Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 9109:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of School Beauty Personal Expert!

“Don’t waste time! The Nebula Tower has eight portals. I don’t know how many people are faster than us. You are still lingering here. Do you think there are too many benefits and others can’t finish it?”

The other gray-haired elderly man in the lead said impatiently, and rushed to the stars ladder first.

In his opinion, it is hard to enter the Nebula Tower. Of course, it is necessary to race against time to climb the Star Stairway, to capture the most benefits, and waste time for a group of rookies. It is really a brain disease, and it is not too sick!

an eyesore, just kill them directly. Haw and beep some nonsense, do they show their high strength and honor?

True retard!

The other expert had no words in the break-in period, and didn’t even glance at Lin Yi and others. They followed the gray-haired elderly man and quickly entered the climbing state.

Lin Yi sneered and didn’t say much. Among these people, a few have participated in containment of themselves, but Lin Yi has long disguised their appearance, and their strength and aura are maintained in the beginning of the mountain. These people Can’t recognize it at all.

Who would have thought that a rookie in the beginning of the mountain would actually be the Tianying star whose hundreds of people failed to besieged and killed?

Of course, even if someone finds out that Lin Yi is a star, presently is probably not thinking about trouble with Lin Yi’s. After all, the Nebula Tower has been opened and the sextile source instrument has completely lost its meaning.

The most important of presently is to climb the stars ladder, meaningless battles will only waste time!

“Hmph! Rookies, count you lucky! No time to waste with you! The best thing to learn is to get out of the Nebula Tower, because you are not qualified to come in!”

The middle-aged man still has some ideas. He is addicted to finding superiority in Lin Yi and others. However, after everyone else started climbing the Stars Stairs, he didn’t delay anymore, and quickly chased after a few words. Go up.

Only then did Huang Shanmao and others dared to gasp, so many strong men in the Heaven-breaking Period and Sea-Cracking Period, they couldn’t hold their heads up just because of their momentum, let alone retort them hard!

After the group of warriors had left, they felt cold sweat, weakness in their limbs, and fear in their hearts. The weakest of these more than one hundred people is the Great Perfection!

Huangshan Mao is really Alexander.

“You don’t need to care about those people, just take care of yourself. Climbing the stairs below doesn’t seem to be a big problem, just keep up!”

Lin Yi said lightly, and led them to the past without any haste.

Standing on the First-level star ladder, Lin Yi felt her body sink slightly, it seems that the gravity has increased a lot, after a careful experience, it is estimated that the gravity has increased by 0.5 times.

For the Body Tempering martial artist, this point of gravity is nothing at all, and you can hardly feel it if you don’t be careful.

0.5 times the gravity is equivalent to a few dozen kilograms of weight. No wonder the people in front are so fast that they climbed to the upper steps without being affected.

In addition to increasing gravity by 0.5 times, Lin Yi also felt a trace of extremely faint star power, seeping into the skin muscles from the surface of the body.

If Lin Yi hadn’t bought a ancient Jade brand research star power in the field of Zhoutianxing, it would be extremely sensitive to this, and it would probably be ignored.

Sure enough, there is the power of stars! To solve the power of the stars in the body, this Nebula Tower is the key!

Lin Yi is secretly happy, as long as it can solve the entangled stars in the body, put yourself in recover peak state, and climb the eighteenth-story Nebula Tower with greater confidence!

However, the power of the stars on this First step is too weak, and it disappears after only lingering on the surface of the skin. It is impossible to study how to use it to deal with the power of the stars in the body.

Only by continuing to climb up to get more star power, can we study how to solve the star power in the body and the divine sense sea.

“The steps ahead are not difficult, let’s go up together! Don’t fall behind!”

Lin Yi calmly, hidden felt joy in his heart, said something and moved on. When Qin Wunian and the others still had enough energy, they could move forward together and take shelter for them by the way.

When they can’t keep up with Lin Yi, they can only rely on their own efforts.

Qin Wunian nodded: “It’s really not difficult. It may be just the beginning. First Layer will not be too difficult. Hurry up. This is our opportunity. As long as you can climb into Third Layer, you will be able to get the reward of First Layer. !”

The reward is not a unique one, but a share for the audience, but First will definitely get the best share, and the worse it gets later.

So those strong men are racing against time, rushing to climb to the platform above the ninety-nine steps to win the best reward.

Lin Yi doesn’t know what rewards First will get, but it’s instinctively nothing. The gap between First and the last one is not so big that it hurts my heart.

Even the ninth level of the small inheritance, Lin Yi didn’t pay much attention to it. What are the rewards in front? So I didn’t rush to fight for it, just accompany Qin Wunian and wait to move forward.

For Qin Wunian and others, even the rewards of Nebula Tower First Layer are many times stronger than the outer Star Mohe, so their goal is very clear. First enter the Third Layer climb and get the full First Layer reward, even if The goal is initially reached!

Next, let’s see if there is enough energy to move on. If you get one more layer, you can get an extra layer of rewards, absolutely no loss!

The steps of Second are not too fancy. The gravity has doubled from 0.5 times. It is still insignificant, and everyone passes quickly.

If First Layer is just such an increase in gravity, it will be extremely relaxed for everyone. How powerful is the Body Tempering martial artist? Not to mention that it is only several times and dozens of times the gravity, even if it is hundreds of times the gravity, you can still move…not very comfortable, right?

Qin Wu-nian calculated in her heart that her weight plus all kinds of equipment would be about 100 catties, which is definitely a lot cheaper than those sturdy big fellows.

If it is one hundred times of gravity, her weight on her body is equal to ten thousand catties… It’s not that she can’t bear it, her actions will definitely affect it, two hundred times more difficult, three hundred times more difficult… I don’t know if it can Walk around?

The key is that the increase in gravity is all-round, including the body’s five main internal organs and six bowels. Compared to simply bearing tens of thousands of kilograms, the pressure of five main internal organs and six bowels is more headache.

I don’t know if I can enter Third Layer

The warriors in the land-opening period are much more relaxed. Compared with the martial artists in the mountain-opening period, the body in the land-opening period is stronger and can withstand higher gravity.

Everyone repeatedly calculates in their minds, wanting to know where their limits will be presently. Only by understanding these can we better formulate strategies to allocate physical strength.

It’s like running a long-distance race. You must use your physical strength reasonably and run at your full strength. You may collapse to the ground before halfway through.

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