Before His Eyes: 27 dad cheated

My first reaction was to take a taxi home. I called my dad several times on the way, but no one came to answer me. I also called my mother’s cell phone a few times, but no one answered.

This sense of anxiety and fear swept over my whole body, and the coldness conveyed from the soles of my feet spread all over my body. I hugged myself tightly, trying to pretend that everything was a joke made by Qiao Ying and me.

I murmured words, kept saying the word “impossible”, and felt anxious, because I knew that my mother had a heart disease, and she couldn’t be stimulated. If she really went to Lu’s house, it might not be safe. It will really cause a heart attack, then…

The rest, I can’t believe it.

The driver sitting in the front glanced at me, thinking that I was stimulated by something, and asked with concern: “Miss, what’s the matter?”

I screamed “ah”, the phone fell on my lap, and the driver was startled.

Through the perspective mirror, I can see that my hair is messy, my eyes are red with tears, and my lips are white. , If someone misunderstood him as a neuropathy, he probably wouldn’t believe it.

I sniffed, and realized that my reaction was a little too intense. Everything may not be true. You are lying to me!

I sat up straight, held back the tears in my eyes, and said to the driver in a hoarse voice: “Can you drive faster, I’m really in a hurry.”

The voice trembled so badly, I could feel that every word I said seemed to exhaust all the strength in my body, I felt that I was really about to collapse and cry out of control.

It started to rain lightly again, and the weather was like this again. Every time in this season, bad things always happen. The last time I saw my husband cheating with my own eyes, this time, what will it be?

The nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, and I couldn’t feel any pain. At this moment, I couldn’t feel anything other than panic, anxiety, and fear.

How I wish all this was just a lie. On the way home, I prayed to God over and over again. I, Shen Qing, have never done anything bad in my life. I have always listened to my parents since I was a child, studied hard, and passed the exam. After graduating from university, I married the man I liked. During this period, I kept myself safe. Except for that accident, I have never done anything wrong in my life. God is fair and will not be so cruel to me!

I don’t want anything now, I just want my family to be healthy and safe, if I, Shen Qing, do something wrong, punish me, don’t attack my parents, they are the only ones I have in this world My loved one, my only relative!

Tears burst out of my eyes uncontrollably, I stomped my feet anxiously, I started walking step by step until the end because I was flustered, I picked up my steps and ran forward anxiously.

The raindrops fell on my body, scalding as if it was going to burn every inch of my skin, tears mixed with the rain, and I couldn’t tell whether this sadness came from me or from heaven.

When I rushed home, my heart sank, I took a deep breath, and then walked slowly.

The door was not locked, which was beyond my expectation, but I assumed that my parents had forgotten, so I didn’t think much about it, so I walked in step by step. There was no one in the living room, and the whole house was eerily quiet.

At this time, there was a slight sound from the master bedroom upstairs. I frowned, wiped the rain on my face with the back of my hand, and then walked up.

The door of my parents’ room was half open. I walked heavily, and the rain dripped on the floor, making a soft noise.

The air was silent, because it was raining outside, and the house looked damp. My whole body was wet, and it was extremely uncomfortable to walk. In addition, the surrounding atmosphere was serious and silent, which made my inner nervousness even more apparent.

The light was on in the room, and I walked softly to the door like a ghost, and when I saw the two people on the bed, I froze in place, with my eyes wide open in disbelief.

There is a man and a woman on the bed, both naked, mingling passionately. I am very familiar with the man, that is my dad!

But what about the woman? Who is that girl!

“Dream, is it cool!” My dad’s voice.

“Shuang, Shuang, Congfeng, you are really amazing…”

Sweet and coquettish, breathing heavily, my dad’s forehead was sweating, he gritted his teeth and hit it hard, the woman screamed and almost passed out.

I froze in place, this is probably the biggest joke in the world, I actually saw my dad cheating with my own eyes!

It’s really unheard of, unseen!

The two people on the bed are still doing it, and it seems that they are planning to come for the second time, full of anger welling up in their hearts, they are so presumptuous, what about my mother? Where is my mother!

I clenched my fist tightly, and finally couldn’t take it anymore, and said angrily: “What are you doing!”


I sat on the sofa, looked at the two people in front of me coldly, and felt disgusted and disgusted. I never thought that my dad would do such a thing! He would betray my mother!

Half an hour has passed, and none of the three of us spoke. Holding my dad’s hand, as if taking an oath of sovereignty, he looked at me proudly.

I find it unbelievable that this woman is so reasonable after being caught by me on the spot! It’s exactly the same as Qiao Ying!

My dad was just sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, one after another, the whole room smelled of smoke, which made me cough and frown.

Looking at my dad’s delay in explaining, I feel very disappointed. I never thought that one day my experience would happen to my parents. After all, they have been in love for so many years. Lu Mingfeng and I are the same It’s completely different, why has it changed?

I looked at him angrily, and said coldly, “Where’s my mother?”

Hearing this, my dad stopped smoking, his back trembled slightly, and I felt my heart pumping.

My dad stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, because he had just finished smoking and his voice was hoarse: “Let’s go.”

“Where are you going!” I said eagerly.

At this moment, the woman next to her suddenly interjected: “If you die, where else can you go!”

My heart tightened, and I scolded that woman: “Who are you!”

The woman was shocked by my sudden anger, she was slightly startled, hid behind my dad, shook my dad’s arm, and said aggrievedly: “Old Shen, look at your daughter, she has no cultivation at all.”

Now I just feel that my heart is in a mess, and I don’t want to talk to this woman at all. Already!”

Dad glanced at the woman next to him, and then looked at me again. His eyes were extremely cruel at this moment, and what he said next made me feel chills all over my body, and I couldn’t believe it.

“Xiaoqing, what she said is not wrong, your mother is indeed dead.”

The big stone in my heart sank heavily. I originally thought I would cry, but apart from trembling all over, at that moment, I was so calm that it was ridiculous. It turns out that when a person is extremely sad, she will be terribly calm.

“Why?” After a long time, I asked lightly, with a slow and weak tone.

“We don’t know that you are not dead. After you jumped off the building last time, your mother went to Lu’s house to make trouble. After a few days of trouble, your mother couldn’t stand the heavy rain during that time. I picked her up. At that time, she was already ill

Okay, you should know that she has heart disease, after such a toss, how can she survive, so…”

I shook my head weakly, stood up suddenly, and said angrily at him with red eyes: “Why didn’t you save her! Didn’t the Lu family give you five million? Why didn’t you save my mother!”

His eyes were slightly surprised, “How do you know there are five million?”

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