Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 681: On the eve of the final battle, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

“I don’t believe it.”

Kurosaki Ichigo almost blew up Uehara with a single sentence.

What are the IQs of these hot-blooded anime heroes…I don’t know what is going on at all. Do you want to get a hot-blooded line at any time?

At this time, what are the benefits of clashing with the powerful evil forces of their Uehara clan? You can squeeze to death a cub with three powers in minutes!

This is indeed the character of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo doesn’t care about the mess.

Now Kurosaki Ichigo just wants to rescue his friend, no matter if he is a **** sent by Yuhabakh or not, besides, Kurosaki Ichigo has not completely figured out who Yuhabakh is. , He only knows that they are not good people either…

Of course…

Uehara Naraku is a good person.

Even if Kurosaki Ichigo believed in Uehara Naraku’s words, he still wanted to rescue Ishida Uryu. He would not give up his friends until he asked the answer himself!

It seems that Kurosaki Ichigo is a bit ignorant of current affairs.

However, it is precisely because he is willing to take his own life for a friend that he will be recognized by others.

“Huh, arrogant and arrogant!”

Thousands of hands let out a cold snort, and the flying body appeared next to Kurosaki Ichigo!

Just as Kurosaki Ichimo was vigilant and waved his hand to pull out his Zanyue and slashed towards the attacking Senshoujian, he saw the finger of this white-haired man in blue leather suddenly click on it. On his Zanpaku!

Ichigo Kurosaki has a touch of terror on his face, his body can’t move under this finger, and the curse spreads along his body little by little…

“Mr. Shujian!”

Yaichi Shikaedinin, Kisuke Urahara and Naraku Uehara spoke at the same time.

After the three people opened their mouths at the same time to stop Senjuuma, they looked at each other again, Urahara Kisuke and Shikaedin Yap backed a few steps, and they placed their hope of persuading Senjuuma on Uehara. Naraku’s body.

Apparently, Uehara Naraku did not disappoint them either.

At this time when the network is about to close, Uehara Naraku will not let anyone down to him, only in this way will these people see what true despair is.

“Mr. Shuima, please let go of Ichigo!”

Uehara Naraku’s palm fell on Senshoujian’s wrist, gritted his teeth and said solemnly: “Ichigo is my friend…”


Thousands of hands retracted his arm dullly.

At this time, claiming that Kurosaki Ichigo is your friend?

Then this kid had a miserable life.

As we all know, anyone who is regarded as a friend by Uehara at this time is already at the peak of his life, and his life will be ups and downs from now on…

“If Ichigo doesn’t want to believe it…”

Uehara Naraku looked at the Qianshoujian, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said softly: “Then wait for Mr. Ishida Uryu to wake up, let’s ask him again… I believe that with his proud personality, he should Will not deceive us.”

“There is no such need.”

Qianshoujian shook his head, and said loudly to the death team next to him: “You guys, go and bring the witnesses who hunted down Ishida Yulong! The evidence is conclusive, and he cannot refute it. The Quincy clan and the descendants of the Quincy are all pawns of Yuhabach!”

“Ishida doesn’t know…”

“Mr. Feijian makes sense.”

Kisuke Urahara suddenly interrupted Kurosaki Ichigo’s defense, reached out and pressed his hat brim, and whispered: “First, leave Ishida Uryu to Lord Naraku to take care of… Ichigo, Rukia has been pardoned. You are no longer qualified to stay in Seireitei.”

No one thought that Urahara Kisuke would stand on the side of the Senshoujian. Even Uehara Naraku could not help but be a little surprised…

No, it doesn’t seem to be a surprise.

Because Senjukan will immediately propose to hunt down the remaining Quincy and his descendants in the entire world, Kurosaki Ichigo is the son of the **** of death and the Quincy, and he is also being pursued!

Kisuke Urahara needs to protect the safety of Kurosaki Ichigo!

Compared with Ishida Uryu, the dubious Quincy, Kurosaki Ichigo, a human with the power of Quincy, Xu and Shinigami, is the one Urahara Kisuke wants to protect secretly, and he has the most People who use value!

Kisuke Urahara has a very different position in the hearts of Kurosaki Ichigo and others. His views can easily affect the few people present, even if Inoue Orihime and Chadori Taiho are a little unacceptable, they are very fast. Ye Yi winked at Sifengyuan.

They also had to approve the proposal.

Kuchiki Rukia stepped forward, grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo’s arm, and persuaded her friend in a low voice: “Ichigo, leave Seireitei now!”

“Yes, let’s go!”

“If you don’t leave, Uncle Yixin will be worried too! We have been here for so long, Xia Li and Yuzi have been worried about it!”

