Blasphemy: 1 kill all

This winter, the entire Principality of Bavaria has turned into a huge war machine.

The heart of this machine is the city of Lille.

Lille has long ceased to be as spotless as it was during the Grand Duke’s wedding. Now it has become noisy, dirty, and crowded. There will be a strange smell in the cold wind.

Continuous convoys transported various urgently needed war supplies from the principality and allied countries to the city of Lille, where they were then stored, distributed and transported to the front line. The warehouses in Lille have already been filled with grain, dried meat, fodder, armor and weapons. The heavy carriages not only turned the snow into slush, but also crushed the road. Except for the urban area where the Grand Duke’s Palace is located, the main roads in other urban areas are full of mud all day long. Crowded vehicles and people are pushing and yelling at each other, occasionally mixed with the cries of children.

War is not all romantic.

The first thing that makes the citizens of Lille feel this deeply is that the prices of all food and alcohol are soaring. The rich can still maintain their luxurious habits regardless of the soaring prices. But among the topics at the banquet, topics such as the price of a certain brand of red wine have doubled, and the whiskey of a certain vintage has been out of stock, etc. have begun to occupy a place.

Ordinary people truly feel the difficulty of life. They no longer thought about whether to eat better, but racked their brains to study how to fill their families’ stomachs with limited silver coins. The price of bread has doubled, and cheese has gone up by almost the same amount. Cured meat with local flavor is already a sky-high price for them.

The harshest side of the war existed outside Lille. There was a large open space that was tightly fenced with a curtain.

There is a temporary morgue where the remains of soldiers are placed.

The morgue is so large that when more than three hundred corpses are placed in it, it can only occupy a small corner. The people guarding the morgue are all veterans with many years of experience. But every time they entered the morgue, they always had a look of unconcealable fear on their faces. No matter how outsiders asked, they refused to tell what was in the morgue.

The veterans who guard the morgue know that the corpses in the morgue are only the first batch. The war has just started, and corpses will continue to be transported here in the future. Just by looking at the size of this morgue, you can guess the upper management’s estimate of war damage. That would be a chilling number to think about!

But these veterans are used to the blood on the battlefield. It is winter again, and the morgue does not have the stench and **** smell that towers into the sky. For them, this should be considered paradise.

What frightens them deeply is the corpses that would not arouse their reaction at all!

Under the white cloth, there were more than a hundred corpses that looked charred. And there were more than a hundred corpses that were mutilated. Even the corpses with all parts intact can be seen to have been mysteriously torn into more than ten pieces, which were completely put back together later. Some corpses even have hands and feet that clearly do not belong to their current owners!

In comparison, normal corpses are really pitiful.

The veterans’ eyes subconsciously avoided these corpses, and they did not even want to think of them in their hearts, just because of the horror of the makers of these corpses!

Those are two taboo names, the Great Magister Yero and the Great Warlock Lhasa.

The incredible power of the Grand Mage is the nightmare of all soldiers. In the face of the terrifying magic that came overwhelming, even veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles seemed so small and helpless. They are completely unable to resist the power of the magic of the great magic instructor, and they are completely unable to escape the scope of the magic.

All they can do is wait for death to come and pray that it will not be too painful. Being able to keep a complete corpse is already a luxury.

The war between the Seven Powers, led by the Principality of Bavaria, and the Rhine League finally started a month ago. In an impassioned declaration of war, the Grand Duke of Bavaria accused Louis IX of instigating the evil succubus Elesis to seduce Ofiloch and completely turn him into a devil! Whether as a devout supreme **** Neither a believer nor a grieving father, the Grand Duke could continue to tolerate Louis IX’s blasphemous behavior!

From this day on, the Principality of Bavaria officially broke away from the Rhine League and declared war on the League. What attracted the attention of the entire continent was that the Pope personally attended the expedition ceremony and blessed the first batch of soldiers who set off to the front line.

This is tantamount to a declaration of alliance with the Principality of Bavaria!

