Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 457: The pharmacist walks in the boring life of Malin Vandor, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

The pharmacist has won the trust of many people.

Using the empathy of others, you can always gain the tolerance of others.

Before entering Marin Vatican, Pharmacist checked the intelligence of all the bases of the navy headquarters in order to prevent others from exploring his own foundation, and then chose a suitable life experience for himself.

By the way, Pharmacist also privately bribed a world government official to add a file for his non-existent parents.

The official of the world government was attacked by a pirate afterwards.

Of course…

There are certain things that Pharmacist will not say.

For example, when Edward Weibull, the great pirate who destroyed the branch base, showed that he never knew the name of that guy, or General Zefa, who had always hated Edward Weibull, told him about it. The truth about the destruction of the base.

Pharmacist Duo never mentions his past easily, all of them are occasionally inquired by others, just right to leave others with a room for guessing, allowing others to guess the truth that Pharmacist Duo wants to tell him.

There are many things, letting others guess it is more worthy of being believed than telling it by yourself.

A clever navy survivor who has been nurtured by the navy since childhood, dedicated to justice for generations, and has suffered through ups and downs, is based on the speculation of a group of people.

What about this…

It’s actually quite simple.

The girl who is walking with the pharmacist is called Ain. She was one of the two students who were protected by Zefa when Edward Weibull attacked the recruit training ship.

The other student is Binz, who is capable of lush fruits, a bit similar to Mu Dun.

The office of the navy chief instructor Zefa.

Now Zefa’s three disciples are all here. In addition, there is Zefa’s adjutant Brigadier General Xiuzuo, who is also the current naval instructor; besides Zefa, Yao Shidou has become here. The highest rank in the room.

“Tomorrow I will go to the Naval Science Corps to modify my right arm.”

Zefa stroked his right arm, raised his head and glanced at the four people who followed him during this period, and said in a deep voice: “After I come back, I plan to leave Malin Vando and form a sea crusade against pirates. The guerrillas…”

This incident was mentioned by Zefa before.

Since Zefa has the hope of restoring his right arm, the former general of the navy has a new mind. He wants to lead a naval combat force to go to sea to conquer all the seas after his strength is restored. Pirate, revenge for the dead family and students.

This is also Zefa’s long-cherished wish for many years.

When Zefa talked about this, he slowly said: “You will help me pay attention during this period of time…”

“Teacher Zefa.”

The pharmacist pushed his glasses around, interrupted Zefa’s speech, and whispered: “I can ask the Marshal of the Warring States Period to mobilize a group of soldiers from other troops, and the teacher can also choose some seniors as generals.

I know that the teacher regains his strength and wants to fight against the pirates. If possible, can this sea assault team work with the SWORD unit?

The SWORD unit will provide sufficient intelligence and targets, and has always needed a combat unit as support…”

“Of course you can.”

Zefa nodded in surprise.

It was the first time he saw the pharmacist raise an objection.

However, Zefa is still very satisfied with the student named Pharmacist Duo whom he finally accepted as the chief navy instructor.

Don’t say anything else…

At least when the Navy encounters any problems, the Pharmacist can provide effective suggestions. This little guy’s IQ strategy is indeed quite high.

Whether it is Zefa, the Marshal of the Warring States Period or Lieutenant General Crane, they are very optimistic about the path of justice of the medicine master, the only trouble lies in the strength of the medicine master.

For the pharmacist’s pocket…

This teacher Zefa really made a mistake.

Originally, Pharmacist wanted to become a student of the former admiral, but just wanted to use his reputation to make himself a foothold in the navy.

There are indeed many Zefa students in the entire navy, including the current three navy generals. Unfortunately, Zefa does not seem to have a good relationship with some students.

And this teacher…

I’m old, but my heart is not old yet.

Zefa is now seventy years old, and suddenly thoughts of crusade against the pirates appeared. Zefa’s current strength is estimated to be not as good as that of the pharmacist.

Isn’t it good to be a chief instructor in the Navy?

Forget it…

It’s just a free move laid out at random.

Yao Shidou wants to temporarily regard Zefa as one of the pillars of his future leadership of the Navy, he has to stabilize the teacher he has found, and at least let him play his value. Don’t fix it. What’s wrong.

To tell the truth…

Yao Shidou thinks that his teacher Zefa has only one use, that is, don’t let others question his identity and testify for his false identity…


As long as you have a teacher like Zefa, you are almost a navy of Hong Miaozheng. This is considered to be a professional background, and it will be more convenient to promote something in the future.

Don’t do anything with moths…

Is it bad to retire and train the new-generation navy?

Unfortunately, the pharmacist has hinted at Zefa many times. This 70-year-old man didn’t understand at all, and even thought that the pharmacist was supporting his actions.

This teacher…

It’s really a big pit.

The pharmacist didn’t want to follow Zefa to the sea squadron at all.

Unfortunately, due to his experience, Zefa thinks that Yakushidou will definitely be willing to join his newly formed sea striker. This really took him to the foot…

Pharmaceutical Duo is not willing at all. He stays at Marin Vandor honestly. In the future, he will be sent to a branch base as a chief, or promoted to the position of Lieutenant General to succeed Lieutenant General Crane…

Wait until the future…

The green pheasant replaced the Warring States as the admiral of the navy. He replaced Lieutenant Admiral Crane as the naval staff officer. By the way, watch the green pheasant. The entire world’s navy is under control!