“Relax, Ichigo.”

“If you don’t leave again…”

Urahara Kisuke grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo’s shoulders and whispered in his ear: “Whether it is you, Taitoor and Inoue, you will all be in danger… Go back immediately and tell you everything that happened here. Father!”


Ichigo Kurosaki’s expression was a little puzzled.

After a long time, he nodded dullly and was forced to leave here with his friends, but before leaving, he still asked Uehara Naraku to take care of Ishida Uryu.

Uehara Naraku naturally agreed.

After Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends left, the unconscious Ishida Uryu was directly imprisoned in the Uehara Inner City Research Institute. Senshou will find a way to make Ishida Uryu’s body friend Habacher The blood is refined.

Because of the awakening of Quincy…

What is needed is the blood provided by Youhabach!

According to Uehara Naraku’s thoughts, naturally, he wanted to get rid of Yuhabach in advance before the battle with Aizen Soyousuke. What he hates most is the uncontrollable guy.

The research institute in the inner city of Uehara.

The equipment in the underground research room is full of corpses.

These corpses are all mixed-blood quintessences who died when You Habach launched the sanctification. Their blood was also collected by Thousand Hands to make weapons for hunting down Friends Habach.

Compared with a thousand years ago, the current Seireitei is actually more dangerous for Uhabach. Perhaps he himself knew this kind of thing, and has been hiding in the shadow space without ever showing up.

Even the arrest of Ishida Yulong did not lead to the appearance of his friend Harbach. This guy’s cautiousness really makes people want to scratch their head…

This is Ishida Yulong!

In a sense, Ishida Yulong was once designated as the successor of the empire by Youhabach himself, equivalent to the crown prince of the invisible empire, similar to Portcas D. Ace’s status in the Whitebeard Pirates !

“Forget it.”

Uehara Naraku looked at Ishida Uryu who was dizzy and collapsed after being drawn out of Yuhabach’s blood. He waved his hand to put him in the dungeon, shook his head and sighed: “It seems that the spirit king can only be used as bait in the future. To bring that guy out…”

Except for the Spirit King, there seems to be nothing worthy of Yuhabach’s attention. Compared with Aizen Soyousuke, Yuhabach has gotten too much.

Also, Aizen Soyousuke’s ultimate goal is also the Soul King…

People in the Seirei Palace would never have thought that someone would actually want to use the Spirit King as a bait to catch the two ultimate behind-the-scenes in this world.

It’s just that the action styles of the two behind-the-scenes players have gradually changed.

Because of worrying about the current power of Seireitei, Yuhabach has been hiding in the shadow world and refused to show up, and will not even appear in the virtual circle or the world.

Aizome Soyousuke, however, after obtaining the collapsed jade, frequently dispatched annihilation to disrupt the world, even after hearing about the power of Inoue Orihime, he wanted to send Ulchiola to Inoue Ori. Ji secretly took away.

However, Kisuke Urahara got the news from Shirazutsu and prevented Ulquiola’s actions in time and saved Inoue Orihime.

Following the frequent actions of the Happened Great Void Legion, Seireitei also realized that Ai Ran So Usuke was no longer silent, and it was very likely that he wanted to set off a big battle.

In this case…

The captain of the Gotei 13th team, Moto Ryusai Shigukuni Yamamoto, had to give up hunting down his friend Habach and set his goal again on the encirclement and suppression of Airan Soyousuke.

The virtual circle.

In the Xuye Palace.

Aran Soyousuke sat calmly on the throne, tilted his head and stared at the Bengyu beside him, with a slight smile on his mouth. He just achieved his goal and successfully subdued this one with his own power. The completed collapsed jade.

“Is this Bengyu?”

Ichimaru Gin’s eyes squinted and looked curiously at the gleaming Bengyu: “It looks ordinary, who would have thought it would contain quite terrifying power…”


Aizometsu Usuke chuckled lightly, and looked at Ichimaru Gin’s mouth and said, “Silver, do you need me to help you get the power of imaginary power with collapsed jade? This will make your power further…”

“There is no such need, right?”

Ichimaru Gin’s eyes were still squinted, and he slowly shook his head and said: “Teacher Dou once told me that if there is not enough overwhelming strength, it would be a pretty stupid thing to integrate one’s unknown power without authorization. …”

“That’s really a pity.”

Aizan Soyousuke didn’t care either.

Compared with the original Shinigami history, Aizen Soyousuke’s tolerance towards Ichimarugil has increased a lot, and even now he knows that Ichimarugil is not loyal to him.

