Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 297: The enemy carefully prepared for you! (Fifth! Thanks to the dark guy!), the fastest update, starting from Naruto and the latest chapters behind the] Follow the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and get cash/points!

What the pharmacist said was half-truth.

Nagato couldn’t help frowning his brows, and now he also had to admit that he acted too hasty this time, but as a result, he was fighting alone now.

All the six ways of Payne were destroyed, and while the main body was still entangled with the power of the Nine Tails, the enemy Uchiha Daido appeared.

There was even a pharmacist who took the spy lurking in Akatsuki.

The situation seems faintly uncomfortable…

Uchiha’s writing wheel under the dirt mask stared at Nagato, and said in a gloomy voice: “Nagato, I have always had high hopes for you… When you betrayed me because of the kid Uehara, I should think of today!”

“Shut up.”

Nagato frowned and watched Uchiha take the soil without hesitation and said, “Uehara is Akatsuki’s successor. When you wanted to kill Uehara, we were already there. Become an enemy!”

“Don’t be so impatient!”

The pharmacist smiled and folded his palms, and whispered softly: “Leader, otherwise you will continue to capture the nine-tailed man Zhuli? We will talk about the matter later?”


This is too fake!

How come there are people like pharmacists!

Whether it is Tsunade, Naruto Uzumaki, or Nagato, the faces of the three people can’t help but become ugly. Even if new enemies appear, the hostile relationship between them remains unchanged.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly became more delicate.

Tsunade squeezed his fist sharply, staring at Yakushitou and Uchiha’s belt soil, and said solemnly, “Are you here for Naruto?”


Uchiha took the soil and shook his head, then nodded: “The nine tails in Uzumaki Naruto is only part of the reason. I don’t care about temporarily storing the nine tails of Chakra on this kid…”

A red light flashed in the eyes of Uchiha’s writing wheel with soil. He looked at Nagato, stared at Nagato’s reincarnation eye, and said: “I am here to take back the one given to Nagato. Eyes!”

Uchiha’s dirt-carrying figure suddenly rushed towards Nagato, reached out his hand to catch the reincarnation eye on Nagato, and said coldly: “Thank you Konoha for helping me solve the six ways of Payne. Otherwise, I don’t dare to shoot him rashly!”

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Nagato’s palm subconsciously protruded, and a repulsive force burst out from his side, but Uchiha’s figure with soil easily passed through the repulsive force and continued to grab his body!

Nagato’s face changed.

The next moment, after Nagato turned over to avoid Uchiha’s attack with soil, his figure suddenly floated out of thin air and appeared on top of the Golem’s head.

Uchiha gave a cold snort with the soil. He turned over and walked along the body of the outer golem. A few vertical jumps appeared on the shoulders of the outer golem. No matter what attack the outer golem launched, he couldn’t hurt him!

Uchiha took the soil and stood on the shoulders of the Golem, looking at Nagato contemptuously and said: “Do you think you can escape?”


A mechanical arm slowly emerged from behind Nagato, which turned into a machine gun in the blink of an eye. Nagato’s voice gradually calmed down: “Uchiha takes the soil, do you think you can challenge me? In front of these eyes, no one is the opponent of the eyes of the fairy!”


Uchiha smiled sullenly and snorted: “I don’t know what to say, the eyes of the immortals you think are just the end of the evolution of the Uchiha clan!”

Uchiha looked at Nagato in a cold voice and said, “Now it looks like you are still occupying it, but in fact, you have reached a dead end! Every time you use the power of the reincarnation eye, it is consuming your life. Right?”


Nagato’s heart tightened.

This matter has always been his biggest headache.

Even if Uehara Naraku has been treating him, he can only gradually restore his body to its peak, and cannot replenish the life he has consumed.

Even after transplanting the cells between the Qianshou pillars, he just feels that every time he uses the reincarnation eye, the body burden is indeed reduced, and the chakra consumption is also decreasing, but the lifespan has been continuously consumed.

“Because those eyes belong to Uchiha Madara.”

Uchiha took the soil to tell the secret indifferently, and he calmly continued: “The eyes are placed on your body to store them, just to preserve his vitality, and by the way, to make you resurrect by reincarnation. Uchiha Madara only!”


Nagato’s face changed.

At this moment, his face is very ugly.

Because of the eyes of these immortals, he has always believed that he is the real man of heaven, that he must be a true god, and that he will definitely bear greater responsibility.

Everything he does now is because of the self-confidence brought by these reincarnation eyes. Without these eyes, he would be just an ordinary Yuyin boy!

Nagato suppressed the shock in his heart, staring coldly at Uchiha’s soil, trying to calm his voice: “Nonsense…”

Nagato guessed in his mind that what Uchiha Taido said was true.

The art of reincarnation is the biggest secret.

Except for the users of the eyes of reincarnation, there will definitely not be more people who know this forbidden technique that can bring the dead back to life, unless someone tells him this technique.

Moreover, when Uchiha Taito was active in Akatsuki as a mysterious mask man, he claimed to be Uchiha Madara, and seemed to be very familiar with the power of the reincarnation eye more than once.