At that time…

It was the completion of Naraku Uehara’s mission.

Yao Shidou talked with Zefa very late, and then left Zefa’s office with Ain, Binz, and Shuzo. Before they could go back, they met someone in person.

That is the general who has just returned to Malin Vando after escorting Krokdal to Impelton to the Great Prison…Akadog!

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters is a bit compelling in terms of height and momentum. The beautiful girl Ain subconsciously stepped back and hid behind Yakushi’s pocket…

The red dog’s gaze slowly looked at the pharmacist’s pocket, a cold light appeared on his face, and his expression was faintly gloomy.

This pharmacist pocket…

Also the spy of Naraku Uehara!

It’s really…who doesn’t know it in the world?

How many people in the Navy are members of Akatsuki?

Unfortunately, it is impossible for the red dog to attack the pharmacist’s pocket, but slowly stared at the pharmacist’s pocket, his face always depressed and gloomy.

The pharmacist pushed his glasses around, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitched slightly, he took the lead in getting up, crossing the red dog and leaving here.

This fellow Aka Inu was not sealed by human beings, he did not hide his four-tailed Chakra…

The Chakra of the Tailed Beast is very sensitive to the ninja!

Yakujitou has already understood the physical condition of the red dog. The general of the navy will also be his own in the future. If this is the case, he has a lot of things to do more conveniently.

In other words, Aka Inu is a hidden person.

It’s a pity…

Marin Vando has too much surveillance.

In the whole of Malin Vando, the pharmacist can’t find out how many people are good at seeing, seeing, and being domineering, nor can they find out how strong the experience and dominance of Sengoku and Karp are…If you want to communicate with Akainu in private, There are no good opportunities in Marin Vando.

Even because he was worried that someone would be aware of the domineering look and feel, the pharmacist did not carry the phone worm that talked with Naraku Uehara, and he did not dare to communicate with the ring.


They have many opportunities to meet each other.

As long as the admiral of the red dog stays at Marin Vando.

Because of the naval headquarters of Marine Vandor, meetings are held from time to time, and in most cases they are at or above the rank of lieutenant general;

Even more solemn meetings only involve the admiral of the navy, the navy staff, and the general of the navy headquarters, and occasionally a Lieutenant General Karp will come up.

The pharmacist has benefited from his own identity and the cultivation of senior navy, and now he can participate in these meetings. He will provide a lot of suggestions, and most of the suggestions he provided will also be adopted.

Marin Vandor is a really good place.

For Pharmacist, as long as he is given enough time, he will definitely become the master in charge of the entire Malin Vandor.

Of course, this should also refer to other things.

For example, when will Naraku Uehara, the leader of Pharmacist’s pocket, play into this world? Maybe we can’t wait for Pharmacist’s pocket to take control of the navy, and this world will be ruined by playing…

The next day.

While Yakushidou was still practising diligently on the training ground, a tall navy lieutenant admiral turned over and appeared on the training ground!

[Get the red envelope] The cash or point coin red envelope has been issued to your account! Follow the public account on WeChat [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive!

“Xiaodou, in an emergency, Sister He asked me to drop by to inform you to participate in the meeting, and come to the meeting room of the Marshal of the Warring States Period!”

“I see.”

The pharmacist took a glance at the female lieutenant admiral and flew down beside her. The strength of this female lieutenant should not be underestimated, she is a general replacement!

It’s just…

The relationship between Yakushidou and the female lieutenant admiral is pretty good, mainly because they are both the new-generation navy that Lieutenant Admiral Crane is very optimistic about.

The pharmacist pushed his glasses around, took the paper silk that Taotu handed him, wiped the sweat from his forehead slowly, and said: “Lieutenant General Taotu, has something serious happened? “


Taotu looked at the pharmacist pocket who was not in a hurry, and sighed helplessly: “There is information from the new world, Kaido has been defeated, and the Whitebeard Pirates have completely defeated the Kaido Pirates!

When a large number of ships of the Kaido Pirates evacuated the Whitebeard waters, the G1 branch, under the order of the Warring States Marshal, went to look for opportunities to attack.


The G1 branch was retaliated by the White Beard Pirates. Sasuke Uchiha destroyed the G1 branch while pursuing the Kaido Pirates. General Huang Yuan was seriously injured and has been sent to Mariejoa for treatment! “

The G1 branch is really a sad story for the Navy.

Because of the new world in the extremely dangerous environment, we are often attacked by big pirates. For almost a long time, there must be a navy general swimming nearby…

Otherwise, this kind of thing will happen accidentally.

Now the New World has one more Uchiha Sasuke who can defeat the Four Emperors. This kind of thing often happens even if there is a navy general.

“I see.”

The pharmacist nodded slowly, and his face instantly became serious. This incident was already in his expectation.

At the time, the Marshal of the Warring States Period and Lieutenant General Crane wanted to find opportunities in the battle between the two Four Emperor Pirate Groups. Yakushidou did not raise any objections to this strategy…

The results were not unexpected.

Uchiha Sasuke is still the same! Once Lord Naraku is gone, it will look like those who obey and those who fail are perish…

The pharmacist pushed his glasses around, with a confident smile on his face, then use Sasuke as a springboard for his promotion to lieutenant admiral!

By the way, let Sasuke learn a lesson…

Let Sasuke know that some people in this world can’t be underestimated… After all, he is also an old friend of Uchiha Itachi, just like Lord Naraku!

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