Blade of the Sword Master Chapter 4454: Parting ways

Latest URL: This is the first disagreement among the creators, and after this quarrel, those creators who thought that the lives they created were just tools started a new experiment.

No longer pursue and improve the wisdom and wisdom of these beings, but focus on research on how to make these beings more obedient.

Even for this reason, they did not hesitate to erase the intelligence and wisdom of these beings.

However, in this way, it seems that this group of creators has completely gone into a misunderstanding.

To put it bluntly, he stepped up to build a puppet and retreated by himself.

The greatness of life lies in its independence, being able to have its own thinking, to learn to think, and to learn.

It is precisely because of this ability that life will continue to progress and develop.

In order to make these beings obedient, deliberately erasing their wisdom and thinking, making them lose the ability to think independently, is obviously a step backward.

Because in this way, it is no different from building a puppet.

Soon, these creators also discovered this problem.

Although erasing the thinking and wisdom of life can indeed make them more obedient, on the other hand, their strength has also become unable to improve, and they are extremely weak.

Because you don’t even have the most basic thinking and wisdom, so how do you know how to make yourself stronger?

Even if you give them strength, these life like walking corpses cannot accommodate them.

I tried my best to make these beings have stronger strength, but in the end it was useless.

Even because of this, life expectancy is greatly reduced.

At the beginning, I vowed to say that if one batch dies, another batch will be created, but the facts have proved that once the lifespan becomes too short, it is too late, and there is always a critical point.

For example, it takes at least a month to create a batch of new lives, but originally these lives can only live for half a month, so the remaining half month must be a window period.

Unable to accommodate too powerful a force, the creation of these beings is completely useless to the creators, not even a little help.

They can’t be expected to do anything, so what’s the point of being obedient?

In the end, these creators chose to give up and accepted the ideas of another batch of creators.

Although these lives were created by them, from the moment they appeared, they were no longer under their complete control.

They are also real.

Accepting this reality, the creators joined forces again, and everything seemed to be on the right track again.

No longer limit the wisdom and thinking of these beings, and even start to consciously help them learn.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen had some special feelings in his heart.

The records on the ancient stele really shocked everyone, including Xiao Chen.

And everyone doesn’t like that they were created by another life, and they are extremely opposed to this reality.

But now, looking at the ancestors who were indeed created by a group of creators, Xiao Chen has some different views.

Indeed, the ancestors of the myriad worlds may have been created by these creators.

However, as one of the creators said, these lives existed at the moment they were born.

They are more and more like real life, and this has nothing to do with the creators, it is the essence of instinct.

They, the creators, created the sun, the moon, and everything in the world, but there is one thing that they did not create, and that is the Nanhun Tianyu itself.

This world existed from the very beginning, and these creators seem to have been built and placed on an open space.

They didn’t really create the world, or more accurately, these creators just perfected the world.

The same goes for life.

The creators did not create life, nor did they create those tiny creatures.

To put it bluntly, they only helped the evolution of life, infinitely accelerated this process, and in this process, they left their own traces.

So, as time goes by, the essence of life seems to be more and more out of the control of these creators.

The essence of many aspects is beyond the expectations of these creators.

For example, the relationship that the ancestors spontaneously established with each other determined the communication.

In the beginning, it was just simple body movements, and later, language was slowly born.

And these were not taught by the Creator. Even though many creatures belonged to their languages, the matter of vocalization was evolved by life itself.

It’s getting a little out of control, which has once again divided the creators.

Especially after teaching beings to practice.

That’s right, the first practice of the ancestors was taught by these creators.

But what they teach is only one of them, and now in the Southern Mixed Sky Territory, all kinds of cultivation methods, including the so-called magic cultivation and evil cultivation of which beings, are like a hundred flowers blooming.

And these cultivation methods are obviously not learned from the Creator.

Through the teachings of the Creator, the ancestors learned from one instance and perfected various cultivation methods.

Such changes made some creators happy, but at the same time, it also made other creators feel angry and dissatisfied.

These beings created by them are more and more out of their control.

Even the master’s words can’t be 100% obeyed. It’s not that he refuses, but he will put forward his own ideas.

But until now, it is futile to stop this progress, unless all life is killed and everything returns to the far point.

It is precisely because of this that the creators have once again embarked on a different path, and this is also the origin of the ten thousand races in the Southern Mixed Heaven Territory.

About these, there have been detailed records on the ancient sky

Ghost race, beast race, monster race, human race, and so on, all of these races were born under their different ideas and hopes because of the different ideas of the masters.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this kind of debate that led to the current pattern of thousands of races in the Nanhun Tianyu, making life so colorful.

Only in this way, the evolution of life becomes more unstoppable, more and more out of touch with the creators.

As for the horror of life, the creators have a different attitude.

Some people still decided that they should firmly control these lives in their hands, even if they couldn’t control them, at least they could dominate the world they created.

The other Creator still maintains the previous point of view, that is, life was created for hundreds of years, but from the moment he appeared, he already existed in this world.

(Seeking collection, asking for recommendation, asking for monthly pass!)

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