Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 57: Destiny, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

“You guys go first!”

Uehara Naraku waved his hand at the dried persimmon ghost shark and Kaguya-kun Maro, and suddenly said: “Wait, leave me a sum of money.”

“Master Uehara is not an adult yet, right?”

The dry persimmon ghost shark’s eyes were a little subtle. Just when he wanted to continue to say something, he saw Uehara’s urging look, and he could only throw a seal scroll toward Uehara Naruto.

What the **** is this boss?

They also ask employees for money!

Uehara Naraku took the scroll and couldn’t help but glanced at the blond female ninja at the gaming table and her domineering figure.

As a current minor in the Ninja World, Uehara didn’t think about the mess, he just wanted to complete two relatively simple side tasks.

Secondary task: beat Tsunade at the gaming table (0/1), the reward is unknown.

Secondary task: lose to Tsunade at the gaming table (0/1), the reward is unknown.

For such simple two tasks, no matter what, one can always be completed, right?

Although the task is relatively simple, the rewards may not be rich.

Just when Uehara was about to enter the casino, the two big janitors pushed him out, swearing and grinning: “Little devil, Mao is not growing up, come here to learn to be a prodigal son? Get out!”


The customs and order of the Ninja world are a bit strange.

People here will ignore underage ninjas going to the battlefield to kill people and set fires to throw explosive charms, but they absolutely prohibit underage ninjas from entering gambling shops, taverns, and custom places.

Even bookstore owners will actively refuse to sell bad books to underage ninjas.

Maybe this is the last morality of the Ninja world.

Of course, this is just the attitude of ordinary people in the Ninja world. There are always some exceptions to so many people in the Ninja world, such as the blonde female ninja Tsunade sitting at the gaming table.

Tsunade learned gambling under the precepts and deeds of the ninja **** Senjujuma since he was a child, and eventually learned to go bankrupt in debt.

In the evening.

Tsunade lost all the money in his body, and left the gambling shop with his disciple in a hurry, planning to find a place to have a drink.

Silent holding a pink piggy, frowned and blamed her: “Tsuna-sama, you lost too much today…”

“Mute, I know you must still hide living expenses…”

Tsunade waved her hand and was about to continue to say something, the corner of her eye noticed a card flying, her upper body suddenly leaned back and hid!

Tsunade stood up straight and looked at a card that suddenly appeared on the wall.

The card that flew out inexplicably cut one of her hair and was deeply embedded in the wall beside her!


Tsunade turned his head abruptly and looked in the direction where the cards were flying, but only saw the young man playing cards next to the corner.

The card in Naruto Uehara’s hand was beating dexterously at his fingertips. He slowly raised his head and looked at Tsunade, showing a pure smile: “Hey, are you coming to play? The legendary… Fat sheep.”


Tsunade’s face suddenly became furious, her forehead muscles bulged, she squeezed her fist hard, bit her teeth and said: “Where is the kid, dare to speak up in front of me! Silence, give me Some money!”

Forget it after losing all afternoon, now even a teenage kid dare to taunt her, this kid is here to die!

Konoha Sannin has always had no morals, bullying children or something is commonplace, and Jilai will secretly spend all the money Naruto has saved, and Oshamaru is hoping to take Sasuke’s body.

The gambling game between Tsunade and Naraku Uehara is simply a pediatrics.

In one hour.

In a hotel room.

Tsunade wiped the corners of his mouth refreshingly, and looked at Uehara Naraku, with a bit of meaning on his face: “You have good skills, kid, but there is still a lot of room for improvement…”


Uehara Naraku looked at Tsunade who was content with a bewildered look, then looked at the mute with a smile, feeling that something went wrong in the world.

Tsunade proudly grabbed the dice cup and glanced provocatively at the boy across from the gaming table: “Boy, do you want to continue playing?”

After speaking, Tsunade smiled heartily and continued: “I can allow you to owe debts! Silence, help him prepare some IOUs!”

“Yes, Tsunade-sama!”

Mute did not refute, smiled and put away the last stack of money in front of Uehara, turning around to look for paper and pen in the room.

Uehara Naraku woke up, shook his head quickly, and waved at Tsunade: “No…no need…it’s enough for today…”

After speaking, Uehara hurriedly put on his shoes and left here.

Because in the gambling game just now, Uehara lost to Tsunade for an hour in a row, and completely lost all the money that the dried persimmon ghost shark gave him.

Uehara lost so much that he had already begun to doubt his life.

Is it true that Tsunade’s luck is not as bad as the legend, or Uehara’s own luck is actually worse?


Just as Uehara was about to leave, Tsunade pinched a banknote between his fingers and threw it in front of Uehara. The banknote stuck in the wooden door in front of Uehara!

Uehara Naraku looked at Tsunade at the table in confusion.

Tsunade picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of the tea, and slowly said: “Little devil, are you a foreign ninja? You have already lost all the money for staying in the hotel to me tonight, right?

Take it, it’s for you. That little money will at least allow you to choose the worst hotel in Tangren Village for one night. “

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Nairo Uehara blushed.

Is this woman pitying him or humiliating him?

Is Tsunade drifting a little bit, but after winning him a little money, he forgot his identity as the number one ninja man?

“Hey, I won more than three million taels tonight!”

Tsunade kissed the money on the table happily, and couldn’t help laughing and laughing: “I won back all the losses I lost in a few days in one hour!”


Nairo Uehara grinds her teeth.

A mere three million taels, but one-tenth of the reward offered by Asma’s head, she just won this little money, she is proud of it!

Don’t even think about it. Is this small amount of money enough to pay her debts?

Furthermore, Uehara Naraku was just a little depressed. After all, losing to Tsunade in a gambling game is not a general shame to talk about this kind of thing.

“Little devil, welcome to come and play with me again in the future!”

Tsunade blinked at Uehara Naraku and blew him a kiss: “Remember to prepare enough money! Hahahaha… I lost so much in the afternoon, but I didn’t expect to win back at night. Today is mine. Lucky day?”

“Idiot woman…”

Uehara Naraku covered his forehead, took off the paper money, and opened the door, the gloom on his face gradually faded: “Today is obviously my lucky day!”

Although he lost a lot of money, he also got more precious things.

Secondary task: Lost to Tsunade at the gaming table (1/1), the task has been completed, reward skill destiny.

Destiny: able to spy on the location of everyone within a hundred kilometers, including ninjas using hidden ninjutsu, transformation and avatar, for 6 seconds; after activating the destiny skill, it can be teleported with the power of time and space after 1.5 seconds Go to anyone’s side within 50 kilometers.

The range of destiny skills is related to the use of the Chakra coefficient. The minimum cost is 100 Chakra points and the cooling time is 150 seconds.

Calculated like this, as long as Uehara’s Chakra is enough, the destiny skills can spy on the entire Ninja continent!

This skill is the strongest escape skill Uehara has obtained, and it can also be used to hunt down enemies.

No matter who it is, he can’t escape the palm of his hand!

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Uehara’s mouth, and the gloomy dissatisfaction of losing to Tsunade disappeared a lot. He turned his head and glanced at the hotel where he had left.

Tsunade’s laughter and laughter continued to flow into the night sky from the window, and Uehara thought of Tsunade’s bright and charming smiling face. This woman has never been so happy like today, right?

“Cut, if it wasn’t for the task, who would want to gamble with that woman…”


Seeking recommendation tickets, asking for rewards, asking for everything!

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