seemed to feel Androni’s gaze. She suddenly raised her head, and her emerald eyes met Androni’s eyes.

In an instant, Androni felt an invisible force holding her heart tightly. Facing this power, her fragile heart was already overwhelmed and struggled desperately, trying to jump a few times to send blood to every corner of her body. However, the beating of her heart became weaker and weaker. After just a few seconds, her heart was no longer able to struggle and stopped beating completely.

Androni’s face was extremely pale. She was like a fish that accidentally jumped to the shore, trying desperately but in vain to breathe.

Her eyes quickly dimmed.

At this moment, Rogge’s generous palm blocked her eyes, blocking the fatal emerald gaze. So the fish that had landed on the shore returned to the water. She breathed in greedily, enjoying the joyful beating of her heart.

In just this short period of time, Androni was completely exhausted, her legs were weak, and she had to rely on the starry sky to stay upright.

Roger stretched out his arm with a smile, and Androni immediately grabbed it, leaning on his arm and panting. After a long time, she regained a little strength, struggled to stand up straight, and looked at Rogge.

For some reason, Androni suddenly felt that this fat man, who was even shorter than her, had a broad body like a towering mountain, blocking out all harm.

“I said I wanted you to experience divine power. How about it? The angry gaze of the goddess of nature is not very pleasant, right?” Rogge said with a smile.

“That’s the goddess of nature? How could she be imprisoned by you? You…you can actually imprison a god?” Androni really couldn’t imagine her reasoning.

Roger laughed and said: “Yes, you can say that the goddess of nature has been imprisoned by me. But what I imprisoned is not the entire goddess of nature, but only a very small part of her. Compared to her body, What I imprisoned might just be a hair of hers.”

Even so, Androni still didn’t understand that among the four major druids, the power of Sky Fury and Earth Prophet was extremely powerful, far beyond that of ordinary sanctuaries. From this inference, the power of the goddess of nature behind them should be even more terrifying. How could she be imprisoned by this fat man?

If gods can perform miracles, then imprisoning a god, even if it is only a small part of the divine power, can be called a miracle!

Rogg seemed to understand her doubts and said: “I accidentally found a way to re-grow the power of the free goddess of nature. And this magic circle creates an independent plane. , able to cut off all the goddess of nature’s response to these divine powers in my hands. Growth is a characteristic of the divine power of the goddess of nature, so it didn’t take long for the initial tiny bit of divine power to grow into what you see.”

Androni suddenly understood something, stared at Rogge and said: “Could it be that your power…”

The fat man smiled and shook his head, saying: “I don’t have the ability to devour the divine power of the goddess of nature. But the growth of my strength is indeed with the help of her power. In fact, it is very simple to say, whenever I have time At any time, you will look directly into the eyes of the goddess of nature and accept the baptism of her divine power. If you can survive the blow of divine power and survive, your sense of power will naturally improve.”

“You…” Androni couldn’t describe it, and after a moment she said: “You are really crazy!”

The fat man smiled and said: “Yes, I have already gone crazy to gain power. Come with me, I will let you see even crazier things.”

Roger led Androni out of the hall. He closed the door and flipped a switch next to the door. There was a slight roar from behind the door, and then the magic circle in the hall disappeared under Androni’s induction.

Through a long corridor, Rogge took Androni to a small room. The room was small and empty, except for an elven magic circle in the center of the floor, with a little green brilliance floating in the center of the magic circle. As soon as she saw this bit of Bihua, Androni’s body immediately trembled and she subconsciously grabbed Rogge’s hand. However, she immediately realized that this bit of Bihua was extremely weak. Although it was exactly the same as the aura of the little girl floating in the restricted plane just now, its power was completely different.

Androni’s face turned red with a rare blush, and she hurriedly let go of Rogge’s hand. She didn’t dare to look at the fat man and just said: “What do you mean by crazy?”

“A great dwarf once said that the induction of divine power is two-way. When the gods display miracles with their divine power, they also provide ordinary people with an opportunity to touch their bodies. Of course, these ordinary people must have intentions. There are bad guys, like me.” The fat man chuckled.

Under Androni’s unbelievable gaze, the fat man wrapped his hands around silver light. These lights condensed by pure spiritual power contained powerful destructive power. Then he removed the barrier of the magic circle, and with one move of his hands, he sucked the floating Bihua into the middle of his hands.

“You, are you…”

Up to this moment, the fat man’s intention was very obvious. Androni’s eyes widened, still unable to believe what he was about to do.