This day is the first time in the history of the Church of Light that it has officially intervened in a secular war. After receiving this information, the major powers immediately began to evaluate the situation after the Principality of Bavaria annexed the Rhine League. In this war, no one is optimistic about the prospects of the Rhine League. Even if the three empires confront the Church of Light head-on, the outcome is difficult to predict. What’s more, the Rhine League is only a second-rate power? After the Principality of Bavaria split away, it could only be regarded as a third-rate power at best.

When the war just started, all the nobles on the principality side were excited. They seized every possible opportunity to attack Louis IX, the ally of the Dark Devil, and tried their best to ridicule and satirize him. Then, under the worship of the noble girl, With a wandering look in his eyes, he made countless declarations of victory against the heretics.

Large numbers of aristocratic children put on the most gorgeous armor, and through various connections requested to join the army to conquer the heretics. But what disappoints these passionate young people is that no matter what kind of relationship they are entrusted with, they will be rejected when they arrive at the Grand Duke’s Palace. It was rumored that during the early stages of the war, the duchy would no longer conscript any nobles into the army, in addition to the existing army.

This rumor was like a spark that quickly ignited the anger of all the young nobles who were interested in earning a vote on the battlefield! They swarmed in front of the Grand Duke’s Palace and demanded a reasonable explanation.

The battlefield is originally a stage for noble youths, and this kind of sure-win war is an opportunity that every noble will strive for. How can we keep them aside from such a grand event?

It was Catherine who calmed the wrath of the passionate young nobleman.

When the most beautiful woman in the royal capital appeared at the gate of the Grand Duke’s Mansion, the noisy crowd immediately became silent.

Her elegant appearance is so perfect, and the noble temperament inadvertently revealed in her movements is the ultimate that the most elegant nobleman can dream of. Every tiny ornament on her body is either fashionable or elegant, and can completely become a model for aristocratic clothing.

In front of the blazing eyes of countless aristocratic young people, Catherine smiled slightly, and her solid and round voice once again made these young people crazy.

“Dear gentlemen, you are the youngest elite of the Principality of Bavaria, the cornerstone of the principality’s existence, and the only hope of the upper class! It is actually the Grand Duke’s painstaking efforts not to let you rush to the front line at this time. As we all know, at this moment There are not only powerful enemy troops waiting for you on the front line, but also the mysterious Great Mage!”

The young nobles became restless, and they all shouted that they would use their own blood and flesh to pave a road to the Great Magister! One of them must plunge his sword into the Grand Magister’s heart and offer it to Catherine.

Catherine smiled sweetly and pressed her hands slightly, calming the young people’s enthusiasm.

“I have never doubted your loyalty and bravery! But you are the nobility, the principality, and the whole hope of the Grand Duke! You, the youngest elites of the Principality, cannot suffer unnecessary damage. Even if the Principality temporarily has Frustration, as long as the fire is left, one day our anger will burn throughout the pagan land! So, respectable gentlemen, don’t sacrifice lightly! Hone your wisdom and sword skills, the war is far from over. At the end of the day, I guarantee that you will have enough opportunities to use your swords to win your glory in the flames of war!”

The young nobles heard this with excitement! They shouted wildly, raising their swords again and again.

After finally waiting for them to calm down, Catherine said gently: “But, respectable gentlemen, I have a small request! I beg you to come back from the battlefield intact; I hope to have such a glory , I can accept the trophies you brought back with your own hands!”

The grassland in the hearts of the noble youth was completely ignited by this spark!

Although they still couldn’t go to the battlefield, their vanity and self-esteem were greatly satisfied. The passion and the most precious loyalty of the nobles also have a place to go.

Catherine Rochelio, recognized as the most beautiful woman in the royal capital and the embodiment of nobility, elegance and perfection, became the object of loyalty to countless young nobles on this day. The ancient spirit of chivalry is once again on the rise in the Principality of Bavaria.

The war has been in a stalemate for half a month. Although there are no dead soldiers in sight, batches of wounded soldiers returning from the front line have calmed down the excited nobles. Except for the St. James Cathedral where the Pope lives, almost all the chapels were filled with wounded soldiers waiting for treatment. Priests of the Church of Light use light magic to heal quickly and effectively, but a senior priest cannot use healing spells several times a day. These precious magics were used to treat the injuries of seriously injured soldiers and prevent them from getting worse. The work of recovery must be left to doctors who are proficient in medical skills.

