Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 9644:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of School Beauty Personal Expert!

Hong Baxian is indeed a domineering master, but I really never thought that he would be domineering to this point. These are all powerful figures in the First echelon under the five giants, even if the power of the entire Overlord pavilion is integrated. Matching against any of them is not likely to have the upper hand, let alone one-to-four in person!

However, before everyone was angry, the situation had changed suddenly.

Seriously injured and killed by the team, the only king who, in theory, has changed from a fake death to a real death, actually stood up again.

“Is he immortal too?”

The little-spoken scavenger Liu Yun First exclaimed and lost his voice. He has never seen Lin Yi’s Huitian, but in fact, even if it is Lin Yi’s Huitian, it is difficult to get a bargain in this situation, let alone. Stand up again in such a short time!

Everyone was once again enveloped in despair.

“Is the situation out of control?”

Lin Yi couldn’t help but take a look at Hong Baxian. No matter what Hong Baxian was plotting behind his back, the king was always a difficult problem that could not be avoided. As long as the king did not fall, all his plans would be nonsense.

Don’t allow Lin Yi to think too much about it, as the Dominion regained his feet, the sudden change occurred again.

The four incantation seeds that had obviously been collected into Jade Pendant suddenly disappeared collectively!

Not only Lin Yi, but other people also showed extremely shocked expressions at the same time. It is obvious that they have all encountered the same thing.

Immediately afterwards, thirty-six seeds of spells appeared out of thin air in front of the king, one of them was quite a few!

“The thing has returned to its original owner…”

The cold-eyed Zhang Qiu murmured, then he saw the king open his mouth and swallowed all the 36 spell seeds back in front of everyone present!

At the same time, the already languid breath began to skyrocket, and in a blink of an eye it has risen to the initial level, and then it continues to skyrocket without stopping.

Three times!

Five times!

Ten times!

Seeing that the aura exuded by the king was ten times stronger than before, and the hearts of Lin Yi and others sank to the bottom, how can this be beaten?

Hong Baxian’s voice came slowly: “The only king presently hasn’t woken up yet. If it is really dragged until he wakes up, then all of us will have to die.”

Li Yushu sneered: “Hong Pavilion Lord is a good calculation, just so blatantly wanting us to be cannon fodder, do you really think that some of us will be so easy to discuss?”

Hong Baxian Xiaoxiao: “The sky is falling down and I am tall. After all, I am weak. Who can you guys not go on?”

“I am weak and I am reasonable? Huh, it is really a waste of logic.”

Xing Zhangyang’s hand is directly a string of flying spears. In this situation, although there is no reason to throw the pot on the head of others, but if you really want such a villain to make an inch, everyone will be upset, not to mention his violent temper. !

However, the group of flying spears he threw with all his strength was avoided by Hong Ba first, and he didn’t even scratch the corner of his clothes.

“What a terrible flying spear.”

Hong Ba first laughed and glanced at the Duo Wangdao in the distance: “I will kindly advise you that when the Duo Wang is fully recover strength, when he wakes up, you have to carefully weigh which one is more important. “

Everyone’s eyelids jumped wildly.

Actually, he didn’t need to remind him at all. The Duwang would have descended behind Lin Yi in the next second, and the space was shattered with the palm of his head!

Lin Yi didn’t even have time to hum, and the whole person’s body was shattered along with the space. Although the body could be seen desperately healing itself, the speed of self-healing was so fast that it caught the eye, but after all, it couldn’t catch up with the body. The speed of fragmentation.

Watching Lin Yi shatter into powder, there was a dead silence in the audience.

This method of death is useless even if there is an immortal body.

Not only everyone, but even Hong Baxian showed a rare and unexpected expression. According to his plan, Lin Yi will come in handy. Although it must be a death in the end, it is not damnable yet. when!

The calculation failed, Hong Ba first became a little angry, but in the end he forcibly endured it.

In his plan, Lin Yi is important, but it is not completely undocumented, but compared to Lin Yi, this set of filing is much more difficult to implement, and there are many more variables!

At this moment, after extinguishing Lin Yi with a palm, Du Wang turned his head and stared at Zhang Xing and others.

As for Hong Baxian and Zhang Qiu who was watching the battle, they never became the target.

The reason is obvious. Neither of them has ever touched the seeds of spells. Compared to Xing Zhang and others, the two of them have not drawn the slightest hatred on the suspended king.

In this way, even if there are 10,000 unhappy people, Xing Zhang and others can only follow Hong Baxian’s will to fight with the king!

If the only king does not die, they must die!

“You can cooperate sincerely, otherwise you can’t stop the king.”

Hong Ba sent a few cool words from time to time in his spare time to provoke the anger of everyone. These are the powerful opponents of the Overlord Pavilion, and they used to have enemies with each other.

Even if you can’t get anything this time, just letting the group of four people on the scene destroy it is all blood gains for Hong Ba first.

It’s just that Hong Baxian, who is very conspiring, obviously doesn’t take this to heart. After all, these are just the chess pieces he uses to consume the king, and the chess pieces are not dead. He really doesn’t concern.

Even though these chess pieces, regardless of their realm or strength, are significantly higher than him on the bright side!

“Damn will kill you sooner or later!”

Xing Zhang roared with anger, but it was a pity that he could only yell. Facing a single king ten times the number just now, even if the four of them cooperated tacitly, they couldn’t suppress it at all, and they were always on the verge of death at any time.

However, the four of them are all tricky people who have been famous for a long time. No matter how strong the feigned death king is, it is not so easy to kill them like a second kill Lin Yi.

“President Zhang, you seem to be particularly concerned about Lin Yi?”

Hong Baxian suddenly started talking about Zhang Qiu.

Zhang Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and he twitched the corners of his mouth: “Is it that obvious? Nothing can escape Hong Pavilion Lord‘s eyes.”

Hong Ba thoughtfully said: “If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be the instruction of Tianji Pavilion?”

Zhang Qiu was shocked again, and he was secretly wary: “Hong Pavilion Lord is joking. Baijiashe is Baijiashe, and Tianji Pavilion is Tianji Pavilion. My interest in Lin Yi is purely out of personal interest. There are not many people who have experienced legendary experience. If they don’t die this time, they will sooner or later occupy a place in the entire Jianghai Academy.”


Hong Ba didn’t say anything for now: “Lin Yi still died too early. I have long heard that President Zhang and Tianji Pavilion are acquainted. I don’t know what Tianji Pavilion thinks of me Hongba first?”


Zhang Qiu was stunned. He has been in charge of Baijiashe for so many years. This is the first time he has encountered this kind of problem.

Hong Ba didn’t expect him to answer at first. Seeing that his eyebrows were frozen, he said to himself: “Well, when this happens, I’d better go to the Tianji Pavilion and ask about it myself.”

After speaking, he walked straight towards the center of the battlefield.

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