“Now that the elven magic that isolated the breath has been removed, the goddess of nature must have sensed the existence of this free divine power…” The fat man smiled so hard that he gritted his teeth and looked extremely ferocious: “Yes! I just want to make the great and beautiful nature The goddess knows that I am touching her body!”

That bit of green brilliance has been held in Rogge’s palm, and he is rubbing it fiercely. The silver light condensed by the free divine power and spiritual power can’t stop rubbing, and bursts of flames are erupting from time to time.

Although that bit of free divine power was very weak, it was extremely tenacious. It kept groaning in Rogge’s hands and refused to dissipate.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became solemn, and an invisible pressure quietly enveloped it. Androni felt horrified, and the few strands of her hair floated slowly without any wind.

Roger felt sweat on his forehead. He had no idea that destroying this seemingly insignificant divine power would be so useless. At this time, time dragged on for a little longer, and somehow, the aura of the goddess of nature began to increase rapidly.

Although Fatty’s act of provoking the goddess of nature was crazy, he definitely didn’t want to attract the clone of the goddess of nature like he did in the space crack last time. The fat man still doesn’t know whether the goddess of nature has taken back the clone that drifted away with Cassinaras in the turbulence of time and space. However, judging from the fact that he was able to isolate her from the induction of free divine power, this chance should not be great. As long as the clone cannot be recovered, the Goddess of Nature’s divinity and power will be severely damaged, and the possibility of her sending another clone will be much smaller.

However, no matter how small the chance is, it may happen. At this time, Rogge didn’t want to take risks.

The fat man suddenly roared, and the sharply increased power instantly caused a violent storm in the room. The silver light on his hands instantly took away all the colors in the room!

Finally, a ball of green flame exploded in Rogge’s hands, and the free power of the goddess of nature turned into nothingness.

In a daze, Androni seemed to hear an angry shout coming from the void, but as soon as the shout started, it disappeared along with the green flame in Rogge’s hand. But the endless majesty and supreme power represented in that scolding still lingered in her heart.

“You are really crazy. I have never seen anyone dare to challenge a **** like this.” Androni stared at Rogge and shouted involuntarily.

She suddenly felt that the Rogge in front of her had completely become a stranger.

Rogg wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a smile: “Aren’t you also crazy? With your physical characteristics, in order to improve your strength, you are actually willing to give me a child.”

“Don’t be proud, even if I agree to you, there is another reason!” As soon as this issue was mentioned, Androni couldn’t help but grit her teeth, and when she thought about the things she had to do to give birth to a child, her face started to change again. Became pale.

She shook her head, trying to expel these thoughts from her heart, and asked: “You are blaspheming the goddess of nature, aren’t you afraid that she will punish you, or send a servant of the gods to punish you?”

“I just respect her, will she let me go? Speaking of the servants of God, there are at least two great druids hiding in the dark, and I don’t even know their names. If the goddess of nature is willing to let them take care of me, that would be great. As for her body, that is not our concern. In this plane, what we need to target is only her agent, and at most A doppelganger.”

Androni thought about it and realized that what Rogge said made sense. She looked at Rogge and said: “Damn Fatty, you promised to let me come into contact with the realm of divine power, wouldn’t it be over like this?”

The fat man smiled and said: “How is it possible? As long as you are willing, you can bear the baptism of the goddess’s gaze like me.”

“But…” She hesitated.

“At that time, I will be by your side.” The fat man said gently.

Androni nodded silently. Hearing these words, she suddenly felt much more at ease.

An ordinary person is angry and will throw punches at each other, which can result in a crowd of three to five people at most. If a big shot is angry, it can affect a wide range of people. The anger of the king of a country is enough to turn a thousand miles into ashes and leave corpses everywhere.

What about the wrath of one god? What price will it take to calm down this anger?

In just a moment, Androni was not the only one to hear the angry yell, many people also felt the goddess’s anger.

Hughes reached for the teacup, but his hand accidentally touched his own teapot. With a bang, the delicate little teapot fell to pieces on the ground. Hughes looked at the debris on the ground, just shook his head and sighed: “Oh, young people are really messing around! Everything is in chaos now.”

At the same time as the small teapot fell to the ground, a crisp cracking sound was heard from another corner of the hall.

The crystal plate in Eiffel’s hand suddenly burst into endless green, and then gradually condensed into a majestic face. She immediately grabbed the platinum hammer at hand and smashed the crystal plate into pieces with one hammer.

“It’s not my fault. You have nothing to do with the prophecy I want!” she thought.

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