The coalition forces led by Marshal Rochelio were firmly blocked from the Maren Fortress of the Rhine League. In a tentative attack, the large-scale magic of Lhasa and Hierro easily sent the more than 200 soldiers at the front back to the arms of the Supreme God. The prudent Marshal Rochelio was no longer willing to launch an attack easily, and just surrounded the Malen Fortress layer by layer outside the magic range.

The stalemate battle situation quickly caused the nobles of Lille City to lose their original interest and enthusiasm. The civilians have gradually become accustomed to wartime life, and they can already fall asleep amidst the noise of carriages and soldiers as usual.

At dawn, in the Grand Duke’s palace, Catherine stood up from the large desk, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked in the direction of the Rhine League.

As the door opened, two beautiful maids walked in quietly. Each of them held a thick stack of documents and placed them on the pile on the left side of the desk. A maid picked up the reviewed documents on her right hand side and quietly exited the room. Another maid took a snow fox cloak and put it on Catherine.

“Mrs. Catherine, you must take care of yourself! Most people haven’t gotten up yet, and you have already been working for two hours! Such hard work is not a good thing for your baby!”

Catherine’s face always has a noble, elegant and perfect smile, and she doesn’t look tired at all. She stretched out her hand and gently pinched the maid’s cheek. This very ambiguous and frivolous action became very noble in her hands.

“What are you afraid of? This child has the blessing of the Pope himself, and is destined to not be an ordinary person! You have been following me for so long, don’t you still know me? How can work make me tired? Without these , life is truly boring! You see, in this direction, there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and countless people. Their fate will soon be in my hands. If I am happy, their lives will be happy; if I am angry, they will suffer hunger and fear! What a wonderful feeling it is!”

Catherine’s eyes showed a rare look of enthusiasm. At this moment, her reserve was completely forgotten. Her hands subconsciously grasped the maid’s round and smooth shoulders, and her sharp nails dug deeply into the flesh. However, her gaze has already been cast into the distance, beyond the Rhine League, with no end in sight…

The maid trembled instinctively as she listened to Catherine pouring out her innermost thoughts.

Katherine noticed her strangeness, chuckled, and said gently: “Are you afraid of hearing too much? You are very good, you have never said a word carelessly, and you are timid, so you don’t It will be the same as a few of them. How can I bear to lose such a lovely little thing like you? Alas, talents are hard to find, and a good maid is much harder to find than a brave knight! Moreover, you are really good to me, How could I not know?”

At this time, someone knocked lightly on the door, and a maid announced: “Lady Catherine, the Marquis of Tamaleton is waiting for your summons.”

“Let him in!”

The Margrave of Tamaredon has been the military assistant to the Archduke of Bavaria for more than twenty years. Now he is over fifty years old, with a short and fat build, and there are few hairs on his head, which is shiny and shiny. At first glance, he looked like an old aristocrat who had drunk too much. But Catherine put on a perfect expression of reserve and respect. This respect was not false, but true respect from the heart.

Tamaredon handed several pages of tissue paper to Catherine and said: “Dear Lady Catherine, I have reviewed all the information about Lord Ofiloch and picked out the parts that may be of interest to you. Take a look and if you are not satisfied with anything, I will prepare a more detailed one for you.”

Katherine frowned slightly, quickly browsed through these pages, raised her head and said: “Lord Tamaleton, I am very satisfied with your work. In fact, I can’t find a better report. You have already Tell me everything I want to know. By the way, your report said that the two Knights of the Round Table left the city of Lille with the remaining members of the Knights of the Golden Lion?”

“Yes. The two Knights of the Round Table went to St. James Cathedral yesterday and should have met His Majesty the Pope. After coming out, they gathered the 82 living Golden Lion Knights and left the city of Lille. You You know, after Lord Ofiloch’s death, they announced their withdrawal from the Duke’s team and got the Grand Duke’s consent. Their departure this time seems to have the tacit approval of the Pope, so I didn’t stop them.”

