Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 9646:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of School Beauty Personal Expert!

Seeing Hong Baxian’s gaze swept towards him, Zhang Qiu, as a bystander, suddenly had an extremely bad premonition, although everyone knew about his relationship with Tianji Pavilion, and he never directly Participating in the fight for interests, his position is quite detached, and no one would normally think of attacking him.

But how does Hong Ba in front of him look like a normal person?

Will normal people blatantly target the Big Five?

Normal people will treat the famous giants peak expert in the late Dzogchen period as chess pieces, or even waste pieces for consumption?

“I’m sorry, President Zhang, I didn’t want to trouble you, but things have reached this point. I can only let you join this round. You are tired!”

Hong Ba will start when he finishes talking. Zhang Qiu frightens Ji Ling and quickly shouts: “I have a way! I have a way!”

Without waiting for Hong Ba to speak again, Zhang Qiu decisively opened up his own domain. The scope was so wide that it directly covered the entire space. The audience was full of interconnected nodes, densely packed like a giant net. .

The domain of omniscience.

He doesn’t have any killing and other auxiliary effects in this field, only one is detection.

A circle of ripples visible to the naked eye are emitted at the node. These ripples are neither True Qi nor divine sense, but Heaven and Earth natural fluctuations that are inherent in everything. Unless someone specializes in this, otherwise anything else is hidden The methods are all ineffective.

Sure enough, Ye Zhizhan, who had no dead ends, was visible in the layers of ripples. The outline of the human figure was so clear that he could no longer remain hidden.

Hong Ba smiled and applauded first: “President Zhang is a good method, admire and admire him.”

A dead dao friend is not a poor daoist, he likes such Congming people.

Zhang Qiusan was speechless.

Originally, a true gentleman who watched the game without speaking, no one would trouble him, but in this way he offended Ye Zhiwei to death. If Ye Zhiwei did not die today, his future life would be difficult.

Even if his omniscience domain Tian defeats the opponent, no matter what, the recognized next-generation Killer’s King is staring at him, after all, he is afraid.

There is no need for Hong Ba to act first in the field, the Duo Wang who has regained his feet has already taken the initiative to find Ye Zhiwei.

Without the trump card of Absolute Concealment, Ye Zhiwei’s combat power was cut by at least 50%. At this moment, facing the king who was ten times the previous one, her fate can be imagined.

Just trying to deal with a face-to-face, she was on the verge of death.

As a result, at the last moment when Duwang shot Space Curse, she suddenly made a very weird choice.

She tried her best to stab a lore, but her dagger‘s landing point was not on the only king, but a strange vacancy next to her.


With a strange crisp sound, it was as if a mirror was shattered out of thin air, and even the entire space was torn off a veil.

After that, a familiar figure came into everyone’s eyes.

Lin Yi.

The audience was stunned.

Rao Shi Hong Baxian had some disbelief in his own eyes, full of disbelief: “You are not dead yet?”

Even Zhang Qiu is incredible. He has an omniscience field and sees things more clearly than anyone else. He clearly sees that Lin Yi is cursed by space, every detail is the flesh and blood in every piece of space debris. It’s all clear, how could this be still alive?

Don’t forget, even the undead like Liu Yun, a scavenger, can’t do it.

Lin Yi shrugged a little helplessly: “Yes, why am I not dead?”

“Illusory? You are also an Illusory expert!”

Hong Ba first reacted quickly. The only explanation for all of this was that including him, including Zhang Qiu, and at the same time, including the king of suspended animation, all had been hit by the Lin Yi’s illusion.

Seeing everything about the tragic death of Lin Yi before is all an illusion!

Hong Ba first admitted to the depth of his research on Lin Yi. No one in the repeater school can match him. Even Zhang Qiu’s Baijiashe is far inferior. After all, Lin Yi is the most important core chess piece in his plan.

From the strength system to the specific moves, from his life to the habits of thinking, he has done a lot of homework in all aspects.

He is very confident, no one knows Lin Yi better than himself, to some extent he even knows better than Lin Yi himself!

In all the previous information, illusion has never been involved. Although Lin Yi Yuanshen has a strong foundation in cultivating illusion, at least since he came to Jianghai City, he has never used this aspect. ability.

Even if some moves have the same effect to confuse the opponent, but that is not an illusion.

The key point is that the practice of illusion is completely different from other methods. As long as you practice it, it is impossible not to show any traces!

But no.

Pavilion Lord wise, you have discovered this.”

Lin Yi chuckled and agreed.

This is the truth. Although he is not completely involved in illusion, but with such a high degree of completion that even these strong men can hide the sturdy advanced illusion, before that, he really wouldn’t, until the perfect five elements domain. Forming until the five elements become polarized.

The five elements are polarized, the sky mirror.

wood element has Huitian, fire element has a big burning sky, and water element‘s big trick is the sky mirror.

Strictly speaking, the fit between water element and illusion is not particularly high. Most illusion Grandmaster is mist element expert.

However, it is precisely because of this. Any cultivator who is a little more proficient will be very careful when playing against mist element expert. The mainstream methods for cracking illusions are also aimed at mist element, and there are not many specifically aimed at water element illusions.

As for the five elements at the level of polarization, there are very few or even unique ones.

The only exception is Ye Zhiwei.

Even Zhang Qiu’s domain of omniscience cannot be detected, but it only fails with this killer, and Lin Yi is really helpless.

“I heard that each generation of Killer’s King will receive a special killer baptism before it succeeds, including the dusty heart that claims to break all illusions in the world. It seems to be well-deserved.”

Zhang Qiu’s explanation surprised Lin Yi. This was not only a good show to himself, but also an offense to Ye Zhiwei.

Tianji Pavilion is really so optimistic about yourself?

Lin Yi gave him a meaningful look. If there were no bad things about Ye Zhiwei, today’s situation would have been really profitable, but presently was forced to show up, and the problem would be serious.

Don’t talk about Hong Baxian, who is staring at him, it’s not easy to be the only king!

Sure enough, the Duwang didn’t even care about Ye Zhiwei, who was already visible, and he went straight to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, I have high hopes for you, don’t let me down.”

Hong Ba said lightly from the side, and at the same time glanced at Ye Zhiwei.

He should really thank Ye Zhiwei for his plan to get back on the most perfect track. Otherwise, let Lin Yi continue to hide. In the end, it is really a huge unknown who will die!

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