Blade of the Sword Master Chapter 1204: Unexpected

Jiang Taishen took the initiative to ask Xiao Sheng what he meant. This was definitely something that no one had thought of before. Of course, it was also because Tian Jue and the Lion Sect had spoken. With these two people, Jiang Taishen could no longer do his own way. .

After hearing what Jiang Taishen said, Xiao Sheng only said, “As long as it is fair.”

It didn’t specifically say how to distribute, as long as it’s fair, Xiao Sheng’s words made Jiang Taishen a bit embarrassed for a while. Nowadays, Jiang Taishen is not easy to deal with, but at this time Tian Jue is. Take the initiative to speak.

“Let’s do this, there are four secret realms, one for King Lizong and one for Taishenzong, and two for the Holy Palace. As for the Nine Heavens, this alliance is initiated by the Holy Palace after all, and the Holy Palace Xinli has a great need for the secret realm, so I let it own two secret realms.”

“As for the cultivation secret realm, we have five each for the three parties, three of the holy palaces, as for the other spiritual veins and industries, as well as the pill, talisman, etc., we will divide them equally.”

“What do you think Jiang brother?”

Tian Jue took the initiative to speak. Hearing this, Jiang Taishen was obviously taken aback.

It’s not because Tian Jue’s distribution was not fair enough. On the contrary, it’s fair. But what Jiang Taishen didn’t expect was that Tian Jue had voluntarily given up a secret realm and gave it to the holy palace. This is Jiang Taishen. Unexpectedly.

For the four secret realms, the fairest distribution method is naturally one of the four major sects. But now, both Taishenzong and Liwangzong have got a secret realm, but Nine Heavens gave it up and gave it to Holy Palace.

This was something Jiang Taishen didn’t expect at all. Of course, he obviously didn’t know that the Holy Palace and Nine Heavens had become the conditions.

According to the agreement between the two parties, in the next 100 years, Nine Heavens can send people to practice in these two secret realms, so it is not a disadvantage to Nine Heavens.

It’s just these things, it is naturally impossible for Tian Jue to tell Jiang Taishen.

Looking at Jiang Taishen with a smile, Tian Jue waited for his reply, until after a while, Jiang Taishen said with a slightly unnatural smile.

“Brother Tian Jue is really surprising, Jiu Tian Tian is really willing to give up a secret realm?”

“Since each other is an alliance, it is natural to help each other, how about it, Brother Jiang, what do you think of my proposal?” Hearing this, Tian Jue smiled indifferently.

Nine Heavens is determined to send him a foundation to pass on. Hearing this, Jiang Taishen looked at Huanggu and Lion Sect on the side, “What do you think?”

Although Ten Thousand Beasts Valley does not participate in the distribution of benefits this time, the Lion Sect is sitting here, and Jiang Taishen obviously cannot ignore him.

After hearing what Jiang Taishen said, Lion Sect was the first to open his mouth and laughed, “I think Brother Tian Jue’s proposal is good. After all, Jiu Tian voluntarily gave up. It is a matter for others, and there is no loss to Taishen Sect and Li Wangzong. , Don’t you say yes, Brother Huanggu.”

The Lion Sect definitely agrees, and what he said is also right. Nine Heavens is willing to give up a foundation to pass on to the Sacred Palace. That is a matter of other people, and it has nothing to do with the Taishenzong and the Liwangzong.

There are a total of four heritage inheritances, aside from Ten Thousand Beast Valley, the fairest distribution method is naturally Tai Shenzong, Liwangzong, Nine Heavens, Holy Palace, one on each side.

Now that Taishenzong and Liwangzong have each been assigned a heritage inheritor, it is understandable that Nine Heavens will give their place to the holy palace.

The lion sect’s voice fell, and Huang Gu flashed a strange color in his eyes at this time. There was no problem with Tian Jue’s distribution plan, and the four major sects received the fairest distribution.

At the same time, it is not unacceptable for such a result, but if it can get more benefits, it will naturally be better. However, looking at the current situation, it may be a little difficult.

Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Beasts Valley have made it clear that they are determined to advance and retreat with the Sacred Palace. If the trouble is too stiff, it may not end well.

Thinking of this, Huanggu didn’t have any impulse, and smiled slightly, “Since the Lion Sect agrees, then I agree with Brother Tian Jue.”

Tian Jue proposed that both Lion Sect and Huang Gu agreed. Regarding this, Jiang Taishen actually had no other choice, but he still looked at Xiao Sheng and asked.

“Brother Xiao Sheng, what do you think of the Holy Palace?”

“Naturally, there is no objection.” Upon hearing this, Xiao Sheng replied lightly.

As for the result of this distribution, the Sacred Palace is naturally unlikely to have any objections. Although the two heritages have to be passed on, three places must be allocated to Nine Heavens every year, and the Secret Realm Sacred Palace is only allocated to three. The other three sects including the Taishen Sect were all divided into five, but this was already the best result, at least much higher than Xiao Sheng’s expectations.

Xiao Sheng also nodded and agreed. Upon seeing this, although Jiang Taishen felt a little unhappy, he did not show it at all on the surface, and smiled at the great lords present.

“If this is the case, then distribute it according to Brother Tian Jue’s proposal. In the next time, each case is ready to take over the benefits they have shared.”

Things were completely beyond Jiang Taishen’s expectations. At this time, he had lost much interest. After a few casual words, everyone dispersed.

As for the benefit distribution of the Night Ghost Pavilion and the Devil Heaven Temple, there have been results, and this result naturally made everyone’s attention.

Because without knowing the inside story, the Holy Palace is undoubtedly the biggest winner this time.

How to say it, although the Holy Palace has two less cultivation secret realms than the other three sects, it has one more secret realm.

The value of a secret realm is obviously not comparable to the two secret realms of cultivation, so the Holy Palace has undoubtedly become the biggest winner this time, none of them.

I never thought it would be such a result. The disciples of the four major sects were very puzzled, and Xiao Chen, who was living in his residence, was very calm when he heard the news. There was no such result. What’s the accident.

Seeing that Xiao Chen is so Qingdi, Bai Yi and other holy sons of the Holy Palace, who came to hear the news, all looked at Xiao Chen strangely at this time.

“Brother Xiao Chen, are you not excited at all? This time our Holy Palace has become the biggest winner.”

Xiao Chen’s performance was too calm. Everyone was a little strange about this. Hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

“This result was expected a long time ago.”

All of this was planned by Xiao Chen, with the help of Ten Thousand Beast Valley and Nine Heavens. Naturally, this result is not surprising.

But the fly in the ointment is that in order to persuade Nine Heavens, the Holy Palace also made a promise. The two secret realms seem to belong to the Holy Palace, but half of them belong to Nine Heavens.

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