Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 9237:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of School Beauty Personal Expert!

This is the weakest one, and presently is controlled again, and he will be destroyed at any time. He also wants to cry without tears.

I prayed with trepidation not to be affected by the aftermath of the battle, his small body can’t hold it!

Physical Lin Yi also has troubles. He needs to be distracted to protect his body from harm, and he has to deal with the joint attack of Lin Yi and another warrior.

Change to other people, at least there will be a body controlled by the soul to protect this body, only he is different, the Lin Yi’s soul is actually chasing and violently hitting his body with other people, as if he is afraid that he will not die. .

Where can I make sense of this feature? I’m afraid it’s not something wrong with your brain, right?

The warrior who teamed up with Lin Yi also had some doubts. He secretly doubted whether his body Lin Yi was a Lin Yi’s body? I have never seen someone so cruel to my body!

Is it wrong?

If you make a mistake, it’s hard to start again!

Just bite the bullet and keep going! Anyway, I didn’t lose if I was wrong…

The body Lin Yi was suffering from the joint siege of the two. After all, he was not a Lin Yi, and he couldn’t exert superhuman combat effectiveness. He could only use the body’s own strength to fight in a satisfactory manner.

For a long time, you will lose. In the case of distraction and multi-use, it is inevitable that there will be a time when one loses the other. Lin Yi finally seized the opportunity and cut the captive’s head with a single blow.

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The splash of blood wetted the Lin Yi’s half of the body and the clothing, and his face also showed an expression of disbelief and despair.

It’s hard to change to such a good body, and there is no problem with the plan, but in the end it loses so aggrieved!

How can I be willing!

“Sure enough! This is your body! If you didn’t deliberately want to capture your body for protection, I really might not be able to find a clue! I really want to thank you for your help, ally!”

Lin Yi smiled and waved to the body Lin Yi, which was the final farewell.

Soon, the primordial spirit trapped in this female body felt that the imprisoning power of the primordial spirit was quickly dissipating, and he could leave the body and return to his own flesh!

Lin Yi broke away from the narrow sea of ​​divine sense without hesitation, and quickly returned to his body. The familiar comfort surrounded Lin Yi’s Yuanshen, and his body was the most suitable one!

The warrior who joined Lin Yi just now suddenly burst into full strength, and the long sword in his hand turned into a billowing ball covering Lin Yi, taking advantage of the short stiff caused by the return of Lin Yi‘s soul, and wanted to kill Lin Yi in one fell swoop!

If she wants to return to her vacant body, she must defeat or kill Lin Yi within three minutes, otherwise she will die with her body that has lost her soul!

It is not safe to defeat, her only goal is to kill Lin Yi!

“Hey, there is something to say, your body is already empty, I can help you return to your own body, no need to be so troublesome!”

Lin Yi Yuanshen returned, and his combat power soared several times in an instant. It was completely different from the previous performance and easily blocked the attack of the warrior.

“Do you want to take the initiative to surrender? This is of no use, even if it is useless to release the water, you must be defeated with a real sword and a gun!”

The primordial spirit of a female warrior obviously does not take this set. The rules given by the Nebula Tower do not clearly state it, but she just has that feeling. Anything like voluntarily surrendering defeat or deliberately releasing water to become an actor is not to be Allowed operation.

The Nebula Tower encourages fighting, and it will certainly not leave such a flaw for others to use. Lin Yi also has speculation about this, but it is not nonsense to say that there is a way to help.

The body of the female warrior has been emptied. As long as the soul can escape from presently‘s body, she can return to the physical body. Lin Yi can’t help it when she is trapped in her body, but after returning to her body, it will be different!

The Ecstasy is the easiest way to remove the primordial spirit. If she cooperates and removes all the divine sense defensive items on the body, the Ecstasy has a high success rate. After all, the imprisonment power of the Nebula Tower is mainly to prevent the element. God broke free and did not restrict the outside world such as ecstasy.

Unfortunately, she didn’t want to listen to Lin Yi‘s explanation at all, she wanted to kill Lin Yi!

For neither relatives nor reasons, she doesn’t believe that Lin Yi will have any kindness, so why would she reach out to help her? Lin Yi returned to her body and has completed the test. What reason is there to help her?

It’s better to ask for yourself. She only has three minutes and doesn’t want to listen to what Lin Yi has to say about the bright future. She will do what she should and take her destiny in her own hands!

Lin Yi is also helpless. Although she has no relationship with this female warrior, she has no grievances and no grudges. With the help of ability, she naturally doesn’t mind reaching out to help, but she doesn’t believe in herself, what can be done?

The Ecstasy is a weapon for divine sense attacks. The problem is that everyone present is the top expert from Tianji Continent. Everyone has top-level divine sense defense props. Even if Lin Yi is blessed by Wu Linghai, it will not be able to break the top divine sense in a short time The energy efficiency of defense items.

If she can cooperate to remove the divine sense defensive props, she can still try it. presently Lin Yi can only sigh with joy, and she can’t help if she wants to help.

“You believe me, I really have a chance to help you, you do not make any sense, it will only waste time…Listen to me, I have a way to help you transfer your soul back to your body!”

Lin Yi is idle and idle, the other party’s attack does not pose any threat to itself, so he continues to persuade me painstakingly, it is not the overflow of compassion, it is pure idleness…

When you return to your body, you have passed the test, but you have to wait three minutes to give the occupied body a chance to survive. After three minutes, Lin Yi will be able to leave the test space.

The life and death of other people has nothing to do with Lin Yi, so I don’t want to mix it up, that is, this female warrior, it is a bit of an intersection, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t appreciate it. If she just doesn’t appreciate it, Lin Yi can only forget it.

Soon after more than two minutes, the melee scene was still the same. Except for Lin Yi, no one completed the mission. Because it was too much involved, almost no one dared to fight with all their strength.

With various defenses and various calculations, the situation is not difficult to understand. Lin Yi took the time to pay attention to it, and found it meaningless, so he just wanted to deal with his opponent.

Actually, Lin Yi can completely control the opponent first, remove all the divine sense defense props, and then use the ecstasy to try to help, but the opponent does not have this willingness, Lin Yi does not have to help this, so in the end, just deal with it casually, etc. Pull down after three minutes.

Seeing that time is getting less and less, the soul of the female warrior should be a little panic. She also sees that Lin Yi’s is powerful, and it is not an opponent she can deal with in a short time.

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