Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 9614:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of School Beauty Personal Expert!

To some extent, the size of the origin of the secret realm can basically represent the strength of the power. The overall strength of the Overlord Pavilion and the Blue Tile Society can be seen.

“No matter how small it is, it is still the source of the secret realm. You Hong Ba had so big aspirations first, would you still refuse?”

Jiang Yao coldly snorted indifferently: “Can you take out presently?”

Bao Sanye and Lin Yi looked at each other, and immediately without delay, two things appeared on both hands.

An unregistered credit card with 100,000 credits and a rough water element perfect field.

Bao Sanye asked: “How to trade?”

Jiang Yao squatted and slapped the ground with one palm, and the source of the secret realm underneath was slowly grasped up, and in a blink of an eye, he was completely grasped in his hand.

Along with the movement of the origin of the secret realm, Lin Yi clearly felt a slight change in the surrounding temporal velocity and overall spatial position.

It’s just that this change is too weak. If it weren’t for the nine-story glazed tower, which could change the flow of time, it would be difficult for even oneself to notice it.

This is just a small piece of the secret realm origin Energy spontaneously dissipating, if someone urges it with full force, especially after the secret realm origin is enlarged hundreds of times, that kind of scene is simply unimaginable.

Until now, Lin Yi has truly realized the great value of the origin of the secret realm.

It’s no wonder that Luo Banshi must have this thing in his hands, otherwise if someone else holds in his hands and rashly transfers Banshi’s base camp, he will definitely not even sleep well.

In the dark, Lin Yi also has a very strong intuition. If you master the source of the secret realm, it is very likely to be of great help to touch the legendary realm of time and space!

When I saw Luo Banshi showing ability in the time domain, Lin Yi was always wondering. The five lines and ten attributes all have corresponding domain rough stones, which cover various variants, but I have never heard of time domain rough stones. And the rough stone in the space domain, it seems that these two things simply don’t exist in the world.

But if there is no rough realm, where do the realms of time and space come from?

Before this, Lin Yi had always thought that no one could master this level of power, and the existence of the Koluo half division completely subverted previous perceptions.

Especially this time Master Luo Ban showed an eager desire for the origin of the secret realm, and Lin Yi couldn’t help but give birth to an idea.

Maybe, this time the lurking operation is not just to find a way out?

“Pay with one hand, and deliver with the other hand.”

There was no objection to Jiang Yao’s proposal to pack Sanye. When the credit card and the water element perfect field rough were thrown over, Jiang Yao also abide by commitment and directly threw the secret origin in his hand.

However, just as Bao Sanye was delighted to prepare to accept the source of the secret realm, he suddenly discovered that the source of the secret realm was so suspended in place, he couldn’t take it away at all!

Even if he exerts all the power of the domain, it is still difficult to move the origin of the secret realm.

“How dare you play tricks!”

Bao Sanye was furious. Although some people had expected that Qingwa would be so honest in the previous discussions, he really didn’t expect the other party to have the courage to play tricks in person.

I’m really not afraid of death!

Unexpectedly, the opposite Jiang Yao looked at him with contempt: “I really thought that the source of the secret realm could be taken away casually? Would Hong Ba be so relieved to let you be such an idiot to trade?”

Bao Sanye couldn’t help but froze, blinked and turned his head to ask Lin Yi: “Is there any idea about this thing?”

Lin Yi shook his head silently. Before setting off, Master Luo had specially taught various aspects of the origin of the secret realm, but these naturally would not be revealed in front of people. After all, they did not meet the identity of Lin Yi’s.

“Oh, I really met a club.”

Jiang Yao curled his lips mockingly, and sneered: “If you want to take away the origin of the secret realm, you must first cut off its connection with this time and space, otherwise unless you move my entire Blue Tile Society away. I can never move.”

Bao Sanye is not stupid, he immediately reacted: “Then you still cut the connection?”

Jiang Yao laughed loudly: “I only said that I will hand over the origin of the secret realm to you, but I never said that I will help you take doggy bag away!”

“Damn, are you playing with us Overlord on purpose?”

Bao Sanye was furious, and he was about to go mad. Anyway, his task today is not to complete the transaction smoothly. It is serious to use the question to help the four lobby masters to find a breakthrough opportunity.

Jiang Yao sneered: “Who is fooling you? I really thought that such a precious strategic resource as the Origin of the Secret Realm could be easily taken away by just taking a 100,000 credits and making up a piece of the rough stone? Is it because you are too naive or I am too naive? Up?”

“It doesn’t matter who is naive. Since you don’t plan to trade well, just call it.”

Although the credit card and the water element Perfect Realm rough stone have already fallen into the hands of the other party, Bao Sanye is not afraid at all. He sticks in his waist and said without fear: “You lied to our Overlord pavilion. You will not be the first one, but I can guarantee you. , This is definitely your last time.”

“Did I say that I don’t want to trade?”

Jiang Yao changed his words: “If it’s just the previous price, the source of the secret realm is here. How to take it away is your own business. If you want follow-up services, you have to add more money.”

“Add money? How much do you want to add?”

Bao Sanye’s eyes are shining dangerously, and he is about to make trouble.

Jiang Yao coughed: “Don’t worry, my Blue Tile will be a force at any rate, and I won’t let the lions open their mouths, and I don’t want credits and resources, and I won’t let your Overlord pavilion bleed heavily.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I want to be alone.”

Jian Yao raised a thin palm, Yao Yao pointed to Lin Yi: “Keep him here.”

This time it was not only Bao Sanye, but also Lin Yi was stunned. When did he have an interaction with this person?

“A talented giant Dzogchen Initial Phase peak, even if the identity is special, it is irrelevant to your Overlord pavilion, right? It is nothing more than a advanced cannon fodder.”

Jian Yao looked at Lin Yi’s with an inexplicable and dangerous gaze: “Don’t blame me for not reminding you that the origin of the secret realm cannot exist independently for too long. Once it is taken out, it must be transferred as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a problem at that time, my Qingwa But I am not responsible for it.”

“Fuck you!”

Bao Sanye was furious on the spot, and without a word, he started directly: “Dare to beat my brother’s idea, today I won’t kill your Father and your surname!”

The metal element collapsed domain broke out, and Bao Sanye rushed upright, and the majestic domain power was highly concentrated on both palms.

The Great Collapse!

Lin Yi nodded secretly. This sloppy bag is a sloppy bag. The strength is actually pretty good. Although it is far from the perverted gang of freshman alliance animals, it can be regarded as a rare master in the same level.

It is not common to condense the field power to this level, even among the giant Dzogchen Mid Phase peak expert.

In addition to the characteristics of the field of collapse, even if this big collapse is changed to Lin Yi, it is not easy to hard-wire.

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