Before His Eyes: 144 Godfather is Lu Junyan

Holding a delicate little cake with clean and slender fingers, Lu Junyan walked in with such high spirits, because all the people present were children, so not many people knew about him, but they just saw such a handsome uncle and kid They couldn’t help opening their eyes wide, especially those little girls, whose eyes were fixed on him every step of the way, like a group of little nymphomaniacs.

I didn’t expect him to come over. Could it be that he said something, that he came to attend Yunxi’s birthday! ?

Could it be that the godfather they are talking about is… Lu Junyan!

I rub…

I was stunned, but I immediately pulled Jing Yi behind me. His appearance was an accident. I couldn’t let him know Jing Yi’s existence and identity. Thinking of this, I immediately pulled Jing Yi At a distance, I can’t let him see that I have a close relationship with Jing Yi.

Calm down, I have to be calm.

Lu Junyan’s purpose was very clear, he saw me at a glance, his eyes were dark and suspicious, and then he approached us.

He bent down and handed the cake to Yunxi first, with a gentle voice: “Happy birthday, Xixi.”

Yunxi seems to like sweets very much. As soon as he saw the cake, he immediately forgot about Jing Yi, threw himself into Lu Junyan’s arms, and said with a sweet smile, “Thank you godfather!”

Lu Junyan showed a kind smile, stretched out his hand to give her a hug, then stood up and greeted Gu Yu: “How are you?”

Gu Yu touched his belly: “It’s good, Uncle Jun.”

Lu Junyan nodded, and then he shifted his gaze to me, his long eyebrows furrowed suddenly, and asked me in a cold voice: “Why are you here?”

The corner of my mouth twitched slightly, and I said, “I accompanied a child in our class to Yunxi’s birthday party.”

“Child?” He looked past me, looked at Jing Yi, paused for a second and then retracted his gaze.

Gu Yu could see that the atmosphere was a bit frozen, so he said softly, “Uncle Jun, it’s time for dinner, let’s go eat, I’m hungry!”

Lu Junyan glanced at her, then nodded.

He walked forward with Yunxi and Gu Yu in his arms, I swallowed nervously, and then pulled Jing Yi to follow behind them.

We came to the second floor of the villa. Ji Nanxin had already ordered people to prepare food, and someone was already greeting us in the lobby.

At lunch time, we sat together, I was next to Jing Yi and Gu Yu, next to Gu Yu was Ji Nanxin, next to Ji Nanxin was Lu Junyan, and there was Yunxi between Lu Junyan and Jing Yi. Arranged.

It was a bit embarrassing to eat, especially for me, because my right hand was injured, and I didn’t dare to tell others. I was afraid of being called hypocritical, so I gritted my teeth and held the chopsticks, but I couldn’t pick up the food. After a few bites, I put it down.

I took the lead in putting down the bowl and chopsticks, which became the breakthrough point of the meal topic.

Gu Yu immediately asked: “What’s the matter, the food is not to your liking, I don’t think you have moved your chopsticks much.”

I picked up the cup and took a sip of water: “No, I just ate something on the way here, I’m not particularly hungry, you guys eat, don’t worry about me.”

Jing Yi was worried about me. He knew that we didn’t eat anything on the way here. I must have injured my hand if I didn’t eat, so he said in a childish voice like a little adult: “Auntie, can you help people eat?” Take a spoon, Mr. Shen is inconvenient because his right hand is injured a little.”

I twitched my eyebrows subconsciously, and Gu Yu said nervously: “Really, why didn’t you say it earlier, Aunt Wang, how about a spoon, are your hands okay?”

I smiled stiffly and said it’s okay, no need, I’m really not hungry.

At this time, Aunt Wang had already brought the spoon, so I could only take it and say thank you.

Yunxi, who was eating with relish, immediately raised his head from the bowl when he heard what Jing Yi said, and looked at him with adoring eyes: “Jing Yi, why are you so good!”

Jing Yi said it was nothing with a cold face.

I was smiling, but I was carefully observing Lu Junyan. I was afraid that he would feel that something was wrong, that there would be something wrong with Jing’s concern for me, so I was very scared, afraid that he would turn his attention away To Jingyi.

But often many things seem to have telepathy. As soon as this idea appeared in my mind, a cold voice floated out of the air, and I sat upright for a while.

“What’s the kid’s name?”

I was so frightened that I didn’t answer his question in time. Seeing me in a daze, Gu Yu frowned and was about to speak for me, but Jing Yi opened his mouth and introduced himself: “Hello, my name is Jing Yi is Teacher Shen’s student.”

“How old are you?” Lu Junyan looked at him, his eyes were bottomless.

“Six years old.” Jing Yi replied calmly, but his indifference calmed my nervous heart.

“How did you find out that she had an injury on her hand?”

“Mr. Shen mentioned this matter.”

Lu Junyan nodded: “Where are your parents?”

I was taken aback, and then I heard Jing Yi say: “They are going on a trip, so I asked Teacher Shen to come to the party with me.”

Lu Junyan glanced at me, and then looked at Jing Yi, “You are very smart, and you are very succinct in speaking and doing things at a young age. I hope to get to know your parents when I have time.”

Jing nodded, and the conversation ended there.

Jing Yi obviously doesn’t know what this means, but I know in my heart that Lu Junyan is interested in Jing Yi.

I don’t know if what he said is true, but I’m sure it’s not a good sign. Jing Yi’s adult-like calm personality is really attractive, but at this moment, how I wish he could Just like a normal kid, concentrate on eating and don’t talk about it.

Everything is not the right time.

After eating, I asked Gu Yu where the restroom is. At this moment, I need to calm down.

I ran into a male waiter, asked him for a cigarette and a lighter, and then quietly hid in the toilet to smoke.

I have just washed my face with cold water, and I am quite sober now. Everything has not yet reached a desperate situation, and I can’t mess around.

Jing Yi just met with Lu Junyan, although it was earlier than I expected, but this does not prove anything, and Lu Junyan is not that busy, it is impossible for him to pay so much attention to a child , and recalling the whole incident just now, I didn’t feel that Jing’s worry about me was too abrupt. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was just an ordinary teacher-student relationship, and he probably wouldn’t think so much.

I don’t need to panic at all. I feel that this move is different from what I imagined. I think that the matter has been exposed, and then I lost the whole game. I haven’t reached this point yet, so I don’t need to worry at all.

Yes, I have to think about it, think about it…

Maybe I was too focused on my thoughts, so that I didn’t know when Lu Junyan came behind me.

“Tsk, have you learned to smoke yet?” There was a faint sarcasm mixed with disdain.

I was so frightened that the soot fell on the back of my hand, and I shrank back after being burned.

When did he come here?

That was the first thought that came to my mind at the time.

Lu Junyan just looked at me quietly, his eyes were so dark that I didn’t look at him for a few seconds before I consciously cut off the cigarette in my mouth and threw it into the trash can.

He just walked past me, came to the sink, and turned on the faucet.

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