Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 91: Sand soldiers show up, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Uehara Naraku looked at Gaara in surprise.

Because Gaara enters a state of dependence.

In this state, half of the body is Gaara, and the other half is a Shou Crane, which is equivalent to the half-tailed animalization of other tailed beasts.

Gaara slowly raised his head and stared in the direction of Uehara Naraku. He suddenly lifted the paws of the other half of his body towards Uehara Naraku!

“The sand is fastened!”

With a loud shout, Uehara felt a shadow covering his back.

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A mass of yellow sand gathered in the air, forming an extremely large claw, suddenly enclosing Uehara Naruto!

This is the attack of the sand binding.

Its operation range is larger than that of sand binding hurdles.

“Don’t just irritate people you can’t afford…”

The voices of Gaara and Shouhe came out mixed, his claws tightened suddenly, and he shouted: “Sand waterfall funeral!”

Huang Sha quickly began to squeeze under his control!

Gaarao’s favorite use is the sand waterfall funeral.

Under the pressure of the yellow sand, the ninja bound inside will instantly shatter, turning into a cloud of blood and seeping into the yellow sand, turning the sand controlled by Gaara into blood.

Gaara finally felt that he was winning, and a morbid smile appeared on his face: “Ahahahaha… die! Asshole!”

At this moment, a golden light suddenly shined!

The yellow sand in the sky that restricted Naruto Uehara collapsed everywhere, sprinkling from the sky to the ground, the gorgeous golden light dazzled people’s eyes.

Uehara Naraku’s figure is standing in the air like a god, with a few golden chakra lightsabers hovering around him, and it’s exciting to watch!

“Your sand is too dirty…”

Uehara Naraku’s fingers moved slightly, and a golden lightsaber flew down from him, dexterously bypassing the defense of the sand shield.


The golden lightsaber shot through Gaara’s shoulder suddenly!

The golden lightsabers around Uehara flew out soon afterwards, and instantly stabbed Gaara’s body with cuts and bruises.


Gaara gritted his teeth and looked at Uehara Naraku. His face was half of Morizuru’s face, which looked incredibly hideous.

Ignoring his injuries, Gaara held up his fingers forcibly, and put them on his chest little by little: “The art of sleeplessness…Substitute!”

When Gaara uttered the last two words, it seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, and his voice had all become the voice of Shouhe.

The yellow sand completely wrapped Gaara!

The next moment, a huge monster appeared!

One-tailed guard crane!

Ma Jishangren stared nervously at the one who appeared, and said in a deep voice: “Master Fengying, this is not the country of wind, if one can use this opportunity to escape…”

“It can’t escape.”

Luo Sha looked at Shouhe calmly, his eyes stopped on Gaara who was dozing in front of Shouhe, and frowned his brows: “Gaara… Until now, he can’t be direct. Use the power of one tail?”

He still kind of dislikes Gaara’s progress.

Because the previous generation of Shayin Village’s one-tailed human-column force monk is a perfect human-column force, able to fully exert the power of guarding the crane, and even suppress the violent one.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

When Luo Sha disliked Gaara, Shou He also disliked Shayin Village.

The one-tailed Shouhe who just appeared on the scene ignored him, shaking his tail violently and hitting Luosha’s position. In its eyes, it was an enemy!


Luo Sha’s face suddenly became sulky, and a cloud of dust wrapped in yellow sand quickly knocked off Shouhe’s body: “Now that you can’t tell the enemy and me?”


Shouzuru spewed out of wind escape ninjutsu regardless, and after dissipating the dust that continued to be wrapped, another air training bullet was ejected!

Just when Shouhe wanted to fight Luosha, a purple chakra broadsword slammed on its head, and Shouhe’s huge body suddenly fell to the ground, splashing countless yellows. Sand and flying dust!

“Look what do I see?”

Naruto Uehara stopped on top of Morizuru’s head, and even looked at the tall Morizuru on the ground with some playfulness, with a chuckle at the corner of her mouth: “A cute little civet cat!”

Uehara Nara looked down at the flying Luo Sha, grinned and said: “Four generations of Fu Ying, I still like pets. You Shayin Village are willing to sell this little civet cat to me as a pet. Maybe I can spare your lives!”

The harvest today is really full.

Unexpectedly, Gaara now uses the art of sleeplessness to summon the Shou Crane in his body.

The one-tail task can’t be missed easily.

If Rasa robbed him of his mission, Uehara Naraku would definitely not cry, but he would have to wait a few more years before he had the chance to take the Konoha Nakanin exam!

Rosa looked at Uehara angrily. He hadn’t spoken yet, but the underground guard crane was irritated by Uehara’s words.

“What did you say?”

Shouzuru stood up and got up. Its claws split instantly, and suddenly grabbed at Uehara Naruto. Its speed was even as fast as its wind escape ninjutsu!

Uehara waved his purple broadsword and defeated the flying claws. His current life energy was not weak at all.

Nairo Uehara threw out her Chakra Broadsword, manipulated this wooden figure to droop, and nailed it to Shouheru’s body fiercely!

Watching Shouzuru roar out in pain, Uehara put a finger on his mouth: “Hush, the unbehaved little civet cat will be abandoned…”


The anger on the face of Kazuo Shouzuru is even better!

It was the first one to be thrown into the Kingdom of Wind by the Six Dao Immortals. When the Six Dao Immortals left the Kingdom of Wind, Nine Tails laughed at it; even though they laughed at the Nine Tails of Shouhe, they were soon lost. Live alone in the country of fire.

“Boy…I want to tear you apart!”

“As a pet, you must learn to be smart.”

When Uehara Naraku was speaking, his eyes changed, and his hands slammed in the direction of Morikaru. Two chakras quickly converged into Morikaru’s brain: “Illusory Art·Speechless Fear!”

Silent fear, can condense a nightmare with the help of Chakra.

In two seconds, one Shouzuru will experience the most fearful thing in his life. This period of time is enough for Uehara to find a way to defeat him.

Rosa looked astonished as Uehara Naraku released her speechless fear, the Shouzuru on the ground quickly fell into a deep sleep, and his eyes suddenly became fiery!

This technique can easily suppress the tail beast!

If they had this technique in Shayin Village, they would be able to easily suppress the violent Shouhe at no cost, and never have to worry about Renzhuli’s troubles.

Two seconds later.

Shouhe woke up from fear, and suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar toward the sky: “Nine Lama, you bastard, I will tear it sooner or later…”


Upright! Shadow bound!

Uehara Naraku’s body slammed into Morikaru’s body, and he was knocked to the ground by the blow without any resistance. Perhaps it was because Gaara’s head touched the ground to wake up, Morikaru The figure gradually began to shrink into Gaara’s body.

Uehara looked at Gaara on the ground with a harmless smile, and gently squeezed his wrist.

Secondary mission: Defeat a Shouhe (1/1), the mission has been completed, and the reward skill Sand Soldier appears.

The sand soldiers appear: summon a sand soldier in the target area, the sand soldier can charge freely to attack, each sand soldier lasts for 9 seconds, the minimum cost of summoning a sand soldier is 40 chakras, and the duration of the sand soldier Related to the consumption of the Chakra value, the skill has no cooldown.

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