“Which direction are they walking in?” Catherine frowned slightly.

“Towards the north, heading straight to the Central Mountains. Lady Catherine.”

Catherine pondered, her slender, crystal-clear fingers tapping the table very rhythmically.

Her fingers suddenly paused, and Tamaredon’s heart immediately tightened.

“Don’t worry about what His Majesty the Pope said for now. You immediately mobilize a thousand elite knights, be sure to intercept them in front of the central mountain range, kill them all, and don’t let any of them enter the central mountain range, and then take their heads. Return to me.” Even after giving such an order, Catherine’s voice was still gentle and gentle, but Tamaredon could not help but feel waves of irresistible chills.

She scanned the report in her hand again and said softly: “This man named Rogge looks very interesting. Lord Ofiloch and the church attach great importance to him, and there is a reason. I want to know about him The more complete the information, the better. Also, please help me make arrangements. I want to see Kate this afternoon. Is Franco currently in Sellersburg? Find a way to inform him. I hope to be able to be there at this time the day after tomorrow. Meet him here.”

The Marquis of Tamaredon took out a small notebook, wrote down Catherine’s instructions one by one, and then retired.

The maid outside the door whispered again: “Mrs. Catherine, Lord Fiore wants to see you.”

Katherine’s razor-sharp eyebrows raised slightly, and finally said: “Invite him in!”

As the door opened, a figure appeared in front of Catherine like a whirlwind. His voice was low and sweet, revealing surprise and pride that could not be concealed.

“Catherine! The goddess in my dreams! Since the day I saw you, my love for you has never changed! Can you feel the fire in my heart! It is this fire that makes me love you in three I have made a miraculous breakthrough in just a few months! Look, I am already a Templar! In just three months, I have raised my fighting spirit by a whole level! This is completely the power of love! You are now Do you believe my love for you!?”

The visitor couldn’t help but hugged Catherine suddenly and kissed her fiercely on the lips.

Catherine’s lips were soft and smooth. She resisted nothing and allowed Fiore’s hot tongue to penetrate her mouth. But the coldness on her lips and tongue quickly cooled Fiore’s boiling blood.

Fiore let go of Catherine at a loss. He wanted to say something, but didn’t know how to say it. Under Catherine’s cold gaze, this young man who was a genius in martial arts could not help but lower his head. head.

Fiore is very tall, with a handsome face that carries an evil charm, and long brown-black hair tied back by a black ribbon. He was one of the Pope’s bodyguards and had recently qualified as a Templar.

“Dear Mr. Fiore, I know what the title of Templar means, and I also know that it is a miracle to have sixteen levels of fighting spirit at your age. But if you want to subdue someone like me who doesn’t understand A woman with martial arts skills does not need any fighting spirit, just relying on your arm strength is enough! You are His Majesty the Pope’s right-hand assistant. I have forgotten what happened just now. Now, if you are not prepared to take any further action, I can ask you Are you out?” Catherine’s voice was as cold as ice.

Fiore was completely at a loss, his pale lips trembled, and he suddenly knelt in front of Catherine!

“My goddess! Please don’t be so cruel to me! I dare not ask you to forgive my rudeness just now, I just ask you to give me a chance to serve you! Please give me this chance, I will Prove my love for you! It will definitely happen! You can’t find a more loyal knight than me! No matter what, please don’t close your heart to me forever!”

Katherine hesitated a little, and when Fiore saw that things were turning around, he immediately swore desperately.

Finally, Catherine sighed softly and said: “If I am in trouble, I will ask for your help. Is this okay?”

The ecstatic Fiore was afraid of making Catherine unhappy again, so he immediately took the opportunity to exit the room.

Seeing Fiore’s figure disappear at the door, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Catherine’s mouth. But then the smile disappeared, and the room was suddenly filled with the vague smell of blood, which made her stomach feel a little uneasy.