Uchiha Daido didn’t care about Nagato’s words, but said calmly: “What I said is true or false, you should be very clear in your own heart!”

After Uchiha took the soil to say this, a red light flashed in his eyes: “For the sake of your dying, let me tell you! The plan of the ultimate weapon is fake, the real plan To become a god…”

Uchiha kicked the outside golem under his feet with the soil, and his voice gradually became a bit cold. “Only the Uchiha clan can load the eyes of reincarnation without pressure, bear the power of all the tail beasts, and become the ruler. This **** of ninja world!”


The face of the long facade is still calm.

Even though there is a huge wave in his heart now, his face is still very calm at this moment, and the news today is too amazing.

For so many years.

Nagato has been insisting on the ultimate weapon plan.

Even Konan and Uehara Naraku have been supporting him. This is the dream of their true members. By creating the ultimate weapon, this ninja world becomes peaceful under the deterrence of the ultimate weapon.

Someone denied their plan.

Someone suddenly told him that they were just pawns for other people to become gods.

If all of this is false… Then what is their all-time effort? Those who sacrificed for it, those who were killed by them, and the wars they started for it, are all wrong!

Especially in these two years, they have never stopped the war.

Almost every big country in the Ninja world has been destroyed by the Akatsuki organization led by Uehara Naraku. The purpose is to collect the tail beasts and spread Akatsuki’s deterrence…

Just today, Uehara Naraku also sent a message to him that he had just destroyed a Yunyin village and caught the eight-tailed man Zhuli of Yunyin village…

Nagato’s fingers squeezed a little bit.

He suddenly remembered that Xiao Nan had hoped that Uehara Naraku would never have anything to do with Akatsuki. He just wanted to be the leader of Uehara Village and let Uehara Naraku live brightly instead of them.

As a result, because he was too indulging in Uehara Naraku, he not only persuaded Uehara many times, but also often assigned Uehara Naraku some commanding tasks, and he completely destroyed the grass hidden village and almost moved the woods. The war in Yeheyanyin Village…

The darkness involved in Uehara Naraku is too deep!

Now, no matter how you wash it, it won’t be clean!

While Nagato was thinking wildly on top of the Golem’s head, Uchiha Daido seemed to want to see his pain and struggle. Instead of taking action, he stroked his mask in time.

When they are talking on it.

The battle underneath has already begun.

Tsunade waved his fist and rushed up towards Yakushi’s pocket, and asked in a cold voice: “Yakashidou, where is that **** Oshemaru!”

“How can I tell you such a secret!”

Yakushi flew around and avoided Tsunade’s fist, watching the earth was smashed into a huge crack by Tsunade’s punch, his eyes twitched.

Fortunately, Yakushitou now has some trump cards, and some are competing with Tsunade for strength. After avoiding Tsunade’s attack, he pushed his glasses and chuckled: “Master Oshemaru is in a very safe place. No one can find his place!”

You can’t kill it even if you kill it.

Because Oshemaru’s current Yachi Orochi is his soul body, unless someone is good at soul art or seal art, it is possible to solve Oshemaru.

What’s more, the place of Longdidong is also very secretive.

Tsunade slowly squeezed his fist, and sternly said: “When I beat you to a single breath, I am sure you will say it!”


The Yakushi pocket slowly closed his palms, and said with a chuckle: “Then let me try the fineness of the five generations of Hokage! Ninja·psychic art!”

A coffin floated from the hands of the pharmacist’s pocket!

A watermelon-headed ninja in a green tights walked out of the coffin. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at everyone present and scratched his head: “Aha, I’m not dead yet. Right?”

It is Metkay who has just been reincarnated from the dirty soil!


The pharmacist slammed his fingers up and said with a light smile: “Because of a kind person like me, you can be resurrected!”


Tsunade’s fists clenched subconsciously, and he looked at Yakushi’s pocket with resentment: “He just died, do you **** disturb his soul!”

“Senior with thick eyebrows!”

Naruto Uzumaki also watched all this in surprise, his gaze slowly moved to Yao Shi’s pocket, and a spiral pill appeared in his hand: “Ms. Tsunade, you come and help me stop the thick eyebrows. , I will get rid of this guy!”


Tsunade nodded slowly.

Naruto Uzumaki looked at Pharmacist’s pocket, his eyes were a little unconcealed with anger: “Desecrate these heroes who died for the village…I will never let you go!”

“Don’t be too anxious…”

The Yakushi pocket put his fingers on his lips, and said with a light smile: “Naruto Uzumaki, you are in a state that even I don’t want to face easily, so I specially invited Master Oshemaru, carefully An enemy is prepared for you!”

Faced with Naruto Uzumaki in Nine Tails mode, Pharmacist was indeed a little strenuous.

After Yakushitou’s words were finished, Kuwu, a symbol of the sword of forbearance, suddenly fell between Yakushitou and Naruto Uzumaki…

At the next moment, a figure wearing a golden-tailed chakra coat like Uzumaki Naruto suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

It is the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshuimen!

“Sorry, Naruto.”

Bo Feng Shuimen’s short stature, holding his own Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, raised his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto. A hint of apology flashed across his face: “Unexpectedly, we would meet in this situation…”

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