It’s just that Ichimaru Gin’s identity is not simple now. He is the hostage of Yakushidou who stayed with Airan Soyousuke, and the disciple who Yakushidou deliberately entrusted Airan Soyousuke to take care of…

Aizome Soyousuke wants to obtain the key to enter the Spirit Palace in the hands of a member of the zero division Yakushidou, so it is definitely impossible to attack Ichimarugin.


Aizome Soyousuke also has a good impression of Ichimarugin.

In the entire Xuye Palace, most of the Great Void Legion is loyal to the Oshe Maru, only Keyatai Stark and Ulchiola are loyal to Airan Soyousuke.

In addition to these, Aizen Souesuke’s cronies are only Ichimaru Gin.

Whether it is Ichimarugin’s power, or Ichimarugin’s wisdom and identity, Aizen Soyousuke loves this subordinate very much, and he hopes to use his charm and power to make Ichimarugin completely surrender to him.


Influence the pharmacist’s pocket through the city pill silver.

This pair of masters and apprentices, who can be called all-rounders, has always been the two subordinates Ai Ran Soyousuke most want to get, even Ulchiola is far behind.


Ichimaru Gin slightly opened his eyes and took a look at Bengyu, then turned to look at Ai Ran Soyousuke: “In this case, our goal seems to be achieved soon…”

“Everything is unknown yet.”

Ai Ran Soyousuke slowly shook his head and said softly, “Although our plan has not been very smooth, we have come to today… After I merged with Bengyu, I informed Mr. Oshemaru to start attacking the corpse. Soul world!”

“Direct…attack the corpse world?”

“Not bad.”

Aan Ran Soyousuke tapped his fingers on the tabletop, and muttered: “I got a promise from Mr. Dou. As long as we can stand in front of him, he will open the door to the Palace of Souls for us. If this is the case, it will be enough to get rid of the Gotei 13 team.”

When talking about this, Aizen Soyousuke’s mouth turned into a smile, and he continued softly: “Of course, there is also the little guy Naraku. I really want to see what he will grow to. To the extent, in addition to taking care of Kurosaki Ichigo, it seems that Naraku also needs a little extra care over there!”

According to Aizen Soyousuke’s thoughts, Kurosaki Ichigo and Uehara Naraku were both trained by him under his guidance!

Currently, Kurosaki Ichigo frequently encounters deficiencies, and he has been sharpened by Aizen Soyousuke a little bit with a powerful force. Especially during this period, Kurosaki Ichigo has gained the power of the whiteness in the body, and With the help of Urahara Kisuke, I learned the masking ability of the Masked Legion…

Only Uehara Naraku is here…

But Ai Ran Soyousuke was a little bit difficult.

Because the strength of that little guy is too difficult to define, he is always protected by the dead waiter, and his character seems to be getting weaker and weaker…

This is not what Aizen Soyousuke expected!

Therefore, Aizen Soyousuke hopes to arouse Uehara Naraku’s fighting spirit through one thing. If the real strong does not have the heart to be strong, then he is just a useless person…

Aizome Soyousuke’s concept is in a way similar to that of other worlds. He also likes to manipulate others with emotions: “The most important thing in this world is fetters… For Naraku, who is the most important person? What?”

“Ha, this question…”

Ichimaru Gin’s eyes narrowed again, and he couldn’t help but chuckled and said, “For him, the person who has affected him the most is Captain Aizen, right?”

“That’s really helpless…”

Aizome Soyousuke let out a chuckle, remembering that decades ago he had controlled Naraku Uehara into the fifth squad, and also controlled the assassination and defection incidents, which completely wounded the little guy’s careful thoughts. .

“Just compensate him a little bit.”

Aan Ran Soyousuke’s fingers slowly put away, and the smile in his eyes gradually reduced: “Then after fusing Bengyu, I will meet him again… just right, before the decisive battle, I want to also Use those officials to test the strength of Bengyu for yourself.”

Even if Airan Soyousuke believes that Bengyu will bring about a qualitative change in his power, this still requires a real battle. What if he accidentally rolls over again?

If it really comes to the final battle…

If Lan Ran Soyousuke realized that Bengyu couldn’t change the situation, wouldn’t he have no chance of a comeback at all?

If there is no reference, Ai Ran Soyousuke cannot personally judge how much power Bengyu can increase for him!

Just an unfathomable Uchiha Madara, Aizen Soyousuke is not sure about it. He must personally experiment with the infinitely possible evolutionary ability of Bengyu!

“If all goes well…”

Aizome Soyousuke’s gaze fell on Ichimaru Gin’s body, and he whispered: “Let Mr. Oshamaru and the Shattered Legion attack the Soul World in advance!”

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