The maid’s voice also trembled with fear: “Mrs. Catherine, Lady Kate is waiting for your summons!”

The Kate who walked into the room was very different from half a year ago. There was a lot of vicissitudes to his face, and his long hair was spread freely, obviously without any modification. Several crisscross scars added a lot of murderous look to his originally handsome face.

The strange thing is that one stream of **** smell can’t help but emerge from Kate’s old armor full of scratches.

Kate stood far away at the other end of the room and said calmly: “Dear Lady Catherine, I am truly sorry. I have killed too many people, and I cannot control this strange **** smell. I hope it will not let anyone You are too unhappy. Do you have any orders for summoning me, an idler?”

Katherine frowned slightly, stood up and walked towards Kate. With every step he took, the smell of blood became stronger. By the time she was one step in front of Kate, the smell of blood was as thick as substance. It was thick, cold, and slippery, making Catherine feel uncomfortable all over. But her face just turned pale and returned to her perfect smiling expression.

Kate’s eyes flashed with surprise, then changed to respect. He bowed, and Catherine could see that this time it was true respect.

“How long have you been idle in Lille?”

“Since the old Knights of the Lion Heart and the Knights of the Golden Lion were disbanded, we have been idle and collecting some salary. In this one-sided war in front of us, the people above will not let us take the credit.” Kate He is very straightforward. After staying in the cruel Lion’s Tooth Camp for a long time, he is no longer willing to bother to cater to the ideas of any powerful people.

Catherine walked up behind Kate, gently touched the scratches on his armor with her hand, and suddenly asked: “Do you think this war is one-sided? I need to know your true opinion!”

Kate was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and then replied: “Although the Rhine League has two great magisters to help, it is still unable to resist our attack. The stalemate in front of us is only temporary. But after the Rhine League fell, , the real enemy will appear. At that time, the real war will begin. As for who our enemy is and what the outcome of the war will be, I am in a low position and cannot see that far.”

“Well, you are already a genius if you can see this.”

Catherine turned to Kate again. She stood so close that Kate could feel the orchid breath she breathed.

She raised her hand and gently touched the scar on Kate’s face, her icy fingers flowing like mercury on his cheek. Kate suddenly felt a little hot in her heart.

Because of this **** scent that was so thick that it could not be dissolved, no woman dared to approach him, and Kate was happy to be immersed in the world of fighting spirit and military strategy alone. On a cruel battlefield, for knights like them who charge at the forefront, the stronger they are, the greater the chance of coming back alive.

Kate’s heartbeat accelerated a little. At such a close distance, Catherine’s beauty was unusually shocking. What’s more, she was the first woman to completely regard his **** aura as nothing.

Kate immediately thought of the Grand Duke of Bavaria and pushed all distracting thoughts out of her mind.

Catherine seemed to sense the change in his heart, retracted her hand, and asked: “How many knights are there in the Lion’s Tooth Camp?”

Kate was a little surprised. In the past, the nicknames for Lion’s Tooth Camp were either garbage or monsters. The honorable title of knight had no connection with them.

“One hundred and fourteen more, madam.”

“Very good! From now on, all the crimes of the Lion Tooth Knights have been forgiven, and they will be your personal guards from now on. And you, from today on, are Baron Kate and Colonel Kate. There will be a Thousands of new Lionheart Knights are at your command. These appointments will be issued this afternoon, and you will leave to report to Marshal Rochelio and follow his orders.”

Kate thought for a while and asked: “Madam, do you have any special requests?”

“I would like to see the head of either of the two great magisters.”

Kate remained silent, and after a moment she said: “Madam, I am only 10% sure. I hope you don’t have too high expectations.”

“Yi Cheng has exceeded my expectations. But remember, you must come back alive.” Catherine’s voice was soft and gentle, like falling rain.

Kate said no more, he bowed deeply to Catherine and strode out.

After Kate’s heavy footsteps completely disappeared, Catherine clapped her hands, summoned her maid, and said lightly: “Go and prepare warm water. I have an upset stomach and want to vomit.”

PS: Help a friend to advertise


The writing is very good, very flavorful and very intense.

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